Seine safe for swimming, claims Paris 2024 organiser

  • last month
Belgium withdrew from the mixed triathlon after one of their athletes fell ill after swimming in the Seine.
00:00You must have seen the statement issued by the Belgium National Olympic Committee regarding the
00:05health of the athlete and they've corrected inaccurate information that was reported in
00:13the media regarding her health situation. So we don't have any more comments on her health
00:21situation. We will definitely seek regular information regarding her health state but
00:32otherwise no comment on the decision taken by the by the National Olympic Committee.
00:37So regarding the triathlon, as we have contingency plan and regarding the fact that the
00:44competition can also take place as a duathlon, the decision was taken and regarding also the
00:50improvement that you've mentioned, the decision was taken to stick to this venue. Regarding
00:57swimming marathon, we've decided to have another venue as a backup regarding the fact that there
01:04are less options in case the level of the water quality is not aligned with the requirement.
