10 Most Disconcerting Star Wars Characters

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10 Most Disconcerting Star Wars Characters


00:00So, we all know that Star Wars is a world full of black and white, good vs evil, dark
00:06vs light and so on and so forth and if we're talking evil Star Wars characters, then there
00:11is no one more evil-lalala than the Emperor himself right?
00:16Well yes, true, he is very very evil from a traditional standpoint, but the question
00:20is, do we see him do anything really disturbing?
00:23I mean sure, he kills Jedi's, and he tortures Luke Skywalker a little bit on the Death Star,
00:28but that's not truly disturbing, especially when you compare it to some of the actions
00:32that others in the galaxy have gotten up to, which we're covering today, so brace yourself
00:37as things are going to get very dark very quickly.
00:40As I'm Jules, this is WhatCulture.com, and these are the 10 Most Disturbing Star Wars
00:499D9 was a hard-working moisture-vaporator mechanic, but like so many other characters
00:53on this list, 9D9 developed a love for torture.
00:57Apparently in the Star Wars galaxy, you'll never be in want of a good torturer.
01:00For 9D9, this love stemmed from a programming malfunction.
01:04This malfunction manifested in 9D9's desire to torment her fellow droids.
01:09After the malfunction, the Hutt crime syndicate bought 9D9, and they made her the Chief of
01:14Cyborg Operations.
01:16She converted the basement of the Hutt's palace into a dark and dank torture chamber,
01:20which is very medieval, and from there, with the help of her sadistic smelting droid, 9D9
01:25instilled terror in the Hutt's droid pool.
01:289D9 was so enthralled with torturing droids that she had a speciality photoreceptor fitted
01:33so that she could read droids' pain levels.
01:39You may not know this character by name, but rest assured that V'Ney is a snivelling
01:43little creep.
01:44V'Ney lived as Darth Vader's only attendant within the Dark Lord's palace on Mustafar.
01:49As one of the few people allowed into Vader's inner sanctum, V'Ney is witness to Vader's
01:54most disturbing acts, and V'Ney loves every minute of it.
01:58He worships the ground that his Dark Master walks on.
02:02Early in the construction of the Mustafar palace, a band of people living on the planet
02:06attacked Vader and his guests.
02:08This is obviously a terrible move on their behalf.
02:11With his mastery of the dark side, Vader gets the upper hand.
02:15From there, he forced all the attackers to drown themselves in a nearby river of lava.
02:19How you drown yourself with lava before burning to death is anyone's guess, but he managed
02:23it somehow.
02:24V'Ney rushed right out of the palace to witness this gruesome act, and as each member
02:29of the party burned alive, V'Ney cackled with delight.
02:33Other duties of V'Ney's included electrocuting captured rebels to ensure that his master's
02:37torture web was in order.
02:39This was a deed that brought V'Ney a sadistic pleasure, and it definitely earned him a spot
02:44on this list.
02:46Khardu Saimalok
02:47You may not remember Khardu Saimalok's name, or even be able to say it – I probably have
02:52mispronounced it myself – but if you've seen A New Hope, you'll know his face.
02:56As he shows up in the background of the famous cantina scene, the camera briefly pans to
03:01a character who resembles the bloody devil, with a fiendish smile on his face.
03:05And that is Malak.
03:07And if you always thought he was up to no good, well, you'd be right.
03:10While Disney has watered down his character's backstory, in Legends, he is quite the literal
03:16In Legends, Malak is known to the galaxy as the Butcher of the Montelian Serat.
03:20He earned this nickname as an army captain on his home planet of Davaron.
03:24Malak's unit was deployed to quell a rebellion, and he captured the city of Montelian Serat,
03:29imprisoning 700 men, women, and children.
03:32When his commanding officer ordered him to move on without the prisoners, he interpreted
03:35this as an order of execution, so he shelled the entire city and killed all 700 inhabitants.
03:42Afterwards, he fled to Mos Eisley as a wanted war criminal.
03:45Eventually, he was captured and returned to Davaron by the infamous bounty hunter Boba
03:50He was thrown into a pit of starving animals to be eaten alive, much to the delight of
03:54the cheering crowds.
03:57Darth Venomous
03:58Now, we've all heard the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise, right?
04:01Well Darth Venomous definitely knows it, because he had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing
04:05the Sith Lord who trained Palpatine.
04:07In fact, they were rivals, and Venomous found himself on the losing end of that rivalry
04:12and becoming a victim of a rather disturbing fate.
04:15You see, Venomous was the secret apprentice of Darth Plagueis' master.
