• last year
What do you think of GPs potential strike action?
00:00Obviously, you need your GP to be paid well in order for them to have more hours and accessibility
00:06for patients. It's a tough one though, isn't it? Because obviously patients do come first,
00:12but then at the same time, it's like you also need the people who want to save your life
00:16and look after you the best, well-treated and well-looked after.
00:19We got a big rise when Tony Blair was in, and less hours. And you can't get an appointment.
00:25I've been trying for about six weeks, so I've no time for them.
00:29Exceptionists and GPs don't listen to you. And I think myself, people who don't listen
00:36don't deserve a job.
00:38My missus, she suffers from a few things and she's struggled a couple of times where she's
00:42had doctor's appointments and then it's been changed or she's got there and there's been
00:46like a couple of hours wait. It just needs more support and more funding, really, I think, yeah.
00:50So you've been struggling to get an appointment in the minute. Are you worried that's going
00:54to continue or even get worse?
00:56Oh, it'll get worse. I've no faith in them.
