• 2 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming (https://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/) is pleased to share this video for Pikmin 4 Episode 15. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute #pikmin #pikmin4

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00:00:00Hey guys, how you doing, how you doing, how you doing?
00:00:07Hopefully, you're doing absolutely awesome.
00:00:16Those are emotes that can be used by members, so that's pretty cool, pretty cool, pretty
00:00:22cool, pretty cool.
00:00:23All right, for those who don't know, need to be told, my name is Paul Burry, family
00:00:29friendly gaming, and I'm playing me some Pikmin 4.
00:00:32As far as I can tell, we might be near the end, just, just might.
00:00:42Hey Kevin, are you rocking or are you rolling tonight, Kevin, which is it, or are you both,
00:00:51you're rocking and you're rolling?
00:00:52Rock it and roll it and, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, yeah.
00:00:57We had a really good poll, no it doesn't.
00:01:06We had a really good poll recently about the Just Dance live stream around Christmastime,
00:01:15and it looks like the super majority, like 156 votes or something like that, 87% want
00:01:20us to do it with just kind of muting the sound, so that's probably what we're going to do
00:01:27this one.
00:01:29There you are!
00:01:30Aren't you supposed to be out collecting glow sap?
00:01:35Let's go!
00:01:36He's been approved for Knight Expedition!
00:01:39I'm doing good, Kevin!
00:01:40Done those.
00:01:41I guess let's do this first one.
00:01:43We might be close to the end of this game, so if it is possible, this is a short stream.
00:01:49If it is, so be it.
00:01:57There are a couple areas, I guess, after end credits you can go to that are like remixes
00:02:01of previous games.
00:02:02I don't know if I'd feel like doing that, though.
00:02:04I guess I've seen this before.
00:02:08What time is it?
00:02:11What time is it?
00:02:14Kevin's doing good.
00:02:15Is that rocking or is that rolling?
00:02:18Which is it?
00:02:21Are you rocking or are you rolling?
00:02:24And there's a trivia question.
00:02:27The trivia question is, what was the topic of today's game?
00:02:32And there's a trivia question.
00:02:34The trivia question is, what was the topic of today's YouTube short?
00:02:39What was the topic?
00:02:40What was I talking about?
00:02:42Because I was in that short talking about something.
00:02:49What was I talking about?
00:02:55Gotta keep it safe.
00:02:56Come on, guys.
00:02:57Okay, come on.
00:02:58Come on.
00:03:03Come on.
00:03:29Come on.
00:03:33Come on.
00:03:37Come on.
00:03:44I don't quite get it.
00:04:03They're gone.
00:04:04They're gone.
00:04:27What the?
00:04:28Oh, man.
00:05:05Come on, guys.
00:05:28Come on.
00:05:35Oh, boy.
00:05:55I got enough here.
00:06:23I gotta get more.
00:06:42That one.
00:06:45Lost a couple, but got some more back.
00:06:48Hey, rival wizard.
00:06:49How's it going?
00:06:50Hey, glutton free.
00:06:54Pressure you feed all those creatures.
00:06:55I wasn't sure you'd survive the night.
00:06:58Should be pretty good.
00:06:59Just kept getting more and more Pikmin.
00:07:05Putting in the effort out there, new blood.
00:07:10There's a glow sap.
00:07:15Look at the color of that.
00:07:16I can't wait to make medicine with it.
00:07:28All right.
00:07:29I don't see anyone answering my rock and roll question, or my trivia question.
00:07:32I've had two questions not being answered.
00:07:41No answers to my questions.
00:07:44What's going on?
00:07:47The art of Dendori.
00:07:49The art of Dendori.
00:08:11Harvest successful.
00:08:15You know, if I got two of those things, shouldn't I get two?
00:08:19One to be cured.
00:08:24Start with 37 next time.
00:08:27Welcome back from your night expedition.
00:08:30Thanks you two.
