House of the Dragon 2x08 Inside (2024) Season Finale HBO Game of Thrones Prequel

  • 2 months ago


00:00The final episode is such a great build for everywhere we've been in season two and promising what's to come
00:14Ranira has choked King's Landing with the blockade and people are starting to get hungry and they're going to revolt against the king or
00:21the Prince Regent
00:23Break the blockade and it will benefit you. It seems you need us more than we need you
00:29There is a Lannister Navy, there is a Hightower Navy
00:32But they're on the other side of the blockade and so they end up going to bargain with the triarchy which Thailand is very
00:39Not on board with but ends up having to do but it's a sign of how extreme their position is
00:45This is where the seat of power sits
00:47and this is a very rich cartel of three different nations that are in the shipping and piracy business and
00:54They hate Westeros and they want to seek a profit off of them
00:57He gets sent to Pirate Land
01:00To treat with the pirates to see if he can get the triarchy to ally with the Greens
01:06Admiral Aloha
01:08He needs to impress me before we can get what he wants. I put him through absolute hell
01:15Singing was the worst. I can handle mud wrestling, but singing is miserable, but it worked because Tongan can't sing
01:21She's a bonkers character
01:23That feels like one of these very colorful characters ripped right out of the pages of George's books
01:27The people there take her entirely seriously and we're sort of looking at her the way that Thailand does which is what's going on?
01:33And is this real? One of our season highlights was bringing in Shirako Lohar and it can be a rough show. It's grim
01:40It's a war a lot of people die
01:42so having that moment of levity and just sort of off kilterness was really important to us and a really
01:49Welcome little bit of fun
01:57Goes the sea snake I've given her a new name
02:00the Queen who never was
02:02We really wanted to find a way for him to honor and keep alive the memory of Rainey's
02:06Because it shows the arc that he's been on across the season where much of his life was about him and his own glory
02:12I mean he named his ship after himself
02:15Corliss always went out to sea. So Bernice never felt like his priority and when she died it
02:22Finally came to Corliss that he always thought about himself
02:26And so he did the one thing he could do take his namesake his ship and make it hers
02:33He's lost all the people he loves. He's sort of come to this place of
02:38acceptance and
02:40Understanding that his great exploits are less important than just having his family around him. Do you know what hunger does to a boy?
02:49What grief does
02:51Rene's always had the conversation with Corliss about his heir and
02:56None of them really feel like they're the right person for the first time Corliss considers Adam and Alan
03:03Yes, they are bastards, but they are more qualified
03:06One of the things that we talked about myself Abu and Peter was that nobody
03:12Speaks to Corliss that way like they've got any sense. The only person who does is Rainey's
03:17When it came to the tirade this emotional speech
03:20It came down to the words and playing off Steve and his reactions Alan doesn't expect it coming out of him
03:26I wasn't expecting it coming out of me either
03:28Like it was one of those moments where I genuinely felt like I could really let go. I am trying to help you
03:35Now you remember I live
03:38He watched me with my other son picking up wonderful gifts and walking into the castle and he who knew I was his father
03:45Had to grow up in poverty for me then to come into his life and so go I'm trying to help you
03:50Well, of course, he's gonna be resentful
03:51You understand the hurt and everything that he's carried for all of these years
03:55You see the way it lands on the sea snake
03:57And I think he knows that he hasn't been the patriarchal figure that he needed to be to these guys
04:02But I don't think he realizes until this moment the cost that it had on this human being
04:07If it is all the same, I will decline any offers
04:20Man lashes out
04:21It's also a strategic act because sharp point is the seat of house Massey who serves on Ramiro's council as a punishment to them for
04:28Siding with the pretender
04:30Amen to showing that he's not running. He's burning cities filled with innocent people instead
04:35Amon is now for the first time this season
04:38I think scared from the time in season one when he got vagar as a boy that's changed his entire outlook
04:45And now that he's been challenged by these new dragons
04:47It's the first time that like oh, no, I don't have the upper hand in any situation. I go into
04:53The stakes are so high that if he doesn't get another rider
04:57He will have no chance against the blacks and they will lose the throne if Aegon continues to be king
05:04In his mind he's doing what's right for his house. Why must I run because the Prince Regent is going to kill you
05:12I think in Larissa's experience those who look through you they never see you coming
05:17That's what he's trying to say take on is as long as a gun is not a threat. He's relatively safe
05:24Larissa's the light at the end of the tunnel or at least he's made I don't think he knows what that could be
05:29After his encounter with a mend in episode 6 a gun knows that laris is correct
05:34In that moment a man gets desperate with the newfound potential threat he overextends and gets forceful with Helena
05:42I think it's desperation that reeks off him in that scene when Alison and Helena are both like bro calm down
05:49This is not how somebody who feels really sure about what they're doing behaves
05:55Helena admits she saw how I burned Aegon and
05:59It's hard hitting for Raymond to hear that he's gonna go down
06:03He kind of envisioned after the war it's finished. He'd be seen as this war hero
06:07But Elena's prophecy puts a stop to that
06:10Helena's probably put herself in more danger with a man that she ever has been before
06:14Would you not have us prevail? I know this
