Piccole Donne - Ep 07 - Ballo in casa Laurence

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00:00If you catch a little fish in the net, let it go.
00:16If you catch a little bird, let it fly.
00:25If you catch a butterfly on a flower, let it go.
00:33If you see a snail in the meadow, don't crush it.
00:42We all have a heart to live in the world.
00:46We all have a heart of gold or silver
00:50We all have a heart of gold or silver
00:57We all have a heart of gold or silver
01:05We all have a heart of gold or silver
01:13We all have a heart of gold or silver
01:20We all have a heart of gold or silver
01:29We all have a heart of gold or silver
01:35It's spring. The cold winter is now over.
01:39And in the meadows the first grass sprouts.
01:42The flowers bloom everywhere.
01:46With the arrival of spring, an event is taking shape that will cheer the citizens of Concord.
01:52It is the annual ball at Casa Lorenz, the most important event in the world in spring.
01:59The women who have received the invitation are concerned about their clothing and what they will wear at the ball.
02:07So, even for the four sisters March, the most important thought right now
02:13is to find a suitable dress for the great occasion.
02:27Are you sure you can hide it?
02:29The fabric is burnt, it is not easy to patch up.
02:32Do not worry.
02:33Who knows when I can finally wear a silk dress?
02:36Mom says you'll have to settle for a doll until you're 18.
02:41There are still three years to go, how will I wait?
02:44The poplin is too heavy in spring.
02:46I would love to have a nice purple silk dress.
02:51I like your white dress, you look like an angel, you know Meg?
02:55Really? Thank you.
02:57Stop chatting, you two, and hurry up.
03:00Oh, I'm really tired.
03:02And then Beth still has to get ready, right?
03:04My dress is torn.
03:06Damn, what a misfortune!
03:08Move, otherwise I'll stab you with the needle.
03:12Here, I'm done, get up.
03:14Ah, yes, ma'am.
03:15Listen, Joe, you should try to stay seated as much as possible.
03:19You can also go in front, but try not to turn your back on anyone.
03:22When there is a ball, we all turn into expert sardines for Joe.
03:26And one fine day his elegant dress will be a single bouquet.
03:29Ah, no, it won't be like that.
03:31When I start selling my novels, I'll buy a silk dress.
03:38Oh, there's already a carriage coming, who knows who it will be.
03:41But why are they all coming so soon?
03:43Have you seen?
03:44The one that usually comes early, this evening is late.
03:52Here I am.
04:09I have too tight shoes.
04:11I put on 19 suspenders to keep my hair in place.
04:14And as if it weren't enough, I have a piece on the back.
04:16It's not disgusting.
04:18I see you remembered the gloves.
04:20Ah, indeed.
04:21But they are all stained with lemonade.
04:23It will be much better if I don't put them on.
04:25You have to put them on, you wouldn't be a real lady without gloves.
04:29What do you say, Anna?
04:32Amy is right.
04:33A lady always has gloves.
04:36And if I didn't want to look like a lady?
04:39The gloves would still be useful to you.
04:41You know that you can't dance without them.
04:43And you can't even always stay with your back against the wall.
04:46It means that I'll keep the gloves in my hand.
04:48I have a better idea.
04:50I'll lend you my glove, which is clean.
04:52So you can put it on and keep yours in your hand.
04:55And it seems to you that this way it can work.
04:57Of course, thank you.
04:58Be careful, though.
04:59You have bigger hands than mine.
05:06Oh, my God.
05:17Please, sir, this way.
05:33Please, don't eat too much.
05:35Did you take the cleaned beans?
05:37Of course, Meg even scented his.
05:39Jo, don't keep your hands behind your back.
05:41Don't stare at people.
05:43Don't walk too long steps and don't use indecent expressions.
05:47You always embarrass us.
05:49And don't always say, damn it, damn it.
05:51I understand.
05:52I'll stay still and mute like a doll.
05:54You'll see, I'll behave in a super elegant way.
06:17Meg is still dancing with Mr. Brook.
06:29Did you see that, Amy?
06:35Would you do me the honor of giving me this dance, Miss March?
06:38Oh, thank you, with great pleasure.
06:40Really, I don't dance, I don't like to dance.
06:44I beg you, dance with me, please.
06:46Oh, no.
06:47Come on, why don't you want to?
06:54It's a real shame.
07:00What are you two doing sitting up there?
07:02Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Lawrence.
07:05You're welcome, why don't you dance too?
07:07I also have fun just looking at others.
07:10Is that really enough for you?
07:17Of course, you can see everything from here.
07:19I told him.
07:20But I can't see your sister down there.
07:22Who knows where she's gone.
07:24There she is, Mr. Lawrence.
07:26The next one will be a polka, will you give me this dance?
07:28Please don't force me.
07:30But why not?
07:31Don't you like to dance?
07:32I love to dance, but I can't tonight.
07:34I don't understand you, why can't you?
07:36If you really want to know, take a look here.
07:40What did you do to the dress?
07:42And that's not enough, there are also these.
07:44And then what does it mean?
