• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:03For those who are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:06This is going to be some crime against me and my twin flame,
00:11and nobody can use this video and information against me and my twin flame,
00:17because I'll be framing, and everything, not everything I say in this video I'm saying is true or not.
00:23So, I have some notes, and...
00:28I'm going to...
00:31If I pause a lot, I have to question what I say, because a lot of the times, because of the...
00:44AI, I have to be careful what I'm saying.
00:53I'm not going to... I'm going to make sure that I stick with the notes, and...
01:01I'm very happy that I was able to share that video yesterday, Shia.
01:08I'm very glad that it's over, that I had to get through that. It wasn't a lot of drama.
01:17I ended up not being able to fall asleep until, like, 2.30 or 3 a.m.
01:25However, I woke up, well, several times in the morning, but was able to stay sleeping, fall back asleep until 11 a.m.
01:35So, I have some photographs to show you, but I'm going to talk in the order of how it's written down.
01:45But in regards to...
01:50Yesterday, all the blood is still there, obviously.
01:55However, do you know how the cop questioned this neighbor as to why there's a C-shaped...
02:03Well, as to why there's blood on his door?
02:06The blood is still there.
02:08So, I'm going to show you...
02:11...that he did not wash the blood off after the cop questioned him about the blood.
02:24There it is.
02:26This is the 6.
02:29And this is 15 minutes.
02:33This is an hour fast. I have to fix that.
02:37Look at it. It's still there.
02:40If a cop questions why there's blood on the door, and you don't wash it off, that's pretty odd to me.
02:53I don't think that's normal behavior.
03:06And technically it's confirmed that it's blood because what I had heard the cop say to me was that he's saying that it's his friend's blood.
03:37Here's another angle.
03:57Right there.
04:07So, I'm not going to talk about yesterday and that whole thing with the cops.
04:31They said that they're going to write everything down that they saw.
04:36I'm not going... They're witnesses at this point.
04:39I'm not going to explain...
04:43I'm not going to talk about how it happened because I'm just not going to.
04:54But leaving blood on the door after the cops questioned why there's blood on the door...
05:03I don't know why anybody would leave blood on their front door.
05:07Especially after a cop questioned why there's blood on the door.
05:22149... This was 149 PM. 149... 145 PM when I took that photograph.
05:32And the cops were here yesterday at 1130 PM.
05:36It's at 12 PM.
05:42So, I have... I have gotten emails back from Daily Motion.
05:50And I actually... At first I got sort of attacked from the first email.
05:56Then they sent a second email that made it make sense.
06:01They're not really... No one's really getting completely involved.
06:06However, people are giving things away.
06:12Basically... Well, I'm going to show you.
06:17Actually, I think I'm going to show you the screenshot that I took of it.
06:21Because this will be easier to show you.
06:25Basically, they said there is no hack.
06:29There is no hack.
06:35They're not in control of the ads.
06:38I didn't understand what that meant.
06:43And so then... Hold on, let me screenshot the last email I sent.
06:50But then it makes sense that they're saying...
06:53Then I asked, well, who's controlling the ads?
06:55And they just replied...
06:58As we mentioned, there's no hack attempt.
07:01We're not fully controlling the display ads.
07:04They're not telling me who's controlling the display ads.
07:07Basically, they're giving it away and saying...
07:09Yeah, someone is messing... Someone could...
07:12The hacker didn't hack into their site to put the ads.
07:16But the display ads...
07:19There's a way where if I go on to websites,
07:22there's some kind of way where these ads are just being placed.
07:26So now this makes sense.
07:28So 3.50 AM.
07:38Because they're in France.
07:43August... 6.
07:46Hello Alyssa, we appreciate your patience while investigating...
07:57I'm going to read it and then I'm going to show it to you.
08:00We appreciate your patience while investigating the behavior.
08:04As we have checked, there is no hack attempt.
08:06And also please note that we're not fully controlling the display ads.
08:10We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience
08:12and hope that this won't affect your experience with Dailymotion.
08:15We're also constantly trying to improve our platform
08:17and take all the feedback into consideration.
08:20Regards, Mirella.
08:22So at this point, this triggered me because I'm thinking...
08:26Okay, I have no hope.
08:28There's no hack.
08:30There's no hack attempt.
08:33I finally figured out...
08:36Yeah, the hacker didn't hack into their site.
08:39However, they said we're not fully controlling the display ads.
08:43People have to be careful what they say.
08:46Because anything they say at this point, they know they could be getting involved.
08:56She repeated it.
08:58She didn't tell me in the second email who's controlling the display ads.
09:03So they don't have a separate company that's doing the ads.
09:08That's not what she meant by saying we're not controlling the ads.
09:15I'll show you how I responded.
09:18Because it did trigger me, and I realized...
09:23There's no hack attempt.
