• 2 months ago
Seven Great Demon Lords is a collective term for the strongest Demon-type Digimon. Usually, they don't interfere with each other, neither cooperate or become hostile with each other regardless of their interests or disagreements.
They were once high-ranking Angel digimon, rulers of dartrkness.

Part 1 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x92yobs
Part 2 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x935sae
Part 3 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x93ijmm


00:00The Seven Princes of Hell, each associated with one of the Seven Deadly Sins, are believed
00:12to rule the Kingdom of Darkness through their unique powers and influences.
00:16Together, these princes create a complex and multifaceted rule over the Kingdom of Darkness,
00:22each contributing to the overall atmosphere of sin and corruption.
00:26Their combined influences ensure that Hell remains a place of eternal suffering and moral
00:31The Seven Princes of Hell, also known as the Seven Kings of Hell, are powerful demonic
00:36rulers each associated with one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
00:40Here are their names and the sins they represent.
00:44Seven Great Demon Lords is a collective term for the strongest demon-type Digimon.
00:49Usually, they don't interfere with each other, either cooperate or become hostile with each
00:53other regardless of their interests or disagreements.
00:58They were once high-ranking angel Digimon, especially among beings of goodness.
01:02However, they each committed a deadly sin and fell.
01:06When Lucifer instigated a rebellion against God, alongside other angels that fell, they
01:11were deleted to the Dark Area by the Digital World System, or perhaps the very human that
01:16created the Digital World, and being sealed there as punishment, continuing to exist as
01:20a deadly sin, a desire that they each pursue, subsequently becoming Demon Lords.
01:26Belphegor was sealed in the deepest parts of the Dark Area, and as its power was too
01:30immense, its data was put in a sleep state by that very same system.
01:35Currently, the Seven Great Demon Lords are the chief nobility of the Dark Area, residing
01:39within the heart of that world, the Den of Demons, and each member has the right to command
01:44legions of the Nightmare Soldiers, if they so wish.
01:48They are also able to subvert the cycle of reincarnation presided over by a Princess
01:52of Hell instead of having the chance to be reborn, the data of their victims becomes
01:56their own flesh and blood.
01:59Despite their might, however, certain other demonic Digimon are powerful enough to stand
02:03outside their authority, such as Grandracuman, who is so strong that even the Seven Great
02:08Demon Lords cannot interfere with him.
02:11Some other Demon Lords such as Belial Vam Demon are rumored to be part of this group,
02:15but are not members.
02:17The group has a natural rivalry with the Royal Knights.
02:21The Seven Seals of the Seven Olympian Spirits, also depicted alongside the Seals of the Seven
02:28Each of the Seven Great Demon Lords has their own crown displayed in one of the seven colors
02:33of the visible spectrum of light.
02:35The center of each crown depicts a sigil of one of the Seven Olympian Spirits, a group
02:39of seven mythological entities who, under God, ruled over the 196 provinces of Heaven
02:45and presided over the natural world for 490 years each.
02:49They are mentioned in works such as Arbatel Demagia Veteram and are each associated with
02:53a celestial body, which is also displayed on the crown directly above the Olympian Spirit
02:58Seal and corresponds to a particular sin.
03:02Within the space between the two concentric circles is text stating a designated level,
03:06this is a 666, for all the crown where, 666, is the, a number of the beast, a concept mentioned
03:13in the Book of Revelation, System, the demon that traditionally represents the respective
03:18sin, and code which identifies a sin associated with the aforementioned demon.
03:23Lucifer, pride often considered the leader, Lucifer's pride led to his fall from Heaven.
03:29He embodies arrogance and defiance against divine authority.
03:33Lucifer, also known as Satan, was once an archangel who rebelled against God and was
03:38cast down to Hell.
03:40He embodies pride and temptation, luring mortals into sin.
03:44Before his fall, Lucifer held a significant role in Heaven.
03:49As a guardian, his job was to serve God and provide protection.
03:53He occupied a high rank and was considered a cherub.
03:56However, due to his rebellion, he was cast down from Heaven.