07:46Lawrence, if someone saw them, I would be terribly ashamed.
07:49I have an idea, come with me.
08:07My God, what dirty gloves.
08:09My God, what dirty gloves.
08:16Here it is.
08:21I must have dropped my dirty gloves somewhere.
08:24It doesn't matter, if we stay in this corner,
08:26no one will notice that you don't wear gloves
08:28and that you have a mole behind the dress.
08:30Come on, let's dance.
08:32I've seen what a disgrace.
08:34And to think that my Leslie didn't even dance with him.
08:39Let's go.
08:55Matt, look.
09:01Joe is a good dancer.
09:03He's a good dancer.
09:07I didn't think he could dance.
09:14Well done, guys, you're really good.
09:20Now I have to go.
09:26Come on, dear, we have to go say hello to Mr. Lawrence.
09:34Oh, good evening, Mr. Lawrence.
09:36I thank you very much for the invitation.
09:38It's really a nice dance.
09:39I'm glad you were able to intervene this evening.
09:43Oh, I haven't introduced you to my daughter Leslie yet.
09:46Nice to meet you, miss.
09:48You want to excuse me, but at the moment I'm busy.
09:50Excuse me.
09:53What a man that boy is.
09:55I beg you to excuse his rudeness.
10:12Meg, I wanted to thank you for your glove.
10:14Now I don't need it anymore, luckily.
10:22Maybe you want a lemonade, Miss Amy.
10:25I'd rather have a punch.
10:26Me too.
10:27Enjoy your lemonade.
10:29I think I'll have to keep you busy from now on.
10:42Why do they keep looking at us?
10:53That girl is one of Marge's sisters, isn't she?
10:55Every time I see her, she always wears the same dress.
10:58It's incredible.
11:04She'll regret showing herself so arrogant.
11:07The two mothers are anxious that their daughters make friends with Lori.
11:12But they won't succeed in their maneuvers,
11:14because Lori remains monopolized by Joe and Meg.
11:19This fact, however, means that the four sisters
11:21become the target of malice of those who are jealous of them.
11:34I'm here to talk to Mrs. Marge.
11:36It's you!
11:37How dare you show up here?
11:39You're the one who whipped our Amy!
11:41I came on purpose for this reason.
11:43Mr. Lawrence wants me to apologize.
11:47Anna, has anyone arrived?
11:49Yes, there's Mr. Davis.
12:04Why did you come? What do you want?
12:07I don't want to see her, no!
12:17He says he wants to see Mrs. Marge.
12:19He'll have to wait for her return, I'm sorry.
12:22Is it really necessary?
12:25No, no, I don't want, I don't want you to stay here, I don't want.
12:29No, I don't want, I don't want you to stay here, I don't want.
12:35I'm really sorry for your sister Amy, believe me, miss.
12:41Today I was reproached by Mr. Lawrence,
12:43and yesterday your aunt told me about all the colors.
12:46He assaulted me.
12:48Aunt Marge came from her.
12:50How do I understand it, poor thing?
12:52She made a commotion in class while I was preparing my lesson.
13:00Here he is, that scoundrel Davis.
13:03I came here to tell you a few words.
13:06It won't be about Amy.
13:07Instead, it's about my niece Amy.
13:10Oh, I'm really very sorry, miss.
13:12Ah, you are sorry.
13:14And you have nothing else to say after whipping my niece?
13:17Mr. Davis, I remind you that when the ancestors of the Marge arrived in America,
13:22his ancestors followed them here as servants.
13:25But ma'am, I assure you that I have not forgotten.
13:28So, do you want to tell me why you whipped my niece?
13:31Can you explain to me how you dared to do something like that?
13:35Well, I...
13:36Not to mention that Amy left school and you continue to teach.
13:40It's a real injustice.
13:43Since when did the Davis become so evil?
13:48Ugly scoundrel!
13:55There's nothing to laugh at, Miss Joe.
13:57Mr. Lawrence told me the same thing today.
14:00At this point, I decided to come here to convince Amy to go back to school.
14:04I'm sorry, I'm afraid he won't come.
14:06I guess now Amy hates me, doesn't she?
14:10More than anything, she's afraid of Davis.
14:32I came to ask you a favor, Mrs. Marge.
14:35Yes, my daughter told me.
14:37Please, have a seat.
14:40I'm really sorry for what I did to Amy.
14:42Please, Mrs. Marge, she wants to try to convince her to go back to school.
14:46Mr. Davis, as I have already written to you,
14:49I realize that Amy has broken the rules,
14:51but I do not agree with you on the educational system
14:54to inflict corporal punishment on children.
14:56I really don't know how to justify my behavior, ma'am.
14:59I'm really desolate, I'm full of remorse.
15:01Now the students treat me in a disrespectful way,
15:04and the people most in sight of the city despise me.
15:06I was wrong, it's true, I admit it.
15:08But I humbly ask you to forgive me.
15:10I swear I will never fall into violence again.
15:12Believe me, Mrs. Marge, believe me.
15:16But really, I had already expressed the desire to send Amy to study in another school.
15:20Oh no!