00:08:31I was able to repair the medicine.
00:08:33You did it.
00:08:34That means we can cure Captain Olimar.
00:08:37It's been quite a journey, but we've accomplished our mission at last.
00:08:40Well then, everyone get ready for an exciting morning.
00:08:55Doctor, I must have the cure.
00:08:57Yes, Captain.
00:09:01It's okay, girl.
00:09:02She's over here sleeping beside me.
00:09:09It is Captain Olimar.
00:09:10We saved him.
00:09:14So many spacesuits.
00:09:15Who are you guys?
00:09:19Excuse me while I get my bearings.
00:09:21I must have been shipwrecked.
00:09:23So I have caused you all quite a bit of trouble.
00:09:25My apologies.
00:09:27Oh, the entire rescue corp.
00:09:28A massive thank you.
00:09:31Oh, so let me.
00:09:32I forgot to mention.
00:09:34I am Captain Olimar of the great SS Dolphin.
00:09:44Everyone's like, what sound are you making?
00:09:51For a once-great SS Dolphin with curly hair and disrepair,
00:09:54my employer is going to be less than pleased when I return home.
00:09:59Well, if you hadn't been shipwrecked, we'd never have found all the treasure here.
00:10:04We used some of the profits to buy you a new ship.
00:10:06And while we're at it, let's get the SS Shepard plated in gold.
00:10:12Gold plated?
00:10:13No, no.
00:10:14The SS Shepard would look better with a chrome finish.
00:10:17Ahem, that's enough joking around for now.
00:10:21Officers, prepare for our voyage home.
00:10:25Copy that.
00:10:27Roger, roger.
00:10:32It's quite the adventure, but we rescued Captain Olimar.
00:10:34Mission accomplished.
00:10:47From what I understand, there are...
00:10:51...couple remix levels, like levels from previous Pickling games that are remixed,
00:10:55that are done after you beat the game.
00:10:59But you don't have to play them if you don't want to.
00:11:02So I'm probably not going to.
00:11:03I mean, I might...
00:11:04I might dink around with one tonight, maybe.
00:11:07But we'll see.
00:11:16That's a red Pikmin.
00:11:27I'm going to say goodbye to them, too.
00:11:34Oh, Commandos!
00:11:35Pearl Pikmin, thank you for everything.
00:11:38You're welcome.
00:12:24We getting credits?
00:12:26Credit time!
00:12:29Credit time!
00:12:32Done, done, done, I'm done.
00:12:38Why'd I just beat Pikmin 4?
00:12:47For life.
00:12:48It took me a little longer than I thought it would, but, uh, dun dun dun dun dun dun
00:12:59And I guess I gotta figure out what am I playing tomorrow night.
00:13:03Hey, it's a nice one.
00:13:06Nice Pikmin.
00:13:08Excuse me.
00:13:09All right, uh, trivia question again.
00:13:14What was the topic of today's short that I put up on YouTube?
00:13:19What was the topic that was being discussed, that was being referenced?
00:13:27And asking the question again, are you rockin' or are you rollin' or are you doin' both?
00:13:34Those are the questions for tonight, while we go through- Hi, Adrian, you came in just
00:13:43in time for the end credits.
00:13:52I always think that it kind of looks like the mushrooms in Mario, the white spots on
00:14:03the red.
00:14:04That's what it kind of reminds me of.
00:14:12It's just me.
00:14:13It's a flying one.
00:14:20There's the fire guy.
00:14:22Down in the kind of valley in the middle.
00:14:29Oh, excuse me.
00:14:35Night time, they're always gonna get red, they get more aggressive.
00:14:38Oh, there's a glow Pikmin.
00:14:41Oh, yeah, I asked that question.
00:14:44That was a trivia question before.
00:14:46What professional wrestling organization was there in the past that had the letters glow?
00:14:55It was the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
00:15:00That's what glow was.
00:15:08I don't know why the eyes are offset like that.
