• last year


00:00終わらないって言い訳 言えたるいつまでも 許しながらそうなって 枯れ落ちてこれになる
00:35ユカチがリンちゃんにタイトルマッチ負けて 白雪涙を流してるのも見てたので
00:44今まで白いベルトを持ってきた人って 割とメンバーが変わってなくて
00:54もっともっと東京ジュースクラスに していきたいと思ったので
01:11両国で東京ジュースクラスやりたいって 言った時から
01:16自分は絶対にチャンピオンとして メインに立つっていうのは決めてた
01:23目標ですね 自分に対しての気合いじゃないけど
01:26それくらいの強い気持ちで 東京ジュースクラスの中の
01:35プリンセスオブプリンセスのベルトに 託せるのはどちらか一人だけ
01:40そろそろベルト取りたいっていうのは やっぱり東京ジュースクラス
01:49そろそろベルト持ってる姿を 見てもらいたいなって思ったりとか
01:56すごく愛がある 愛を感じる人なんですよね
01:59それって東京ジュースクラスに 対してだけじゃなくて
02:02本当に一つ瑞希はベルトが欲しい っていうのもあるんでしょうけど
02:07やっぱり東京ジュースを 背負いたいっていう言葉が
02:09出てきたように やっぱり本当にすごく
02:14自分も東京ジュースに対しての 気持ちはもちろん負けないし
02:19そこの気持ちのぶつかり合いにも なるのかなって思いました
03:14王者 山下美優 vs 挑戦者 瑞希
03:54プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:24プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:27プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:30プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:33プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:36プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:39プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:42プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:45プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:48プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:51プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:54プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
04:57プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
05:00プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
05:03プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
05:06プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
05:09プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
05:35プリンセス・オブ・プリンセス挑戦者 山下美優
05:44Cooler than the other side of the pillow, Miyo Yamashita.
05:57This very well might be one of the best clashes of styles in all of Tokyo Jyushin.
06:02Big clash of styles, the strike against the high speed agility of Mizuki, the strikes
06:08of course of Yamashita in the power game.
06:11Absolutely two at the top in TJPW, one of the biggest matches you can have.
06:15You can have, yes.
06:16One of the two of the best.
06:18The very upper echelons of Tokyo Jyushin.
06:20And Mizuki, I was actually a little surprised to see it, perhaps you can provide some context.
06:25Very emotional in the opening VTR.
06:28Yes, she has become part of Tokyo Jyushin for the last one year and her strong feelings
06:35with her tag team, of course Yuka Sakazaki and the way Yamashita beat her in Saitama.
06:40She feels like if there's ever a time for her to go for it, for her to her like, and
06:45also she feels like the championship picture hasn't changed in Tokyo Jyushin for a long
06:49We see the similar faces as the top champions and if she's in here and she really wants
06:54Tokyo Jyushin to be her home, she wants to have a new wind going on in here.
06:59She wants, like all of the things combined together, including the last year being hard
07:03on herself and on everybody else, she feels like there needs to be a fresh wind that needs
07:09to blow.
07:10A change of the guard.
07:11Yes, and also a bit of hope, not just strength, hope, that if you work hard, if you go through
07:19it, you can make it happen.
07:22Carnival Taibari stages, Mizuki managing to catch wrist control of Yamashita, Yamashita
07:28quickly changing it back around.
07:30Yamashita today, I believe, wearing black wrist tape instead of white.
07:35Is that relevant?
07:36I don't know.
07:37I don't know.
07:38She's more of a murderous mood today.
07:41So Mizuki challenged this title three times in the past, this is the first time.
07:48But this is the first time for her to assert herself, demanding the championship.
07:53First time to put forth the challenge.
07:56Oh dear.
07:57And the first time after she belonged to the Tokyo Jyushin Pro Wrestling.
08:01So first challenge as a full-time roster member, so a lot of importance there, a different
08:07It's going to be the very first single championship for her in her career.
08:12So a big opportunity today.
08:13Yeah, a big opportunity.
08:14Oh wow, what an amazing fall there by Mizuki.
08:19She wants to capitalize on this opportunity, to be sure.
08:23Got to capitalize on every opportunity given to Mizuki now in the early stages, making
08:28the most of the window of opportunity she's got for herself there, going to look to ascend
08:33to the top.
