Dark Winds (2022) - S02E05 - Black Hole Sun

  • last month


00:01Lollipop, Lollipop on lolly
00:14Lollipop, Lollipop on lolly
00:22Is this the best they have?
00:26Dad, turn it down
00:31You can play the game as well as one, and I play it pretty good.
00:33You'll never stop me.
00:34You'll never stop me.
01:00Is Janie?
01:31My little baby.
01:32What did you do?
01:33I'm sorry.
01:34I'm so sorry.
01:36I'm so sorry.
01:39Good girl.
01:42What did you do?
01:44What did you do?
01:50I'm sorry.
01:52I'm so sorry, sweetie.
01:54I'm so sorry.
02:12I'm so sorry.
02:43Scarborough County warrant.
02:48You open up them bars, I will have him.
02:51Out of your hair and off to the chair.
03:01Where's the old timer?
03:03The eclipse.
03:05It stayed on today.
03:07Well, someone should tell him it's just the moon.
03:10Sun Spirit ain't gonna steal his eyeballs.
03:13We're gonna rest, huh?
03:15I want to interrogate him.
03:18I'm gonna need some more time.
03:20Nah, Joe, he's looking at three counts of murder.
03:22One, then the fed stick to turn for the Charlie boy he got on the Montpais.
03:27You add in all the attempts for you and Chi and the kid,
03:32and blondie, it's barbecue by Christmas.
03:34It's over.
03:37Why'd he do it?
03:40Sweet Mary and Julius, who cares why?
03:44Monsters don't need reasons.
03:47We got enough evidence to bury him in the Grand Canyon.
03:51He killed one of my boys.
03:53I want him put down.
03:55Benny Charlie told me he overheard his dad and his grandpa
03:58talking about a blond man blowing up Drum Corps.
04:01When a blond man shows up here, he starts picking off trolleys.
04:05Do you think that's a coincidence?
04:07I think it's a six-year-old talking.
04:10Let me search the trailer.
04:12Get some time with him before you take him.
04:14If I can't get at him, you'll have six more bodies to hang on to.
04:18I don't need any more bodies to put him in front of a judge.
04:20If you take him now, you'll never find out who he's working for.
04:24And I can't live with that, can you?
04:26Joe, I know where you're coming from,
04:28but it ain't protocol, what you're asking, you know.
04:32So you're just gonna take him now?
04:35After all I went through to get him here?
04:38Come on.
04:46What the hell?
04:48I could give you six hours.
04:50Give me until tomorrow.
04:51I gotta come back and get him tonight.
04:53That's the best I can do.
04:58John, we're leaving.
05:00We're leaving. What's going on?
05:02Find me something in there that links to the Dromko explosion.
06:05I got him, Emma.
06:09That's good.
06:11I think someone else is involved.
06:14Maybe somebody at Dromko.
06:19I want to find out who.
06:23And we can finally put all this behind us.
06:27When Sally moved in,
06:31I was so excited.
06:35The smell of the new baby.
06:40Little hands and feet.
06:45Holding him while he slept.
06:48There's been such a haul these past few years.
06:52I thought...
07:03I wasn't thinking about Sally.
07:06I was thinking about you.
07:09I was thinking about you.
07:12I was thinking about you.
07:15I wasn't thinking about Sally.
07:20I wasn't even thinking about the baby.
07:29I was thinking about myself.
07:36Trying to fill that hole my grief was digging every day.
07:42I was convinced that this is what I needed
07:46to put this all behind us.
07:52But there is no behind you, Joe.
07:55There's only through.
07:58There's only grief.
08:02And we're going through it.
08:07Not in the same way.
08:11But together.
08:19I have to find out who's behind this, Emma.
08:23I have to.
08:29I know. You do.
08:44Hey, you want to enjoy that inside?
08:47I'm working. Get out of here.
08:50What, you mean like surveillance?
08:53Mrs. Vines?
08:55She's got six rugs laid out in there.
08:58I'm still trying to decide.
09:01I don't know.
09:03I don't know.
09:05I don't know.
09:07I don't know.
09:09I'm still trying to decide.
09:12It'll be a minute.
09:14You don't tell her I'm out here, okay?
09:17If you say so.
