film ölümlü dünya 2 Mortal World 2 (2024)

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Film Mortal World 2 (2024) مترجم
Film ölümlü dünya 2 (2024)
ölümlü dünya 2 Mortal World 2 (2024)


00:00:00Thank you very much.
00:00:30Amanecer dormido entre tus brazos
00:00:36Amanecer y ver que no es mentira
00:00:41El verme muerto entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:00:47Y el saber que estás conmigo para siempre
00:00:53Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:00:59Y el saber que estás conmigo para siempre
00:01:04Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:10Y el saber que estás conmigo para siempre
00:01:16Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:22Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:28Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:34Amanecer dormido entre tus besos y tus ansias
00:01:41Oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:01:48Oralarda, oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:01:57Oralarda, oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:02:06Oralarda, oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:02:14Oralarda, oralarda, oralarda, ben seni gördüm
00:02:36Ee, Zafer'i İstanbul'da dandik bir evde tutuyorlar. Başında da bir iki tane koruma var.
00:02:43Yani biz saldıracağız. Saldırınca onlar bizi paketleyecekler orada. Planları bu yani.
00:02:50Ee'si, yani Zafer'i kurtarmak esasen bizim işimizi görmüyor.
00:02:55Ayrıca kaçamıyoruz. Bir arada olamıyoruz.
00:02:58Dolayısıyla hem Zafer'i hem aileyi kurtarmak için bize daha köklü bir çözüm lazım.
00:03:03Sen de kalktın, beni acayip bir tehlikeye atarak buraya geldin.
00:03:08Çünkü, çünkü benim bu adamlarla masaya oturmam lazım.
00:03:14Küçük bir bilgi, ne bileyim bir ipucu, örgütü tedirgin edecek bir şey yani.
00:03:21Yıllardır bu adamların kuyruğunu tutuyorsun, ciğerlerini biliyorsun.
00:03:25Masada benim elimi kuvvetlendirecek bir koz lazım.
00:03:29Ha biz savaşır mıyız? Savaşırız.
00:03:31Tabii, tabii.
00:03:33Savaş, savaş. Biz de bunaldık yani.
00:03:36Ancak savaş da olacak şey değil yani.
00:03:39Masa şart.
00:03:40Masa varsa öyle bir ihtimal tercih ederiz. Çok iyi olur yani.
00:03:44Biz normalde aslında Ukrayna'ya bir kaçma planımız vardı.
00:03:49Helikopteri kaçırdık, o olmadı yani. Öyle bir tüm sistem değişti.
00:03:53Sonra sevilingimizi kaybettik. Allah rahmet eylesin mekanı cennet olsun.
00:03:58Allah rahmet eylesin.
00:04:01Dizanteri, sıkıntılı sancılı bir kayıp.
00:04:04Kanlı dizanteri.
00:04:06Çok bağırdı, çok bağırdı.
00:04:09Sonra efendim biz tabii ki hani hedefini küçültmek için dağıldık böyle.
00:04:13Etmezmiş gibi bir de yanımızda hamile bir kadın var.
00:04:17Anadolu eşim zaten hamile benim biliyorsunuz.
00:04:20Avlanmak zorunda kaldık.
00:04:22Ayı yedik.
00:04:24Biz ayı yedik efendim.
00:04:26En son ayı yedik yani.
00:04:32Savaşmakla olacak gibi değil biliyorsun.
00:04:35Benim masaya oturmam lazım.
00:04:37Masaya oturabiliyorsak çok iyi.
00:04:39Savaşmak olmuyor, kaçmak ol. Tam bir dilemma.
00:04:47Sen çocuklarına hiç benden bahsetmemişsin Gazanfer.
00:04:52Bahsetti mi?
00:04:54Hiç bahsetmedim.
00:04:55Nurgül abi var çok eski.
00:04:57Çocuklar ben babanızın en eski arkadaşıyım.
00:05:00Hatta bu dünyadaki tek arkadaşı da benim diyebilirim.
00:05:03En azından bir zamanlar öyleydi.
