Upaya Pembebasan 2.086 Hektare Lahan di IKN

  • last month
Kapolri, Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo menyampaikan, pihaknya melalui Operasi Nusantara Mahakam juga turut mengawal dan mengamankan pembangunan di IKN, begitu pula dengan Polda setempat juga yang ikut mengawal. Kapolri mengatakan, untuk penyelesaian masalah pertanahan yang ada di IKN, tahapnya melalui proses musyawarah terlebih dahulu hingga diberikan tanah pengganti.


00:00In the meantime, Generalist Yossi Gidprabowo said that the party, through the Nusantara-Mahagam operation, also continues to supervise and secure development in the IKN, as well as with Polda, which is also in charge.
00:18Polda said that for the settlement of land issues in the IKN, it is necessary to go through a consultation process first before giving land in exchange. In this regard, the party is ready to follow the land liberation process in the IKN.
00:33As is known, the government is still in charge of the land liberation process in Nusantara, East Kalimantan, on the 79th anniversary of the independence of RI there.
00:44At least 2,086 hectares of land have not been liberated.
01:14The government continues to supervise and secure so that the development process in the IKN can run smoothly.
01:20Therefore, as has been said, in case of issues that must be immediately given legal certainty,
01:28because it involves the issue of certainty for the country, certainty for investment, of course, the government is working hard and I think it is almost finished.
01:39In case of land conflicts, of course, the steps must be completed by consultation first and given.
01:50For more information, visit www.fema.gov