09:19Hey, you hear?
09:21They got your man.
09:23What man?
09:25The blonde man.
09:27He's sitting in Leap Point's jail right now.
09:31The Eclipse is starting at 1-23, with all clear by 2-37.
09:36Remember to stay inside.
09:38No eating, no drinking.
09:41This is not the time for watching TV, reading or working.
09:45Sit still. Stay reverie.
09:48This is not the time for watching TV, reading or working.
09:52Sit still. Stay reverie.
10:07You going home yet?
10:09Stay as long as I can.
10:12You better get going. You're gonna be late.
10:15I'm gushy.
10:18See ya.
10:49What's this?
10:51It's none of your business.
10:54I saw a position in Border Patrol.
10:57Something you want to tell me?
10:59What can I do for you, Mr. Chi?
11:04Did you get a new job?
11:08Did you get a new job?
11:18What are you doing here?
11:22I wanted to take a look at him.
11:25Want to stay and help?
11:27You can use the hand.
11:29Yeah, I should get back.
11:31I'm working surveillance.
11:33All right.
11:35All right.
11:41What's going on?
11:46I'll get him into the box.
11:53What's your name?
11:55What's it matter?
11:57I'd like to know who I'm talking to.
12:06You're a dead man. You know that, right?
12:12This isn't a charge you're gonna slip out of.
12:15Alfred Newman.
12:19My name.
12:36Try again.
12:40Trent Ralston.
12:52You know, we could sit here and play games...
12:56or you can tell me something that's gonna help you.
12:59No one can help a dead man.
13:02Not even me.
13:04Coming down to the resin, killing Indians,
13:06wasn't your idea, was it?
13:08Who else's would it be?
13:10That's why I want to know.
13:14Who you work for?
13:16Who got you into this mess in the first place?
13:19Who told you to blow up that oil well?
13:22I don't know.
13:24I don't know.
13:26Who got you into this mess in the first place?
13:28Who told you to blow up that oil well?
13:31What oil well?
13:39You're gonna be executed.
13:41The feds, the sheriff.
13:43They got more than they need to make that happen.
13:46The only way you might prevent it
13:48is if you tell me who's behind this.
13:53Who are you working for?
13:56Well, maybe...
14:02I just don't like Indians.
14:15Lloyd Webster. He's a private investigator.
14:18And they had a meeting in the morning.
14:20Our suspect went after Chi in the hospital.
14:22You think they're working together?
14:25Let's find out.
14:43How you doing?
14:44I'm Lieutenant Lee Porn.
14:46This is Sergeant Manny Alito.
14:48Thank you for coming.
14:50Take a seat.
14:52Not every day an Indian cop asks for my help.
14:56What can I do you for?
14:58We're hoping that you could tell us
15:00where you were last Tuesday around 10 in the morning.
15:03We're trying to establish a timeline.
15:05You're not a suspect, but this man is.
15:11You know him?
15:13Sure, yeah.
15:15Went Tuesday morning.
15:17First time I had the pleasure of meeting him in person.
15:19What's his name?
15:21Said it was Al Newman.
15:23It isn't.
15:25I'm not surprised.
15:26What was the meeting about?
15:29I was giving him an update.
15:31Go on.
15:33Hey, now. Come on, Lieutenant.
15:36Dealing with a professional. That shit's confidential.
15:39The client is currently sitting in my interrogation room.
15:42He's facing four counts of murder to one,
15:44so you can either tell us what you discussed now
15:46or you can take a seat in there and wait for the sheriff.
15:51That weird-ass teddy bear.
15:53Four counts of murder and more to come.
15:58Dude hired me to find his mother.
16:01Linda Maddox said her name was,
16:04but the whole thing's kind of squirrely, you know?
16:07Kept having me run down things that didn't check out,
16:10bringing up new places, new leads.
16:13Money's good, though, so no complaints, you dig?
16:17Do you know any of these women?
16:29This one.
16:31Who is she?
16:33Just told you. Linda Maddox.
16:35Took down one myself, but as you can see,
16:38she ain't old enough to be that dude's mother.
16:42I need a favor.
16:48This seat taken?
16:53Cops found your little book.
16:56Had my name in it, so they brought me in
16:58and told me what you've been up to.
