27 Facts That Will Make You Question Your Existence

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27 Facts That Will Make You Question Your Existence
00:00This is Earth.
00:05This is where you live, and this is where you live in your neighborhood, the solar system.
00:16Here's the distance between the Earth and the Moon.
00:20Doesn't look too far, does it? Think again. At their farthest points, the Earth and the Moon are
00:26252,088 miles away. Inside that distance, you could fit every planet in our entire solar system.
00:33But let's talk about planets. The great red spot on Jupiter, that's about two times as big as Earth.
00:40And Saturn is about nine times wider than Earth.
00:44Saturn's rings are so large that a few of the fragments within them are as large as mountains.
00:50But that's nothing compared to our Sun. Just remember, this is Earth.
00:55And this is Earth from the Moon. This is Earth from Mars.
01:00Here's Earth from just behind Saturn's rings. And here's Earth from just beyond Neptune, four billion miles away.
01:08But a billion's a big number, so let's put that in perspective.
01:11One million seconds equals about eleven and a half days, whereas one billion seconds equals over 31 years.
01:20Let's step back a bit.
01:21Here's the size of Earth compared with the size of our Sun. Terrifying, right?
01:28And here's that exact same Sun from the surface of Mars.
01:34As Carl Sagan once mused,
01:36The total number of stars in the universe is larger than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the planet Earth.
01:44And there are some stars out there that are much, much bigger than our little, wimpy Sun.
01:51The biggest star we know of, VY Canis Majoris, is about 2,000 times the diameter of our Sun.
01:59But none of those compares to the size of a galaxy.
02:05In fact, if you shrink the size of our solar system down to the size of a quarter, and shrink the Milky Way galaxy down using the same scale,
02:12the diameter of the Milky Way will be roughly the size of the United States.
02:16That's because the Milky Way galaxy is huge.
02:22Its diameter is about 100,000 light years wide, which, when converted to miles, is about 621 quadrillion,
02:29371 trillion, 192 billion, 237 million, 333,890 miles.
02:38Inside of all of that, is you.
02:41You live in this tiny, tiny portion of the Milky Way.
02:46But even still, our galaxy is a little runt compared with some others.
02:52NGC 6744, a spiral galaxy similar to our own, is twice as wide as the Milky Way, stretching over 200,000 light years across.
03:02It is massive.
03:04But let's think bigger.
03:06In this picture alone, taken by the Hubble Telescope, there are thousands and thousands of galaxies,
03:11each containing millions or billions of stars with their own planets.
03:17Some of the objects seen here may have formed as many as 11 billion years ago, just 3 billion years after the Big Bang.
03:26This period of time is considered one of the busiest star-forming periods.
03:33And just keep this in mind.
03:35That's a picture I took of the Great Big Bang.
03:37This period of time is considered one of the busiest star-forming periods.
03:53And just keep this in mind, that's a picture of a very small, small part of the universe.
04:01So if you're ever feeling upset about your favorite show being cancelled, or the fact
04:04that they play Christmas music way too early, just remember, this is your home, Earth.
