Max arbeitet bei einem Literaturmagazin und schreibt Geschichten, doch er hat eine andere Identität, die er vor seinen Mitmenschen versteckt: Nachts arbeitet er unter dem Pseudonym Sebastian als Escort. Bei seiner ungewöhnlichen Arbeit sammelt er Material, mit dem er seine immer erfolgreicheren Kurzgeschichten anreichert. Doch so ein Doppelleben erfordert viel Kraft und Max gefällt sich in der Rolle des Sebastian immer besser.
00:00So, tell me about yourself.
00:04My name is Sebastian.
00:08I'm 24.
00:10From Edinburgh.
00:12Can I please introduce Max?
00:14He's one of our latest discoveries.
00:17I wasn't thrilled when you said you were writing about sex work,
00:20but it would be fantastic
00:22if we can get your debut novel published next year.
00:26Did you speak to actual prostitutes for your book?
00:29I think Gloria means sex workers.
00:32Yeah, absolutely.
00:50You're new to this, aren't you?
00:52You remind me of someone 30 years ago,
00:55when he was your age.
00:57You know, I read your story.
00:59It's fiction, Mum.
01:01It has to come from somewhere, doesn't it?
01:04It goes without saying that this is between us.
01:07Nothing leaves this room, this house.
01:11It's so nice that not everyone is deceptive.
01:15Why is it that you do this?
01:18Is it really just about the money?
01:21Our magazine hasn't exactly been your top priority.
01:24I wouldn't want us to keep you from whatever it is that you'd rather be doing.
01:27You need to bring something more to it, Max.
01:29Find a way to raise the stakes.
01:31You didn't tell me it was a group thing.
01:33I'll do that.
01:34Why not?
01:36Your face is going to be on the top of everyone's feed.
01:39I worry about you.
01:40Please tell me what's going on.
01:44I'm Max.
01:46Are you sure?
01:54To be continued...