Pretty Boys Full Move (2024)

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Pretty Boys Full Move (2024)
00:00:30Wait a minute. Don't leave yet. Listen to me first.
00:00:46I feel sorry for you. Leave me alone.
00:00:54I know what you're going to say. I know.
00:01:00That no matter what I do, you will never like me.
00:01:08I'm already like this. I have nothing else to do.
00:01:18I know that.
00:01:20I'm just starting.
00:01:24But I'm already like this.
00:01:27I'm so stupid.
00:01:30Maybe it's because of the effort, right?
00:01:34Or maybe it's because I did my best.
00:01:39Or maybe it's because I did my best.
00:01:43Maybe you can like me too.
00:01:52Okay, cut. Let's take five. Standby for one more, please.
00:01:56You really ruined the moment.
00:01:58You're still laughing?
00:02:00What can I do?
00:02:02It's like you're about to cry. You're just checking the blockage.
00:02:04I'm about to cry.
00:02:05Just stand in.
00:02:07I'm the one who's worried about you. I'm the one you're going to make smaller.
00:02:10Of course, I really did my best to make you feel better.
00:02:14Is it really like that? It's like the director didn't tell you.
00:02:17Well, that's how I envisioned the scene when I wrote it.
00:02:22It should be full of yearning.
00:02:26Your interpretation is so weird.
00:02:29You haven't experienced that kind of love.
00:02:34Personally, that's the only thing I understood in the scene earlier.
00:02:37Are you really criticizing my acting?
00:02:39Can you cry on cue?
00:02:41I can.
00:02:42Left or right eye.
00:02:43At the same time or just one eye. Can you do that?
00:02:45Why are you fighting with me?
00:02:47I just agreed here because you told me to.
00:02:51Don't pretend.
00:02:52John, I know you really want to be the center of attention.
00:02:56Center of attention.
00:02:58Stop it. It doesn't suit you.
00:03:01Is that so?
00:03:02Sorry, guys. Am I too late?
00:03:04Is the director okay?
00:03:06The director is not okay.
00:03:07But I'm okay.
00:03:09What did you do again, Jonas?
00:03:13This is a bad trip again.
00:03:14Why me again?
00:03:15You know, don't trust Grey, Nicole.
00:03:17Because for sure, she gave you the wrong call time.
00:03:20She has the feeling to stand in your role.
00:03:24I'm just doing my obligation, right?
00:03:26And it's my fault that I know the dialogue by heart.
00:03:31Yes, yes.
00:03:32Then you do it. You're good at it.
00:03:34You do everything.
00:03:35Really? Good to know.
00:03:37Oh, my.
00:03:39That's how my grandparents started.
00:03:42Maybe you two will continue.
00:03:46Hey, hey.
00:03:47Can you do it?
00:03:48Nicole, you'll be in trouble if you give up.
00:03:52Because they don't know who you really are.
00:03:55I know a lot of people like that.
00:03:57You never know.
00:03:59Stop it, Nicole.
00:04:00I'm just stressed.
00:04:01You're busy with your career.
00:04:03You can be a stage manager.
00:04:08Hey, our fit is so good.
00:04:10It's a waste. Let's hang out after rehearsal.
00:04:14Boss, I have a date.
00:04:15A date?
00:04:18Why did you break up with your last boyfriend?
00:04:20Was it just last week?
00:04:22You already have a date?
00:04:24You're jealous.
00:04:26I don't know.
00:04:28Are you really going to replace me for that date?
00:04:32Me? Your best friend?
00:04:35I'm with you since elementary school.
00:04:37We've been together all day.
00:04:39I'm tired of your attempts.
00:04:43Sorry, Bem.
00:04:44My boyfriend and I have a study date.
00:04:45But you're welcome to join.
00:04:47Oh, no.
00:04:49Looks like I'll have to cancel my date.
00:04:53You have a date?
00:04:54Why did you break up with me?
00:04:55It's okay.
00:04:56You two are just flirting.
00:04:58Actors on stage now!
00:05:00Standby, please.
00:05:02Okay, standby.
00:05:10Okay, that's it.
00:05:11See you tomorrow, guys.
00:05:12And bye-bye.
00:05:14Bye, Te.
00:05:15Bye, Te.
00:05:21I have to go.
00:05:31He's in a hurry.
00:05:47He's in a hurry.
00:06:17He's in a hurry.
00:06:47Let's go.
00:06:48Let's go home.
00:06:51Come on.
00:06:52Let's go home.
00:06:53Let's go.
00:06:54Come on.
00:06:57Come on.
00:06:58Let's go home.
00:07:17I can't accept this.
00:07:20I feel bad.
00:07:21I feel rejected.
00:07:28Do I look bad?
00:07:31Do I look weird?
00:07:32Hey, don't say that.
00:07:34You don't look weird.
00:07:36Look at this.
00:07:37So, do I look bad?
00:07:38Should I slap you?
00:07:40Look at this.
00:07:41You can't laugh.
00:07:42Why do I feel rejected?
00:07:48Is there something wrong with me?
00:07:51You know what's wrong?
00:07:53It's them.
