Christmas day morning & what is pregnant breastfeeding like

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Christmas day morning & what is pregnant breastfeeding like
00:00I said to Shea this morning, it's Christmas Day today, and he said, where are the presents?
00:13I explained to him that we don't really do Christmas like that because if he wants something
00:22usually we just buy it for him at the time, and other children may have to wait for Christmas.
00:41Breastfeeding in pregnancy can cause the nipples to be slightly sore, so when Shea latches on
00:48when he starts breastfeeding, it actually hurts for, I don't know, a few seconds and then it passes.
00:55But yeah, it does feel very different breastfeeding while pregnant.
01:00A lot of women have an aversion to breastfeeding while they're pregnant, and that may happen for me.
01:21Right now I'm okay with still breastfeeding Shea, but I've had a lot of friends who are very pro
01:26breastfeeding. They tell me that when they were pregnant with their second child, they found it
01:32very difficult to continue feeding their first child, or to continue feeding them all the way
01:38through the pregnancy anyway. Some women's milk supply diminishes or goes completely, but yeah,
01:47some women continue to let the child suckle, but they don't really get any milk, they just suckle
01:53for comfort, or some women just have to stop completely. I'm not sure how it will be for us,
01:59but I would like to continue feeding Shea as long as he wants to.
02:05Then when the new baby comes, there'll be lots and lots and lots of milk.
02:16They can share the milk then.
02:18That's called tandem breastfeeding.
02:29Would you like to feed at the same time as the new baby when the baby comes?
03:12Babies swim sometimes.
03:16Yeah? Yeah, we took you to baby swimming lessons when you were about four weeks old.
03:23They weren't really lessons, it's just played around in the water, but
03:27when babies are born, they can hold their breath underwater. If you put them underwater
03:34quickly, they know to hold their breath.
03:40So when you go to baby swimming lessons, they help build on that skill.
03:46And you had lots of, I think from when you were four weeks old to about two and a half,
03:53maybe, you went to those swimming lessons. You were very good at it.
04:00You can nearly swim on your own now, can't you? You can nearly hold your head up in the water
04:04yourself. And you never had those armband things, did you? You've had floats sometimes,
04:13you've borrowed floats from people, but you've not really had any older kids swimming lessons.
04:22You've just been figuring it out yourself. And you're ever so good at swimming.
04:33So you know what we're going to do for Christmas Day? We're going to go
04:51to Happy Green Restaurant and we're going to see all our friends there.
04:56We're going to have some nice food that they made. It's a raw food buffet.
05:17Baby Ellen is going to be there. Julia and Paul and Gonja and Velma.
05:26Who's next? And Hannah and Oslo. And who else? I don't know.