08:35Oh, Mizuki is trying to try the crossbody.
08:41What an angle, and beautiful as well.
08:44Huge elevation there.
08:46Not just falling from the top, but leaping higher than the top itself.
08:50Coming crashing down on the champion.
08:52Really feeling, really intention, and I think both physically and mentally very present
08:58for this title match.
08:59She knows this is the moment, and she knows today she needs to make it happen.
09:02Mizuki, I must say, a little bit of contest before, and only two.
09:07She is one of the most expert tag team wrestlers, not just in Tokyo Joshi.
09:11Mizuki with Saki, now Saki Po, former Asia Dream Tag Team Champions in Gatot Mu, before
09:17she became a regular for Tokyo Joshi, and also learned a lot under the wings of Ami Sakura,
09:23where you see most of her evilness comes from, but very quick and very much into making...
09:34As I was speaking, this is going to a dangerous place.
09:38That was a stern blow.
10:27and she was screaming being hoisted by her opponent. She's screaming now to her fan after that huge AM.
10:37But in a different way, yeah.
10:40Taking two very big blows at your advancement on the apron and a running jumping knee to the head and now...
10:50Yamashita now looking to choke the life out of Mizuki and put her to sleep.
10:58Mizuki is in trouble.
11:20And also very creative in the way that you go about offense.
11:24The moments you choose to attack, where you feel like the most vulnerable, you have the biggest chance.
11:30Especially against a strong opponent like Yamashita.
11:33So any moment, this match could end people. Be on your toes.
11:39An intelligent style, absolutely.
11:41But now just in a world of trouble as Yamashita firmly in control.
11:49Mizuki, no matter how much I want to see hope.
11:52So how intense.
11:53Everything seems to be dimming.
11:58Our chance is to become a first ever.
12:01She's in a lot of trouble.
12:02Single champion.
12:03You just had the time called out. Only five minutes gone and we've seen Mizuki take a lot of punishment already.
12:09Yeah, she's...
12:12Just an unforgiven kick.
12:16Run it and she gets it.
12:20Mizuki is at the mercy of Yamashita at this point.
12:22No matter what she wants to do, she can't do it.
12:26But she's still in it.
12:28So it looks like Miu is taking control totally.
12:33Penalty kicks after penalty kicks.
12:37A tandem.
12:38A very clear power.
12:44And gets kicked off.
12:46Miu Yamashita anticipated it and kicked the back of her knee.
12:50A very, very weak joint.
12:55Up top.
12:56Oh, nice.
12:57Drop kick.
12:59Mizuki really changing the pace there out of nowhere.
13:02So it's time to come around.
13:05Both the corners of...
13:09Mizuki and Miu Yamashita in the corner.
13:11Really cheering for both of them.
13:12Yuka Sakazaki with Mizuki.
13:15Coming alive for Mizuki.
13:16Undoubtedly one of the most, if not the most popular members of the roster, Mizuki.
13:22But unable to get to the top.
13:26Nice drop kick to the back.
13:28Nice double foot stomp.
13:29And now hops up to the middle.
13:34Oh, big dive in.
13:35Foot stomp.
13:36Yamashita with the wherewithal to get out of the way.
13:38Mizuki ducks under.
13:40Eight scissors.
13:42Holds on.
13:44Only two.
13:45Oh, and transitions around straight to...
13:47Oh, nice transition.
13:50Very beautiful transitions from Mizuki since the start of the match.
13:56But it seems like even though her back was a little large, she can still move.
14:01Squeezing the head of Yamashita.
14:04Yamashita able to stand up.
14:13Yamashita looking for the German.
14:14Mizuki elbowing away.
14:17Charging off.
14:18Oh, at the back.
14:20Return crush from the corner.
14:21Looks like it caught her right in the lower back.
14:24So Miu is getting so smug.
14:26So Miu is getting so smug.
14:30Had that scattered indeed.
14:32A very much clash of styles.
14:35The calm and collected, powerful Miu Yamashita versus the quick and sly and intelligently creative Mizuki.
14:47Yamashita scooping her up.
14:48Perhaps looking to go to the middle and hit that attitude adjustment as we've seen her do.
14:53I don't think Mizuki will be able to survive that avalanche attitude adjustment.
