• 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 5th August 2024


00:00Warren torched the van with me inside it.
00:02Is it time to take him down?
00:04Kill or kiss?
00:09Give me one good reason why I shouldn't send that sex tape
00:12to that posh boy of yours.
00:14If I get pregnant, then we'll be family
00:16because our babies will be cousins.
00:18So, that's something, isn't it?
00:20Yeah, that would be something.
00:22Well, Carla, what happened to her happened to you.
00:25You need to leave Abe.
00:27You're in danger. He's not what he seems.
01:00You're in danger.
01:30I'm sorry.
01:57If it isn't the father-to-be.
01:59Will you shush?
02:00Don't tell me Dilly doesn't know yet.
02:02I'm gonna confess, yeah?
02:04I just came to tell her that I need to do it in the right way
02:06so she don't go blab to my family.
02:08They're gonna find out, Prince.
02:09Well, not if I can help it.
02:11Look, all's I'm asking is for you to let me do it in my own way
02:14when I think the time's right.
02:15It's August.
02:17Hell's not gonna freeze over any time soon.
02:19I will do it, I swear.
02:32Want a coffee? Kettles boiled?
02:36OK, silent treatment. Nice.
02:38I don't know what I give.
02:39I'm just trying to process everything.
02:41You could at least tell me where you stayed last night.
02:43I stayed at B&B.
02:44My phone didn't have any signal.
02:46Well, I'm glad that you came back home.
02:52Abe, why did Katie say those things about you?
02:54I don't know.
02:57Yeah, sure, I went out with the person that she's impersonating.
03:00But the rest of her story's rubbish.
03:02Maybe she's mentally ill.
03:03Unless you think it's more likely that Katie's telling the truth
03:06and I'm some sort of violent bully.
03:09I worked with Katie.
03:11And she didn't seem mentally ill.
03:13Whereas I do know you very well.
03:15And I've seen first-hand that you can be violent towards others and to me.
03:18Yeah, sure, I guess we both know that when I'm provoked,
03:21sometimes I can lose my temper.
03:22But everybody, everybody loses their temper.
03:25I mean, there's a huge difference between that
03:27and being some sort of wife-beating thug.
03:31So did your ex provoke you?
03:35Katie was my first love, but, yeah, she was volatile.
03:39I mean, it wasn't her fault.
03:41She had a really messy upbringing and, you know,
03:43I had to remind myself of that every time she lashed out.
03:47That it wasn't personal, you know?
03:50Why were you even looking for her?
03:52Because she was an absolute wreck.
03:55And I wanted to make sure that she was safe, at least.
03:58But now I know that she's dead.
04:06Look, Cleo, I regret the way I was back then,
04:09but I'm a completely different person now.
04:11Because of you, I strive every day to improve myself,
04:14to make sure that I don't repeat any past mistakes.
04:18I love you, Cleo.
04:21Look at our amazing new home together.
04:24This is the start of our adventure, our journey.
04:27I know.
04:29When I woke up next to you for the first time in the flat,
04:32I was so happy.
04:34I just want that again.
04:36I can do.
04:37Yeah, every morning.
04:38Look, nobody thought we could do this.
04:40Your family, they tried to talk you out of it,
04:42but you stood up to them.
04:43Yeah, because I loved you.
04:46Yeah, well...
04:49Imagine how amazing it would be to prove them wrong.
04:53And we chose us.
04:56And we chose happiness instead.
05:02I need to get to work.
05:09I must say, you are looking great, by the way.
05:12It seems, as I heard, you'd come to a horrible end.
05:16Not quite.
05:17That's why I'm here, if you must know,
05:19to get my dressings changed.
05:21Oh, weird that,
05:22cos it doesn't look like you've got a scratch on you, mate.
05:25Look, I found this in Freddie's room.
05:29Is this your calling card?
05:31Never seen it before.
05:32Funny that, cos somebody has been visiting him
05:36and you seem to be here the day before he's been taken out of his coma.
05:39You thought you could finish him off before he ID'd you?
05:42No, as I told you, I'm here...
05:44Do you know what I've been doing since he's been lying there?
05:47I've been watching over him night and day,
05:49trying to keep him safe.
05:50So once he's back in the land of the living,
05:52I'm going to have a bit of time on my hands
05:54to punish all those people that have hurt him.
05:58You may have survived war, but you ain't going to get away from me!
06:04Oh, this is a nice surprise.