09:25Well, that's not really helping me if they're saying there's no hack attempt.
09:31So I said,
09:33I said,
09:52So I didn't really completely understand what she meant by we don't have complete control over the ads.
10:08They're kind of giving it away.
10:11They're kind of giving away that they don't have control over the ads.
10:16However, they're kind of being, like, not obvious about it.
10:28She responds right away and says...
10:48I'm not responding back.
10:52That's enough of an...
10:56I'm not, there's no reason why I would respond back to that, because she basically told me.
11:02She said it twice, that they're not controlling the ads, so...
11:07There's no way that they would give me more information right now.
11:20It's really hard, too, because with my stroke, I can't completely, like...
11:25And this has been going on a long time.
11:28I can't process information quickly, so it can take me a long time to figure out what it means.
11:35And I think also that there's a lot of good AI helping me be able to communicate as well.
11:45So I drank a cup of coffee this morning, so now I'm drinking peppermint tea, because...
11:53I can't afford to get dehydrated right now.
11:56And I have to go down to the trunk to get my waters, and I'm just, like, not really in the mood.
12:02I only have about a half a gallon of distilled water, so I better go down there today and get my waters.
12:12This is pretty good news about Dailymotion.
12:15It's help, but it's not, like...
12:19No one is really helping completely, so why would Dailymotion?
12:24Like, no one can really help, apparently.
12:26It's pretty obvious.
12:31And plus, legally, people can't just drop and quit.
12:36Legally, people can't just draw conclusions and say things in regards to... legally.
12:44But the second email gave it away saying they're not in complete control of the ads, because...
12:50I truly thought I didn't really understand that, that they might have, like, an additional...
12:56be working with someone that's, like, doing the ads for them.
13:00That's not what it meant.
13:07But it's just a constant...
13:10Before I got the second email...
13:22It was used to attack me very seriously.
13:26And the V2K was saying...
13:29Oh, I'm such a... I'm...
13:36This is what a telepathic supporter was saying, that this was being said.
13:41I'm such a pampered elite.
13:43I'm so pampered.
13:45Everyone is doing their part to cover up all of this crime that I've done to Alyssa.
13:49I don't go to jail.
13:53And then...
13:54Oh, it's all rigged and controlled to benefit...
13:58This whole situation is just rigged and controlled just to benefit this criminal hacker that tortured Alyssa for 20 years.
14:06And that's being said to me many, many times.
14:11Obviously, that's not the truth.
14:15But it's a way to...
14:18That's, like, extreme witchcraft.
14:22To try to claim that all of this, all of these people are just trying to help the hacker not go to jail.
14:31So, I'm not wearing any makeup.
14:35I still have my makeup, but I put my eyebrow gel on, mascara...
14:42Did I put mascara on?
14:44A little.
14:53I woke up this morning getting tortured.
14:57And then at 8 a.m. I heard an extremely loud bang.
15:01And it was like the adrenochrome, like the adrenaline fear response was being triggered.
15:07And then, luckily, at that point I put the ruckus on.
15:13And then I fell back asleep at around probably 8.30 and then slept until 11 a.m.
15:21So, in regards to this orange yoga mat, it smells very toxic, it's very cheap, and then there's a cancer warning label on it.
15:28So, I'm going to return that and that's $10.
15:31In regards to the travel, the little travel bottles, I don't want to return them.
15:36However, it was $8.
15:39And the way that the lids are, the plastic's very sharp when I go to open and close the travel bottles.
15:47It's very sharp and it kind of cuts my skin a little, so I'm very, very picky about that.
15:53I cannot stand opening, like, bottles, plastic bottles, like, and it being really sharp when I go to open it.
16:05So, that's $18 that I'm going to get back.
16:09But, the yoga mat just smells so bad and I was going to just use it in case I were to go to Sedona and be able to do the yoga outside.
16:23But, I'm going to return it.
16:27Whatever, in regards to the cops, it wasn't perfect.
16:34However, it ended up working out because there was some information that I got and their witnesses.
16:42In regards to, like, do you need the paramedics, there was a little bit of a question about my mental health.
16:51Obviously, people can be in a state of distress if they think that they're getting murdered and I think they have to.
16:57They have to ask, if people are in a state of distress, they have to ask if they need to go to the emergency room.
17:03But, I obviously got a little offended by that.
17:06However, in regards to the V2K and all the harassment that's chronically being happening 24-7, like millions of verbal attacks.
17:19If you walked down the street and said this to someone's face, it's the exact same thing.
17:26And that one sentence of harassing someone is a criminal act.
17:30Imagine millions of criminal acts being done to me and you, Shia.
17:34That each criminal act is worth, like, thousands of hours of return back to sender penalty.
17:40That's what I'm being said and I believe that.
