00:00I'm going to get a little bit of
00:30Let's see if he manages to connect here and he doesn't know if he's in the area.
00:39Pulisic that puts the center in! Goal!
00:48From Milan, in the assistance of Christian Pulisic!
00:53Luka Jovic arrived, who didn't get them in Madrid, he hits it with Milan!
00:57Milan! 1-0! Milan beat Barcelona!
01:01Jovic scores! Long live football!
01:04Notice that the player, Salmarker, who grabs the ball in his field
01:08and makes 60 meters with the ball under control.
01:12The pass for one of the most special players that the American National Team has, Pulisic.
01:19A perfect center for Jovic to find himself again.
01:25Now I tell you, thank goodness there is no foul.
01:29Christian Pulisic already found Rafaleado on the left.
01:32He gives him space, touches the front and Pulisic comes.
01:36He hit it and what a goal!
01:44What a goal by Christian Pulisic!
01:48Everyone was waiting in the center where Jovic was.
01:52Jovic saw that he moved to third and passed the ball to the first post.
01:56He scored!
01:58The American now has a goal and assists.
02:032-0 for Milan. Long live football!
02:07Let me see it again.
02:10I don't know, but we are going to give all the credit to Pulisic.
02:14Because hitting the first post in such a way,
02:18it is very difficult to score.
02:20However, look, he left him that little space.
02:24He put his soul and life into it.
02:26Nothing to do for Ter Stegen.
02:282-0 for Roma, who have improved a lot in their way of playing.
02:32And Barcelona doesn't take it into account.
02:35It's a great goal by Pulisic.
02:37Yes, yes, yes.
02:41Gerard Martin had played it back to Ter Stegen.
02:44The German lifts it.
02:46Everything controlled by Salmaker.
02:48He sent it to Rafinha.
02:50Rafinha accompanies Martin.
02:52He prefers to touch on the other side.
02:54Lewandowski! Goal!
03:08The Robert Lewandowski!
03:10Barcelona's discount at 22.
03:132-1 for Milan.
03:15Lewandowski scored.
03:17Long live football!
03:19And I'm going to keep saying it until I get tired.
03:22That's Lewandowski's spirit.
03:24He doesn't have to go through the middle of the field
03:26trying to somehow put the game together.
03:29No, he's a scorer.
03:31There are enough people to put the game together for him.
03:34And he has to get it in, that's all.
03:36It's a great goal, Mario.
03:38A great goal.
03:39Because look, he doesn't touch it once.
03:41He makes a mistake.
03:43The defense stands still and nailed it down there.
03:46Neither of them.
03:49The answer that has already reached the fans.
03:52Beautiful, isn't it?
03:53Yes, sir.
03:54Oh, what a ball.
03:55It went deep.
03:56Rafinha arrives with the ball dominated up to the area.
04:01Barcelona takes too long.
04:02They allowed everyone to return to Milan.
04:06The ball that came from outside.
04:08Valle arrives.
04:09Torriaciani to score.
04:12What a goal by Torriaciani!
04:16What a goal by Torriaciani!
04:19Barcelona has improved a lot
04:21after Lewandowski's goal.
04:23And Lewandowski, another chance to score a 2-2.
04:28Lewandowski makes the perfect run to appear.
04:32And that ball could have been a rebound
04:35and they almost found it.
04:37He scored with the basket.
04:39Yes, sir.
04:41The great Bermuda that this field has,
04:44usually of American football.
04:48Marcassado already left the ball open from outside.
04:51Gerard-Martin, who passed close to the center.
04:53He lifted Rafinha.
04:59Congratulated by the forward position.
05:02Now he sent the assistant just now.
05:04Yes, yes, yes.
05:05He left him there.
05:06Yes, yes, yes.
05:11We were excited for a while.
05:13Yes, but the goal...
05:15Of course, he didn't run to the middle of the field,
05:17but he took a long time.
05:20He was a bit ahead.
05:21Now I tell you,
05:22how easy it is to define.
05:25Yes, this boy.
05:26How easy it is to define.