06:06Did you get done what you needed to do?
06:08Kind of.
06:09But listen, I need to talk to you about something.
06:12Oh, yes, mate.
06:14Everything all right with you and Zoe?
06:16Look, you two are having a pretty intense chat, are they?
06:18Oh, about what?
06:19Nothing, just checking if she's OK with how hot it's been and everything.
06:22Oh, my gosh, I know.
06:24I cannot imagine what it's like to be pregnant during some heat.
06:29Wait, Ethan, would it be OK if I took half day?
06:33You've just got here.
06:35But I've had a brilliant idea.
06:38And you can cover my shift.
06:42Yeah, if it's OK with you.
06:45Let's not pretend like I'm in charge here.
06:47Fab. I'll make it up to you both.
06:49Look, can we meet up after you've done whatever you've got planned and have a chat?
06:52Yeah, yeah. I'll be at Casa.
07:06Do you think I did the right thing, lying about Declan?
07:08Of course.
07:10Why do I feel so guilty about it?
07:12Because sometimes doing the right thing isn't easy.
07:15OK, just go play some basketball.
07:18I'm sure I'll clear your head.
07:28Hi, it's Cleo. I can't get to the phone, so leave me a message.
07:36Oh, just give us a minute, love.
07:38Hey, there you go.
07:40How you doing?
07:42Um, well, great, actually.
07:44Our beau's taken us all off his visit now, just as Tony's devastated.
07:47And to be honest with you, I couldn't have picked a worse time to take a break from drinking.
07:51There is never a bad time to stop drinking.
07:54Yeah, I just... I just felt like I needed to clear my head.
07:57I'm so easy to slip back into bad habit, isn't I?
08:01Anyway, have you heard from Nancy?
08:03Yeah, we've been texting.
08:05Yeah, she's fed up living with Cindy and she's got a trial hearing next week.
08:09Ah, well, give her my love, yeah?
08:12You know, I think you and her could both do with cheering up.
08:15You working tomorrow?
08:16Um, well, I could get a few hours off. Why?
08:20Let me contact Nancy.
08:22See you later, love.
08:25Di, I really need to speak to you.
08:26About what?
08:28Someone's on to me.
08:29Oh, listen, I'm really sorry, but I'm not going to bring space to help you with this.
08:32You'll have to deal with it yourself.
09:54Oh, we didn't mean to upset you.
09:56You're not alone, love.
09:58We'll all be with you, whatever happens.
10:00You're bringing a little bit of Hunter in her world, so it's like you're proper queen now.
10:04No, no.
10:05No, I'm not and no, you won't.
10:08It's not his baby.
10:23How could you?
10:24Eh, Zoe lost her fiancé.
10:26Yeah, who she cheated on.
10:28Oh, so it's one rule for the McQueens and another for everyone else.
10:33That poor, sweet boy.
10:35And you let everyone think it was his.
10:37Zoe, you know I'm going to have to tell Prince.
10:39I'm more worried about what Goldie's going to do when she finds out.
10:42Wait, are you sure this baby isn't Hunter's?
10:45Yeah, I checked the dates.
10:47I just, I don't know how to tell you all.
10:49So you gave us false hope instead?
10:51Why do you want to shout at Zoe?
10:53Because she cheated on your twin.
10:55With who?
10:57With who?
11:02Okay, look, I think it's fair that everyone knows.
11:04Okay, it was a one-night stand.
11:07And I don't, I don't remember his name.
11:09Well, some class act to your granddaughter.
11:11At least I knew the names of mine.
11:13That's the benefit of having an affair.
11:16Prince, I'm, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault.
11:19I just, I wanted to do a nice thing for Zoe and this has backfired horribly.
11:23None of this is your fault.
11:25Okay, look, everyone out.
11:27I'll deal with this alone.
11:29Without that, thank you.
11:45How many times do I have to tell you?
11:47You've got a death wish wanting to kill Rory Fox.
11:49Okay, help me out.
11:51What? No, that's on the back burner.
11:53Look, we've got more pressing issues.
11:55Such as?
11:57Grace Black.
11:58She saw me outside the hospital.
12:00She says once Freddie's out of his coma, she's coming to get us.
12:04Well, you've got Big Bad Blue looking out for you, haven't you?
12:07So what's the problem?
12:08I'm sure you can handle Grace Black.
12:10It's not only me I'm worried about.
12:16After everything you've done,
12:17you expect me to believe that you give a monkey's about me?
