Gulden Guards The Wind Rises From Jinling [2024] Episode 14 Sub Indonesia

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Gulden Guards The Wind Rises From Jinling [2024] Episode 14 Sub Indonesia
Gulden Guards The Wind Rises From Jinling [2024] Episode 14 Sub Indonesia
Gulden Guards The Wind Rises From Jinling [2024] Episode 14 Sub Indonesia
Gulden Guards The Wind Rises From Jinling [2024] Episode 14 Sub Indonesia
Gulden Guards The Wind Rises From Jinling [2024] Episode 14 Sub Indonesia
00:46月光 笼罩着灰狼 Moonlight envelops the grey wolf
00:50空气充满异样 The air is full of strange things
00:53注入无尽的幻想 Like an endless fantasy
00:56抵抗 纷争与荒唐 Resistance, conflict and absurdity
01:00快掀起这伪装 Get up and disguise yourself
01:03不做冷漠的羔羊 Don't pretend to be cold
01:06到底谁是坚定是重量 Who is the key to the world
01:10杀气正在暗藏 The murderous spirit is hiding
01:13龙脉跌宕 The dragon's pulse is throbbing
01:16贪污心间谜底的信仰 Deceive the faith hidden in the heart
01:20乾坤 神龙侠 离破铜铁墙 The mountain of Qin, Kun, Shen, Liu, Li, Bo, Tong, Tian, Jiang
01:26愿追风 面具背后的真相 Wish to chase the wind, mask the truth behind
01:29生死相望 几天随着白雾缭绕 Life and death together, as time goes by
01:33围墙 焚烧 漆夜照 The wall is burning, the night is burning
01:36追风 仇 撕破前提真相 Chase the wind, fight for the truth
01:39江湖 掌握中 The world is in my hands
01:42焚烧那炙美欲望 凉又何妨 What's the use of burning that beautiful desire?
01:47虚假 一团之下 手指残缝一把 Fake, a bunch of sand, a handful of fingers
01:52铸灭 斩节 与鸣泄罢 Exterminate, cut the sword and release the people
01:57穿越 乱世天涯 光明 犹如火烧 Break through the chaos of the world, the light is like fire
02:02冲入 鲸鱼刹 把罪孽緝纳 Pierce the sin with the sword
02:13优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
02:25你伤势如何了 How is your injury?
02:27宋医师医术高超 我们三人已无大碍 Doctor Song is an expert in medical skills. The three of us are fine.
02:31后湖一战凶险 你们表现得不错 The battle at Back Lake is dangerous. You've done well.
02:35指挥使 有紧急情报 Commander, there's an emergency report.
02:37报来 Tell me.
02:38后湖一流消失痕迹 Back Lake has disappeared.
02:40弃杀门在逃跑之前 很有可能正在谋划新的天降雷火 The Seven Murder Faction may be planning for a new thunderbolt before they run away.
02:46可这时间地点 But the time and place...
02:47线索有限 无法确定 There are limited clues. We can't be sure.
02:50欲引雷火 必在雷雨天 If you want to draw the thunderbolt, you have to do it in the rain.
02:55速请凌太郎 Send for Ling Tai Lang.
03:11终点等见 最高等待 Thank you for waiting.
03:21最近的雷雨就在今日 未时三刻 云升雷霆 The latest rainfall is today. The early bird catches the worm.
03:29只剩一个时辰了 There's just one hour left.
03:31宋峰 命各司加强全程巡逻 重点布防高大建筑和各府门官邸 由可疑人员立即抓捕 Song Feng, ask every minister to strengthen patrols all over the city and tidy up the buildings and government buildings. Arrest all suspicious people.
03:38是 Yes, sir.
03:39Yifei, continue to track down the Seven Murder Faction.
03:42Do not miss any clues. Stop the fire.
03:46If you are in danger, use this.
03:49I will remember.
03:54I haven't found Ji Wu Hua's whereabouts for so many days.
03:57Has he escaped from the capital and gone to the sea?
04:01With his personality, he will not give up easily.
04:05I guess he is planning a counterattack.
04:08This is for you. In case you need it.
04:12What is this?
04:14That day, I asked Shi Jian Sheng for a jade ring.
04:17I added bamboo silk to it.
04:19It's convenient for you to control the wind.
04:22This is good.
04:24You are a good man.
04:26Unfilial tiger.
04:27Lord Jing will be here soon.
04:28If he hears you, you will be in trouble.
04:31I'm not afraid of him.