04:00Isaiah 14 verse 12, Ezekiel 28 verse 16.
04:05His actions introduced sin, death, and corruption into God's perfect creation, Genesis 3, Romans
04:115 verse 12.
04:12Additionally, he now accuses and slanders believers before God, Revelation 12 verse
04:1810, 12.
04:19Lucifer, often confused with Satan but distinct from him, holds a significant role in the
04:24hierarchy of Hell.
04:26After his fall from Heaven, Lucifer became the, Emperor of Hell.
04:30He corresponds to the sin of pride and maintains order over his evil domain.
04:35Some angels who followed him also became princes of Hell.
04:39Interestingly, Lucifer is the counterpoint to John the Baptist and appears as a beautiful
04:43child to mortals.
04:46Lucifer has intriguing origins.
04:49In Roman folklore, Lucifer was associated with the Morning Star, which is the planet
04:53Venus at dawn.
04:55Often depicted as a male figure bearing a torch, Lucifer heralded the arrival of daylight
05:00in poetry.
05:01However, in Christian times, the name Lucifer came to be associated with Satan before his
05:06fall from grace.
05:09As the leader, Lucifer's prideful nature drives the hierarchy and structure of Hell.
05:14He is often seen as the ultimate authority, setting the tone for rebellion and defiance
05:19against divine order.
05:21Lucifer operates in Satan, the god of this age already discussed in part 2.
05:26Satan's wrath fuels the aggression and conflict within Hell.
05:30He is often depicted as a tempter and accuser, inciting anger and violence among the damned.
05:37Belphegor's Role Belphegor, often depicted as a fallen angel
05:41or demon, is said to have observed this celestial conflict without actively taking sides.
05:47So Yahweh removed him from Heaven due to his slopefulness and sent him to the Arbis.
05:52His neutrality and inaction during the rebellion led to his eventual expulsion from Heaven.
05:58Some texts suggest that he was cast down alongside Lucifer.
06:02As a consequence of his indifference or lack of commitment, Belphegor was expelled from
06:06the heavenly realm.
06:08He became associated with sloth, idleness, and the wasting of time of fitting punishment
06:12for his passive stance during the rebellion.
06:16He is the guardian of Hell's gates.
06:19After his fall, Belphegor became one of the seven kings of Hell.
06:23His role includes guarding the gates of Hell.
06:26Some traditions depict him as a demon who tempts humans to indulge in idle pleasures
06:30and waste their potential.
06:32He tempts humans with laziness, apathy, and hedonism, leading them away from diligence
06:37and moral integrity.
06:39Interestingly, Belphegor is also known for inspiring humans with ingenious ideas for
06:44wealth-generating inventions, though these often lead to greed and selfishness.
06:49His influence creates disputes and discord, fostering an environment of conflict and moral
06:55As a high-ranking demon, Belphegor carries out missions on behalf of Satan, furthering
06:59the goals of the kingdom of darkness.
07:04Mammon, a term found in the New Testament, is often associated with material wealth or
07:11Jesus used it in a phrase that translates to, You cannot serve both God and Mammon.
07:16Essentially, it highlights the tension between spiritual devotion and the pursuit of worldly
07:22In both religious and secular contexts, Mammon symbolizes the debasing influence of wealth.
07:28Matthew 6, 24, Yeshua uses the term in his Sermon on the Mount, emphasizing that one
07:33cannot serve both God and Mammon.
07:36He calls Mammon unrighteous, highlighting the tension between devotion to God and the
07:40pursuit of worldly gain.
07:43Luke 16, 9-11, in this passage, Yeshua tells the parable of the unjust steward, where he
07:48advises making friends with the Mammon of unrighteousness.
07:52Again, Mammon represents material wealth and the choices we make regarding it.
07:57Beelzebub, also known as Baal-zebub, has a fascinating history rooted in ancient religious
08:03Let's explore this intriguing figure.
08:07Origin and Etymology of Beelzebub
08:10Beelzebub is derived from the Philistine god Baal-zebub, worshipped in the city of Ekron
08:14during Old Testament times.
