Dil Manay Na Episode 28 l Madiha Imam l Aina Asif l Sania Saeed l Azfer Rehman [ ENG CC ] Green TV

  • last month


00:00My heart doesn't agree, doesn't agree
00:08What kind of a show is this?
00:11This is my house, not a drama theatre.
00:14If you guys weren't ready, then why did you come here?
00:21Forgive me, brother.
00:26Heart's impatience forgets the identity of relationships.
00:30Heart's impatience forgets the identity of relationships.
00:41I think we should leave.
00:43Aunty, please try to understand.
00:47I don't have to understand, your mother has to.
00:52And she will never understand.
00:54I think you should also forget about Abhania.
01:05Forgive me.
01:07Even after making your daughter my daughter, I couldn't give her the respect and status she deserved.
01:17Listen to me all of you.
01:24I don't know if Hania is in my destiny or not.
01:39But till the time I live, I am only Hania's.
01:54Only Hania's.
02:24Only Hania's.
02:42If this is what you wanted to do, then why did you come here?
02:46I didn't go on my own. Hamza forced me to come here.
02:51Whatever you did in my house, I tolerated it.
02:55But this is Hania's mother's house.
02:57This is Fakia's in-laws' house.
02:59What will they think about us?
03:01They thought what they wanted to think, when Farooq made a deal with them for Hania.
03:05This is what happens to unmarried girls.
03:08She is not unmarried.
03:10At least till the time I am alive.
03:15With what relation are you her heir?
03:19After all, she has to be mine.
03:23Take this thought out of your heart, Hamza.
03:28My daughter has been humiliated enough.
03:33I am sorry aunt, but I can't do this even if I want to.
03:39Then explain to your mother.
03:41She can't behave like this with my daughter.
03:43If you want me to force my love for her, that's not possible.
03:46Even if it's not love, at least you can stop misbehaving with her.
03:52Tell Hamza not to force me to make her my daughter-in-law.
03:57Then I will keep quiet.
03:59I won't say it now.
04:02I will never say it.
04:07You be happy.
04:22Don't look at me like that.
04:25I didn't feel bad about her leaving.
04:28How can you not feel bad?
04:30And that woman, why did she tell you so much?
04:35She has been telling me since childhood.
04:38I am used to it.
04:40I am used to it.
04:42She has been telling me since childhood.
04:45I am used to it.
04:47Why? Why has she been telling you?
04:50Because of my reality.
04:55She and father never accepted me.
05:00Daniya, now she knows everything.
05:03Why is she telling you now?
05:08Mom, it's too late now.
05:12They have a habit of hating me.
05:20How can they hate you? What was your fault?
05:30People enjoy hating.
05:35Maybe that's why they hate so much.
05:42You are right.
05:45I also used to hate you a lot.
05:48A lot.
05:55But then I realized that
06:00hate is very weak.
06:07All my hate
06:11in a moment.
06:22That's why I don't care about anyone's hatred.
06:27I got my brother's love.
06:32And this brother
06:34can find happiness for you from anywhere.
06:36I got all the happiness of my life.
06:41I don't want any more happiness.
06:44You can die peacefully
06:47by giving your brother and sister's love.
06:51Mom, why do you say such things?
06:55Mom, please.
06:58Okay, sorry.
07:00Forgive me.
07:07Forgive me.
07:28Why did you take aunt with you?
07:31That's a good question.
07:33I wouldn't have taken my own mother with me.
07:35I would have taken your mother with me.
07:39Because she has such dreams too.
07:41I don't have such dreams.
07:44I am interested in Hamza and Hania.
07:48So Hamza must not have seen this dream of yours.
07:52It's not like that, dad.
07:57They have sent proposals many times
07:59and Hania has always refused.
08:02What's so special about it?
08:05There is something
08:06that Hamza is after Hania.
08:09Why are you only talking about Hamza?
08:11There are other people in the queue.
08:14Why are you bringing up the past now?
08:16Then you tell me what I have said wrong.
08:23Whose call was it, dear?
08:25No one, mom.
08:27What do you mean by no one?
08:28It must be Mughis. He is so upset with him.
08:32He is calling me.
08:33Then pick up and talk to him.
08:35Mom, there is no need.
08:37Dear, what has happened?
08:39Let him call.
08:40You pick up the phone and talk to him.
08:42Now the whole house can't stay upset with him.
08:47Greetings, aunty.
08:49Greetings, dear.
08:53Aunty, can I talk to Munazza?
08:58She doesn't want to talk to you right now, dear.
09:02Aunty, please.
09:03It is very important for me to talk to her.
09:06Tell her that I am coming to pick her up.
09:10I don't think she wants to go with you right now.