17:45You can't approach someone in the street and say one thing that's being said, the type of thing that's being said to me.
17:51Imagine it happening and being said to me thousands, not thousands, millions of times, all different things.
17:58That's one serious criminal act, just to say one statement to someone.
18:02It's no different if someone walked down the street and said it to their face.
18:08Millions of criminal acts being done to me.
18:11These criminals have absolutely no clue what kind of trouble they're in.
18:15They absolutely have no clue.
18:20So, in regards to groceries, I'm working on my groceries today and I'm not going to get groceries until three days on the 9th.
18:30So I only have two more days left.
18:32I'm going to have plenty of food for two days and then I'm going to use my CalFresh.
18:37And I'd like to, when I'm going, I'm going through this, one of my food recipe title keeper notebooks to make my grocery list.
18:49And I've already started my grocery list, which is kind of long.
18:53I'll show you.
19:02And I don't think, so I'm going to continue doing the grocery research and find out all the things that I want to eat.
19:26However, I'm not going to be able to afford all the things I eat.
19:29So what I want to do is take pieces of paper and write separate grocery lists.
19:35And make the grocery list kind of match, the foods kind of match and go with each other in the different grocery lists.
19:43So that way I can continue doing food research.
19:46Because what I like to do is I just truly like to look at all the different foods and write down what I'm in the mood to eat.
19:55But I have so many things that I like to eat that I can't afford it all.
20:00So what I want to do, and hopefully I'm going to do this, I'm going to start doing this today, is make separate grocery lists.
20:08I have some lined paper here.
20:13I'll separate the grocery lists and when I find a food item that I want to eat, I'll go to a food, like seasonal grocery lists,
20:22like different foods that kind of go together, meals, sort of like they match, like they're not random.
20:30That's what I'm going to try to do.
20:32So it'll be part of the food research to create grocery lists.
20:37So I'll be able to do the food research by creating grocery lists.
20:41And I also won't be feeling guilty when I go to write a grocery list and it ends up being four pages long and I have to pick through.
20:49It's way more difficult to pick through than making smaller grocery lists.
21:06Shia, you're going to help. You're already helping. You know what to do, Shia, in regards to my situation.
21:18You saw how bad I was acting yesterday. I wasn't acting that well.
21:24The brain injury was really obvious and I was obviously acting very stressed.
21:31So it was being bad and my voice has changed a little and also the way I talk changed a little.
21:37I think the way I talk, my mouth, the way I'm talking, I look kind of funny.
21:42My teeth aren't that great, but you're going to help, Shia.
21:52I saw something to make me know that.
22:04To make me know, Shia, that you know what to do and we can't completely be all defensive about why everything's not being covered up.
22:22I called the printer. It's a $167 hold.
22:35After that, I'll have $266 in my bank account. That's why I'm going to wait to do my grocery bill.
22:45My grocery is on the 9th.
22:47Then I'll get the $167 as soon as they get this printer returned back to them.
22:53They put $167 on hold. They're sending me the refurbished printer.
22:59It's going to come with all the set of inks so I can print right away.
23:05They said you have to use the ink that's in the printer so that the printer won't break or something.
23:13Once I put this printer in a box, they give me all the shipping labels so I don't have to pay anything to return it.
23:24Then they'll give me back my $167.
23:28Security now takes photographs of the packages in the package room.
23:37They take photographs of the package. They take photographs of the person's ID of the name that's on the package.
23:44They were getting more and more lost packages and packages being stolen.
23:50I'm very happy about the printer.
23:52Shia, this is going to help and I'm going to be able to print off more and more evidence.
24:07I'm going to be able to print off more and more evidence.
24:37So it was 5.42. I heard a huge bang, banging noise.
25:01I get startled. I get restricting breath. I get this constriction tightening in my entire body.
25:13I get tortured.
25:30I get this constriction tightening in my entire body.
26:01So I called dispatch at 8.11pm and they showed up at 11.30pm, which is unusual.
26:09I didn't have to wait 10 hours. That was good.
26:15Another thing is, well, I'm not going to talk about that.
26:24Also, there's a lot of movement around my mouth.
26:29I don't know if it's a tick or it's neurological because of my brain.
26:35Say I'm really, really tired and then something really bad happens and I get nervous and stressed.
26:42I'll start moving my lips a little and it's making me look really bad.
26:48I don't think I did it in this video, but I've seen it.
26:51I've seen myself do that in the mirror. I've seen myself.
26:55I think it has to be part of the stroke. It could be a tick too, a stress tick.
27:00I'd love to just...
27:15Never mind. They're trying to talk and say things.
27:31I would like to go back to Joshua Tree. I want to get out of here, but I can't.
27:36It's impossible. It's too hot.
27:42However, I could get a month's pass for $45 after a couple months and just camp there when it gets cooler.
27:59Would I be able to camp there?
