En esta lista veremos los escándalos que acompañan a los concursos de belleza en Latinoamérica.
00:00Historically, the purpose of beauty contests is to award the most attractive women in the world.
00:07Although today, personalities and achievements are also evaluated.
00:11But what else is behind these contests?
00:14Hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español, I am Fernando and in this list we will see the scandals that accompany beauty contests in Latin America.
00:23We have taken into account the situations where Latin American misses have been involved, either in national or international contests.
00:33Number 10. Who won?
00:35In 2015, one of the worst mistakes in the history of Miss Universe happened.
00:41The presenter Steve Harvey announced the winner.
00:57I have to apologize.
01:02The first runner up is Colombia.
01:08Miss Universe 2015 is Philippines.
01:16It was said that Harvey had done it on purpose, but he clarified a while later when he invited Miss Colombia to his program.
01:23I would never do that for advertising, I would not do it to hurt a woman, I'm not like that.
01:28But no matter how hard it was for me, I don't even want to imagine what you went through and I feel terrible about it.
01:34Sorry, I apologize for that moment.
01:37But it seems that in Latin America we did not learn the lesson, because this happened again in a beauty contest in Brazil during the final gala of Miss Rondonia Mundo.
01:47Although this time the crown was changed with very little elegance.
01:52Number 9. The claim for an injustice.
01:56When a program is done live, there is a lot of tension, since there is no room for error.
02:01In Miss Global 2020, the event developed with total normality, until the presenter announced 17 finalists instead of 18.
02:12It is a lack of respect. You have to be fair.
02:17You have to be fair.
02:20This is a representation of respect for your city.
02:27And it is unacceptable. Corruption is unacceptable.
02:30The lack of respect is unacceptable. The lack of dignity is unacceptable. And I do not accept it.
02:36Then Miss Colombia, Yesenia Orozco, reacted.
02:40She did not win the crown, but she won the admiration of her colleagues and many other women who agreed to denounce in a loud voice the injustices.
02:50I was going to leave, but I said no. I mean, I'm already here. I'm going to finish as I have to finish.
02:56It started to bother me a lot because I saw the girls. Many of them were crying. I was in shock.
03:01Number 8. The real numbers.
03:05It is said that there are measures that determine a perfect body for a contestant in a beauty contest.
03:11Aline has the perfect measurements. 90-60-90.
03:18Causing a great impact on the judges.
03:21That's right. 90-60-90.
03:23In past contests, it was common for the candidates to share their bust, waist and hip measurements with the public and judges.
03:32But in 2018, the Miss Peru candidates surprised the whole world with the numbers they shared.
03:39My name is Bélgica Guerra, I represent Chincha, and my measurements are that 65% of university women are assaulted by their partners.
03:48They were statistics on the violence committed against women in their country.
03:53It was a very significant act that came out of all protocol to evidence abuse, harassment and crimes against women.
04:02My name is Romina Lozano and I represent the Constitutional Province of Callao.
04:06And my measurements are 3,114 women victims of trafficking registered until 2014.
04:12Number 7. Weight issues.
04:14The Venezuelan Alicia Machado won the Miss Universe crown in 1996.
04:20But at just 19 years old, her reign was overshadowed a few months later by the harsh comments Donald Trump made to her for gaining weight.
04:30At that time, Trump owned the beauty contest.
04:34Donald Trump called you Miss Piggy.
04:36Yes, Miss Piggy, Miss Housekeeping.
04:38How did that make you feel?
04:40So sad. I was very depressed.
04:45On one occasion, he made her exercise in front of the press to show that she was doing everything possible to lose those 15 kilos, supposedly extra, in two weeks so that they would not take away the crown.
04:59Really terrible.
05:10Number 6. Miss Bullet.
05:12Laurelena Zúñiga participated with great success in the same year in the contest Our Beauty Mexico and the Hispanic-American Queen.
05:21Everything was going very well for her until, on her way to a party with her boyfriend, the car where they were going was intercepted.
05:28It was an operation of the Mexican army that sought to catch members of the Juárez cartel, of which her boyfriend was part, only that she supposedly did not know anything.
05:40I got caught quickly. I said, it can't be, I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here, I want to wake up.
05:45After spending more than a month in jail, Laura was released after proving that she was not an accomplice to the drug trafficker and had not committed any crime.
05:54However, they withdrew the titles she had won with her beauty.
05:59Who was arrested for drug trafficking was Angie San Clemente, national queen of coffee in Colombia.
06:06She was arrested in 2010 for being part of a drug trafficking gang and spent several years in prison.
06:13Number 5. They are girls.
06:15To judge and qualify someone for their beauty is something that today can be controversial.
06:21But, finally, those who participate in these contests are adult women, right?
06:26The truth is that in some places in the world contests are made for girls.
06:32But a contest for girls in smaller clothes? That is unimaginable.