00:07:55Because they can't see the beauty of your personality.
00:08:00But don't worry.
00:08:01I'm sure that there's someone who will love you no matter who you are.
00:08:10Believe in yourself.
00:08:12Love is a battle.
00:08:14Love is a battle.
00:08:17You just need to be brave.
00:08:20Easy for you to say.
00:08:22Because you're a mask.
00:08:23Straight acting.
00:08:25You're the preference of a gay.
00:08:29I'll accompany you here.
00:08:32Then, you can hold me.
00:08:39Oh, thank you.
00:08:42Even though I'm like this.
00:08:43Stop it.
00:08:44You know what I'm trying to say.
00:08:47I love you.
00:08:50I'm lucky to have a best friend like you.
00:08:53I wish I had a boyfriend.
00:09:19What did you do?
00:09:22You're wearing a T-shirt.
00:09:25I'm not used to it.
00:09:26I'm sleepy, right?
00:09:31Can I have a massage?
00:09:34I'm tired of rehearsals.
00:09:36What are you doing there?
00:09:39Is this a spa?
00:09:40Sometimes, I request to you.
00:09:42Come on.
00:09:45Fix it.
00:09:47Stop it.
00:09:49I don't know why your body hurts.
00:09:53Because you're gay.
00:09:54You know that gays are making you less gay.
00:09:58You know, I don't know if you're my best friend or a basher.
00:10:01I'm really a basher.
00:10:03And can you stop using my name?
00:10:07Whenever you reject someone.
00:10:08The other day,
00:10:10I almost got rejected by a gay guy.
00:10:13Another guy chatted with me.
00:10:16He said that you're cheating on me.
00:10:19He even sent me your dick pic.
00:10:22If it's small, it's not mine.
00:10:23You didn't shave.
00:10:24It's mine.
00:10:25Is it okay?
00:10:27I don't know about you.
00:10:29If you expect something,
00:10:30next time,
00:10:32don't involve me.
00:10:36I'm sorry about the box.
00:10:39I don't expect anything from them.
00:10:43We're not that close.
00:10:44And I'm open to them.
00:10:46I'm not into long-term relationships.
00:10:50Are you even looking for love?
00:10:53Good question.
00:10:57I'm the one who's looking for love.
00:11:01You're the one who's looking for love.
00:11:03But you're not the one who's looking for me.
00:11:14I found you, love.
00:11:17I'm so happy for you.
00:11:23You know,
00:11:24I don't believe in love.
00:11:26Who doesn't want you to fall in love with someone?
00:11:35if I'm the one who's looking for love,
00:11:38I would've stopped dating a long time ago.
00:12:01I'm about to sleep.
00:12:04Go brush your teeth first.
00:12:09What did I tell you?
00:12:10Relax, Sam.
00:12:14What did I tell you?
00:12:15Relax, Sam.
00:12:28Didn't you say that you're going to pay me back?
00:12:31Your Honor,
00:12:32I don't remember.
00:12:34Good for you.
00:12:35You don't have to pay me back.
00:12:37Is it because you grew up in a farm?
00:12:38I regret it!
00:12:40What do you mean?
00:12:41Where's Jonas?
00:12:42He's the only one who's waiting for you.
00:12:45Do you think I'm his secretary?
00:12:48But you're my stage manager.
00:12:51I told you.
00:12:52I'll call him.
00:12:53Nicole pushed him.
00:12:54He's always late.
00:12:56Okay, take care.
00:13:30Oh my, oh my God!
00:13:31I'm so sorry!
00:13:35This is not the way I wanted to bump into you.
00:13:37I apologize.
00:13:39You got something on your face here.
00:13:43Get it?
00:13:44I mean, it's okay.
00:13:46Are you sure?
00:13:47You're soaking.
00:13:48It's partly my fault.
00:13:50Let me make it up to you.
00:13:51Hold on.
00:13:52Take my jacket.
00:13:54What is the meaning of this?
00:13:55Well, take my jacket so you can cover the stain on your shirt.
00:13:58The huge one that I just made.
00:14:01I thought it was something else.
00:14:03What did you think?
00:14:04Oh my God!
00:14:06You're still speaking Tagalog!
00:14:09I think I have a lot of practice.
00:14:11What are you doing here?
00:14:13When did you go back to the Philippines?
00:14:15How did you know I was here?
00:14:16Gray, slow down.
00:14:17You missed me, right?
00:14:19I mean, you missed us, right?
00:14:21Gray, we have all the time in the world to catch up.
00:14:25But for now, seriously, take my jacket.
00:14:28Give me a hug because I have missed you.
00:14:30You're embarrassing me!
00:14:37I missed you too.
00:14:40I'm so happy that you're back in my life.
00:14:43I mean, in our lives.
00:14:46You both, of course.
00:14:47Speaking of Jonas, have you seen him?
00:14:50Do you know where he is?
00:14:52I heard he had a theater rehearsal.
00:14:53That's kind of why I'm here.
00:14:56Oh, he knows that you're here.
00:14:58Yeah, of course.
00:15:00Oh, okay.
00:15:02Let's go.