28:08There would be a lot more campers. It would be safer.
28:18I just know when I'm at Joshua Tree, I'm doing something.
28:27There's way more protection there when you're at a vortex.
28:32I know what happened to the theft of your DNA.
28:46She wanted money out of the deal. Money, fame, success.
28:51That was the main thing.
28:58I remember the pocket photo with the pocket.
29:04She's going to get sued, not just go to jail.
29:14My life...
29:28I just asked you how you were thinking about the videos I uploaded yesterday, the situation.
29:39I think I talk a little funny, the way my mouth moves.
29:43I'm wondering if that's a demon. I've never seen my mouth move like that.
29:47I look a little goofy. I'm thinking it's the brain injury.
29:52But you said it was some kind of deliberate...
29:55There was a purpose and it was deliberate, however the cops were acting and however the situation occurred.
30:02You think it was somewhat deliberate and purposeful.
30:11Obviously, I'm not going to go into detail about it, Shia.
30:16However, I repeatedly kept trying to ask what you were thinking.
30:22Obviously, I'm going to start recording more conversations and uploading them to you.
30:29Because it's going to help you realize what's going on and how things are happening.
30:39But I got...
30:50There was a lot of people in public giving me signs and messages.
31:00Someone was wearing gloves, holding a cell phone.
31:07When you go into a crime scene in blood, you have to wear gloves.
31:13I was getting different signs.
31:15I was supposed to call.
31:22I was supposed to call and report it.
31:28Now I'm going to show you the photographs.
31:33I'm not showing you any of the crime.
31:39This morning I had toast with sardines.
31:42I put a little sea salt on the fish.
31:46They were pretty good.
31:49I had two pieces of bread.
31:53I take photographs of people in the public to remind me of what the messages sign was.
32:01I'm going to show you.
32:04I took photographs of the email from Daily Motion.
32:22I don't think I took any recently.
32:37I was going to show you the trip.
32:48I'll show you a few photos.
32:53I won't show you all of them.
33:05I'll show you these.
33:18I really like these plants from Palm Spring.
33:22The landscape.
33:27I'm actually feeling like I have a headache.
33:35I have to start taking my shoes off because it's just too hot in here to wear shoes.
33:43This is a really pretty picture from Palm Springs.
33:50The mountains in the background.
33:57This is a really nice cactus.
34:13Here's a flower.
34:18I love cactus flower plants.
34:23I really like the landscape of this.
34:35The rocks here are very...
34:39I think the entire Joshua Tree is a vortex.
34:45Some say that there's only 18 vortex spots in the area.
34:50That's a complete lie.
35:02This is the photo of the first time I went to see the backpack.
35:06This is where I was in the shade trying to recite the invocation.
35:22I was right there next to that rock where I was reciting the invocation.
35:29No, that was the second time, not the first time.
35:33See, I was standing right there.
35:36Obviously, I got a little sketched out because that would be a perfect spot to die.
35:44I was supposed to go over there.
35:48This is one of my favorite cactuses. I love this cactus too.
35:57I know you like these plants as much as me, Shia.
36:01These rocks...
36:04See how they're all smooth? These rocks were under the ocean.
36:09The ocean smoothed the rocks.
36:16This was the Kala cactus field.
36:24I didn't really like that the cactuses were turning brown from the root.
36:31It's like root rot. It's called root rot.
36:34But I saw a video on YouTube of these that was uploaded three years ago.
36:39The cactuses still had root rot from three years ago.
36:42So they're not going to die immediately.
36:45However, that's kind of sad that all these cactuses have root rot.
36:51It kind of made me sad.
36:54However, this is a very magical area for these cactuses.
36:58And I still am going to watch this because...
37:03I'm still going to watch the Vortex video, the virtual hike going through these cactus fields.
37:22I pulled over on the side of the road a few times to capture some of these photographs.
37:27I really like this cactus.
37:30It's kind of like...
37:35I would have liked to see what this cactus looks like up close.
37:52So I'm going to show you the rest of them another time.
37:57Because I'm getting tired.
38:00And this video was supposed to be 40 minutes.
38:03So let me talk about you now, Sharon.
38:21I'm so lucky, Shaya, to be your wife.
38:32And I feel so lucky, Shaya, to be loved by you.
38:41And I love you, Shaya.
38:45And I know that you have a lot of stress and emotions.
38:51However, I have to probably say it more than I noticed that.
38:59I know that you're really upset that I can't see you or hear you in the videos.
39:14So I'm going to stop the video, Shaya, now.
39:24Because it's 40 minutes.
39:27And I'm going to probably make a longer video tomorrow.
39:40Just try to rest and relax today, Shaya.
39:43I love you, Shaya.
39:45Thank you, everybody, for watching.
39:47Thank you so much, Shaya, for watching.