08:16The name itself means, the lord of flies, or, alternatively, the lord of dung.
08:22Interestingly, goldenfly images have been found during excavations at ancient Philistine
08:28Origin and Etymology of Beelzebub is derived from the Philistine god Baal-zebub, worshipped
08:33in the city of Ekron during Old Testament times.
08:36The name itself means, the lord of flies, or, alternatively, the lord of dung.
08:41Interestingly, goldenfly images have been found during excavations at ancient Philistine
08:48In the New Testament, Beelzebub is mentioned as a name for Satan, Matthew 10, 25.
08:54Matthew 12, 24, and 27, Mark 3, 22.
08:59In the Old Testament, King Ahaziah of Israel sought counsel from Baal-zebub after injuring
09:05However, the prophet Elijah condemned Ahaziah for turning to this pagan deity instead of
09:11seeking guidance from God.
09:14Demonology and Symbolism
09:16In demonology, Beelzebub is considered one of the seven deadly demons or princes of hell.
09:22He represents gluttony and envy, reflecting the darker aspects of human nature.
09:27Some theological sources equate Beelzebub with Satan himself, emphasizing his malevolent
09:34The Lord of the Flies
09:36Beelzebub is occasionally referred to as the Lord of the Flies.
09:41This title may evoke both disgust, flies as pests, and deeper symbolism, perhaps related
09:46to decay or corruption.
09:49Beelzebub's complex identity spans ancient gods, biblical narratives, and demonology.
09:54His name carries rich historical and symbolic significance, making him a captivating figure
09:59in religious lore.
10:01Belial, also known as Belial, is often depicted in various ways across different texts and
10:09According to biblical and historical texts, in the Hebrew Bible, Belial is a term used
10:14to describe wicked or worthless people.
10:17Over time, Belial became personified as a demon or the devil in Christian texts.
10:23In demonology, Belial is often depicted as a powerful demon with a humanoid form, wings,
10:29and horns.
10:30He is described as tall and imposing, with a muscular build, dark leathery skin, and
10:35a menacing gaze.
10:37In the occult, in various occult texts, Belial is sometimes depicted as two beautiful angels
10:43sitting in a chariot of fire, speaking with a comely voice.
10:47Mythical Descriptions Some sources describe Belial as emitting a
10:51foul odor and having a dark, intimidating appearance.
10:55One of the seven princes of hell, plays a significant role in the kingdom of darkness.
11:00Here his role in hell, he is the promoter of sloth, he is primarily associated with
11:05the sin of sloth.
11:07He tempts humans to embrace laziness, apathy, and neglect of their responsibilities, leading
11:12to moral and spiritual decay.
11:15Deceiver and tempter, known for his deceitful nature, uses his powers to lead people astray.
11:22He creates chaos and destruction by encouraging individuals to rebel against divine order
11:26and indulge in sinful behaviors.
11:30Agent of Lawlessness, Belial embodies worthlessness and lawlessness.
11:34He spreads corruption and disorder, undermining societal and moral structures.
11:40Leader of Evil Spirits In various texts, Belial is depicted as a
11:44leader of evil spirits, commanding them to carry out his malevolent plans.
11:49He is often depicted as a king of hell with 80 legions of demons and 50 legions of spirits
11:54under his command one.
11:56Belial is said to have been created as the first demon after Lucifer.
12:01Belial's role in hell is multifaceted, contributing to the overall atmosphere of sin and corruption.
12:07His influence ensures that hell remains a place of eternal suffering and moral decay.
12:13Livyatan Livyatan, the ancient ocean giant, was a formidable
12:18predator with a length of up to 13 meters.
12:21Belonging to the Physitaridae family, this large and robust creature was known for its
12:25impressive hunting abilities.
12:28Its common English name is the sperm whale, a species still thriving in the oceans today.
12:33Livyatan is often depicted in various ways, depending on the source.
12:38In Christian demonology, Livyatan is considered one of the seven princes of hell, representing
12:43the sin of envy.