00:15:08What's that smell?
00:15:10Looks nice, huh?
00:15:14What's that smell?
00:15:16Smells familiar.
00:15:17It should.
00:15:20Oh, Jonas!
00:15:23It's welcome.
00:15:24God, I missed you, bro.
00:15:28Look at you.
00:15:30You're so tall now.
00:15:31I used to look down on you.
00:15:33I'm just glad to be back.
00:15:37Jonas and I met
00:15:39because of our instincts.
00:15:44Let's go. I'll get my smoothie.
00:15:51So yeah, my flight came in last night.
00:15:53But all I could think about was seeing you guys
00:15:55and just catching up, like we used to.
00:15:58Sorry, I couldn't keep up with you last night.
00:16:00The rehearsal ended late.
00:16:02Yeah, it's all good, bro. I get it.
00:16:06You know he's coming home.
00:16:07Why didn't I know?
00:16:08For a surprise.
00:16:09Oh, right.
00:16:10Thanks for your help, bro.
00:16:11I was able to pass all my requirements
00:16:13for the registrar's office.
00:16:15Thanks. Big help.
00:16:16You're welcome.
00:16:18Wait, wait, wait.
00:16:19Why do I feel like I've missed a lot of episodes?
00:16:21It's like you're in season 4
00:16:23and I'm in season 1.
00:16:25What is this?
00:16:26Well, yeah.
00:16:27He's been helping me.
00:16:28We've been talking a lot.
00:16:29And, well, actually,
00:16:30I'm glad the school allowed me to transfer here
00:16:33So, yeah.
00:16:36You're going to school here, too?
00:16:41I mean, I told you,
00:16:42we have all the time in the world to catch up.
00:16:52Are you joining a theater club?
00:16:55Me? Theater?
00:16:58I don't know. Not my cup of tea.
00:17:00But, uh,
00:17:02if you're in it,
00:17:03I feel like it could be a fun experience, right?
00:17:05I'm in it, too!
00:17:07Oh, that's good.
00:17:08I'm in it, too!
00:17:12To a potential theater club, I guess.
00:17:14To new beginnings.
00:17:28Here, I'm wearing it.
00:17:34You know what?
00:17:35You, you, you!
00:17:38What? What? What?
00:17:39The way you look at Yates is really different.
00:17:43Admit it.
00:17:45You have feelings for Afam, right?
00:17:47You know how it is.
00:17:49You know?
00:17:50You're more transparent than a plastic cover.
00:17:56I'll tell Yon.
00:17:57I'll tell Yon.
00:17:59It's my first love.
00:18:01I'm so sad to hear that.
00:18:03Hey, hey, hey.
00:18:04You think you're just at home, huh?
00:18:06Sorry, love.
00:18:07You didn't tell me that you had a boyfriend before.
00:18:12I didn't say he was my boyfriend.
00:18:14I just said,
00:18:16he's my first love.
00:18:19But, he didn't become yours?
00:18:22he doesn't know that I like you.
00:18:28it's not that easy.
00:18:30What if,
00:18:31he doesn't like me?
00:18:33What if, he has a different preference?
00:18:35And what if,
00:18:36our friendship will be ruined?
00:18:38Because I'm too ambitious.
00:18:39I don't know.
00:18:40What if,
00:18:41he likes you too?
00:18:44That's what you should be thinking.
00:18:46Just positive thinking.
00:18:47And you should be with him.
00:18:48You should listen to all his manifestations.
00:18:52that's what Jonas told me.
00:18:55I'm just telling you.
00:18:56Don't be so pessimistic.
00:18:58What if,
00:18:59someone else likes you too?
00:19:02I don't want to.
00:19:05I'll measure this.
00:19:06Okay, go.
00:19:08Bring this.
00:19:09It'll fit.
00:19:18Hurry up.
00:19:22I can't believe it.
00:19:23Where is Jonas?
00:19:24He's wasting his muscles,
00:19:25if he doesn't help out.
00:19:26If I tell him,
00:19:27I might get caught.
00:19:29What if?
00:19:30I might get locked up.
00:19:33What's missing?
00:19:35Should I add more balloons?
00:19:38I don't know.
00:19:40Just carry it,
00:19:41as long as you pull it.
00:19:44I thought,
00:19:45you support me here.
00:19:47I really support you.
00:19:48The whole theater guild,
00:19:49is supporting you.
00:19:54You're just confessing.
00:19:55This is a bit,
00:19:58Are you overkill?
00:20:03Just to remind you.
00:20:06It's my first love.
00:20:09Since I was a kid.
00:20:10Oh, my.
00:20:12I'm a gay,
00:20:13if I don't look good.
00:20:15Are you ready?
00:20:17I'm not.
00:20:20What is it?
00:20:21What are you doing here?
00:20:23I was about to go home,
00:20:25I saw you here.
00:20:26Is there something going on?
00:20:27I don't know.
00:20:29We're just cleaning the props.
00:20:31Go home.
00:20:32Let's go together.
00:20:33I'll show you around.
00:20:34Jonas, come here.
00:20:35Come here.
00:20:38come with me.