17:00And what have I been up to?
17:02No good, baby.
17:04No good.
17:06No good.
17:08And what have I been up to?
17:10No good, baby.
17:13Look, if you did it, I don't want to know.
17:15I'm not a cop or a lawyer.
17:18As far as I'm concerned, you are a client
17:20who hired me to do a job.
17:26Do you think I'm stupid?
17:28I think you killed four people and got caught,
17:31so what do you think?
17:35Hey, partner.
17:37I don't care about Rez's business.
17:39I don't work for the Rez,
17:41and I'm not beholden to these cops.
17:43I work for you.
17:47I found something
17:50that you might be interested in.
17:55Chandler, Arizona.
17:57Just outside of Phoenix.
17:59She's the right age, right height,
18:01right build.
18:03Thing is, her name is not Maddox.
18:06It's McGuire.
18:08And that's why none of the other mopes you hired
18:10were able to find her.
18:12But I told you,
18:14old Deloitte gonna find her.
18:16Here's the deal.
18:18You want to see your mama again,
18:20even through bars,
18:22you're gonna have to give them something.
18:24That's how it works.
18:26Ain't no time in history it ain't worked that way.
18:28You dig?
18:34Thank you all for coming.
18:36As you know, my work at IHS has been...
18:39Emma, I'm so sorry.
18:41We're being late.
18:43What's she doing here?
18:45I thought she could sit in with us.
18:50I think she should be here, too.
18:54What about the rest of you?
18:56Are you okay with this?
18:58With her?
19:00Are you okay with this?
19:02With her?
19:04Yeah, we're good.
19:12You are not to write or publish anything
19:15from this meeting without my permission.
19:17Of course.
19:30I've met some of you already,
19:32but for the rest, my name is Mary Landon.
19:35I work for the Los Angeles Times,
19:37and I'm writing a story
19:39about the Family Planning Services Act.
19:42I want to thank Helen and Emma
19:45for allowing me to sit in
19:47and hear more about the work
19:49they are doing on this reservation.
19:52I'm really just here to listen.
19:55I'm really just here to listen.
19:57I'm really just here to listen.
20:00I'm really just here to listen.
20:05Let's just get started.
20:28What's the hell?
20:30Caught him at the laundromat trying to hotwire a car.
20:33Wasn't trying to hotwire it.
20:35He was trying to get it started...
20:37for a friend.
20:39Has code for it. He's guilty as hell.
20:41I'll take him.
20:43Leaphorn's sending everyone home for the Eclipse.
21:00What's with you?
21:02It's the second time this week.
21:06What's going on?
21:10I got picked.
21:12What do you mean you got picked?
21:14The draft.
21:16Where you been?
21:18They're supposed to take us out to Phoenix tonight,
21:21but if I'm locked up, they can't.
21:23That's not how it works.
21:25They don't want criminals, Byrne.
21:27That's exactly who they want, Dean.
21:29Hey, listen to me.
21:31It's our duty to serve when we're called.
21:34I served.
21:36Lieutenant Leaphorn served.
21:40What about your uncle, the Code Talker?
21:42He's a legend around here.
21:44Look, I can't go.
21:46I take care of my grandmother and my sister.
21:49What are they gonna do if I go off to fight for a country
21:52that doesn't even recognize me as an American?
21:57What are they gonna do if I don't come back?
22:03Go home, Dean.
22:05Talk to your Masana,
22:07and she'll help you figure out the right thing to do.
22:09You told me I'm going to Vietnam,
22:11getting my ass shot off is the right thing to do.
22:20Go home.
22:32Another reminder to everybody listening.
22:35The eclipse is starting at 123
22:37with the all-clear by 237.
22:40Stay inside. Stay reverent.
22:42I said he was hired by a man named Carl LeBecque.
22:47That name mean anything to you?
23:04Thank you, Mr. Webster.
23:09Thank you, Mr. Webster.
23:15Have Burnbrain guy Atsedine here as soon as the eclipse is over.
23:17Yes, sir.
23:19You know,
23:21normally I charge $25 an hour for my services.
23:25I normally hand over criminal associates to the FBI.
23:30Man, you weren't far on the end here.
23:34No offense.
23:38Let's go.