09:15Aunty, please.
09:16Please make her understand once.
09:18She will definitely listen to you.
09:21What do you want to talk about, Mughis?
09:23You don't know what I want to talk to her about.
09:26There is no point.
09:29She has decided to divorce you.
09:33Aunty, I am saying this because
09:36I want to talk to her one last time.
09:45If she doesn't listen to me,
09:48then there will be no need for a divorce.
09:51I will step back.
09:53Okay, I will try.
10:03I will never go with him.
10:05Why are you being so stubborn, dear?
10:07He is welcoming you so much.
10:09Yes, so now it is my turn, dad.
10:18Wow, Dr. Shabana.
10:21You have brought up your daughters so well.
10:25Just like you are,
10:27your daughters are just like you.
10:53Where are you going, dear?
10:55We are serving food.
10:56No, mom. I will eat outside.
10:59With Munazza.
11:01Brother, did Munazza agree?
11:05Pray for her.
11:07I am trying.
11:15I don't know what this boy will do.
11:17His stubbornness and forcefulness
11:19might ruin this matter even more.
11:22No, mom.
11:24Sometimes you have to force.
11:27If the other person agrees like this,
11:29then Munazza must be very stubborn.
11:33Mom, brother is constantly apologizing to her.
11:36He is trying to convince her.
11:37What else can I say other than his stubbornness and forcefulness?
11:40Even God forgives, mom.
11:44Even Kabir's sins.
11:46When a person is ashamed,
11:47when he apologizes.
11:50But here…
11:53You are right.
11:56Come, let's eat.
12:20Is Munazza in her room?
12:29She is in her room.
12:38Don't force her.
12:41If I have to,
12:44then I will.
13:05Come with me.
13:08How did you come inside?
13:10This is my wife's room.
13:11I can come in without permission.
13:14There was no such relationship between us.
13:18The relationship was just a paper.
13:20It will end very soon.
13:22Get this out of your mind.
13:26Nothing like that will happen.
13:28You have done enough.
13:31Come with me.
13:32I am not going anywhere.
13:34I said I am not going anywhere.
13:35Mughis, leave my hand.
13:37So now you will force me?
13:39Of course, I will. This is my right.
13:40I did not give you any such right.
13:43We are in a binding contract, God damn it.
13:45Do you remember your rights?
13:46Have you forgotten others?
13:48I have come to claim all those moments.
13:52Do you think you can claim this
13:53when you used to talk about someone else's love in front of me?
13:57Look, I am embarrassed for all those moments.
13:59I am very embarrassed.
14:01But why should we ruin our future for these things?
14:05That is why you will have to come with me.
14:06I will explain everything to you. Come.
14:07I am not going anywhere.
14:08Leave my hand.
14:09I don't know. Come with me.
14:10Leave my hand, Mughis.
14:11Mughis, where are you taking her?
14:15Aunty, we are going out for a while.
14:20Don't worry. We will be back soon.
14:23He is taking me forcefully, Ambi.
14:28Son, he is your husband.
14:30He has a right.
14:36You go and talk to him.
14:37If something had gone wrong,
14:39he would not have dared to enter this house.
14:44Thank you, uncle.
14:46I have to talk to Munazza about something important
14:49which cannot be done at home.
14:52Okay, son. Go.
14:57My son.
15:02I won't go anywhere.
15:07Let's go.
15:21You also do something.
15:25Do something so that your daughter's house gets settled.
15:28Leave me.
15:41Now, let's go, please.
15:49You don't like me so much
15:50that you keep staring at me like this.
16:39Please, Hania. Pick up my phone.
16:51Why are you so stubborn?
16:53Why do you repeat what is not possible?
16:57Hania, I have made a decision.
17:02Let's get married.
17:08We don't need anyone's consent.
17:12I have already refused you for this.
17:15Hania, what is my fault in all this?
17:17Hania, what is my fault in all this?
17:20Your biggest fault is that you are aunt's son.
17:24She will not even tolerate my shadow with you.
17:31Ramza, she is your mother.
17:36You should listen to her.
17:39You are so heartless.
17:41You know very well that I cannot live without you
17:44and still you are saying all this.
17:49What else should I say?
17:51She keeps negating me.
17:54And what do you want?
17:55Should I put my hand in your hand and walk away?
17:58Hania, we have an option to get married.
18:03I will never do this.
18:09Then I have only one option left.
18:14I am leaving this country and going away forever.
18:44You don't understand Ramza.
18:47I cannot bow my head in front of my mother.
19:02How long will you be upset?
19:04This is not being upset, this is being heartless.
19:07Can't you see the difference between being heartless and being upset?
19:10I will fix everything.