00:20:39I'll be back in an hour.
00:20:40Yes, come with her.
00:20:41I'll take care of this.
00:20:52Hey, what's up?
00:20:53Come, come.
00:20:54This is cute.
00:20:56It's kind of like a
00:20:57romantic sitcom kind of vibe.
00:21:00It's good that you understand my type.
00:21:03I know you like watching sitcoms, right?
00:21:06Yeah, I do.
00:21:07You remember that?
00:21:08Of course.
00:21:10what's this?
00:21:11Why is there a set-up?
00:21:12And, you said
00:21:13you had something important to tell me?
00:21:20Do you have something to say?
00:21:23Oh, alright.
00:21:24Oh, right.
00:21:25Oh, right.
00:21:26I have something to say.
00:21:33The truth is...
00:21:34Are you answering me?
00:21:37I'm answering you.
00:21:40She's my girlfriend.
00:21:41She's my girlfriend.
00:21:42Let's go.
00:21:43Let's go.
00:21:45Hey, I'm talking.
00:21:52As I was saying...
00:21:53Yeah, okay.
00:21:56The truth is...
00:21:59I'm afraid...
00:22:01I'll explain.
00:22:03You animal!
00:22:04One day,
00:22:05you'll end up in hell.
00:22:07Hey, I'm sorry.
00:22:10Is that a scream?
00:22:13Who's that?
00:22:16Never mind.
00:22:17It's just a moment.
00:22:20I'm sure they're fine.
00:22:23Yeah, anyway, Grey,
00:22:24I'm actually...
00:22:26kind of happy you invited me here today.
00:22:29I was actually supposed to
00:22:31ask you out to dinner.
00:22:35Yeah, because...
00:22:37I kind of have something
00:22:38super important to tell you also.
00:22:42I don't know, I feel like
00:22:43now is the perfect time
00:22:45to tell you...
00:22:49to tell you my true feelings.
00:22:51Or how I currently feel about...
00:22:57about Jonas.
00:23:09Our Jonas.
00:23:12Yeah, I know it's weird in the beginning,
00:23:14but it just kind of makes sense to like him.
00:23:18Yeah, of course.
00:23:20Of course, it's Jonas.
00:23:24Who wouldn't like him?
00:23:27You get it, you get me.
00:23:29The problem is...
00:23:30The problem is, I just don't know...
00:23:33how to make him answer.
00:23:36Listen, hear me out.
00:23:37I know you guys are so close.
00:23:38Way more close than me and him.
00:23:39Now, especially.
00:23:41So I asked you for a favor.
00:23:45Would you help me...
00:23:47woo him?
00:23:51Really, please?
00:23:55Are you...
00:23:56Are you sure about Jonas?
00:23:59he's not the relationship type of guy,
00:24:02and he plays around.
00:24:05To be honest, we kind of reconnected last year.
00:24:09When my dad passed due to cancer.
00:24:16I'm so, so sorry.
00:24:21I messaged you back then,
00:24:23but you didn't reply.
00:24:25So, I didn't text you back.
00:24:29I got the messages,
00:24:30and I really appreciate it.
00:24:32I swear.
00:24:34It's just I was in such a dark place,
00:24:36and I didn't want to talk to anybody.
00:24:41But Jonas, he was just so persistent, you know?
00:24:44He's always there.
00:24:47Don't worry about me now.
00:24:48I'm much better than I was last year.
00:24:51And Jonas was one of the main reasons as to why I am better.
00:25:01Does this mean you'll help me?
00:25:07You swear?
00:25:11Oh my God, yes.
00:25:12I knew I could count on you.
00:25:15Thank you so much.
00:25:16Oh my goodness.
00:25:26We have to think about this smart.
00:25:27Like, you know him to the bone.
00:25:30What's his, like, favorite thing to do at night?
00:25:49It's a nice tree.
00:25:50You did that, right?
00:25:54A little bit of an artist, you know?
00:25:59Very grade three.
00:26:08Why didn't you go last night?
00:26:09I thought you wanted to hang out.
00:26:10I waited for you.
00:26:11It's okay.
00:26:12I have a headache.
00:26:14I won't go again.
00:26:15But you're good?
00:26:16Yeah, I'm good.
00:26:17Actors on stage, please.
00:26:18Is Nicole out?
00:26:19She's still in class.
00:26:21Oh my God, I need a stand-in.
00:26:23You're a stand-in?
00:26:26Let's go.
00:26:27Let's go with H first.
00:26:29I still have to do props.
00:26:30Let's go with H first.
00:26:33Is that okay with you, H?
00:26:34Yeah, sure.
00:26:35Let's go.
00:26:36Okay, let's go.
00:27:14Please stand by.
00:27:15It's an emergency.
00:27:17What is it this time?
00:27:20Sorry, sir.
00:27:25Oh my God, the show is coming up.
00:27:27We're still not done rehearsing.
00:27:30My God.
00:27:31Grey, you go first.
00:27:34Jonas, are you okay?
00:27:35I'll go with you.
00:27:36No, I'm fine.
00:27:37Go ahead and stand in for Yates.
00:27:42Grey, let's go.