06:17Amond is gonna be an interesting loose cannon in season 3 because when Amond is scared laughed at or feel small he lashes out
06:26You're either with him or you're against him you get in his way you're in for a shock
06:30All your life you've sought to command your own fate
06:35But today you are ready
06:37There are different magics and worlds and play here in George's universe
06:42Alice has been a bit of a guide for Damon and has made him ready
06:46For this thing that Alice is going to show him that he was not ready for in episode 3 when he showed up at the
06:52He's evolved in some way and he's ready
06:54To see the future
06:56We wanted Damon to have this final experience that was undeniable to him
07:00He's somebody that has rejected the supernatural his entire life
07:03We definitely wanted to tie what Damon sees to Game of Thrones because where it picks up
07:09It's Daenerys Targaryen finding those eggs. She is a
07:13Descendant of Damon and Rhaenyra and so what he ends up seeing is that he's
07:18This vision brings Damon into the story of fire and ice and takes him to his death and
07:25After his death, it shows him that if he continues to only think of himself
07:30Great loss will be had and then he sees a hope
07:34He sees a hope for a better future
07:36He sees a hope for a better future. He sees a hope for a better future
07:40He sees a hope for a better future. He sees a hope for a better future
07:44Great loss will be had and then he sees a hope we know it's Daenerys, but he doesn't know who it is
07:50I mean, he sees a White Walker, which is cool. I was like, come on, that's cool
07:55Even though Rhaenyra and Damon are not going to save the realm from the White Walkers
07:59Their actions do have an impact on how that future is going to play out
08:05You know your part
08:08To evolve from the character that stormed out of Dragonstone in episode 2
08:11We had to see Damon go through all of his trials and tribulations and Rhaenyra not knowing what Damon is going to do
08:18And I do believe he has changed and he sees that he is not the player but a piece on the board as Alice tells
08:23Him he sees Rhaenyra on the throne
08:26And I think it gives him the confidence in himself to go. I serve you and I'm yours and
08:31It's not that everything's been resolved. But Damon realizes that his job is to facilitate Rhaenyra getting to the throne and that he
08:40Understands now that Viserys wasn't trying to punish him
08:45And so he's able to let go of his anger at Rhaenyra just sort of let everything go and let's go do this together
08:50I'm on your team
08:52She wasn't sure throughout the entire season if he was going to try to set himself up as king and it's this moment of validation
08:57That she gets from him that I think is incredibly meaningful
09:00We fight for our Queen
09:09Will you see it through and make your sacrifice a son for a son
09:16You've seen the massive way that things have changed between meeting number one meeting number two
09:20And I think both of them have been through further trauma and it's brought them back around
09:24To a place where they're wondering what the costs of all this is for
09:29It's massive that Allison travels to Rhaenyra it's treason if a man found out head-on a spike
09:35But it's also to look Rhaenyra and the I am as my like rawest self
09:39This is me shedding whatever power or Queenly status. I had I was wrong. Take it. I don't want anything to do with it
09:47I'm done. She's had this journey of self-naturalization and she's got a lot of power within her and I think she feels much more
09:56It's funny to be offered a huge gift at the point where you think you already have what you need
10:02The climax of that scene is Rhaenyra. I'm going to have to kill your son and Alicent acceding to it
10:08Which is huge for Rhaenyra because that is not something that Allison would ever have done before
10:13So I think that causes her to really believe what Alicent is saying
10:17Rhaenyra has these new dragon riders. She's just gotten Damon back
10:21She has this big army if she wanted to she could probably win this war herself
10:26But at the cost of thousands and thousands of lives and then she's sort of given this back door by Alicent
10:32And so I think we leave season two with Rhaenyra in this place of what am I going to do?
10:40It's such a beautiful scene and so wonderfully written by Sarah
10:43Wonderfully performed by Emma Olivia and Gita beautifully directed it and the way it launches us into the third season and the unknown of what's
10:50To come it's a tour de force
10:55There's so much in play there are armies there are dragons
10:59There's castle strongholds and political maneuvering
11:02But at the end of the day it comes down to these two women trying to figure it out
11:07The Lannisters are arriving in the Riverlands
11:09The Hightowers are marching through the Reach the Winter Wolves are coming from the north the triarchy sailing
11:14We see the sea snake going back out to sea Damon has his army in the Riverlands
11:19Alicent's fourth son and his dragon the Blue Queen is now flying in support of this massive Hightower army
11:25We find Otto in this cell somewhere and we don't know quite where he is or what happened to him
11:30Rhaena discovers a dragon and we see a forest outside of King's Landing and there is Aegon
11:37Laris and Aegon basically escaped King's Landing because shit's about to hit the fan
11:41it's just a reminder of things have been put in motion, which they can't pull back and
11:46Similar to Damon's vision where you're seeing the things that are all going to come to play a part in the whole story
11:51While this season was very much about the fits and starts of an early medieval war
11:56Season three is clearly going to be about total war. I
11:59Think team black are in ascendancy a desperate amend is a dangerous amendment. I would never ever concede the whole thing is just so
12:07Volatile Bela's gonna do whatever it takes whatever it comes down to she's prepared to do
12:11She has the better hand and an inevitably positive shot at the throne
12:16The pendulum could swing the other way very quickly. We shall see who the last man standing is