06:38Although it was not for Colombian society, which for 20 years held the Mis Tanguita beauty contest,
06:46where girls between 5 and 11 years old paraded in swimsuits in front of a crowd.
06:52We consider it reprehensible and irresponsible that parents have authorized girls,
06:59especially at this age of 5 to 10 years, to participate in an event where they were going to parade in swimsuits.
07:08Number 4. New contestants.
07:11In 2013, Miss Universe marked a before and after by opening its doors to transgender women.
07:18Thus, 5 years later, Angela Ponce became the first trans woman to compete.
07:24However, despite the directive that existed more than 10 years ago,
07:29Yesenia Ramírez, director of the beauty contest in Costa Rica,
07:33said that in her country there will be no trans women in the contest this year.
07:38She mentioned that all people deserve the same respect and that it is not for discrimination, but for an issue of order.
07:45I know that there are many changes that are shocking and it is to understand.
07:50We come from an era where we are used to seeing a prototype, a way of doing things.
08:00One of those new changes is age.
08:03While before there were women between 18 and 28 years old, since 2023 there are no age limits.
08:11This year in Argentina there are two Miss Universe contestants, 60 and 72 years old.
08:17Alejandra Rodríguez and Iris Amelia Alioto.
08:21Well, the truth is that I don't like this. I feel that there is a market for each person.
08:26And I feel that Miss Universe, regardless of the fact that it has opened the rule,
08:30this in a way makes Miss Universe become a mockery.
08:33Number 3. The very thing of a Miss.
08:36Angela Grados, 19 years old, lost the title of Miss Peru 2019 because her videos were broadcast in an apparent state of drunkenness.
08:45The Miss Peru Teen 2019, Camila Canicova, admitted to having recorded the videos with the intention of warning the organization to take measures.
08:55Camila, did you record that video?
08:59She, she.
09:01With the only and true intention of reporting this attitude of Angela.
09:06And yes, she took them, since she was also removed the crown for having been at a party until late at night.
09:14But who would have spread these videos on social networks would be Angela's replacement, Camila Scrivens.
09:21Quite a scandal.
09:23And this is not the only reason why she has been removed the crown from the Misses.
09:27There is also the case of Tamara Fernández, aspiring to the Miss World Argentina by the province of Neuquén in 2016, who was dethroned for being a mother.
09:38I never hid, I never hid that I was a mother.
09:41I took her everywhere with me.
09:43We went to some clothes tests and also to some rehearsals.
09:49I breastfed her, because I'm still giving her the chest.
09:53So, in front of the jury, and the jury was happy to see me there.
09:56Number 2. Exile.
09:59Of all the women crowned as the most beautiful in the world more than 70 years ago, Shaini Palacios is the only one who did not return to her home country to celebrate her triumph.
10:10And why?
10:12Because being crowned in 2023 as the first Nicaraguan and Central American to win the contest,
10:18thousands of citizens took to the streets to celebrate, challenging the regime's stay of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.
10:27This is the drama that does not let the most beautiful Central American in the universe smile.
10:34This was taken by the government as a protest and blamed the director of the Miss Universe franchise in Nicaragua, Karen Celeberti,
10:42who was banished and accused of conspiracy crimes and treason to the homeland.
10:47That is why Shaini and part of her family were exiled for fear of reprisals from the regime, and until now they do not return to their country.
10:56The place where I was born and for which I feel proud.
11:00And although she will not be able to return, she keeps her homeland close by, connecting with the Nicaraguan diaspora whenever possible.
11:06We have not reached the end yet, but almost.
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11:15Very well, let's go to the end.
11:21Number 1. Abuse and something else.
11:23Of all the scandals, this is the most serious.
11:27In 2018, the Miss Venezuela organization was temporarily closed to investigate multiple accusations of possible favoritism,
11:36abuse, corruption and some other practices contrary to the contest.
11:42Countless accusations have been made to and from different participants,
11:46pointing out that many Miss keep loving relationships with different entrepreneurs in exchange for sponsorships within the contest.
11:53And these connections would be possible thanks to the members of the organization,
11:58among whom would be Osmel Sousa, known as the beauty czar.
12:04Before going to Miss Universe, my boss told me at that time that there was only a certain amount of money to pay for all the clothes in the suitcase.
12:14And he told me, you don't have anyone to pay.
12:17Your boss was Osmel at that time?
12:18Yes. And I said, I don't have.
12:19That caused the resignation or perhaps dismissal of Osmel.
12:24It is completely false.
12:26What a coincidence that after 37 years of success, of a very strong job that was done,
12:35now that I am leaving, everything comes out.
12:38And why hadn't it come out before?
12:40And you, do you agree with the scandalous moments we chose?
12:44Do you remember other altercations that have occurred in the world of beauty contests?
12:49Tell us in the comments and don't forget to watch these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo.