• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is for Justin, my twin, named Shia. Hi, Shia, for those who are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:05I look kind of bad, my hair is wet, so I just got out of the bath, and I need to make this video with Shia to show you some of the blood on the doors.
00:18And I was told to report it to security, because I looked back on my photos, and it was actually July 31st that the blood was put there, and nothing has been washed off.
00:34It's now August 5th, so I was taking a bath, then all of a sudden the telepathic support says, you need to call down to security and tell them that you saw that.
00:47I looked at the three doors down, two doors down and the door across, there's no blood, and this door, these two doors, no blood.
00:59The only blood is on this door, the door next to it, and then the exit downstairs doors, there's blood on the handle of the door.
01:07So, I have to show you photographs of that. I called security, I called the security officer downstairs, she goes, I'm going to tell someone, and then she hung up.
01:22I told her, I think you should take photos, I took photos to document, because it seems like it was some kind of covert message, and I said, it was August 1 or August 2, but now looking back, it was the night before I left to go to Sedona.
01:41The photographs I took are not that great, so the photos I just took are much better. It's much more clear.
01:51So, I'm going to show you the door. So this is the letter C. This is like the letter C written. Is that the letter C?
02:22Okay, so see the message?
02:29Yeah, those are better. These aren't the good, these weren't the photos I just took. Those were the older photos. Let me show you the recent photos that are much clearer, because they're saying security is going to wipe that blood off if you don't take photos.
02:48So I just went out after I ate some tortilla chips and salsa and some biscotti. See how that's not like a meal, Shia? And I do that all the time. I don't feel like cooking, I only have one paper plate left.
03:03So I put the tortilla chips on a paper towel. I really have to do grocery shopping, but I can't rush it, because I'll be very upset if I rush it and just get everything, get whatever I see, because I'm hungry.
03:23So I took around 55 photos. Okay, so this is, this is, this is here. Can you see this right there?
03:53I got a better photo of it, but that's the blood that I'd never seen before. And I took a clear shot of it.
04:14It's blood. I'm 100% positive it's blood. And it's written, it says the letter, it looks like the letter C. And this, this is on the door next to this door, the door over.
04:41That door, that is doors right across from the exit downstairs door.
04:45I still haven't been able to maneuver this, well, this camera. That's, that's 100%, I'm 100% positive that's blood.
05:09It could be, it's possible it was blood from like, uh, when you buy me at the store. Possible.
05:23So this is, see the blood splattered on the door? And this has been here since July 31st. No one has cleaned it. No one has cleaned it.
05:39And I just saw, no, as I was taking pictures, exit downstairs. Exit downstairs? What does that mean?
06:07So this is the exit downstairs. There's blood here and here all over the handle. And this blood's been here since July 31st.
06:18Um, I'm very surprised that it wasn't, okay, so now I'm going to show you the close-up. I'm surprised I didn't, uh, does exit downstairs, is that a message?
06:37Or is it just, someone just, uh, happened to get blood all over and cut themself.
06:50See it splattered all over here too, near the handle. And right here.
06:58I'll just redo this. I'm not gonna just keep showing these on the cell phone. I'll just redo this.
07:13So it's very, very clear that this was, looks a little bit placed. This blood looks like it's a little bit placed.
07:29Does it look like it was naturally, like, put, uh, naturally there?
07:42I took photos, I looked, uh, there's no blood at any of the doors.
07:47So I need, I wanted to show you that, Shia. Uh, I called, and I did let security know. And I have these photographs.
08:11I think I might have written some notes and told you the day that it happened that I didn't show you the photographs.
08:21I think, I think I should, I think I should, I told you about it the day of that I saw it, or the next day.
08:28But I didn't show you the photos.
08:31So, this is all I'm gonna make for this video, Shia. Um, and.
08:50What I also thought was if nothing's washed off, uh, why wouldn't 839 wash it off?
08:59I'm thinking, well, I'm not gonna make assumptions.
09:05Nothing can be used against me in this video. This is my opinion. I'm not saying this is true or not.
09:11And I was also told, um.
09:22So, why wasn't anything cleaned up? Is someone guilty of doing it? If they wash it off, it's gonna make them, uh, be the one to think that they, they washed off.
09:36I don't know why it's still there.
09:39And I took very crappy photos of it. Uh, very quick photos the first time, so.
09:49Maybe it's still there because I need to take photos of it? I don't know.
09:56So, I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shia. I'm going to work on my grocery list. I don't really feel that great after eating all those chips and salsa and the biscotti cookies.
10:07I'm starting to feel, uh, a little bit sick from all of the stuff I did yesterday.
10:15And then I took a long bath watching the videos. And I feel like, typically, if I take a long, long bath, it wasn't really too hot in the water.
10:26I can get really, like, I don't feel good after I, I take a long bath.
10:31Because there's a lot of energy healing that happens.
10:35So, I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shia. Did I write any notes previous to that?
10:53Uh, no. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you, Shia. Don't worry, Shia.
10:57Uh, I'm, um, I will talk to you tomorrow. I love you, Shia. Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