04:19That same master ordered him to hunt down and kill Plagueis.
04:22And so Venomous confronted him, but unfortunately for Venomous, he was bested in combat.
04:27But not content to just murder Venomous, the other Dark Lord forced this Sith Lord into
04:32a coma.
04:33Over the next several years, Venomous' body was experimented on in a quest to discover
04:37dark secrets of the Force.
04:39When Venomous' body was no longer useful, he was finally allowed to die.
04:44But he wasn't quite done with Venomous yet, as he was then resurrected over and over,
04:49killing him each time again and again, with the purpose being to kill Venomous until even
04:54his organs completely broke down.
04:56Yeah, pretty grim, right?
04:59Bib Fortuna
05:00Bib Fortuna was a male Twi'lek who served as Jabba the Hutt's major domo, or chief
05:05of staff.
05:06Working for Jabba the Hutt is disturbing enough for most people, but Fortuna witnessed and
05:10even organised countless executions at the whim of his master.
05:14Fortuna, more than likely, had his chief rival for Jabba's favour eaten by Jabba's rancor.
05:18In fact, the skull that Luke Skywalker throws at the rancor is that of Fortuna's slain
05:24So yeah, you can use that on your next trivia night next time.
05:26But the really disturbing aspects of Fortuna's life take place after his master dies at the
05:31hands of rebel scum.
05:33In canon, Fortuna is shot dead by Boba Fett at the end of Season 2 of The Mandalorian,
05:37but in Legends, his story goes well beyond this untimely end.
05:41But truthfully, Fortuna may have been better off dead.
05:43You see, in Legends, Fortuna returns to Jabba's palace with the aim of taking over his former
05:48master's lucrative business.
05:49However, there are other inhabitants of the palace.
05:52These are the Bomar monks, and they had other plans for Fortuna.
05:56The monks are of a strange religious sect that lives in the cellars of Jabba's palace.
06:01Here they capture Fortuna upon his return, and here's the disturbing part, the monks
06:05removed his brain from his skull and placed it into a spider droid.
06:09Cursed forever, Fortuna now roams the palace, a disembodied brain trapped in a mechanical
06:15Now that really is disturbing.
06:18Dr. Cornelius Evazan
06:20Would you believe that this guy was once a promising cosmetic surgeon?
06:23Obviously, things kind of went off the rails at some point in time, and it was probably
06:26when Cornelius here started practising creative surgery on his patients.
06:31His work earned him the moniker the Mutilator of Milvane, a nickname that he more than deserved.
06:37And if his morbid surgical experiments weren't bad enough for you, there's the other matter
06:41of his slaves.
06:42At some point, he started transforming his victims into mindless cyborgs.
06:46He dubbed these creations the Decraniated.
06:48He planned to sell these zombified servants to the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate, and Cornelius
06:53made a bundle of money at the expense of his enslaved former patients.
06:57But justice finally came his way when he decided to hassle a naive farm boy on Tatooine,
07:02seeing as this particular moisture farmer was in the care of the legendary Jedi Obi-Wan
07:07And if you've seen A New Hope, you know how this story ends.
07:10Cornelius' companion's arm is severed, and despite all of his years as a surgeon,
07:14he fails to reattach it.
07:17Grand Moff Tarkin
07:18In the later years of the Galactic Empire, power had become concentrated in a small cadre
07:23of men.
07:24Darth Vader and Palpatine were at the top of the food chain, and this was in no small
07:27part due to their dark knowledge of the Force.
07:29However, a man who commanded equal parts fear and power was that of Grand Moff Tarkin, and
07:35Tarkin achieved his infamy without any ability in the Force.
07:38He was just a really bad dude.
07:40Tarkin was so respected that he could order Darth Vader around like a lapdog, and you
07:44need to be pretty intimidating to bully a Sith Lord.
07:47So how did he earn this respect?
07:49Well, Tarkin believed that the only way to achieve peace in the galaxy was through fear.
07:54People had to fear the Empire so much that they would never dare rebel, and for Tarkin
07:58this was more than an idea, it was a practice.
08:01His ideology was on full display in the Gormon Massacre.
08:05Citizens of that planet gathered to protest Imperial taxation, and the protesters crowded
08:09onto a landing pad to prevent Tarkin's ship from landing on the planet.
08:13Tarkin ordered his pilot to land despite the crowd, meaning that his ship crushed a huge
08:17group of protesters, killing most of them and maiming the rest.
08:21There was also the small matter of Tarkin destroying the planet of Alderaan.
08:24No real reason to do this, he just did it because he could, and because it would send
08:28a message.