00:15:10It's kind of weird, one eye bigger than the other.
00:15:16They sound very peaceful in the credits, the music here.
00:15:20It's like, aww, peaceful.
00:15:27Hey, here comes an explorer.
00:15:36He was in maybe two or three.
00:15:39I'm not sure.
00:15:41Oh, it's a pup.
00:15:45GG's, GG's, GG's, GG's, GG's.
00:15:51Another game beaten.
00:15:55Anyone who's watching this over on Twitch, we just recently beat Mega Man Battle Network.
00:16:05We beat Battle.
00:16:06I have an idea for tomorrow, tomorrow night's live stream, but we'll see.
00:16:17Oh, and a little bit of a scheduling announcement, if you noticed the schedule, I put up on our community board this morning.
00:16:25There is a change, I'm not streaming Tuesday nights.
00:16:28Noah will still stream Tuesday afternoon, but I'm not doing Tuesday night.
00:16:33Yvonne and I have a movie screening to go to, so we're going to go see that.
00:16:38I don't know what this movie is about, do you remember what it even was?
00:16:41Do you remember what this movie was we're screening?
00:16:47I don't remember.
00:16:50Oh well, we're just going to some movie screening, I guess we'll find out when we get there.
00:16:53It's a good...
00:16:57What is it?
00:16:59I'm going to go look it up.
00:17:15Journey to Bethlehem.
00:17:22I have no idea what Journey to Bethlehem is even about.
00:17:26Oh well.
00:17:29I guess we'll find out when we see it.
00:17:35I'm not too concerned.
00:17:41We'll figure it out, but I get a night off from streaming.
00:17:44Y'all know I take so few nights off.
00:17:46That's where I've been taking a night off.
00:17:48I don't know if I'm sick or really tired or something.
00:17:51I don't take a night off.
00:17:54Let's see, I know I have a couple good weeks coming up.
00:18:05I was going to begin to worry about this game.
00:18:06I was like, man, how long is this?
00:18:08How long is this going to take me to get through?
00:18:18Aww, and Paul.
00:18:20Isn't that nice of him?
00:18:30Something happened.
00:18:33Rescue results, mission length.
00:18:3719 hours and 19 minutes.
00:18:41I lost 600 Pikmin.
00:18:46I've lost 600 Pikmin.
00:18:49I burn through on the bosses.
00:18:56Excuse me.
00:19:04Things are off the hinges, man.
00:19:07Three big, three small.
00:19:17Wait, suspend the warp now.
00:19:21Something's wrong with Ho-Oh Chi.
00:19:31What could this be? Space sickness?
00:19:34No, it would take much more than that to put a rescue puppet on commission.
00:19:37He probably needs to go back to the planet.
00:19:40There must be some explanation.
00:19:43Ho-Oh Chi's symptoms seem to have stabilized since we stopped as a Shepard and paused our flight.
00:19:49We need to get back to the planet right away.
00:19:54Well, Lamar, what's going on?
00:19:58I'll explain it, but right now you need to turn the ship around and return to the ship.
00:20:01I'll explain it, but right now you need to turn the ship around and return to the planet quickly.
00:20:07Puppy has to stay.
00:20:23I was wondering how they were going to get you back to the planet.
00:20:31Oh, okay.
00:20:38I remember his tail got a leaf on it a while back.
00:20:47Long loading.
00:20:50Well, take the next mission now, Captain Lamar.
00:20:54Just look.
00:20:59Wachee's feeling better.
00:21:00She's feeling better.
00:21:02I think that leaf may be the cause of his troubles.
00:21:06Before the rescue corps received my call for help, I did attempt an escape from the planet.
00:21:10This plan on my own.
00:21:12But unbeknownst to me, moss had snuck into my ship's cargo hold,
00:21:15showing signs of symptoms such as a witch's.
00:21:18I rushed back to the planet, and that's when I shipwrecked yet again.