00:27:43Yes, sir.
00:27:51What should I do?
00:27:54I'll go first.
00:27:58You have no choice.
00:27:59No, the honor is mine.
00:28:03That's enough.
00:28:04You might fall in love with me.
00:28:05It's not a bad idea.
00:28:13Wait, I'm here.
00:28:15I'm sorry, sir.
00:28:16I'm sorry.
00:28:19I'm sorry.
00:28:22I'm sorry.
00:28:23I have a lot of stuff.
00:28:27Hurry up, Ms. Nicole.
00:28:33I'm here.
00:28:34Sir, you can't be late.
00:28:35I have to replace Yates.
00:28:37Grey, I'm sorry, sir.
00:28:39Busy, busy.
00:28:41Go ahead.
00:28:42It's okay.
00:28:43I'm here.
00:28:44Go ahead, Benny.
00:28:46Go ahead, Benny.
00:28:47You can sit down.
00:28:48Thank you, sir.
00:28:53Okay, and...
00:29:14Can you hold the door?
00:29:16It's locked.
00:29:21I don't think she heard you.
00:29:22She locked it.
00:29:33Why did you leave me?
00:29:35Do you have your phone?
00:29:37You confiscated all of my stuff, right?
00:29:39Do you have your phone?
00:29:41You confiscated all of our phones, right?
00:29:43You're so mean.
00:29:46Oh, my God.
00:29:48Well, don't worry.
00:29:49I'm pretty sure she'll come back, right?
00:29:53Let's hope and pray.
00:29:56Because I have a feeling that she did this on purpose.
00:29:59Why would she do that?
00:30:09Let's just talk about you.
00:30:14Yeah, how are you and...
00:30:18Any progress?
00:30:22I don't think he has any interest in me.
00:30:28You think?
00:30:31Wait, yeah.
00:30:34Maybe we need to change our strategy because...
00:30:38he'll lose interest if he finds out that...
00:30:42you have...
00:30:44an interest in him.
00:30:47He wants you to chase him.
00:30:49You need to make him chase you.
00:30:52I don't think that's necessary.
00:30:55But you guys are cute.
00:30:57I don't know.
00:30:58Maybe these past few days, I've kind of realized that...
00:31:02we're better off as friends.
00:31:05I think.
00:31:07What do you think?
00:31:16After I pretended to have a bad feeling,
00:31:19that's your realization?
00:31:24I shouldn't have burdened you with this...
00:31:27tactic thing.
00:31:33at least we got closer, right?
00:31:54I'm sorry I didn't get to...
00:31:57keep in touch when you were in the States.
00:32:01That's okay.
00:32:03It's my fault too.
00:32:07But we can make up for lost time.
00:32:10We're here now, right?
00:32:14I'm finding myself more interested in getting to know you.
00:32:22Me too.
00:32:34Is it hot?
00:32:35It's hot, right?
00:32:44You're going to sweat more the more energy you exert.
00:32:46I'm just...
00:32:47Okay, I'll stop.
00:33:10It's not even morning yet.
00:33:12Everyone's already home.
00:33:17I guess we have to stay the night then.
00:33:24No, we can't.
00:33:25Don't do that.
00:33:26I hope you don't mind.
00:33:27It's getting so hot.
00:33:29It's just you.
00:33:32I'm getting hot too.
00:33:48Oh, um...
00:33:50Gray, I, uh...
00:33:52I never realized how...
00:33:54sexy you are.
00:33:56Sexy? Good.
00:33:58No, I'm serious.
00:34:01I don't know.
00:34:02I've never noticed or I've never looked at you like that.
00:34:07You're looking sexy as hell right now.
00:34:14Did I not tell you that...
00:34:16I sometimes have a thing for twinks?
00:34:26I'm definitely finding you attractive right now.
00:34:32I mean...
00:34:35You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:04You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:07You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:09You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:11You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:13You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:15You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:17You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:19You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:21You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:23You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:25You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:27You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:29You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:31You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:33You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:35You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:37You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:39You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:41You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:43You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:45You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:47You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:49You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:51You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:53You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:55You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:57You know what else I find attractive?
00:35:59You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:01You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:03You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:05You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:07You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:09You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:11You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:13You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:15You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:17You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:19You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:21You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:23You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:25You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:27You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:29You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:31You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:33You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:35You know what else I find attractive?
00:36:43What's the deal?
00:36:47I'm so sorry.
00:36:49It's okay.
00:36:50I'm not used to do this.
00:36:51You're doing good.
00:38:01I quit.
00:38:07Jonas, the show is coming up.
00:38:09You can't just quit.
00:38:11There are too many requirements.
00:38:13I can't do it all at once.
00:38:17So it's true that you have commitment issues.
00:38:23My God, Jonas.
00:38:25We've been working for weeks.
00:38:27I hope you'll change your mind.
00:38:29My decision is final.
00:38:31Hey, Ben.
00:38:33You can't quit.
00:38:37We can help you with the grades.
00:38:39With the requirements.
00:38:41Just don't leave us, please.
00:38:43I'll think about it, okay?
00:38:47There's another reason.