00:05:05Biz birlikte bir sürü zorlu eğitimden geçtik.
00:05:09Hatırlıyor musun?
00:05:11Aç susuz, uykusuz, ıssızlığım ortasında.
00:05:15Hiç uyumumuz geri dönemedi.
00:05:17Ama babanız her seferinde bizi evimize geri getirmeyi başardı.
00:05:24O yüzden sana hayatımızı borçluyduk.
00:05:28Sana hepimiz hayrandık.
00:05:32Estağfurullah, olur mu öyle şey?
00:05:34Allah aşkına ya, bak Allah'ın adını verdim.
00:05:36Geçmiş zaman şeyleri ya, üstünde durma artık haydi.
00:05:39Konuya dönelim yani biz.
00:05:43Tamam konuya dönelim, peki.
00:05:50Bana olan borcunu ödersen size yardım ederim.
00:05:56Baba, baba parayı alamadık.
00:05:58Ne borcu baba, halledemeyebiliriz.
00:06:00İmkansız bir şey olabilir.
00:06:02Muhtacım, muhtacım, müsaade.
00:06:06Ne borcu ya?
00:06:09Bir tango borcu.
00:06:1530 yıl evvelinden.
00:06:45Alnımın yazısıydın
00:06:51Ne yapsam silemem ki
00:06:56Sensiz saadet neymiş
00:07:03Tatmadım bilemem ki
00:07:09Alnımın yazısıydın
00:07:15Ne yapsam silemem ki
00:07:28Efendim aşkım.
00:07:29Biz ikimiz yarın annemlere gidelim.
00:07:31Peki, durma hoca, durumumuzu biliyorsun.
00:07:33Yapamayız öyle bir şey.
00:07:35Ya Allah Allah, bak Serhan benim karnım alnıma dayandı.
00:07:37Ben iyi değilim ya.
00:07:38Benim daha bir metre kıpırcak şeyim kalmadı.
00:07:40Rica ediyorum, git babanla konuş sabah diyeceksin ki
00:07:42Baba, benim karım hamile, bazı ihtiyaçları varmış diyeceksin.
00:07:45O kadar, anasını görmek istiyormuş diyeceksin.
00:07:47Bitti gitti.
00:07:48Meleğim, bir tanem bak.
00:07:50Senin ağzından çıkanı kulağın duyuyor mu?
00:07:52Bizim Zafer'i kurtarmamız lazım.
00:07:54Böyle bir şey olmaz ama babama gelip de
00:07:56Biz kayınvalideme gidiyoruz falan diyemem.
00:07:58Ben öyle mi söylerim engelle?
00:07:59Öyle mi söylerim?
00:08:00Diyeceksin ki babacım, benim artık bir ailem var diyeceksin.
00:08:03Ve ben onların yanında duracağım diyeceksin.
00:08:05O kadar ya.
00:08:06Ne sümsük sınıpe bir şey çıktın sen ya.
00:08:08Biraz adam ol.
00:08:09Erkek ol biraz.
00:08:10Erkek gibi şöyle.
00:08:11Babanın karşısında bir duruşun olsun be.
00:08:14O kadar zor değil.
00:08:15Bu kadar.
00:08:16Böyle böyle diyeceksin baba.
00:08:17Böyle böyle.
00:08:19Kalk bana, kalk.
00:08:20Kalk bana soda getir.
00:08:21Begüm bu kadar soda olmaz.
00:08:22Kaç tane içtin ya?
00:08:23Lan gazın var.
00:08:24Ya gazın falan yok.
00:08:25Sen hamilesin.
00:08:26İçinde çocuk var.
00:08:27Sen çocuğu mu eritmeye çalışıyorsun bu kadar sodayı?
00:08:28Ne yapıyorsun?
00:08:29Sen halmişmiş.
00:08:30Niye bana cevap veriyorsun?
00:08:31Ben sana soru mu sordum?
00:08:32Soda içebilir miyim diye sordum ben sana.
00:08:33Soda getir dedim bana.