00:21:22I don't know why, but organisms growing in these leaves are seemingly unable to leave this planet.
00:21:28No, that can't be.
00:21:31Yanni, can we use that medicine you created to cure Oichi?
00:21:34Actually, while making the cure for Olimar, I had a hunch and tested it on Oichi, too.
00:21:39Sadly, it had no effects.
00:21:41So what do we do now?
00:21:47Rescue him.
00:21:49Of course, Oichi's a loyal partner. Throw him through.
00:21:53Listen up, everyone.
00:21:54During our attempt to escape from this planet, we received a message from Headquarters, a day and a while back.
00:21:59I spent our range while within the planet's atmosphere.
00:22:02So what did it say?
00:22:04It's a request to rescue all castaways currently stranded on this planet.
00:22:07They provided a list. Here, take a look.
00:22:16This is a long list.
00:22:19Know that Kopita Nellie, well, I know of her.
00:22:23Famous in academic circles, and is a permanent veterinarian.
00:22:26Perhaps she could help us cure Oichi.
00:22:29Nellie isn't the only Kopitite on the list.
00:22:33Did she come with companions?
00:22:36Makes sense. She probably wouldn't have come here alone.
00:22:38Although, I don't remember encountering any Kopitites when I was a leafling.
00:22:42If I had to guess, I'd say they must have crashed in an area near the rescue corps now unexplored.
00:22:48Then we'll have to find a way to extend our radar reach and expand our search radius.
00:22:52Sounds like we're going to need more SPARC officers. Let's get to work.
00:22:56Copy that.
00:23:00Russ, do you think it's even possible to boost our radar even more?
00:23:03Kee-hee-oh, Colin. Never underestimate the power of science.
00:23:06And forethought.
00:23:07We've already implemented a direct connection between the radar and our power source to give it an extra kung.
00:23:13Excellent work, Russ. And impressively fast to say the least.
00:23:17Can't say I understand most of what you said, but it sounds like we should go ahead and switch on the radar.
00:23:27Now then, let's begin our search.
00:23:36Hmm, I got something. Multiple SOS signals have been detected in an unexplored area.
00:23:41Signals have been belonging to Nell and the other Kopitites.
00:23:44Let's get this rescue out of the ground. I know what she's counting on us.
00:23:51Yeah, so after you beat the game, then there's some extra stuff you can do.
00:23:54I guess I'll go see one of the areas just to kind of dink around a little more tonight.
00:24:12New area.
00:24:24Let's go check this area out for a little bit.
00:24:27No, I'll probably stop after that tonight.
00:24:33I did beat the game after all, so this is just kind of post-game content.
00:24:39Post-credit stuff.
00:25:28Fire stuff. Interesting.
00:25:46Huh? Is that really...
00:25:48What's he doing with Moss?
00:25:50Do you know that guy?
00:25:52Hey, AutisticReview, how you doing?
00:25:54Learning some lessons with Castaways.
00:25:56It's Louie. He's a co-worker of mine at Hawkitate Freight.
00:26:01He's trying to rescue the Castaway.
00:26:03Oh, could the Castaway be...
00:26:05Look at those round ears.
00:26:07It's a Kopitite.
00:26:14Hold on, he just appeared. Argh.
00:26:16He's doing a runaway with Moss anyway.
00:26:18Perhaps our employer sent him here to help you, Olimar.
00:26:21Perhaps Louie wouldn't have been my top choice.
00:26:25Let's follow Louie.
00:26:26We don't want anything to happen to that possibly Kopitite Castaway.
00:26:30Luckily, Oichi is very familiar with Moss Ascent.
00:26:32What are we waiting for?
00:26:33Oichi, follow track of Moss Ascent.
00:26:51What's he doing?
00:26:57Be careful.
00:27:00Come on.
00:27:41On the pole.
00:27:52Come on.
00:27:54Come on.
00:27:55Come on.
