Miami to Hialeah via Public Transportation

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Miami to Hialeah via Public Transportation


00:00What's up everyone, I recorded this video on Sunday, May 15th, 2022.
00:18The time right now is about 2.30pm and it's 84 degrees Fahrenheit, 29 Celsius.
00:26I'm making my way to Hialeah, which is a city in Miami-Dade County.
00:32It's also the city with the largest Cuban population in the United States.
00:43And I'm going to take public transportation there.
00:47A lot of people think that the public transportation here is pretty bad in Miami, which is somewhat
00:55justified, but for the areas that it does serve, it actually does not a bad job.
01:05So I'm getting off in two stops at the Government Center Station.
01:14This Metro Mover here is actually free to ride.
01:18I got on it at Bayfront Park.
01:22You also get great views of downtown while riding it.
01:35At the Government Center Station, I need to change to the Metro Rail, which is their commuter
01:40rail and it costs $2.25 to ride.
02:10Now it is Sunday, so I don't really know how well the system runs on weekends.
02:40Metro Rail on the loop and the blue.
03:10Let's hope this train comes quickly and there isn't a large headway.
03:40I guess we got to get off this way and then either go upstairs or downstairs.
03:54Okay, I think we can go up here.
04:02Hopefully, we'll be able to enter the system on this side.
04:20Now, you can pay for a ticket at that machine there, but the system does take contactless
04:28payments and if you have a credit or debit card, it takes a contactless payment.
04:34You don't really need to fiddle with these machines.
04:38Instead, you can just tap to pay over here at this reader.
04:48If it'll work, maybe this machine is not working.
04:54Maybe this one works.
04:56Yeah, that was a broken machine I used before.
05:04I think the next train is coming in 12 minutes.
05:10It's 11 minutes now.
05:24It's 11 minutes.
05:54Alright, here's the Metro Rail platform.
05:58Northbound side is to my left, southbound is to my right.
06:02I'll resume this video once the train gets closer.
06:10There's actually a train heading southbound in just about a minute from now.
06:16I'll let you see how this train arrives and departs.
06:46Here it comes.
07:16They also accept bicycles and motorized scooters on the train, which is very convenient.
07:46Now we have about 5 minutes left for the northbound train to come.
08:08The train is just about to arrive.
08:16The train is arriving in just 5 minutes.
08:24Now we have about 5 minutes left for the northbound train to come.
08:30Now we have about 3 minutes left for the northbound train to come.
08:36The train is just about to arrive.
08:40So, let's see how many stops do we have.
09:081, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 stops until Hialeah.
09:21Train is very clean.
09:27It's also air-conditioned very well.
09:38Next Station, NS12 Canberra
09:50Please check your area.
10:08Next Station, NS12 Canberra
10:36Next Station, NS12 Canberra
11:06Next Station, NS12 Canberra
11:33This train never goes underground.
11:36I don't think the Miami area soil can tolerate trains going underground.
11:51Miami pretty much sits right on top of the Biscayne Aquifer, which is the source of the fresh water.
11:58So, I doubt they can really dig into the ground very easily, more than a few feet.
12:28This is the furthest I'm ever going to take the Metro Rail, or I've ever taken the Metro Rail.
12:41I'll probably go further to the last stop eventually at Palmetto.
12:59Next Station, Civic Center
13:07Please check your area.
13:09Now I've been to this area before with my scooter, the Civic Center.
13:14It's also known as the Health District because these are where all the hospitals and medical offices congregate.
13:28This is the Dolphin Expressway. It's a toll road.
13:33Next Station, Civic Center
13:51You can see there's a large hospital here, University of Miami Clinics.
14:03Next Station, Civic Center
14:33It's the VA Medical Center here.
14:44Next Station, Santa Clara
14:52Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
15:03We are approaching Santa Clara
15:33Next Station, Santa Clara
16:04There seems to be a lot of meat processing facilities here.
16:10Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
16:40Next Station, Santa Clara
17:08Next Station, Santa Clara
17:38Next Station, Santa Clara
18:08Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
18:38Next Station, Santa Clara
18:48Next Station, Santa Clara
19:18Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
19:38Next Station, Santa Clara
19:48Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
20:18Next Station, Santa Clara
20:28Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
20:48Next Station, Robinson Station
21:08Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
21:38Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
22:08Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
22:38Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
23:08Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
23:38Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
24:08Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
24:28Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
24:58Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
25:28Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
25:58Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
26:28Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
26:58Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
27:28Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
27:58Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
28:28Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
28:58Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
29:28Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
29:58Please check your area and take all personal belongings with you before exiting the train. Thank You.
30:24Okay, so here we are at our destination, the Hialeah Metro Rail Station. It was pretty smooth. We didn't have to wait too long for the transit.
30:40And despite what people say about Miami's public transportation system, it works well for the areas that it does serve.
31:10This is a long station stop.
31:32This is the last stop.
31:42Exit's over here.
31:57Alright folks, well that was my video taking the public transit from downtown Miami to Hialeah.
32:09If you enjoyed this video, then smash the like button for me, subscribe, and I will see you next time. Bye everyone. Take it easy.
