Venezuela | Young people march in Caracas in support of Pres. Maduro

  • 2 months ago
*President Maduro addresses the mobilized youth in his support.
*PSUV'S 1st Vice Pres. condemns far-right's destabilization attempts.
00:00Venezuelan youth marched on Monday in the city of Caracas in support of the victory and re-election
00:05of President Nicolás Maduro in the elections of July 28, 2024. Since the early hours of Monday
00:11morning, hundreds of young people have been mobilizing from different states of the country
00:16to gather in the capital city, Caracas. The mobilization has the participation of social
00:21movements, entrepreneurs and students of the country who are moving from the Andrés Bello
00:26High School in La Candelaria to reach the state of the Venezuelan government in Miraflores.
00:31With this event, the Venezuelan youth ratifies its commitment with peace and its rejection to
00:37acts of violence generated by the ultra-right for not recognizing the results issued by the
00:42National Electoral Council.
00:48My generation knows what criminal can be the oligarchs and the fascists. We now saw the
00:55face of fascism on the 11th of April. Many of you haven't been born yet and how they killed
01:02their own people. We saw the faces of fascism in 2014. In 2017, you were in the schools growing up
01:15and you already saw the faces of fascism. We saw how hatred, you saw they are criminals.
01:22President Maduro also stated that the young people have a lot of work ahead of them to
01:27take the country to its maximum level.
01:31But let me tell you one thing, young people, you have already faced the fascism face. Let me tell
01:37you something, that these people would never come back here again to take their power,
01:43the political power in Venezuela. They would not come back. They would not come back.
01:51And we are with the highest conscience, with the highest mobilization. We will continue improving
02:05our working methods and now we will have many jobs, many work to do to move forward in its
02:14maximum level. The great mission Venezuela, young Venezuela.
02:29The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello,
02:34condemned the destabilizing attempts of the country's far right and reiterated that the
02:38nation will continue to be at the forefront of the free peoples of the world. In statements
02:43to the press, Cabello highlighted the will of the Venezuelan people to defend peace in
02:48the nation and recalled that in July 28th, presidential elections in Venezuela demonstrated
02:54its decision to continue to be free. The first vice president of the PSUV stressed that no
03:00interference from any foreign country or organization is going to be allowed. Cabello also denounced
03:06that the Venezuelan far right insists on carrying out the same plan of the last 25 years of
03:11calling fraud in the presidential elections held in the country and assured that his party
03:16and the great patriotic Paul have all the records that prove the victory of Nicolás Maduro.
03:26The opposition sector looks very bad believing that it can help them by doing so.
03:30On the contrary, it ruins them. First they said they had 30 percent of the tally sheets,
03:36then 40 percent, then 60 percent, then 70 percent, then they went back to 30 percent and in the end
03:42they only have 9,000 tally sheets. Not tally sheets, actually, they only have 9,000 documents
03:49which can't be considered tally sheets. Do you know who does have all the tally sheets?
03:54The United Socialist Party for Venezuela, the great patriotic Paul. Cabello also denounced that
04:00the country faces the crudest cyber and techno-fascist attack ever which is using
04:05the social media to generate fear and divide the Venezuelans.
04:11We are in the presence, since social media is today the main or the most used means,
04:20we are in the presence of the crudest cyber-fascism, the crudest techno-fascism,
04:24the use of the networks to generate fear, persecution,
04:35to impose opinion matrices and to take for granted things that have never happened.
04:41The Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, denied on Sunday that there were arrest
04:46warrants against opposition leader MarĂ­a Corina Machado and former presidential candidate Edmundo
04:51González Urrutia. During an interview to a Colombian news outlet, William Saab asked to
04:56see the alleged arrest warrants issued by his office. The leader Machado had assured through
05:01her social networks that she would go underground, although 48 hours later she abandoned the strategy
05:08and participated in a protest. The prosecutor did reiterate that the acts of terrorism will
05:13not go unpunished, referring to, for example, the two Chavista leaders who were assassinated
05:18in less than 48 hours, one of them 65 years old. Saab insisted on the need to cease the acts
05:24of violence in the country. In this context, the public prosecutor's office of the Bolivarian
05:34Republic of Venezuela, before the unlawful statement released by Edmundo González and María
05:39Machado, informs the opening of a criminal investigation in order to determine the
05:44responsibility for the alleged commission of multiple crimes,
05:48here described as threatening the peace of the Venezuelan nation.