00:08:38Bu kadar zor bir şey diye katacaksın.
00:08:39Soda getireceksin ya.
00:08:40Bir onu yapacaksın.
00:08:42Ne o?
00:08:43Ne hareketler?
00:08:44Yok bir şey yok.
00:08:46Bir şey yok.
00:08:47Bakış mı attın sen bana?
00:08:48Hayır bir şey yapmadım.
00:08:49Ay bakma öyle uzun uzun.
00:08:50Vallahi düşerim ha.
00:08:51Aşık olurum.
00:08:53Aman o kodumun fincabı.
00:08:54Ne ya?
00:08:55Ne ya?
00:08:56Serhan abi müsaade etmesin bir konuşalım.
00:08:57Müsaade değilim.
00:08:58Konuşalım seninle.
00:08:59Yok konuşmadım.
00:09:00Abi şimdi ben bir iki saattir düşünüyorum.
00:09:01Hani gideyim Serhan abimle bir konuşayım dedim.
00:09:02Şimdi bu operasyonlarımız var ya biliyorsun.
00:09:03Hani planlar yapıldı vesaire falan.
00:09:04Bir çok şey tabi yanlış yapıldı bence bana sorarsan.
00:09:05Ben bu işin sonunu hiç iyi görmüyorum tabi ama.
00:09:06Şimdi Zafer'i kaçırdılar abi biliyorsun.
00:09:08Zafer kurtarılacak tabi ki.
00:09:09Yani hani şimdi bizi de kaçırabilirler.
00:09:12Şimdi öyle bir sürecek.
00:09:13Ne anlatıyorsun sen bana?
00:09:14Ne anlatıyorsun?
00:09:17Akireyim ben.
00:09:18Ne yapayım?
00:09:19Ne yapayım ben sana şimdi ya?
00:09:20Yani bir yardımcı oluyorum.
00:09:21Yok olmayayım.
00:09:26Baksana şu.
00:09:27Şu son sekiz ay.
00:09:28Ben de.
00:09:29Ben de.
00:09:30Üst üste geldi abi.
00:09:31Çok geldi.
00:09:32Ben artık Serhan değilim.
00:09:33Ben Begüm.
00:09:34Ben Begüm oldum.
00:09:35Ben senin yengenim artık.
00:09:36Tamam mı?
00:09:37O yüzden sen git abilerine konuş.
00:09:38Bu abini hallet.
00:09:39Benim o dalga mı kalsın?
00:09:40Ben konuşacağım.
00:09:41Kimse olmadı ki.
00:09:42Bıraksana oğlum.
00:09:43Bıraksana oğlum.
00:09:45Ne yapıyorsun?
00:09:58Çıkın dışarı.
00:10:01İstanbul'da dört tane adam var.
00:10:03Bunların hepsi üst düzey.
00:10:05Bu adamların hepsi üzerlerinde bir USB bellek taşıyor.
00:10:09Ne var içinde?
00:10:11Türkiye ve Ortadoğu'nun bütün operasyon dataları.
00:10:16Yani her şey.
00:10:17Her şey, aklına gelebilecek her şey.
00:10:21Ne işime yarar bu bilgiler?
00:10:23Bu USB'ler şifreli.
00:10:25When all four of them come together, it works.
00:10:28These four men take the USBs at a certain time of the year and take them to the headquarters.
00:10:34These four men may be your exit tickets.
00:10:39You have to capture these four men in the same day.
00:10:45Same day?
00:10:46Same day, and very quickly.
00:10:48If one of them wakes up and dies, everything is over.
00:10:54Where are these guys?
00:10:55Their names, addresses, etc.
00:10:58Unfortunately, I don't have any of this information.
00:11:00But I know someone who does.
00:11:03His name is Şenol.
00:11:26Yes, brother?
00:11:30Thank you, thank you. How are you?
00:11:33May I come in, brother?
00:11:36Yes, brother.
00:11:38What family?
00:11:42Okay, brother.
00:11:43Okay, how much?
00:11:47Shall we do half?
00:11:55Yes, brother.
