تلاوة الشيخ حجاج الهنداوى الجمعة 14 12 2012

  • last month
00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30And say not a thing. Indeed, I will do that tomorrow, except that Allah wills.
01:00And remember your Lord when you forget.
01:29And remember your Lord when you forget. And say, perhaps my Lord will guide me to a nearer way than this.
02:00And they stayed in their cave three hundred years and increased nine.
02:26And they stayed in their cave three hundred years and increased nine. Say, Allah is most knowing of what they stayed.
02:56To Him is the unseen of the heavens and the earth. See with it and hear.
03:15What will they have besides Him as a protector?
03:36And He will not associate anyone with Him in His judgment.
03:47And do not say of anything, Indeed, I will do that tomorrow, except that Allah wills.
04:17And do not say of anything, Indeed, I will do that tomorrow, except that Allah wills.
04:47And remember your Lord when you forget.
05:17And remember your Lord when you forget. And say, perhaps my Lord will guide me to a nearer way than this.
05:47And they stayed in their cave three hundred years and increased nine.
06:12And say, Allah is most knowing of what they stayed.
06:42See with it and hear. What will they have besides Him as a protector?
07:03And He will not associate anyone with Him in His judgment.
07:33And your Lord will not change His words, and you will not find besides Him any ally.
08:03And be patient, O man, with those who call upon their Lord morning and evening,
08:30And do not turn your gaze away from them.
08:54I want the adornment of this worldly life.
09:10And do not obey him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance, and who has followed his desire, and whose affair is ever in disorder.
09:41And speak the truth from your Lord, and whoever wills, let him believe.
10:09And whoever wills, let him disbelieve.
10:39And if they seek shelter, they will be overwhelmed by water like oil that burns the faces.
11:03Evil is the drink, and evil is the companion.
11:33Indeed, We do not waste the reward of one who does good.
11:44Indeed, those who believe and do good deeds
12:10Indeed, We do not waste the reward of one who does good.
12:40Those will have the Gardens of Eternity, under which rivers flow.
12:57Those will have the Gardens of Eternity, under which rivers flow.
13:12And they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold,
13:31And they will be adorned with green garments of silk, and they will be covered.
13:46They will be reclining therein on couches, a blessing of equality and a goodly agreement.
14:07God Almighty has spoken the truth.