04:34I can meet him now.
04:37Why are there so many mice?
04:39Oh, no. Come with me.
04:41Where are we going?
04:42To find the Seven Murder Faction.
04:44Don't be in a hurry.
04:49Those mice are the same as the ones on the lantern festival.
04:52It must be the jade keeper nearby.
04:54Lord Jing hasn't come yet.
04:56It's too late.
04:58How about this?
05:00How about this?
05:03Go after him.
05:10My lord, the Seven Murder Faction is here.
05:18What's going on?
05:20It seems that the queen is going to pray for the people
05:23and dispel the Heaven Fiend.
05:25What Heaven Fiend?
05:27It's all fake.
05:30I heard that Jin Wuwei has solved the case.
05:32He is praying to clear the rumors.
05:34Are you serious?
05:36Let's wait and see.
05:38Lord Ji.
05:39The imperial guards escorted the queen to the Qianxi Temple to pray.
05:43Lord Nangong, what's the matter?
05:45The Seven Murder Faction hasn't been dispelled yet.
05:47According to the investigation, they may commit another crime today.
05:49I hope you can be more careful.
05:51Don't make a mistake.
05:53Lord Nangong, are you teaching me to do things?
05:57My lord, he...
05:58Don't be rude.
06:00I'm not.
06:01I just want the queen to be safe and pray well.
06:04The imperial guards have their own rules.
06:07We don't need Jin Wuwei's help.
06:09Let's go.
06:13He is too arrogant.
06:15It doesn't matter.
06:18I think there was a quarrel just now.
06:20Everyone is doing their best for the peace of the world.
06:23We should also do our best to pray.
06:28I asked you to come with me
06:30to ask you to pray for Lord Liu.
06:33I hope he will wake up soon.
06:35Thank you for your kindness.
06:37I will do my best to help you.
06:42My lord, why don't you tell him
06:44that the Seven Murder Faction is planning a thunderstorm?
06:46It's not confirmed yet.
06:48We can't delay the prayer.
06:50Send more people to keep an eye on the outside of the city.
06:52Report as soon as you find out the situation.
06:59Where is he?
07:02Is there a scholar and a young man eating here?
07:04Yes, there is.
07:07They were here just now.
07:09The bill hasn't been paid yet.
07:11The bill hasn't been paid yet?
07:13There's still so much left.
07:15What a waste.
07:17They haven't finished eating.
07:21They left in a hurry.
07:23There must be something wrong.
07:37Qi Ming left this.
07:40Qi Ming left this.
07:54Look, it's a secret passage.
07:56There's something wrong with the mouse.
07:58Let's go down and have a look.
08:09Let's go.
08:15The mouse is gone.
08:17The terrain here is complex.
08:27The Imperial Guard is really here.
08:29Qi Mei has gone to collect the evidence.
08:31It's up to you next.
08:33Don't worry, Third Brother.
08:35Today's thunderstorm must be
08:37a perfect day.
08:39Everything will be fine.
08:41They want to commit a crime again.
08:53It's too late.
08:55Let's go over there.
08:59Let's go and have a look.
09:13Oh, no.
09:17What the hell is this?
09:22We've fallen into their trap.
09:29since you're here,
09:31Third Brother,
09:32it's them who caused us to lose the back lake.
09:34Hey, you who raise mice,
09:36don't play tricks with me.
09:38You can't beat me.
09:40You don't have a chance.
09:44It's a trap.
09:46You're the puppeteer who's good at traps.
09:51You're a little smart.
09:54We still have half an hour.
09:56It's time to go.
09:58But they...
09:59Two dead people.
10:01Ignore them.
10:15These guys want to kill us.
10:17Don't worry.
10:18As long as I let go of my left hand,
10:20I can cut these threads with bamboo.
10:22Let me help you.
10:26These threads pull each other
10:28and easily move the whole body.
10:30If you want to let go,
10:31you have to find the pattern
10:32and pull it in order.
10:39Pull the thread on your right hand
10:49The mechanism is accelerating.
10:51Qingming, hurry up.
10:59Don't rush.
11:00The thread is pressed.
11:02Hold on a little longer.
11:06That's it.
11:21Hurry up.
11:24Don't fall.
11:26Hold on.
11:28What's that sound?
11:30Hold on.
11:32Qingming, Baiqi, hang in there.
11:34Hold on.
11:37There's a mechanism on the gun.
11:42Leave me alone.
11:44Look at the wall.
11:49And then?