00:12:25How do you leak information from inside?
00:12:36Brother, we have a very wide network inside.
00:12:38It gives us a clean, refined flow of information.
00:12:40In exchange for the fee, of course.
00:12:41And we provide the leather jackets of the top managers of this organization.
00:12:45What do you do as a paravan, Cehennem?
00:12:47We are leather workers, brother.
00:12:48We have an atelier in Zeytinburnu. 50 people work with us.
00:12:51The income is very good, but the job itself is shit, brother.
00:12:54It's not like it can be done. I hate it.
00:12:56I don't just want to leave the organization.
00:12:58I want to get rid of my family.
00:12:59I want to get out of that shit leather atelier, too.
00:13:03How much money do you want?
00:13:05It's easy, brother. We'll talk about it.
00:13:06There's nothing wrong with that.
00:13:07I'll tell you something, Gazanfer.
00:13:09Brother, I'll come to these operations, too.
00:13:11Wait a minute. Why are you coming to the operations?
00:13:14Because I'm going to sit at the table with my brother's organization.
00:13:16I'm going to say, you're going to retire.
00:13:18I'm going to say, you're going to cut my relationship with my family.
00:13:20Wait a minute.
00:13:21Do you have a family like us?
00:13:23I understood it because I was working alone, but dad.
00:13:26Now, Şenol.
00:13:28What do you mean, king or family? Of course there is.
00:13:30I mean, let's say there was.
00:13:31My father died in the last five years.
00:13:33I had two brothers, both of them died.
00:13:35One of my brothers was melted in acid.
00:13:37I poured my own brother into the grave like this.
00:13:39My grandfather.
00:13:40My grandfather died in a fight.
00:13:42He died of heart failure, but he died in a fight.
00:13:44My grandmother was shot by a tank, brother.
00:13:48How much money do you want now?
00:13:53Brother, it's five.
00:13:57One is less.
00:13:58One and a half.
00:13:59I'm fine.
00:14:00Brother, what did you do?
00:14:01I love your eyes.
00:14:02Four and a half.
00:14:05Now, Şenol.
00:14:06All our money is two million dollars.
00:14:08Neither less nor more.
00:14:09That's why I say one.
00:14:13Should I think like one, brother?
00:14:15Not like, one.
00:14:20Good luck, brother.
00:14:21Good luck.
00:14:22Good luck.
00:14:24Now, brother, I'm going to tell you... many guards are there in this organization...
00:14:27...of the top four managers.
00:14:28What places, what they drink, when they come in, when they leave.
00:14:30I'll tell you all of them.
00:14:31Then we'll go to bed at night.
00:14:32We'll finish this job with a clear head in the morning.
00:14:38I can't breathe.
00:14:45You get up, get up, get up.
00:14:47Get up right now and go to your father.
00:14:48What is this?
00:14:49Where do we sleep?
00:14:50What do we live?
00:14:51What is this, Serhan?
00:14:52Are you aware of what you're doing?
00:14:54Look, Nefes.
00:14:55I can't breathe.
00:14:56What is this oxygen that I'm holding in my mouth?
00:14:58Everything is there.
00:14:59It smells like dead.
00:15:00It smells like leather.
00:15:01It stinks.
00:15:02Get up.
00:15:03Get up.
00:15:04Get up, get up, get up.
00:15:05Talk to my father.
00:15:06You'll say, we can't come tomorrow.
00:15:07Get up, get up.
00:15:08You'll say, we're going to Ayvalay.
00:15:12Use me.
00:15:13My wife's psychology is good.
00:15:14You'll live.
00:15:15What did you tell me?
00:15:16The preparations lasted three or four days.
00:15:17Look, the operation is in the morning.
00:15:18You don't know, you don't know.
00:15:19What are you doing?
00:15:20What are you doing?
00:15:22You're not thinking about yourself.
00:15:23See, you're going to think about this baby.
00:15:24Don't let him come into the room.
00:15:25Begüm, how can I say this?
00:15:28You're just getting up now.