00:27:58Come on.
00:28:17Come on.
00:28:51Come on.
00:29:07There we go.
00:29:21Come on.
00:29:52Well, thank you for telling me I'm a megastar.
00:30:11What's up here?
00:30:35We don't find that here.
00:30:52Come on.
00:30:54Come on.
00:31:04I wish to move it if we could take that.
00:31:25I just discovered something.
00:31:39Just noticed something.
00:31:50That's fine.
00:32:05Go 40.
00:32:27I could have whipped that thing if I brought one of them down, but I didn't.
00:32:33Excuse me.
00:32:51Blue base is not very far to go.
00:32:57Yes, I'm playing Pikmin.
00:32:58You are right.
00:33:54Can I turn the water off?
00:33:57Is it with that fire thing or not?
00:35:07So, I need to get this thing lit.
00:35:13I think I see a way to do it.
00:35:21Oh, I can't fall.
00:35:22You're kidding.
00:35:23I can't fall down there.
00:35:51I should have kept the original base, I guess.
00:35:58I don't know.
00:36:09When I finish this bridge...
00:36:17We will do something.
00:36:33I don't like this one.
00:37:20Okay, that did not work.
00:37:46Oh, over there.
00:37:48I see.
00:37:51Oh, good.
00:38:36I probably need to deal with that.
00:39:25Well, there went some of them.
00:39:51Moving forward.
00:39:52Yes, Kevin, I have asked the trivia.
00:39:55I've actually asked multiple trivia questions multiple times now.
00:40:02And I have not gotten answers.
00:40:06There have been no answers to my trivia questions.
00:40:19No answers whatsoever.
00:40:24I haven't asked you and...
00:40:36Rival Wizard.
00:40:38A specific question three times now.
00:40:45But I have not gotten an answer.
00:40:58Can you stop getting wet?
00:41:13There we go.
00:41:17May have lost some, but that's okay.
00:41:20They're trying to do that thing so we can turn it off.
00:41:30There's one back here just running around, probably.
00:41:34I'm gonna lose him.
00:41:49Don't want to light the fire there, it gets me, but...
00:42:05Looks like we're gonna lose some.
00:42:09I don't know where that one red is.
00:42:11I lost him.
00:42:20Okay, better not, probably not in time.
00:42:40Are they coming back?
00:42:43They're not coming back.
00:42:45I just realized they weren't gonna come back.
00:42:47Oh, boy.
00:43:01Oh, well.
00:43:17That's okay.
00:43:21I probably should have left that alone at the end, but that's alright.
00:43:25I think I might do...
00:43:30Do one more day and then I'm gonna be done with this game.
00:44:00Got more sparklium.
00:44:02What? All of that was 1%? Wow.
00:44:25Late cargo.
00:44:32Funny story about that.
00:44:47Yeah, if you wanted 100% this game, I guess you could.
00:44:55Alright, let's do one more day and then we'll be done with this game.
00:44:58Play something different tomorrow.
00:45:00Maybe it'll be animal related, I don't know.
00:45:02No cost or scope for nothing.
00:45:04We'll find a way to rescue everyone and make it home together.
00:45:11How about the area with 1%? Yeah.
00:45:14Even though we did tons of stuff.
00:45:16You're 1%. Okay.
00:45:18She's having some dreams laying here beside me.
00:46:19Alright, I'm just gonna start with...
00:46:29Got it.
00:46:58If you guys find them...
00:46:59Looks like a peanut.
00:47:46Some treasure.
00:47:49Need some fire guys.
00:48:12There we go.
00:48:27Come on, buddy.
00:49:16Come on.
00:49:34Come on.
00:49:44Well, hang on.
00:49:46Come on.
00:50:17Sparkly in there.
00:50:47Get out of their way.
00:51:15Oh, fuck some.
00:51:16Lost some.
00:51:20No, no.
00:51:23Ten more coming.