00:38:49What reason?
00:38:51Don't tell me you're in love already.
00:38:53With who?
00:38:55Admit it.
00:38:57You're so obvious.
00:38:59You're in love with me.
00:39:01With you?
00:39:03You're so funny.
00:39:05You're really in love.
00:39:07With who?
00:39:09I don't know.
00:39:15Hey, Grey.
00:39:19We have a problem.
00:39:27You're so surprising.
00:39:29You're more surprising.
00:39:31Why did you suddenly quit playing?
00:39:33How many weeks have we been putting up with that?
00:39:35You can't just exit whenever you want.
00:39:39I told Direk.
00:39:41He suddenly got busy.
00:39:43I only trust you when you're lying.
00:39:47It's the truth.
00:39:49I wasted all my efforts.
00:39:51I wasted everything.
00:39:53You can do it.
00:39:55I can't.
00:39:57Yates is your understudy.
00:39:59Yates is not ready yet.
00:40:01He can do it.
00:40:03Yates doesn't have any theater experience.
00:40:05He might get overwhelmed.
00:40:07You didn't think about how he would feel.
00:40:09Did you think about how I would feel?
00:40:13Where did that come from?
00:40:23How would I know
00:40:25how you would feel?
00:40:27How can I avoid you?
00:40:29I set up a hangout with Yates.
00:40:31You think I'm not visible?
00:40:33You think I'm not visible
00:40:35in what you're doing?
00:40:39Why are you so strict with me and Yates?
00:40:41It's obvious that you're dead to him.
00:40:51I'm just helping him.
00:40:55Because I know
00:40:57it's impossible for him to like me.
00:40:59That's why I'm giving you space.
00:41:03I'm sorry.
00:41:09But you don't have to do that anymore.
00:41:17You're right.
00:41:19Someone will come
00:41:21who will like me
00:41:25who I am.
00:41:31I feel like Yates likes me.
00:41:33I think.
00:41:37What do you mean?
00:41:41Why are you like that?
00:41:43I thought you're mad
00:41:45because I chose you over Yates.
00:41:47I'm mad at you.
00:41:49I'm mad at myself too.
00:41:53That's why you have to make me understand.
00:41:55Why are you
00:41:57trying to be my best friend?
00:41:59That's why we should be best friends.
00:42:03That's why we can avoid what I feel.
00:42:11Because I don't want to see
00:42:13that someone else likes you.
00:42:17But you know what?
00:42:19I wish I could be myself.
00:42:21I wish I could follow
00:42:23what I feel.
00:42:25Jonas, what are you saying?
00:42:31Do you really like Yates?
00:42:37What about me?
00:42:43Why not me?
00:42:47Why not me?
00:43:17Why not me?
00:43:21I hope I'm not the last one.
00:43:47Don't leave yet.
00:43:49Listen to me.
00:43:51Stop it.
00:43:53I know what you're going to say.
00:43:55I know that
00:43:57no matter what I do,
00:43:59you won't like me.
00:44:03here I am.
00:44:07Acting stupid.
00:44:09Maybe it's because
00:44:11I put in the effort.
00:44:13Maybe if
00:44:15I did my best,
00:44:17if I did my best,
00:44:19you'll see
00:44:23that you might like me too.
00:44:37maybe you're right.
00:44:49you're right.
00:44:57what are you doing?
00:44:59Cut! What's going on?
00:45:01Sorry, Director.
00:45:03Sorry to everyone.
00:45:05But I'm going back
00:45:07and I don't want to give away.
00:45:11Bro, you can't just do that.
00:45:13Yes, I can.
00:45:15But I was the one who started it.
00:45:17What do you mean? You already quit.
00:45:19Dude, I'm trying my best here.
00:45:21Well, your best is not good enough.
00:45:23Jonas, don't be childish.
00:45:25What are you saying?
00:45:27He's not that good.
00:45:29No offense, bro.
00:45:31You still have a lot to eat.
00:45:33There's no need to be disrespectful, okay?
00:45:35I'm not disrespectful.
00:45:37You're the one who's stupid.
00:45:39It's true.
00:45:41I told him that I won't like him
00:45:43because I like someone else.
00:45:45And that's you.
00:45:53I like you.
00:45:55Not just as friends,
00:45:57but more than that.
00:45:59No pressure, okay?
00:46:01I don't need an answer right now.
00:46:03You know what?
00:46:05I don't want that anymore.
00:46:07Because in the end,
00:46:09I'll be the one to blame.
00:46:11You're not responsible for your feelings.
00:46:13Well, that hurts.
00:46:15Can I know why?
00:46:17Is it me?
00:46:19Or are you in love with somebody else?
00:46:21I'm in love with Peg.
00:46:25And now,
00:46:27you want to steal everything?
00:46:29Jonas, why are you acting like this?
00:46:31You're acting like a child that lost a toy.
00:46:33A toy you didn't even like.
00:46:37I mean, look at yourself.
00:46:39You're just a coward.
00:46:43Oh my God.
00:46:47Jonas, Jonas, Jonas.
00:46:49Manas, you're crossing the line.
