Where can One Experience Pure Love?

  • last month
Why can't we find or fear to demand pure love from worldly people? Where can one experience Pure Love?
00:00I have a question about speech, and why is it so difficult to utter a word about love,
00:07like asking the question, do you love me?
00:10You can ask, do you love chocolate, do you love, or you can say, I love cats or elephants,
00:17and when somebody asks you, do you love me, you can simply say yes or no,
00:24but you don't ask this question.
00:27Is this because of the impurity or the abuse of the word love,
00:32or I also feel that there is the fear of dependency?
00:38Only people, they don't have love, how can they give love to everybody?
00:43Here you will feel love, please.
00:47No attachment, no hatred, pure love.
00:52You feel in this satsang, not in outside.
00:55Outside, only people, they are having their own problems, so how can they help others?
01:02They are having sufferings, insecurity, stress, worries.
01:07So who is free from all these insecurities, stress, worries?
01:12They can give love to others, because we are not seeing any relative part,
01:18we are seeing pure soul, and for pure soul, our love is 24 hours going on.
01:26So that love you can feel, but your expectations of relative thing,
01:32it will never fulfill, because it will fulfill according to our merit karma,
01:37it may fulfill, or demerit karma, it may not fulfill.
01:40So we are expecting, why this is not happening with me?
01:44But it is our karmic account.
01:46Pure soul is not for physical effect.
01:50Pure soul is with inner pure soul.
01:54So you are not Francisca, you are pure soul.
01:57You understand this Francisca has a karmic account of credit and debit of merit karma or demerit karma.
02:07As a pure soul, you feel, oh I am pure soul, I feel pure love from Jnani.
02:14You understand?
02:16Yes, but if we ask you to love us, I think you can only ask this to a pure person.
02:25No, for everybody, same love.
02:29Not individual, it is not partiality.
02:33If it is partiality, then it is not true love.