14:56She needs to make something happen.
14:59Yamashita trying to ascend.
15:01With the weight of Mizuki on her shoulders.
15:04She gets it.
15:05She's up top.
15:06And this will be very, very bad.
15:09This will be very, very bad.
15:13Oh my god.
15:14That was terrifying.
15:17Oh my god, if she just goes for the fall.
15:19If she takes the fall, this is it.
15:21Attitude adjustment.
15:26Oh, she barely makes it.
15:28Barely makes it.
15:30Barely makes it.
15:31Now you see Ito's out in the corner of the champion.
15:33Tag teaming one to a million.
15:35Yamashita screaming at Yamashita to get the fall.
15:38This match has reached its climax very fast.
15:41Yamashita perhaps looking for the skull kick.
15:47Oh no, just a middle kick.
15:49Just looking to punish Mizuki at this point.
15:54What a hard kick.
15:56Oh, look at that whip coming after the knee.
16:03Oh, caught by Mizuki.
16:04Breaks it down.
16:05Nice club and elbow.
16:06Big strike.
16:07Mizuki fighting back.
16:10She needs more.
16:12But the champion is standing very strong.
16:15Oh, huge elbow.
16:17Big knee to the midsection.
16:19Runs up.
16:20Takes off, but Mizuki chases her in.
16:22Elbow once again.
16:24Yamashita slips around.
16:26Oh, charging in with a knee.
16:28Takes off.
16:29Oh, what a counter.
16:30Nice drop kick counter by Mizuki.
16:33Good hook and hold.
16:34She's feeling it.
16:35And Mizupon now.
16:36The look on that face, Aki.
16:39She knows it.
16:40She knows she cannot take too much of the punishment Yamashita is putting on.
16:44She needs to make it happen now.
16:47Oh, she's going to take Yamashita's face off.
16:49Oh, there it goes.
16:53My God.
16:54My God.
16:57Brutal drop kick.
17:00Dragging her out to the floor.
17:03Oh, no.
17:04We've seen Mizuki do this before.
17:07She's going to go up top.
17:09It's going to be the chance for Mizuki.
17:12Let's see if she takes this in.
17:14All of the sled have been done.
17:16But if Yamashita happens to move, this is high risk, high reward.
17:20Very high risk, very high reward.
17:22Taking her leg.
17:23Oh, my God.
17:25Gets it.
17:26What a high angle diving hook stance.
17:29These two are putting some punishment.
17:32They are taking years off each other's career.
17:34Mizuki still clutching at her own knee.
17:36She hurts.
17:37Some self-inflicted damage there.
17:39Yeah, Mizuki hurts as well.
17:40Always the risk when you go for any kind of move where you're coming down with straight legs.
17:45The knees bent like that.
17:47That's flawed.
17:48There's no giving it.
17:49It's unforgiving for you and for your opponent.
17:54That's a very long way from up above.
17:57Yamashita definitely got the words of it.
17:59Mizuki shoots Yamashita in.
18:04And it seems like she's looking to end this up right away.
18:08If she connects, this is it.
18:12Maybe looking to seal the deal.
18:13Not satisfied.
18:15Yamashita standing up.
18:17Will she get it?
18:18She gets it.
18:19To the back of the head.
18:24Mizuki needs to get a cover.
18:26This match is turning into execution on both sides.
18:32Yamashita just gets the shoulder.
18:34Tell me how.
18:38So Mizuki's face locked.
18:40Mizuki back in the ring.
18:41Yeah, locked in by Mizuki.
18:43Yamashita still fighting, still struggling.
18:45Still trying to make it to the prop.
18:48I'm surprised she has her whereabouts after that stomp to the back of the head.
18:52Yamashita inching closer to the rope.
18:55But Mizuki really wrenching back.
18:58Oh, Mizuki doing her moves.
19:01And now we have it.
19:03Yamashita still right hand free.
19:05She might be able to make it, but she has it.
19:08Oh, this is it.
19:10This is it.
19:11We might have it.
19:12We might see it.
19:13We might see it right now.
19:15Another give up victory.
19:17This might be over.
19:18Will there be a new champion?
19:19Will there be a new champion?
19:21Will there be a new champion?
19:23Will there be a new champion?
19:25Put on the rope.
19:26Gets the bra.
