J.D. Vance Dismisses Criticism Over VP Pick: "I Take Their Criticism as a Badge of Honor"

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J.D. Vance Dismisses Criticism Over VP Pick: "I Take Their Criticism as a Badge of Honor"


00:00Senator J.D. Vance.
00:02Senator, it's great to see you this morning, thanks so much for being here.
00:05Absolutely, good to see you, Maria.
00:07I want to get to Kamala Harris and her running mate in a moment,
00:10but first I want to talk about you because you've got a lot of people talking about you
00:15on both the Democrat side and the Republican side.
00:17You've heard the chatter.
00:19Some people are saying you were the wrong pick for Trump's running mate.
00:23What are you doing about it?
00:26Well, Maria, all I can do is go out there and prosecute the case against Kamala Harris
00:30and remind people that things were more prosperous and more peaceful when Donald Trump was president.
00:34Look, I recognize that there are a lot of folks, even in the GOP establishment,
00:38and certainly on the far left, who don't like the fact that Donald Trump picked me.
00:41I actually take their criticism as a badge of honor.
00:44Of course the media is going to attack the people they fear the most.
00:48The media is going to attack the people I think who can most effectively bring President Trump's message
00:52to a broader swath of the electorate.
00:54And I don't come from inside the beltway, Maria.
00:56You know I grew up as a poor kid.
00:58I didn't come from a political family or a wealthy family.
01:01I worked my way through college, through the Marine Corps,
01:03and eventually landed as Donald Trump's running mate.
01:06I think that's a story that a lot of normal Americans can empathize with.
01:09I'm not shocked that a lot of inside-the-beltway media types don't like me,
01:13but their policies are the problem.
01:15Of course they don't like me because we're running to fix what they have broken.
01:18Fair enough, and I guess the Democrats see all of that as weird.
01:22What do you say about this new strategy to call you weird from the Democrats?
01:28I think that it's a lot of projection, frankly, Maria,
01:33from people who want to give transgender hormones to 9-year-old kids
01:37and want biological males to play in women's sports.
01:40Look, I'm a husband, I'm a father, I'm happily married,
01:43and I love my life and I'm doing this because I want to be a good public servant
01:47who fixes the problems of the Democrats.
01:49They can call me whatever they want to.
01:51The middle school taunts don't bother me.
01:53What bothers me and what offends me is what Kamala Harris has done to this country
01:57over three and a half years.
01:59She's opened up the American southern border.
02:01She cast a deciding vote on things that caused skyrocketing inflation
02:04and affordability crisis.
02:06I mean, I was in Georgia yesterday.
02:08They have a terrible housing affordability problem in the state of Georgia, Maria,
02:12because Kamala Harris shot interest rates through the roof,
02:15and then she welcomed in millions of illegal aliens
02:18to compete with Americans for scarce homes.
02:20So I don't care what they call me.
02:22I just wish they would stop screwing up the country,
02:24and because I don't think they're able to do that themselves,
02:26President Trump and I are going to beat them in November.
02:28Well, look, Kamala Harris was asked about one of the most important issues
02:32facing America, and that is inflation.
02:34Back when she was signing these bills and making the breaking tie vote,
02:41pardon me, making the breaking tie vote for some of this,
02:44I want to play a soundbite of what she said about inflation
02:47because we just walked through President Trump's economic policy proposals.
02:51Here's Kamala Harris in 2021 when asked about inflation.