12:45This portrayal places Livyatan firmly in hell, often as a monstrous sea serpent or dragon.
12:50In other traditions, particularly in Jewish mythology, Livyatan is seen as a primordial
12:55sea creature created by God, destined to be defeated at the end of times.
13:00This version of Livyatan roams the seas of earth rather than being confined to hell.
13:05Genesis 1 verse 21 God created the great sea creatures and every living thing that creeps,
13:11so that the water swarmed with all kinds of them, and there was every kind of winged bird,
13:15and God saw that it was good.
13:17Livyatan is mentioned in several places in the Old Testament.
13:21Job 3, 8 May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Livyatan.
13:27Job 41, 1-34 This passage provides a detailed description of Livyatan, portraying it as
13:33a powerful and fearsome sea creature.
13:37Psalm 74, 14 It was you who crushed the heads of Livyatan and gave it as food to the creatures
13:42of the desert.
13:44Psalm 104, 26 There the ships go to and fro, and Livyatan, which you formed to frolic there.
13:50Isaiah 27, 1 In that day, the Lord will punish with his sword his fierce, great and powerful
13:56sword Livyatan the gliding serpent, Livyatan the coiling serpent.
14:00He will slay the monster of the sea.
14:03The Bible, Livyatan is often depicted as a powerful sea creature symbolizing chaos and
14:09It is mentioned in the Old Testament as a creature created by God, representing the
14:13untamed and dangerous aspects of the natural world.
14:17In some interpretations, Livyatan is seen as a metaphor for powerful enemies or forces
14:22of chaos that God will ultimately defeat.
14:24Comparative mythology, Livyatan has parallels in other mythologies such as the Mesopotamian
14:29Tiamat and the Canaanite Lotan.
14:32These creatures often symbolize chaos and are typically defeated by a hero or deity
14:36representing the triumph of order over chaos.
14:40Livyatan roams the seas, embodying the chaotic and uncontrollable forces of nature.
14:46Asmodeus Asmodeus is often portrayed as a tall, handsome
14:51figure with dark hair and piercing eyes.
14:55His beauty is deceptive, masking his malevolence and corrupt nature.
14:59Some depictions show him with large, bat-like wings, emphasizing his demonic origin.
15:05His tail is often serpentine, hinting at his cunning and deceitful nature.
15:10Asmodeus wears a crown, symbolizing his authority as one of the seven princes of hell.
15:15Asmodeus is mentioned in the Book of Tobit, which is part of the deuterocanonical books
15:19in some Christian traditions.
15:21Specifically, he appears in Tobit 3, 8 and Tobit 3, 17.
15:27In these verses, Asmodeus is depicted as an evil demon who kills the husbands of Sarah,
15:32the daughter of Regel, before they can consummate their marriages.
15:36Asmodeus, the king of both demons and demons, represents the sin of lust.
15:41He is one of the seven princes of hell, and is known for his wickedness and talent for
15:45spreading lust.
15:47Additionally, Asmodeus oversees gambling operations in hell, enticing mortals to recklessly wager
15:53their own fortunes.
15:55His influence is pervasive, and compliance with him condemns an individual to hell's
15:59second level for eternity.
16:01Asmodeus, the infamous demon of lust, is depicted in various ways across different traditions
16:06and texts.
16:08Here are some common characteristics associated with him.
16:12Lustful Temptation.
16:14Asmodeus tempts mortals with lustful thoughts and desires, leading them astray.
16:19He thrives on seduction, encouraging immoral behavior and indulgence.
16:27Asmodeus is linked to forbidden love, illicit affairs, and sexual excess.
16:31His influence extends beyond physical lust to emotional and spiritual corruption.
16:37Association between them.
16:38Asmodeus is often depicted as a demon of lust and is known from the deuterocanonical book
16:42of Tobit, where he disrupts marriages.
16:46He is also mentioned in various other traditions, including Talmudic stories and Christian demonology.
16:52Coming up next, Part 4.13 Princes of Hell.
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16:59It worth time and effort.
17:01It takes time to make research to get correct information to present to you in this video.
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