00:51:47What's in here?
00:51:55More fire guys.
00:52:14I may be able to...
00:52:50Oh, wow.
00:53:34How do you get through here?
00:53:40How did Luigi get up to me?
00:53:44I'm confused.
00:54:14He somehow got up here, but I'm not sure how.
00:54:21Come on.
00:54:50Maybe this connects somehow?
00:55:02I'm not sure how he got up to me.
00:55:08Oh well.
00:55:21Come on.
00:55:22Come on.
00:55:23Come on.
00:55:24Come on.
00:55:25Come on.
00:55:26Come on.
00:55:27Come on.
00:55:28Come on.
00:55:29Come on.
00:55:30Come on.
00:55:31Come on.
00:55:32Come on.
00:55:33Come on.
00:55:34Come on.
00:55:35Come on.
00:55:36Come on.
00:55:37Come on.
00:55:38Come on.
00:55:39Come on.
00:55:40Come on.
00:55:41Come on.
00:55:42Come on.
00:55:43Come on.
00:55:44Come on.
00:55:45Come on.
00:55:46Come on.
00:55:47Come on.
00:55:48Come on.
00:55:50Come on.
00:56:14There we go.
00:56:15Got some ammo.
00:56:25It's like another Dandorian thing too.
00:56:53I don't know.
00:57:00Water spot.
00:57:01Probably if that one turns off.
00:57:04Water spot.
00:57:05There's a lot of that lost one along the way.
00:57:26Given this a pretty involved area, I'm digging into it.
00:57:55I'm digging into rock areas.
00:57:56More stuff there, another fire spot.
00:57:57That's good.
00:58:29Come on, buddy.
00:58:35One more.
00:58:39There we go.
00:59:00You get that one too.
00:59:56Okay, enough time to do that.
01:00:24How do I get Oichi over here?
01:00:38Hey, Josh.
01:00:39I lost you somewhere.
01:01:10Oh, we have to break this, which I can't do right now.
01:01:35I never finished.
01:01:36I should have pushed that down.
01:01:37Why is the Pikmin not coming?
01:01:38There, come on.
01:01:39There we go.
01:01:40Get him back.
01:01:41Hey, I didn't lose one.
01:01:43All right, so one final time, the questions I asked earlier was, are you a rocket or a
01:02:13Are you rocking or are you rolling?
01:02:14Are you doing both?
01:02:15You're rocking and you're rolling.
01:02:16And the other trivia question was, what was the topic of today's YouTube Shorts?
01:02:28That is now the third or fourth time I've said the questions and there's been no answers
01:02:35up to this point, so kind of sad.
01:02:39Kind of sad that questions are not being answered.
01:02:41It would be nice if they were answered.
01:02:43Excuse me.
01:02:44Can you do a video about how I've been working on losing weight?
01:02:48We're landing.
01:02:49We're landing here.
01:02:51Got more treasures.
01:02:54a video about how I've been working on losing weight.
01:03:01We're landing.
01:03:03We're landing, yeah.
01:03:16Got more treasures.
01:03:20Three percent, wow.
01:03:22All of that effort, like, three percent.
01:03:27Staying in the same place for a while now, Bernard.
01:03:29I suppose that leaves a pilot like you
01:03:31a lot of free time.
01:03:33Not at all.
01:03:35Pilots work involves a lot more than just flying spaceships.
01:03:38Didn't realize, what else does a pilot do then?
01:03:40Ooh, well, for starters, I've got to store up
01:03:42lots and lots of extra sleep so I can stay awake
01:03:44through all the long-haul voyages.
01:03:47I'm not sure that counts as work.
01:03:49All right.
01:04:05Do you like that doggie princess?
01:04:07She's, like, laying here watching.
01:04:09All right.
01:04:14I'm going to go ahead and
01:04:16wrap it up here for tonight.
01:04:18I'll be playing a different game
01:04:20tomorrow night.