19:12Leave me alone.
19:15Neither our hearts can meet nor the stars.
19:19We can never be happy.
19:20We can.
19:22Munazza, I have come back to you with full honesty.
19:27And what about the stars?
19:30The hearts should meet.
19:34And what about that heart that used to be restless for Hania?
19:37That was my mistake.
19:39You are calling your crazy love a mistake.
19:43My love was not my mistake.
19:46But I am calling my craziness a mistake to get it.
19:50Hania has rejected you.
19:53That is why you have come back to me.
19:55So you are also a rejecter.
19:58Maybe I was born to reject.
20:01Munazza, I have never rejected you from my heart.
20:05I have never accepted you from my heart.
20:10And I should be punished for it.
20:17I think we should go back.
20:20I know there is no room for me in your heart anymore.
20:27That is why it is useless for me to say anything.
20:34Let's sit and talk.
20:51Where were you?
20:52The food is getting cold.
20:54Nothing. I was out.
20:57What is the matter?
20:58Did something happen?
21:02Something is yet to happen.
21:05For how long will you keep hurting yourself for that girl?
21:08All the pain is going to end.
21:11Don't worry.
21:13What do you mean by this?
21:15What are you going to do?
21:21Mom, I have called Umay and Shiza.
21:24They will be here in a while.
21:26What happened?
21:28Why did you call them?
21:29We will know when they come.
21:32We have to wait for them for a while.
21:35I asked them to have food with us.
22:00Do you want to eat something?
22:02No, not now.
22:10Why do you look like that?
22:13Nothing. I am fine.
22:17That is good.
22:19First you should be at the back.
22:21And when I have come to listen to you, you should sit with a long face.
22:30Not because of Hania's scolding.
22:32Sorry, Mughis. I shouldn't have used this word.
22:36This word suits me.
22:39No, I just apologize to you for saying this.
22:45I should apologize to you.
22:50Because of my attitude.
22:52Because of your attitude, I have to face a lot of pain and suffering.
22:56I won't forgive you so easily.
22:59I will take revenge for every moment.
23:03The way you have ignored me, I will ignore you too.
23:09When you take revenge,
23:15I will think about it then.
23:17Will you think about it after that too?
23:21I will think about it then.
23:23Will you think about it after that too?
23:26You are tired so soon.
23:30Look at me.
23:32How much I have tolerated.
23:34What all I have endured.
23:37I know.
23:40I accept everything.
23:45You tolerated my carelessness, my indifference.
23:52You are not like me.
24:00You won't be so bad with me.
24:03You are very clever.
24:10I am a coward.
24:14You finally convinced me.
24:18I am a coward.
24:21I am a coward.
24:27Manasa, did you forgive me?
24:34Not yet?
24:38It is your punishment.
24:42You will keep convincing me all your life.
24:48And you will keep feeding me.
24:51I accept.
24:54Order something fast.
24:56My stomach is rumbling.
25:00Excuse me.
25:07Brother, now the food is also empty.
25:10What is the matter?
25:12Why did you call us like this?
25:14Tell me one thing.
25:17Are you
25:21both able to stay here with mom?
25:27Why? Are you going somewhere?
25:31I am going to England.
25:37For a long time
25:39this matter was going on in the office.
25:42I can't ignore it anymore.
25:44I have to go.
25:47Why don't you say that
25:48you are leaving your mother alone for that girl?
25:52Now I won't be alone.
25:55Umay and Shiza will be with me.
26:00I will be alone
26:03all my life.
26:06Will you leave your mother and go?
26:11I am not going forever.
26:14I will keep coming and going.
26:19You are punishing me
26:22for not accepting Hania.
26:24Brother, please refuse your office people.
26:31I can't.
26:33It's a matter of job.
26:36Then try talking to them again.
26:39Otherwise you don't worry about mom.
26:41She will stay with us.
26:43Otherwise we will come here and stay with her.
26:49It's also very convenient
26:51that you both stay here and stay alone.
26:57Otherwise I would have been worried about mom there.
27:00You don't have to worry about anything.
27:02You are only worried about that girl
27:04because of whom you are leaving me.
27:11why do you have so much misunderstanding towards Hania?
27:16am a bad girl.
27:22If you leave now,
27:25I don't know when you will come.
27:27You will be old enough to get married.
27:31Will I
27:33never be able to feed my grandchildren?
27:38Mom, I had taken this thought out of my heart.
27:45I wanted to marry Hania,
27:49but that didn't happen.
27:53Please let me go from here peacefully.
27:58I don't care about anyone here.
28:02What will I do by staying in this country?
28:16My lips are dry, but there is no thirst in them.
28:27My heart doesn't agree, doesn't agree, doesn't agree.