00:15:32Get up and talk.
00:15:33Go talk.
00:15:35I'm going to get my stuff.
00:15:36I'm going to fix the baths.
00:15:38Go talk.
00:15:39What are you doing?
00:15:43I'm sorry.
00:15:51Oktay, brother.
00:15:52Oktay, brother.
00:15:54Oktay, brother.
00:15:55What happened?
00:15:56Oktay, brother.
00:15:57What happened?
00:15:58Oktay, brother.
00:15:59I didn't do anything.
00:16:01Let me go.
00:16:02Let me go.
00:16:03Swear at me.
00:16:04Shout at me.
00:16:06You made me fight.
00:16:07Shout at me.
00:16:08What did I do?
00:16:09What are you saying?
00:16:10Shout at me.
00:16:11Let me go.
00:16:12Are you okay?
00:16:13I'm fine.
00:16:14I'm fine, thank you.
00:16:15Swear at me.
00:16:16Shout at me.
00:16:18Begüm says we can't go to the operation tomorrow.
00:16:19I don't know what I said.
00:16:20I'm telling you.
00:16:21Swear at me.
00:16:22You started arguing a lot.
00:16:23Shout at me.
00:16:24Why couldn't she understand?
00:16:25Go to bed.
00:16:26There's an operation tomorrow.
00:16:27It's a crazy thing.
00:16:28I know.
00:16:29Go to bed.
00:16:30It's not for me.
00:16:31Go to bed.
00:16:32You have work tomorrow.
00:16:33Don't make me fight with my father.
00:16:34Go to bed.
00:16:35Go to bed.
00:16:36It's not like that.
00:16:37Should I shout?
00:16:38Go to bed.
00:16:39Go to bed.
00:16:40Go to bed.
00:16:41Should I shout?
00:16:42Go to bed.
00:16:45I understand you.
00:16:47Oh God.
00:16:50You weren't like that to her.
00:16:51You really weren't like that.
00:16:52Thank you.
00:16:53Thank you.
00:17:04What happened?
00:17:05What do you mean?
00:17:06What, Begüm?
00:17:07Didn't you hear?
00:17:08I got kicked out when I was 40.
00:17:09Even my brother got kicked out.
00:17:10You scared the shit out of me.
00:17:12You scared the shit out of my brother.
00:17:14In the middle of the night.
00:17:16You scared the shit out of me.
00:17:18You scared the shit out of my brother.
00:17:20Are you okay?
00:17:28I'm going to get out.
00:17:30Let me wash my hands.
00:17:32Why is it broken?
00:17:34I'm going to get out.
00:17:36Let me wash my hands.
00:17:38I'm going to get out.
00:17:40Come on.
00:17:42It's okay.
00:17:44There's no water.
00:17:50How are you doing?
00:17:52I'm free.
00:17:54I called you because I didn't see your messages.
00:17:56I wanted to hear your voice.
00:18:08The four photos you see behind me are the four top managers of the organization.
00:18:16Now they carry all the data in a flash drive.
00:18:18They made them a necklace.
00:18:20They put it on their necks.
00:18:22They never take it away from them.
00:18:24What are we doing?
00:18:26We're going to replace them with these fake flash drives I've prepared.
00:18:28This is the first target you see at the beginning.
00:18:30Memorize this face well.
00:18:32Especially Serhan.
00:18:34Look very carefully.
00:18:36Zoom in a little.
00:18:50It's not clear.
00:18:52Can't we make it clearer?
00:18:54We can't.
00:18:56We can't see it.
00:18:58Can we see our target?
00:19:00That's it.
00:19:02I can't see anything.
00:19:04Believe me.
00:19:06Do we kill anyone with a beard and a team uniform?
00:19:08Don't you recognize him?
00:19:10I don't understand.
00:19:12Let's see the man we're going to shoot.
00:19:14Let's see and shoot.
00:19:16Don't you recognize him?
00:19:18How can I know who he is?
00:19:20If I shoot Ilhami, we're done.
00:19:22Let's not get out of here today.