23:40Let's go.
24:09Let's go.
24:30You lost?
24:32I didn't think you'd be home.
24:35What's this?
24:37You picked these earlier.
24:40Pignon nuts?
24:42You picked these yourself?
24:46Well, okay.
24:48Where are you going?
24:51You only got 15 minutes before the eclipse.
24:57You either come inside
24:59or be the bad Navajo out roaming the streets.
25:01You're inviting me into your trailer.
25:03Offer expires at the count of three.
25:06Why don't you tell me twice?
25:08Good choice.
25:35♪ Bright in my northern sky
25:43♪ Been a long time that I'm waiting
25:49♪ Been a long time that I've loved
25:54♪ Been a long time that I've wondered
25:59♪ Through the people I have known
26:03What's with Elvis?
26:11We went on a date.
26:14He had a pretzel, I had a beer.
26:16He told me he couldn't wait to start touring again,
26:19and I don't know, it kind of went downhill from there.
26:22So you had a date with Elvis Presley.
26:25The Elvis Presley.
26:27Mm-hmm. When I was stationed in Germany.
26:31Elvis the pelvis.
26:33Don't call him that.
26:35Be quiet.
26:37Some Navajo you are.
26:42You tell Leporn about the job?
26:47He knows that I applied.
26:50Not that I got it.
26:54You know, I can't imagine you not wearing that uniform.
27:01It's just...
27:05There's no way for me to move up around here.
27:08Yeah, Leporn's not going anywhere,
27:11and there's always gonna be another you, so...
27:15What would it take to get you to stay?
27:24It's not that simple.
27:26But you love it here.
27:28Your life is here, your animals, your weird little trailer.
27:32Yeah, well, I can always come back.
27:36Can you?
27:38Well, you did.
27:50I gotta get back to work.
27:52I gotta pick up Guy at City.
27:59Thanks for the safe haven.
28:06If you mention Elvis to anyone,
28:08you're a dead man, you know that, right?
28:12That might be fun.
28:29Navajo Police.
28:31Hold, please.
28:36Carl Lebeck's sister, eh?
28:38Line one.
28:42Miss Lebeck?
28:44Yes, Lieutenant. Leporn, is it?
28:47It's Leporn.
28:49Let the key out the substation.
28:52I'll be right back.
28:55It's Leporn.
28:57Let the key out the substation, Navajo Tribal Police.
29:00We're, um...
29:02We're trying to track down your brother.
29:06Well, that's gonna be a problem.
29:08How so?
29:10Well, because he's dead, Lieutenant.
29:12My brother's been deaf over three years now.
29:16I'm sorry to hear that.
29:18Is there anything else I can help you with?
29:20No, thanks.
29:22I appreciate your time.
29:41What's going on?
29:43Yeah, I'll tell you, brother. Thanks for coming down.
29:46Vern said you had some questions about Drumco, Carl Lebeck.
29:49Yeah, I did.
29:51I'm not sure it matters anymore.
29:53I just got off the phone with his sister.
29:55Lebeck's dead.
29:58What do you mean?
30:00There's Lebeck right there.
30:21All right, let's go.
30:51Come on.
31:21Come on.
31:42You killed Carl Lebeck,
31:44and you assumed his identity to gain access to that drill site.
31:47You set those charges, and you killed six men.
31:50Six men who didn't have to die.
31:53Everyone has to die.
31:59Why do you care so much?
32:01Just six men.
32:05For what?
32:07Six men have died since we began this conversation.
32:11Why are those six men so important to you?
32:20Oh, I see.
32:22Now we're back to that.
32:25It wasn't the six men, was it?
32:29It was one of the six men.
32:32Wasn't it?
32:37It was your son.
32:51So you don't like Indians, huh?
32:56Who hired you to blow up that well?
33:03You just want to know why he died, not you.
33:08I'll tell you, Joe.
33:13It was because
33:15It was because he was there.
33:19That's all.
33:22He wasn't even important.
33:35I needed to find my mother.
33:59Sena's office called.
34:01The FBI is anxious to get their hand on their suspect.
34:04Sheriff's on their way.
34:06Get vines down here.
34:15Come on.
34:45Come on.
35:15Come on.
35:31See you, brother. Join us.
