1000115444マミィ酒井 フワちゃんのやす子に対する不適切投稿について衝撃のコメントを発表

  • last month


00:00so hello listeners welcome to my murder press 2024 or 8 or 05 on the force entertainer
00:09Hua Chen apologized for inappropriate remarks on her ex Hua Chen I said something I should not
00:20have said and hurt you apology post Hua Chen apologizes for inappropriate remarks on ex
00:33on the fourth a screenshot of Hua Chen courting comedian Yasoku's ex post from her official ex
00:45account and making an app an appropriate remarks was circulated and became a hot topic online
00:57Yasoko did not mention the post but tweeted I am very sad the post in question has now
01:08been deleted from Hua Chen's own ex account but in a post on the same day Hua Chen apologized for
01:17making inappropriate remarks saying I am really sorry it's not something I should be reporting
01:27to you all here right now but I said something I should not have said and hurt you without
01:36mentioning with what she was referring to she concluded by saying I will apologize
01:48directly to the person in question thanks for watching my youtube channel