00:19:24Our first target is Ilhami.
00:19:28Let's go over there again.
00:19:30We scored a very bad goal.
00:19:32At 8 o'clock in the morning, we arrive at the city square.
00:19:34Every morning between 8.30 and 9 o'clock,
00:19:36the man has a massage and skin care.
00:19:38We'll be on the roof at that time.
00:19:40We'll go down to the floor where the man is with the glass cleaner.
00:19:42We have half an hour.
00:19:44In the meantime, we come and get the USB.
00:19:46At that time, we are at the restaurant where Begüm and the second target eat regularly.
00:19:48When we find the right moment,
00:19:50we give our medicine to the drinker.
00:19:52When the man passes out,
00:19:54Şeneoğulları comes to the ambulance as the first aid team
00:19:56and takes the USB from the man's neck.
00:20:02Thank you.
00:20:04Could you decide?
00:20:06Give me 21.
00:20:12Give me 72.
00:20:14There is no such thing as 72.
00:20:16Give me 27.
00:20:22Give me 46.
00:20:24Give me 56.
00:20:26Give me 10.
00:20:28Give me 13.
00:20:3013. Do you want anything else?
00:20:32Okay, uncle. That's enough.
00:20:38What is this?
00:20:42We are on the fifth floor.
00:20:44We have half an hour. What is this?
00:20:46There are two buttons. Up and down.
00:20:48Why didn't we go up and down then?
00:20:50Why didn't we go up and down?
00:20:52Take it.
00:20:56Wait a second.
00:20:58Do you want me to call for help?
00:21:00I have a bad sprain.
00:21:02If you want to sit down, I can call for help.
00:21:04Are you okay?
00:21:06I'm not okay, but I don't know.
00:21:08You have a sprain.
00:21:10If you want to sit down, I can call for help.
00:21:12Get well soon.
00:21:14If there is a problem, just let me know.
00:21:18I panicked for a moment.
00:21:26I panicked.
00:21:38Stop here.
00:21:46Is there another small door?
00:21:48Let's put our arms in and open the window.
00:21:50Which window?
00:21:52This one?
00:22:24Get up, get up. Gentlemen, I need an urgent intervention.
00:22:27How do we do this, boss?
00:22:28What do you mean, boss?
00:22:29Now, untie this tie around his neck.
00:22:32Let's check his values.
00:22:37His values are here. Here, let me take your values.
00:22:39Give me that tie for a second.
00:22:42It's a knot. That's bad.
00:22:45We need to open his collarbone like this.
00:22:48It's tight.
00:22:50How do we do this?
00:22:51If you can, take it. If you can't, we'll take his values from his uniform.
00:22:55Do we have a tie?
00:22:56How are we going to take our patient from his uniform?
00:22:58Set a tie or something.
00:23:00You didn't take it.
00:23:01Didn't I tell you it wasn't necessary?
00:23:03You said you didn't want a tie.
00:23:04Didn't you tell me what tie it was?
00:23:07Turn him around. Look at him.
00:23:09Turn around. Look at him. Put your hand inside.
00:23:13If we take his collarbone, won't it go under?
00:23:16We'll take his collarbone.
00:23:17Turn him around. Turn him around.
00:23:19Take it from the back.
00:23:20Okay, I'll try it from the back.
00:23:23Take it from there.
00:23:24Take it. Take it.
00:23:26Take it. Take his values.
00:23:28Take his values.
00:23:31Did you take it?
00:23:32What's going on?
00:23:33Do you have a scalpel or something?
00:23:35I have it.
00:23:36I'll take his values.
00:23:38I have it.
00:23:39Wait a minute.
00:23:39You're coming to Mr. Erkin's own hospital, right?
00:23:42Which hospital is this?
00:23:44Mr. Erden's own hospital.
00:23:46What's his name?
00:23:47Mr. Erden's own hospital.
00:23:48What's his name?
00:23:50Mr. Erden's own hospital.
00:23:53Mr. Erden's own hospital.
00:23:54What are you saying? I don't understand.