15:21Oh no!
15:22And Amy has accepted with good graces.
15:24Please, try to convince her to return to my school,
15:27otherwise I will be forced to resign.
15:29She will have to resign, are you sure?
15:31Yes, it is so.
15:32And I would like so much to continue teaching the boys.
15:34I know it's serious to have made the mistake of frustrating Amy.
15:38I probably don't deserve her forgiveness.
15:41But please, she wants to try to convince her daughter to return to my school.
15:45I humbly ask you, Mrs. Marge.
15:52What are you going to do, Amy?
15:54But, he said he wouldn't frustrate me anymore.
15:57Are you angry just because he frustrated you?
15:59No, I'm offended because I was humiliated in front of all my classmates.
16:03But you made a mistake, you're wrong too.
16:05Okay, that's true.
16:07Anyway, Mr. Davis is really a bad guy.
16:10But you have to admit that he came here to apologize.
16:13He also wanted to talk to you personally, but you avoided him.
16:16No, I didn't.
16:18I didn't want to see him again.
16:20Amy, then you don't want to continue your studies?
16:22But why do they all have it with me?
16:24Maybe I'm not studying now.
16:26Come on, you tell him too, Beth.
16:28Well, if I really have to tell the truth, it's better to study at school than at home, Amy.
16:32Your sister is right, Amy.
16:34But mom.
16:35I know it won't be easy for you to return to that school.
16:38But I assure you that you are wrong to be offended.
16:41Deep down, you have made a mistake.
16:43So it's not just Mr. Davis's fault, but yours too, miss.
16:47I know that.
16:49But you said I could leave school, didn't you?
16:52Because I didn't agree with Mr. Davis's teaching system.
16:55Amy, Mr. Davis promised he would change, and I believe him.
16:59Yes, me too.
17:00Then go back to school from him, please.
17:14It's Mr. Davis's carriage.
17:16Sure, let's go say hello to him.
17:29Please, miss.
17:43Hey, look.
17:44Poor as they are, they give a lot of air.
17:47And now they are trying to conquer Mr. Lawrence.
17:50What do they have in mind?
17:51Obviously, they are four sisters.
17:53The mother would like to marry one with young Lawrence.
17:55But what do they think they are?
17:57How presumptuous these marches.
18:02Oh, ugly vipers.
18:04They are just envious vipers.
18:07The mother would be very upset if she knew.
18:10Yes, it's better not to tell her anything.
18:13This thing will remain only between us.
18:15We must swear to keep the secret.
18:17Yes, I swear.
18:19Me too.
18:20Me too.
18:22We solemnly swear not to reveal the secret to anyone.
18:26I swear.
18:27I swear.
18:28I swear.
18:29I swear.
18:30I swear.
18:31I swear.
18:32I swear.
18:33I swear.
18:34I swear.
18:35I swear to never tell the mother the gossip we have heard.
18:39Never in our life.
18:42Girls, it's time to go to bed.
18:44Good night.
18:45Good night.
18:46Good night.
18:47Good night.
18:49Good night.
18:50Good night.
19:12Sei ancora sveglia?
19:16Mamma, vorrei sapere una cosa.
19:20Tu hai forse dei progetti per il nostro futuro?
19:22Che intendi dire?
19:24Alcune madri desiderano che le loro figlie un giorno sposino un politico, un medico,
19:29un ufficiale, una persona importante.
19:31Oh, ma è naturale.
19:32Anch'io penso al vostro futuro.
19:34Would you like us to marry rich men, like Lori, for example?
19:38What are you talking about?
19:40I never thought of Lori as a possible candidate for your hand.
19:44I was sure of it.
19:45The only thing I really care about is that the four of you become responsible people,
19:51and one day you will be able to make the most of your virtues.
19:56Of course, I would also like my four daughters to marry rich men and be happy,
20:02but I don't think that wealth is enough to give true happiness,
20:06and I don't even think that a woman should necessarily marry just because she is a woman.
20:12The most important thing is that you always know how to give the best of yourself.
20:17Thank you, Mom.
20:19You know what? I will become a great writer.
20:32Why is Miss Amy so late?
20:34I don't know why she's so late today.
20:38Amy, hurry up! You have to go to school, don't you know?
20:41I'm coming!
20:55Oh, what is it, Amy?
20:57I changed my mind.
20:59I know what you're going through, but you've come this far,
21:02be brave and don't worry.
21:07Amy, come on, we're all waiting for you!
21:11Come on, run!
21:21Apparently Amy's school problems are over,
21:25but the gossip about the March girls spreads quickly among the envious ladies.
21:30But don't be afraid.
21:32Whatever difficulties the March will encounter,
21:35Joe will always be there to give courage to everyone.
21:56If you take a little fish in the net, let it go.
22:06If you take a little bird, let it fly.
22:15If you take a butterfly on a flower, let it go.
22:22If you see a snail in the meadow, don't crush it.
22:31We all have a heart to live in the world.
22:35We all have a heart of gold or silver,
22:39to sing to the wind in freedom.
22:43To sing to the wind in freedom.