12:20You made a sex tape of us wrecks.
12:22You nearly ended my marriage.
12:24Yeah, and I regret it, okay?
12:26But you need to be on your guard for Grace.
12:28That woman is out for blood.
12:31And don't say I didn't warn you.
12:40I'm just so shocked that it's always babies,
12:42like, not part of our family.
12:44Yeah, it's a terrible state of affairs.
12:48However, that is not the only thing that is upsetting you right now, is it?
12:54Cos I saw your face when I mentioned Cleo's party earlier.
13:00So, the thing is...
13:04..the other night...
13:07..me and Abe, we, erm...
13:09Theresa Mariah Magdalene McQueen!
13:12They were in an open relationship.
13:14Except I don't think Cleo's happy about it.
13:16Wow. You really don't know the meaning of private life, do you?
13:19Cleo, I'm so sorry.
13:21Honestly, I really am.
13:22Have you no morals?
13:23No, no, there's no skin off my nose.
13:26If I choose to be in an open relationship,
13:28it's obviously because I feel so secure in it.
13:30And, Sally, I'm not being funny, but I don't need your approval.
13:33I'm not your pupil.
13:35Yes, you're right.
13:36And as I have no desire to upset you any more than you already are...
13:41..I'll be off.
13:42Cleo, please, just sit down.
13:45Honestly, I am so sorry.
13:47I am so sorry.
13:51I promise...
13:53..I'll never sleep with Abe again.
13:55Sorry, did you just say you slept with Abe?
13:57Big mouth.
13:58You don't understand, he isn't the nice guy he pretends to be.
14:03..he's a danger to women.
14:18I'm sorry.
14:19I'm sorry.
14:20I'm sorry.
14:21I'm sorry.
14:22I'm sorry.
14:23I'm sorry.
14:24I'm sorry.
14:25I'm sorry.
14:26I'm sorry.
14:27I'm sorry.
14:28I'm sorry.
14:29I'm sorry.
14:30I'm sorry.
14:31I'm sorry.
14:32I'm sorry.
14:33I'm sorry.
14:34I'm sorry.
14:35I'm sorry.
14:36I'm sorry.
14:37I'm sorry.
14:38I'm sorry.
14:39I'm sorry.
14:40I'm sorry.
14:41I'm sorry.
14:42I'm sorry.
14:43I'm sorry.
14:44I'm sorry.
14:45I'm sorry.
14:46I'm sorry.
14:47I'm sorry.
14:49I'm sorry.
14:50I'm sorry.
14:51I'm sorry.
14:52I'm sorry.
14:53I'm sorry.
14:54I'm sorry.
14:55I'm sorry.
14:59Are you ready?
15:01Yeah, I'm gonna go clear all this up with her.
15:04Yeah, good.
15:13I don't know why he's spreading all these lies,
15:15I mean, Abe seems to think you must be struggling mentally or something.
15:19Sure, Abe would want you to think I was some kind of sick fantasist.
15:23But I'm not.
15:25It's all true.
15:27Yeah, well, I guess it's just your word against his.
15:32I know who I believe.
15:46Are you sure no-one's here?
15:47Yeah, positive.
15:50There you go.
16:00Why didn't you tell him and get it all out in the open in one go?
16:05Because once I said it wasn't hunters and you ruined everything.
16:10But you can't even beat Uncle Prince as far as your family's concerned.
16:15In my head, it was going to be us against the world.
16:19But I was just being short-sighted.
16:22Because you'll only end up isolated too.
16:25With no support.
16:27I guess.
16:29But what are you going to do?
16:32I've got my grandma.
16:34I know I'm going to catch hell the next time I see her, but...
16:38She'll never abandon me.
16:41Listen, I've seen the way your family are treating Mercedes.
16:45And I don't want you getting disowned too.
16:48You need them.
16:49Yeah, but I don't deserve them.
16:53If it was a farewell, I'd...
16:56I wonder what's stopping him and not me.
17:01Don't say that.
17:03We made a mistake.
17:05Yeah, a big one.
17:06Yeah, and we can't let it ruin the rest of our lives.
17:08I'm still going to have this baby.
17:10And you've got Dilly.
17:12Who adores you.
17:21I wanted to give you this.
17:24Mum saved mine too.
17:36What am I supposed to do with this?
17:38It literally has Prince in bold letters.
17:41And after what I did today,
17:44you're completely caught out of the baby's life.