19:27Referee Kiso fast to realize the rope.
19:32And Mizuki now in control.
19:35This is her match to win if she can capitalize on this moment.
19:38What's next for Mizuki?
19:41She's going to lick the scoop rope and go for the cutie special.
19:48Trying to get it.
19:49She's got it.
19:50She's got it.
19:51She's got it.
19:52Trying to drag it.
19:59Miyu Yamashita out.
20:00Straight front kick.
20:02Big move to the corner.
20:04Charging there.
20:06Now scooping up.
20:07Going for the attitude just once again perhaps.
20:09But barely getting a rip.
20:12Gets it.
20:13This is the third one.
20:18But doesn't have it in her to really go for the cover.
20:28Miyu Yamashita yet to use one of those little kicks she's known for.
20:37Mizuki battered and bruised.
20:41How much does she have left?
20:43Yamashita maybe looking for the skull kick again.
20:46Goes for it.
20:47Ducked by Mizuki.
20:48Takes off the rope.
20:49Rolls her over.
20:51No fall this time.
20:52Just a straight running senton.
20:55Didn't have enough to hold the fall.
20:57Picking her up.
20:58Charging up.
21:01That's it.
21:03This is it.
21:04And that will be the end.
21:07The world's most excellent.
21:08We've not seen that in months.
21:13She gained the momentum.
21:15Up top.
21:16Oh, no one home.
21:18Oh, her knee.
21:20That knee.
21:21Her knee's cut.
21:22Ducked it.
21:23Miyu Yamashita.
21:24Hanging with a rope.
21:25Oh, no.
21:26Oh, my God.
21:27Oh, back kick.
21:28Back kick.
21:29Back kick.
21:30Back kick.
21:31Oh, that's a good one.
21:32Oh, no.
21:33Oh, no.
21:34Oh, my God.
21:35Oh, back kick.
21:36Oh, no.
21:37Oh, my God.
21:38Oh, no.
21:39Oh, no.
21:40Oh, no.
21:41Oh, my God.
21:42Oh, back of the elbow!
21:45Murder! Murder!
21:49Back of the elbow, back of the head.
21:51Both competitors down.
21:53Both down.
21:5715 minutes gone.
22:01Who will take it?
22:04Miu Yamashita has thrown her ace card.
22:07Mizuki has done her ace card.
22:10We are at flat surface, people.
22:13Everything has been done and too much punishment has been thrown.
22:17Too much, I say.
22:19Whoever takes it will leave something behind in this ring.
22:25But will take the championship in turn.
22:29So which knows what it takes to win this game?
22:33Head trauma, back, knees, just...
22:45And silences the cork and hole with one strike.
22:49I am forced to just watch and sort of talk.
23:09Just pure fight, pure instinct, pure defiance from both of these wrestlers.
23:20Yamashita just drilling that elbow to the side of the head of Mizuki.
23:32Sliding kick from the ground.
23:35And Mizuki is out.
23:41Looking to take off, maybe looking for the crush.
23:43Rubbing heat, but Mizuki catching the leg.
23:47Mizuki refusing to let her get the run up.
23:52Mizuki refusing to let her get it.
24:01Yamashita stomping away, clubbing away now.
24:07Mizuki refusing to let go.
24:10Look at that heart.
24:13She knows all she can do right now is just hang on and she is hanging on.
24:38Last chance.
24:43She rolled her up.
24:46But not enough to keep a bridge on.
24:50Nice counter by Mizuki.
24:54So the tide is turned.
24:58Tide certainly not turned if anything it looks like.
25:02Maybe open a window of eternity.
25:09Neither in firm control now.
25:12Both one mistake away.
25:17All the way through.
25:21Perfect skull kick.
25:24Oh my god, that is going to give me nightmares.
25:29Her heart is in jeopardy.
25:31Cover that woman.
25:34Mizuki is up those steps.
25:36That is not enough she wants.
25:40Just running knee.
25:43To the back of the heart.
25:45Will she do the fall?
25:52So the next one is going to be end.
25:57We are way past the end at this point.
26:01And that is it.
26:04It is certain.
26:05Surely that is over.
26:06That is it.
26:11What a match.
26:12What a spectacular match.
26:17And the absolute winner of this main event.
26:23And still the princess of princess champion.