05:29Who is waiting to see who can hit him.
05:31But well, not everyone can hit a ball.
05:33Rafinha, who this time attacks from the center.
05:35He touched the ball.
05:36To the left.
05:37The arrival is good.
05:38MartĂn's service is coming.
05:41Paulito returns it.
05:42With a fist.
05:43Torriani takes it out.
05:44And Paulito's shot came.
05:45What a bad hit.
05:46He's left-handed.
05:47He's left-handed.
05:48Let's see.
05:49In your time, the same thing happened as in mine.
05:52That today you don't see so much.
05:54Although today the footballer learns to handle several profiles.
05:57Yes, yes, yes.
05:58The one who is right-handed usually grows as right-handed.
06:00And the one who is left-handed grows as left-handed.
06:02When I was little, they taught me that if I came to the left,
06:06it would be better to hit with the right than with the left.
06:08As it were.
06:10Don't take advantage of it.
06:14Some spades, something.
06:16He had given Bernat the ball.
06:18Pau Victor is about to hit it.
06:19He used the center.
06:37Pau Victor assists.
06:38Everybody in.
06:39The game is lively Korea!
06:40Where Lewandowski has to be.
06:43This is Lewandowski's spot.
06:46And now.
06:47A good play.
06:48Again by Barcelona.
06:51The little bit egotistical is the players, mainly the young boys, who see Lewandowski
06:56on second-base play like gods.
06:59Pau Victor, who is a scorer, but is not selfish.
07:04I'm not selfish. 2-2, a nice game and I like it more and more.
07:08Pau's assist is a delight to watch.
07:11Yes, yes, yes.
07:12It's a mass, as they say.
07:20Ready, Benacer.
07:22Time is running out.
07:24Good start to the goal.
07:26It's in!
07:28That's because he thinks it all.
07:30Why does he think it so much?
07:34I don't know.
07:36If he did it on purpose...
07:41Look, look, look.
07:44He's going to hit it.
07:48Off the post!
07:54Davide Calabria will come to hit it now.
07:58Can you hit the ball so badly?
08:02It went almost a metre off the post.
08:06To the right of the goalkeeper.
08:08Calabria to the goal!
08:10To the right, he's stopped to hit it to the right.
08:131-0 up for Milan.
08:21One of the things he taught me was the movement of the kicker's arms.
08:31Kim is ready.
08:33It's in!
08:352-0 up for Rielly.
08:371-0 up for Milan.
08:48He held it in very well.
08:54He's going to hit it to the Swiss.
08:56Oka, off the post.
08:582-0 up.
09:00Go on, Milan.
09:16He's totally disorganised.
09:21Bernal to the goal!
09:232-1 up.
09:25The goalie went too far.
09:28A bit more and it's in.
09:31He's too fast.
09:39Paul Calullo to the goal.
09:442-1 up for Milan.
09:48Barcelona can tie it now.
09:58He hit it too far.
10:06Antonio Fernandez to the goal.
10:082-2 up.
10:21He's going to hit it to Adley.
10:24Who was it?
10:28To the left of the goalkeeper.
10:30He's standing.
10:32If he hits it to the right, he'll get it.
10:34Adley gets it.
10:363-2 up for Milan.
10:39Barcelona can't fail.
10:41If they do, it's over.
10:46Vitor Roque is going to kick it, yes.
10:49Another chance for Vitor Roque.
10:51Vitor Roque with the responsibility of the draw.
10:56Vitor Roque to the goal.
11:003-3 up for Vitor Roque.
11:04Now it's 1-1 until someone fails.
11:09If he fails, it's over.
11:13It's 1-1 now.
11:15Yes, sir.
11:18He's going to score for Milan.
11:24He shoots.
11:27Ceroli scores.
11:294-3 up.
11:30Barcelona can't fail if they want to win.
11:36He fails in front of Torriani.
11:39He's going to get the left-back.
11:44He shoots.
11:45Torriani scores!
11:48Milan wins.
11:49What a penalty, Mario!
11:51Well, this is Caro Cruz.
11:54But what I'm left with is the game.