17:58I'm glad you're here.
18:01Steve's tea. I have a client.
18:02James, you didn't tell us Steve was joining us.
18:05What a treat.
18:06It's been too long.
18:10It's been ages, hasn't it?
18:12So they let you out of prison then?
18:13Yeah, on compassionate grounds.
18:16But guess what?
18:17The day I got released,
18:18some filthy lowlifes tried to kill Freddie.
18:21Horrifying attack by all accounts.
18:26What's that got to do with James?
18:27Oh, I'm seeing James or something else.
18:29He's trying to help me get Curtis out of care.
18:31Yeah, actually, let me get that supervision order before I forget.
18:35Well, it's nice to see you.
18:40I'd better go now.
18:41You know what?
18:42If I was a betting woman,
18:44I'd say Rex has probably already told you,
18:46but just in case you're naturally anxious these days,
18:48I'll make it crystal clear.
18:50I don't know how or when,
18:52but I will get my revenge for what you did to Freddie.
18:56Here we go.
18:58Fresh off the printer.
18:59I'm going to get you out of here.
19:01Here we go.
19:03Fresh off the printer.
19:05Keep me posted.
19:06I need to get back to my husband in hospital.
19:10I'll be seeing you, see?
19:12Very soon.
19:31I'm going to get back to my husband in hospital.
19:32I'll be seeing you, see?
19:33Very soon.
19:34Very soon.
19:35Very soon.
19:36Very soon.
19:37Very soon.
19:38Very soon.
19:39Very soon.
19:40Very soon.
19:41Very soon.
19:42Very soon.
19:43Very soon.
19:44Very soon.
19:45Very soon.
19:46Very soon.
19:47Very soon.
19:48Very soon.
19:49Very soon.
19:50Very soon.
19:51Very soon.
19:52Very soon.
19:53Very soon.
19:54Very soon.
19:55Very soon.
19:56Very soon.
19:57Very soon.
19:58Very soon.
19:59Very soon.
20:00Very soon.
20:01Very soon.
20:02Very soon.
20:03Very soon.
20:04Very soon.
20:05Very soon.
20:06Very soon.
20:07Very soon.
20:08Very soon.
20:09Very soon.
20:10Very soon.
20:11Very soon.
20:12Very soon.
20:13Very soon.
20:14Very soon.
20:15Very soon.
20:16Very soon.
20:17Very soon.
20:18Very soon.
20:19Very soon.
20:20Very soon.
20:21Very soon.
20:22Very soon.
20:23Very soon.
20:24Very soon.
20:25Very soon.
20:26Very soon.
20:27Very soon.
20:28Very soon.
20:29Very soon.
20:30Very soon.
20:31Very soon.
20:32Very soon.
20:33Very soon.
20:34Very soon.
20:35Very soon.
20:36Very soon.
20:37Very soon.
20:38Very soon.
20:39Very soon.
20:40Very soon.
20:41Very soon.
20:42Very soon.
20:43Very soon.
20:44Very soon.
20:45Very soon.
20:46Very soon.
20:47Very soon.
20:48Very soon.
20:49Very soon.
20:50Very soon.
20:51Very soon.
20:52Very soon.
20:53Very soon.
20:54Very soon.
20:55Very soon.
20:56Very soon.
20:58I'm sorry I doubted you.
21:00And you're right, Kit must have been well.
21:02Anyway, I'm sick of talking about her.
21:04Just want us to focus on me and you, yeah?
21:07That is music to my ears, Claire.
21:10Why don't we pretend that today is our first moving in day, yeah?
21:14Just forget everything else that's happened.
21:16It's a fresh start.
21:18Yeah, I'm in.
21:20Why don't you go back to the float and tidy up,
21:22and I'll pick up a few bits from Priceless, yeah?
21:26Yeah, OK.
21:38Ooh, looks like you've wasted your time.
21:41Cleo doesn't believe a word that you said.
21:44Yeah, well, maybe not now.
21:46Yeah, well, maybe not now.
21:48She will.
21:49Why? What does that mean?
21:51Well, I didn't just take your kitty's ID in that car crash, did I?
21:56She's got some pretty interesting texts on her phone.
21:59I'm sure the police would agree.
22:01Yeah, we'll see.
22:03Cos if you do show them, then I'll tell them exactly who you are.
22:39I love you, Cleo.
22:41You're more than a cousin to me, you're like...you're like a sister.
22:46I don't want to lose that.