08:29And by the way, in that single act, Tarkin likely killed more people than Vader and Palpatine
08:34So much for Sith Lords, this guy really was the true baddie.
08:38Triple Zero
08:39So if Star Wars had a mirror universe, then Triple Zero would be C-3PO's doppelganger.
08:44Like C-3PO, Triple Zero is a protocol droid.
08:47He's well versed in the skills of translations, customs, etiquette.
08:50But unlike C-3PO, Triple Zero is also proficient in the art of torture.
08:55In fact, Triple Zero is so effective that Darth Vader employed him as a torturer.
09:00Vader tasked him with procuring information from Imperial officers and rebel scum alike.
09:05Triple Zero had many former masters, but he had a nasty habit of draining them of their
09:10He was so dangerous that his personality matrix was stowed on a quarantined planet for hundreds
09:15of years.
09:17A minion of Vader discovered Triple Zero and placed his matrix in a protocol droid.
09:21From then on, he was probably the galaxy's most unassuming sadist.
09:25Triple Zero often declined payment for his work because he enjoyed it so bloody much.
09:29And he was also crucial in Vader's hunt for his son Luke Skywalker.
09:33The droid forced a Naboo official to admit that Padme Amidala had given birth before
09:37she died.
09:38Triple Zero then electro-shocked the man to death, which wasn't actually part of the
09:41orders he'd received, he just had fun doing it.
09:44But he did face some justice for his terrible deeds.
09:47In a failed attempt to kidnap Luke Skywalker, the droid had both his arms ripped off by
09:52Way to go, Chewie.
09:55Darth Vader
09:56Unlike the Emperor, Darth Vader is a villain who we certainly see commit some pretty heinous
10:01He routinely terrorises, chokes, and murders his co-workers, for a start.
10:05But during his rise to power within the Empire, Vader once organised a gathering of Imperial
10:10Once they were all together, Vader murdered five of the officers just at random.
10:14And this wasn't an act of malice, the officers hadn't done anything wrong, he just wanted
10:17to demonstrate his power to them.
10:20Even before Vader donned his menacing cape and helmet, he proved to be a pretty messed
10:23up individual.
10:25Within hours of converting to the dark side, Vader stormed the Jedi temple, and there he
10:29murdered dozens of Jedi who he probably knew very well.
10:31Hell, he was probably friends with most of them.
10:33And of course, he culminates this attack by cutting down a room full of children.
10:38who know him and look to him for protection.
10:41Vader just straight up murders them.
10:43Weirdly, a lot of people love Vader, and believe that chucking Palpatine down an exhaust shaft
10:47was a redeeming act.
10:48But let's not forget that Darth Vader is a seriously disturbed individual, and killing
10:52his admittedly evil boss really doesn't make up for slicing up a bunch of preschoolers,
10:57now does it?
11:00Now don't laugh, let me actually explain here.
11:02We all know that Ewoks were a cheap ploy on the part of George Lucas to sell a boatload
11:06of toys.
11:07But have you ever actually sat down and considered the Ewoks' actions throughout Return of
11:10the Jedi?
11:11I mean, take for instance how they dealt with Luke, Han, and Chewie when they were first
11:16The Ewoks hogtied the rebels and built a couple of bloody bonfires.
11:19It's clear that these little furry forest dwellers were planning to eat our favourite
11:24That is pretty terrifying.
11:26Now also consider what happened to the hundreds of stormtroopers that the Ewoks capture after
11:30their destruction of the Death Star.
11:32Those poor bastards definitely got eaten.
11:35And there we go, my friends.
11:36Those were the 10 most disturbing Star Wars characters.
11:39I hope that you enjoyed that, or at least got something from it, and let me know what
11:42you thought about it down in the comments section below.
11:45As always, I've been Jules, you can go follow me over on Twitter at RetroJay with a zero.
11:49Just for the record here, it's RetroJay but the O in there is a zero.
11:53I feel like I have to explain that a bit more because some people are still messaging me
11:56saying they can't find me on social medias.
11:58And if you want to follow me even further than that, you can go to Live and Let Dice,
12:02where I do all of my streaming outside of work, as well as my Warhammer Battle reports,
12:05and it'd be great to see you over there.
12:07Hope you're treating yourself with love and respect, my friend.
12:09Hope you're having a fantastic day, whatever it is you get up to.
12:12And just remembering that you are a massive legend, you deserve all of the best things
12:15in life, alright?
12:16Now go out there and absolutely smash it today.
12:18I believe in you.
12:19As always, I've been Jules, you have been awesome.
12:22Never forget that, and I'll speak to you soon.