11:51Find a way to turn the wheels.
11:53Turn the big one.
11:55Hurry up.
11:56Hurry up.
11:59Help me.
12:03Stop it.
12:06I'll kill you with my sword.
12:10Hurry up. Give me your hand.
12:23What's going on here?
12:24The Qisha Sect is going to make thunder again.
12:26Right now.
12:27Today is the day.
12:29Let's go.
12:34Why are we out in the wilderness?
12:38Red soil.
12:39Pine trees.
12:40This is the Dongjiao Forest.
12:41Dongjiao Forest.
12:42Oh, no.
12:43Qianxi Temple.
12:44Qianxi Temple.
12:45Let's go.
12:46Follow me.
12:48Today, the princess went to Qianxi Temple to pray.
12:50The only tall building in the eastern suburb
12:51is the Glazed Tower in the temple.
12:53The Qisha Sect will take this opportunity to make trouble.
12:55These bastards.
12:56They are so bold.
13:05I, Sheng Shen,
13:07take the advice of Heaven and Earth
13:09to make a new start for Heaven and Earth,
13:12to make a new life for the people,
13:14and to bring peace to the world.
13:17I, Cheng Tianxu,
13:20take the advice of Heaven and Earth
13:22to make a new start for Heaven and Earth,
13:24and to bring peace to the world.
13:37Today, the princess went to pray for the people.
13:39No one is allowed to enter.
13:43The Jinwu Guards are investigating.
13:44Get out of the way.
13:45The Jinwu Guards are in charge of the prayer.
13:48How can the Jinwu Guards be involved?
13:50Get out of here.
13:53What's going on?
13:57Lord Ji.
13:59The Qisha Sect is going to commit a crime in the Qianxu Temple.
14:01We are going to investigate.
14:03Committing a crime here?
14:05Do you think the Jinwu Guards are all for show?
14:08Lord Ji.
14:09The weather is hot today.
14:11But the windows of the Glazed Tower are all closed.
14:13This is really unusual.
14:15Let's go and check it out.
14:17The Jinwu Guards should take care of their own business.
14:20You don't have to worry about this.
14:22Then why are the windows of the Glazed Tower closed?
14:24Such an unusual action.
14:25Will the Jinwu Guards turn a blind eye to it?
14:27How dare you!
14:28How dare you run into Lord Ji!
14:32Nangong He is deliberately making trouble for me.
14:37Call the monks in the tower.
14:39Let them give up.
14:45Brother Qin Ming.
14:47Brother Qin Ming.
14:49Miss Liu.
14:51It's really you.
14:53Why are you here?
14:55Do you know each other?
14:57Lord Ji, you don't know.
14:59They are the elites in the Jinwu Guards.
15:01They even saved me.
15:03You are also here to protect the family?
15:04Actually, we are...
15:06The three of us are here.
15:07There is nothing unusual in the backyard.
15:08Is there any medical medicine in the Glazed Tower?
15:10Why are the windows closed?
15:12You don't know.
15:14The Glazed Tower is a place where the scriptures are hidden.
15:17This is the scripture from 100 years ago.
15:19Today, there is a fire in the prayer room.
15:21Closing the window is to avoid too much smoke from entering the tower.
15:25It will damage the scriptures.
15:28Did you hear that?
15:30There is nothing suspicious here.
15:32You can go now.
15:36I have given enough face to the Jinwu Guards.
15:39Do you want me to punish you for disturbing the prayer?
15:42Lord Ji, they...
15:44Miss Liu.
15:45Do you still have time to pray?
15:49Forget it.
15:50I don't think we should do anything.
15:52They don't appreciate it anyway.
15:54Miss Liu, goodbye.
15:56I'll invite you to a new play later.
15:58Guan Songyu.
15:59Don't break your promise.
16:01No way.
16:02Let's go.
16:03We can't go in today.
16:12Miss Liu, please.
16:15None of your business.
16:17Why did Brother Qin Ming ask me to watch a play?
16:20Does he mean the story of Songyu Dongqiang?
16:25It must be like this.
16:26He asked me to go to Dongqiang to find him.
16:32Keep an eye on them.
16:34Jinwu Guards want to seal the Jinwu Guards.
16:38But we can't give them any chance.
16:46Jinwu Guards
16:59Two more minutes.
17:05I'll go get something.
17:07Qi Mei, keep an eye on them.
17:08Don't let anyone get close to the Glazed Tower.
17:11You two.
17:12Prepare to meet your doom.
18:11优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
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