00:24:00What's going on here?
00:24:01What are you doing?
00:24:02Don't take it.
00:24:03What are you doing?
00:24:04What are you doing?
00:24:06Don't take it.
00:24:07Take it.
00:24:08Don't take it.
00:24:09Don't take it.
00:24:10Don't take it.
00:24:11Don't take it.
00:24:12Let me go.
00:24:13Brother, wait a minute.
00:24:15I'll take it.
00:24:16Okay, I'll take it.
00:24:18Brother, while we're intervening,
00:24:20is this how it's going to be?
00:24:22Brother, pull.
00:24:23We started first aid here.
00:24:25We started first aid here.
00:24:27Don't let him go.
00:24:28He's sweating.
00:24:32Take his values.
00:24:33Take his values.
00:24:34Okay, brother.
00:24:36Take his values.
00:24:37I have it.
00:24:38Brother, let him go.
00:24:39We'll start first aid.
00:24:40If you let him go, he'll change.
00:24:42We'll start first aid.
00:24:44You set up this man.
00:24:45We'll take his values.
00:24:47I have it.
00:24:48Be careful.
00:24:49Don't let him go.
00:24:50Take his values.
00:24:52Take it.
00:24:53Take it.
00:24:54Take it.
00:24:55Be careful.
00:24:56You're going in circles.
00:24:58He's gone.
00:25:00He's gone.
00:25:02He takes what he's given.
00:25:04We said it 50 times.
00:25:43What did you do?
00:25:45What should we do?
00:25:46Cevahir will take you to the meeting room.
00:25:48Did he take you here?
00:25:59Where is Remzi, Remzi?
00:26:02Did he go to Morocco?
00:26:09How many pieces did he bring this time?
00:26:15Five? Isn't five too many?
00:26:17Too many.
00:26:18Five containers is too much.
00:26:20Too much.
00:26:21Too much.
00:26:26What did you do? You did it in Shanghai, right?
00:26:28Of course.
00:26:30Did you do it in the Netherlands?
00:26:34That's great.
00:26:35The Netherlands is great too.
00:26:37It would be much better.
00:26:40Of course.
00:26:41We have a game area in the Netherlands.
00:26:43You can see the difference.
00:26:45Of course.
00:26:46Xray labels.
00:26:47Yes, a lot.
00:26:48Did it work without any problems?
00:26:52It worked without any problems immediately.
00:26:53What color? What color did you do?
00:26:55One color?
00:26:56One color.
00:26:57What color?
00:26:58One color.
00:27:06Did it come in the weight we talked about?
00:27:09It came in the weight we talked about.
00:27:11How much?
00:27:13The weight we talked about.
00:27:16How much?
00:27:1820 kilos.
00:27:1920 kilos?
00:27:2020 kilos.
00:27:22Do we have any other fetish orders?
00:27:27No, no.
00:27:28No fetish.
00:27:29Then what? 20 kilos of green.
00:27:31It's not enough.
00:27:34It's not enough?
00:27:3520 kilos.
00:27:36Green color.
00:27:38Suni vagina.
00:27:40Who am I going to sell it to?
00:27:43Who is going to fuck them?
00:27:44Is Hulk going to fuck them?
00:27:48If they had always talked at the beginning...
00:27:52...they wouldn't have come here.
00:27:54Your car is ready.
00:27:57Let's do it like this.
00:27:59Let's go to the port.
00:28:01You follow me with your car.
00:28:02Let's see what's coming.
00:28:05What is 20 kilos?
00:28:06We are fucked. What are we going to do?
00:28:08The goods are gone.
00:28:09I told you I bought it.
00:28:10How did you buy it? You didn't say anything.
00:28:11I told you I bought it.
00:28:12I didn't understand.
00:28:13I didn't say anything.
00:28:14You didn't say anything.
00:28:15What are you saying?
00:28:16I didn't say anything.
00:28:24Look at me, man.
00:28:26You didn't hear me.
00:28:28Open this.
00:28:30Bring me some water.