35:45Come on.
35:47There's a lot of places to go now.
35:51Hi, pal. Do you like it?
35:55Oh, bless you. Thank you.
36:00I'm so glad I came here.
36:02Do you want one as well?
36:09Oh, they're a good couple.
36:11This is my son.
36:13Oh, my God.
36:15Hold his neck.
36:27Mr. O.
36:32I've never experienced anything like that before.
36:35Brother, is he here?
36:37My hands are so fuzzy.
36:39Let's see.
37:05People of darkness,
37:07welcome to our holiest of days.
37:11For today, the moon goddess Pahwake
37:14concealed the wicked sun,
37:16gracing us with her blessed dark.
37:19All hail the blessed dark.
37:27So we've come together here, now,
37:30to partake in the sacred medicine
37:33for the enlightenment we know it will bring,
37:36knowing that it will revive and renew us.
37:40Revive and renew!
37:52What are you doing here?
37:54I need you to heal me.
37:56Heal her! Heal her!
37:59Heal her! Heal her!
38:02Heal her! Heal her!
38:05Heal her! Heal her!
38:08Can you heal her?
38:10Heal her! Heal her!
38:13Heal her I shall.
38:36What are you doing here?
38:39What are you doing here?
38:41What's going on? What's that?
38:43You need to listen to me.
38:45This is not Navajo.
38:48This is a bunch of crazy white people
38:50eating peyote and playing Indian.
38:52Hey! You!
38:53Where are you going with that bag?
38:55No, no, no.
38:56Get out of here.
38:57Hey, come on. What's going on here?
39:05Come on.
39:21All right.
39:22I'm gonna get Rosemary.
39:24Wait here.
39:35Come on.
39:36Come on.
39:37Come on.
39:38Come on.
39:39Come on.
39:40Come on.
39:41Come on.
39:42Come on.
39:43Come on.
39:44Come on.
39:45Come on.
39:46Come on.
39:47Come on.
39:48Come on.
39:49Come on.
39:50Come on.
39:51Come on.
39:52Come on.
39:53Come on.
39:54Come on.
39:55Come on.
39:56Come on.
39:57Come on.
39:58Come on.
39:59Come on.
40:00Come on.
40:01Come on.
40:02Come on.
40:03Come on.
40:04Come on.
40:21I said, get up.
40:24Don't you test me, you son of a bitch.
40:34Just need you to check and scratch on the change of custody.
40:42It's okay, Mother.
41:00Give me the gun.
41:02Give me the gun.
41:03Give me the gun.
41:05Give me the gun.
41:06Give me the gun.
41:07Give me the gun.
41:08Give me the gun.
41:09Give me the gun.
41:10Give me the gun.
41:11Give me the gun.
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41:13Give me the gun.
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41:23Give me the gun.
41:24Give me the gun.
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41:28Give me the gun.
41:29Give me the gun.
41:30Give me the gun.
41:31Give me the gun.
41:32Give me the gun.
41:33Give me the gun.
41:34Give me the gun.
41:35Give me the gun.
41:36Give me the gun.
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42:49Give me the gun.
42:50Give me the gun.
42:51Give me the gun.
42:52Give me the gun.
42:53Give me the gun.
42:54Give me the gun.
42:55Give me the gun.
42:56Give me the gun.
42:57Give me the gun.
42:58Give me the gun.
42:59Give me the gun.
43:02Hold on.
43:14It's for protection.
43:16We leave the land of the four sacred mountains.
43:25Go on, then, show her.
43:27We're going out.
44:40Is it over?
44:44I don't know.
44:46The feds have got him now.
44:49It's out of my hands.
44:51It's out of our hands.
45:00Yeah, it's Leighport.
46:11Take it easy. Take it easy.
46:14You have to relax.
46:19Dispatch, this is Lieutenant Joe Leighport,
46:22Navajo Tribal Police.
46:24We're in an accident.
46:25Sentence hurt.
46:27We're out on the rez.
46:28Mile marker 113, Route 60.
46:31Copy, Lieutenant.
46:32Emergency services in order.
46:37What happened?
46:38He's all...
46:40He got away.
46:42He got away.
46:45Stay still.
46:46They're on their way.
46:47Just relax.