00:46:51Are you okay?
00:46:55Do you still think of him as a friend?
00:46:57I don't think of him as a friend.
00:46:59Please, stop it.
00:47:03I don't know and I don't care about your drama.
00:47:05But Grey, you better fix this.
00:47:09you can take back the role because you don't want to be embarrassed tomorrow.
00:47:13I'm sorry, Yates.
00:47:15You're okay, but we don't have the luxury of time.
00:47:17The play is tomorrow. I hope you understand.
00:47:19This is bullshit.
00:47:25Where are you going?
00:47:27Is it really him?
00:47:53Jonas, look at me.
00:48:07Okay, let's resume.
00:48:09Back to one, please.
00:48:19Are you sure you should be here?
00:48:25I'm just worried
00:48:27because you're more spoiled.
00:48:31You're even more embarrassed.
00:48:39I thought that's because you made your choice then.
00:48:47Why are you making me choose?
00:48:51But to be honest,
00:48:53after what happened between us,
00:48:55I thought we had an understanding.
00:49:01I thought so too.
00:49:03You even
00:49:05asked me
00:49:07if you really like me.
00:49:09If you just
00:49:13like my
00:49:17sexy, twig body.
00:49:23Everything that I told you, Grey,
00:49:25it was real.
00:49:27It was real.
00:49:31I like you.
00:49:37Listen, I
00:49:39understand that you have doubts.
00:49:43It doesn't matter what he said or what he did.
00:49:51I still like you.
00:49:59Do you like me?
00:50:07You're my first crush.
00:50:13My first kiss.
00:50:17Hopefully not the last.
00:50:23I'm sorry.
00:50:37You should apologize to Jonas.
00:50:43We both know Jonas is so much better
00:50:45than what he showed us today.
00:50:49So, should you
00:50:51decide to choose him over me,
00:50:57I'd understand.
00:51:01I'm not giving up though.
00:51:05I'm still betting on myself.
00:51:11Can we finish the play first?
00:51:21I don't know what to say.
00:51:23I mean,
00:51:27look at me.
00:51:33You're so cute.
00:51:37Well, Grey,
00:51:41if you can't give me an answer right now,
00:51:47could I at least get a hug?
00:51:53of course.
00:52:15Maybe you're right.
00:52:19I'm not looking at you
00:52:21because I'm afraid
00:52:23that something might happen to us.
00:52:27Aside from the importance of our friendship.
00:52:35But I realized
00:52:39that maybe I'm not being serious
00:52:41because I'm looking at the wrong person.
00:52:47I'm sure
00:52:51that you're the person I want to look at
00:52:53and no one else.
00:53:05Oh my God,
00:53:07that was unexpectedly a good show.
00:53:09I'll watch the after part.
00:53:11Okay, go, go, go.
00:53:15Congrats, guys!
00:53:27Did I do justice
00:53:29to your masterpiece?
00:53:31I don't want to admit it yet,
00:53:33but your interpretation is better than mine.
00:53:35Coming from you,
00:53:37I'm crying.
00:53:39There you go,
00:53:41we're even now.
00:53:43You're the best.
00:53:45Jonas gave me something else.
00:53:47I'll give you this too.
00:53:49That's unfair.
00:53:51Where is it?
00:53:53I haven't seen it yet.
00:53:55Maybe it's in the ninja moves
00:53:57after the curtain call.
00:53:59But it's still in the backstage.
00:54:01It's still here.
00:54:05I think this is yours.
00:54:07You threw it away.
00:54:09That's not mine.
00:54:11Isn't it because
00:54:13it has a picture on it?
00:54:15Let me see.
00:54:59You're here.
00:55:01Be good.
00:55:07Great show.
00:55:11I got you some flowers,
00:55:13but I didn't know which ones,
00:55:15so I just picked a bunch.
00:55:17No problem.
00:55:25Funny thing.
00:55:27I was just
00:55:29on my way to dinner
00:55:31if maybe you wanted to join me.
00:55:49I'm sorry,
00:55:51but I have to stay.
00:55:57Yeah, of course.
00:56:03Well, again,
00:56:05congratulations and...
00:56:07good night.
00:56:09Good night.
00:56:49It's just like that.
00:56:53You're just throwing away
00:56:55what you feel for me.
00:56:57Why do you care?
00:56:59I threw it away.
00:57:07So what?
00:57:11Is it really hard for you to love me?
00:57:31If you only knew,
00:57:33I like you.
00:57:37Why are you giving up on me?
00:57:41You chose AIDS, didn't you?
00:57:45Who said that?
00:57:47I saw it.
00:57:49I saw it with my own eyes.
00:57:55I don't want to torture myself.
00:57:59Of course,
00:58:01I just want you to be happy.
00:58:07But if you're happy with him,
00:58:11as your best friend,
00:58:15I'll also be happy for you.
00:58:21I wish
00:58:23you asked me first.
00:58:27I asked you
00:58:31because you're still confused.
00:58:33But it's true.
00:58:41What else did you see in me?
00:58:45Because to be honest,
00:58:47it's still hard for me to believe.
00:58:51There's so many things I love about you.