28:42I am calling Munazza.
28:45It's been a long time since I called them.
28:48What has happened?
28:50She has gone with her husband.
28:52She will be back in some time.
28:54What is happening with her husband?
28:56He has taken her forcefully.
28:58You also say strange things.
29:00You were not worried till she was sitting at home.
29:03Now she has gone with her husband.
29:05You are worried because her house is getting settled.
29:07Forcing is not good in any matter, Farooq.
29:13You have come.
29:21Is everything fine, son?
29:23Yes, uncle. Everything is fine.
29:25Thank God.
29:27Are you happy, son?
29:29Ask her.
29:31Absolutely ask her.
29:33By the way, the smile on her face shows that she is very happy.
29:38Mom, I have decided to go with Mughis.
29:43It's a good decision, son.
29:45Mughis, do one thing.
29:47Bring your mother tomorrow morning.
29:50And then take her with you.
29:52Okay, mom.
29:54Dad, what is the need for this?
29:56I was also going with her.
29:58No, son. I think what I am saying is right.
30:01When she comes, I have to talk to her and decide some conditions.
30:05What conditions?
30:07I will tell her when I will talk to her.
30:09When everything is fine, what is the need for all this, Farooq?
30:14I am saying this because there is a need.
30:16Okay, uncle. I will bring my mother tomorrow.
30:19Thank you. Good bye.
30:21Good bye.
30:40Why are you increasing the topic?
30:43No, I am not increasing it.
30:45I want my daughter to go there, but not like this.
30:49This way her importance will reduce.
31:13Mom, it's been so long. Brother hasn't come yet.
31:17Son, he has messaged you.
31:19That Munazza has agreed.
31:21Yes, he messaged me, but he didn't tell me if she is coming or not.
31:26When Munazza has agreed, then she must be coming along.
31:30Yes, that is also true.
31:32Brother has come.
31:38Where is Munazza?
31:40She is at her house.
31:42Why? Didn't she come with you?
31:45No, uncle Farooq was saying that when you come to pick Munazza, bring your mother along.
31:50Maybe she wants to talk to you.
31:53After that only he will send Munazza.
31:56And Munazza?
32:00She has agreed.
32:10Mom, what happened? Why are you quiet?
32:14Son, I am thinking what all things I will have to face brother Farooq.
32:21Mom, Munazza has agreed. Isn't this enough?
32:25You can convince uncle Farooq.
32:29Why are you so happy?
32:31Because I am missing him a lot.
32:34Me too.
32:36Son, when you bring her this time,
32:40then think before bringing her, whether you will be able to live this relation or not.
32:45Or else you start running for your old love again.
32:50No, mom.
32:53I am very lost in this love.
32:55I have accepted my and Munazza's relation from my heart.
33:04You are right, son.
33:06Leaving the lawful relation made by God,
33:09running after a meaningless relation was foolishness.
33:13Bringing her home and giving her all the happiness and love,
33:18for which she deserves.
33:20You people are talking so seriously.
33:21What are you doing?
33:23Instead of taking Munazza, think what all things you have to take.
33:26Why? Are you going to take her proposal?
33:29What is the problem? We will definitely take the bouquet and cake.
33:33Take whatever you want.
33:52Shiza is calling.
33:58Shiza, is everything fine?
34:01Everything is not fine, Hania.
34:04Brother is going to England.
34:07Please stop him.
34:10How can I stop him?
34:12He must have decided after thinking about it.
34:15I am not going to stop him.
34:16How can I stop him?
34:18He must have decided after thinking about it.
34:22Only you can stop him.
34:25And he will not stop because of anyone.
34:29I already have so many accusations on me.
34:32You get one more.
34:34He is going because of you.
34:37Because of me?
34:39Did I ask him to go?
34:42He can see you, but he can't get you.
34:46The world has tied his hands.
34:49My brother has become so helpless.
34:52That's why he is running away.
34:56Then why are you telling me all this?
34:59Hania, please marry my brother.
35:04Should I bow my mother's head in front of everyone?
35:10The world knows that she adopted me.
35:13She fought with everyone.
35:15Should I humiliate her?
35:17Hania, please agree.
35:19Please marry my brother.
35:21Everything will be fine later.
35:24Mother too.
35:28This was the mistake my mother made.
35:31People forgot their mistake.
35:34Because of this one mistake, my whole life has become a curse.
35:40When children are born from such ties,
35:44people make it difficult for them to live.
35:47No one accepts them.
35:51They hide their faces from the world like me.
35:55People forget everything.
35:57No one remembers anything.
36:01I am going to sleep. I am hanging up.
36:04Hania, please.
36:14Hania, please.