00:58:55But that's your attitude.
00:58:57That's what I hate the most.
00:59:01You don't want to believe that you're in love.
00:59:05You don't want to admit
00:59:07how you feel about me.
00:59:13Not for all the reasons that you think.
00:59:21I'm just afraid
00:59:27that you might lose me too.
00:59:31You're a witness, right?
00:59:39There's no such thing as a long-lasting relationship.
00:59:47What we have
00:59:51is special.
00:59:55It's not
00:59:59I'm used to
01:00:03someone liking me.
01:00:09Look at me.
01:00:13You're shy again.
01:00:23It's true.
01:00:25It's true that
01:00:27I like myself more
01:00:29when I'm with you.
01:00:35I've experienced
01:00:39so that you won't reject me.
01:00:41You know,
01:00:43I tried to be strong
01:00:45when I speak.
01:00:47But I can't.
01:00:53But with you,
01:00:57I can...
01:00:59I can be myself.
01:01:03You know, I can...
01:01:05I can love myself.
01:01:15That's why
01:01:17I'm so thankful
01:01:21you're my best friend.
01:01:25Or until we become best friends,
01:01:29I can understand.
01:01:35Is it normal
01:01:37to become best friends
01:01:41I always think about
01:01:43the day
01:01:45you gave me a kiss?
01:01:51But you know,
01:01:53I don't want to do anything else
01:01:57to give you a kiss.
01:02:05Don't reject me.
01:02:45I love you.
01:02:47I love you.
01:02:49I love you.
01:02:51I love you.
01:02:53I love you.
01:02:55I love you.
01:02:57I love you.
01:02:59I love you.
01:03:01I love you.
01:03:03I love you.
01:03:05I love you.
01:03:07I love you.
01:03:09I love you.
01:03:11I love you.
01:03:13I love you.
01:03:15I love you.
01:03:17I love you.
01:03:19I love you.
01:03:21I love you.
01:03:23I love you.
01:03:25I love you.
01:03:27I love you.
01:03:29I love you.
01:03:31I love you.
01:03:33I love you.
01:03:35I love you.
01:03:37I love you.
01:03:39I love you.
01:03:41I love you.
01:03:43I love you.
01:03:45I love you.
01:03:47I love you.
01:03:49I love you.
01:03:51I love you.
01:03:53I love you.
01:03:55I love you.
01:03:57I love you.
01:03:59I love you.
01:04:01I love you.
01:04:03I love you.
01:04:05I love you.
01:04:07I love you.
01:04:09I love you.
01:04:11I love you.
01:04:13I love you.
01:04:15I love you.
01:04:17I love you.
01:04:19I love you.
01:04:21I love you.
01:04:23I love you.
01:04:25I love you.
01:04:27I love you.
01:04:29I love you.
01:04:31I love you.
01:04:33I love you.
01:04:35I love you.
01:04:37I love you.
01:04:39I love you.
01:04:41I love you.
01:04:43I love you.
01:04:45I love you.
01:04:47I love you.
01:04:49I love you.
01:04:51I love you.
01:04:53I love you.
01:04:55I love you.
01:04:57I love you.
01:04:59I love you.
01:05:01I love you.
01:05:03I love you.
01:05:05I love you.
01:05:07I love you.
01:05:09I love you.
01:05:11I love you.
01:05:13I love you.
01:05:15I love you.
01:05:17I love you.
01:05:19I love you.
01:05:21I love you.
01:05:23I love you.
01:05:25I love you.
01:05:27I love you.
01:05:29I love you.
01:05:31I love you.
01:05:33I love you.
01:05:35I love you.
01:05:37I love you.
01:05:39I love you.
01:05:41I love you.
01:05:43I love you.
01:05:45I love you.
01:05:47I love you.
01:05:49I love you.
01:05:51I love you.
01:05:53I love you.
01:05:55I love you.
01:05:57I love you.
01:05:59I love you.
01:06:01I love you.
01:06:03I love you.
01:06:05I love you.
01:06:07I love you.
01:06:09I love you.
01:06:11I love you.
01:06:13I love you.
01:06:15I love you.
01:06:17I love you.
01:06:19I love you.
01:06:21I love you.
01:06:23I love you.
01:06:25I love you.
01:06:27I love you.
01:06:29I love you.
01:06:31I love you.
01:06:33I love you.
01:06:35I love you.
01:06:37I love you.
01:06:39I love you.
01:06:41I love you.
01:06:43I love you.
01:06:45I love you.
01:06:47I love you.
01:06:49I love you.
01:06:51I love you.
01:06:53I love you.
01:06:55I love you.
01:06:57I love you.
01:06:59I love you.
01:07:01I love you.
01:07:03I love you.
01:07:05I love you.
01:07:07I love you.
01:07:09I love you.
01:07:11I love you.
01:07:13I love you.
01:07:15I love you.
01:07:17I love you.
01:07:19I love you.
01:07:21I love you.
01:07:23I love you.
01:07:25I love you.
01:07:27I love you.
01:07:29I love you.
01:07:31I love you.
01:07:33I love you.
01:07:35I love you.