00:28:32Don't stand there for nothing.
00:28:34Three days.
00:28:36Can you stand there for three days?
00:28:38Don't you have any manners?
00:28:42What kind of people are you?
00:28:45Do you tie a man to a deep freezer?
00:28:47To a deep freezer.
00:28:48The family is here to take the delivery. What are we doing?
00:28:51Okay, take it.
00:28:56Come on, get up. We are leaving.
00:28:57The family is here?
00:28:59The family is here to take the delivery.
00:29:01Stop it, man.
00:29:02Don't stand there for nothing.
00:29:04In the same place.
00:29:08Don't stand there for nothing.
00:29:09I swear I'll kill you.
00:29:12Don't shoot me.
00:29:13Come on.
00:29:14Drop the gun.
00:29:15Drop the gun.
00:29:16I'll get out of here.
00:29:17I swear I'll kill you.
00:29:18I swear I'll kill you, man.
00:29:20I'll kill that man.
00:29:21I'll kill that man.
00:29:22I'll kill him.
00:29:23I'll break his head like a chicken.
00:29:38What is this?
00:29:40What are you doing?
00:29:41I took the man.
00:29:42I'll get out of here.
00:29:43I'll go my own way.
00:29:44I have to get out of here.
00:29:46This is universal acceptance.
00:29:48Don't run away.
00:29:49Is this what you did?
00:29:50Do you like it?
00:29:51We are from the same sector.
00:29:52I'm asking you.
00:29:53Do you like it?
00:29:54Are you happy?
00:29:55It could have been you.
00:29:56He was going to shoot you.
00:29:57Okay, don't extend it.
00:29:58Come on.
00:29:59Okay, go.
00:30:00It doesn't matter.
00:30:02It doesn't matter.
00:30:03It's not nice.
00:30:04I'm telling you.
00:30:05It could have been you.
00:30:06Your brother could have shot you.
00:30:07That's why I'm telling you.
00:30:08They took the man from us.
00:30:10We are happy.
00:30:11Well done to us.
00:30:12You burned me.
00:30:13Brother Ilham.
00:30:15They saw me like a duck.
00:30:16How nice it was.
00:30:17Brother, you didn't give us the real clue.
00:30:19The man had a hospital.
00:30:23Brother, I'm sorry.
00:30:24It's true.
00:30:25I have to tell you my property right away.
00:30:28Brother, wait a minute.
00:30:29What did you tell me?
00:30:31Did I give you the location?
00:30:32Did I give you the coordinates?
00:30:33Did we find the man?
00:30:34We found Oktay.
00:30:38Okay. Okay, dad.
00:30:40I got it.
00:30:44My dad called.
00:30:45They are taking the man for surgery.
00:30:47He said come to the hospital.
00:30:48He will send me the location.
00:30:50Brother, what are we going to do in the hospital?
00:30:52What are we going to do in the hospital, Oktay?
00:30:55There are a lot of civilians.
00:30:57The man has protection all over the world.
00:30:59Now he's going there.
00:31:00You told me.
00:31:01What am I going to tell you?
00:31:02I don't know how this will turn out.
00:31:04I can't hear you.
00:31:05If you say anything to me, I'll kill you.
00:31:06Tell me, brother.
00:31:08Okay, stop it.
00:31:09Cut it out. Enough.
00:31:11What's going on, son?
00:31:12Ilhami is telling the truth.
00:31:14We're done.
00:31:15We fucked in the second operation.
00:31:17You're the one who's going to die.
00:31:18There are three more people, son.
00:31:20I swear.
00:31:22We're going to the hospital.
00:31:23I don't want the slightest scratch next to my dad.
00:31:26No scratch.
00:31:28Give me coke.
00:31:31Here, brother.
00:31:32Pour it and give it to me.
00:31:35I got the location.
00:31:37We're going to Tarif.
00:31:38Here, take this.
00:31:40Thank you.
00:31:41Brother, can you give me one?
00:31:42I'll give it to you, brother.
00:31:43It's sticking to my mouth.
00:31:45We're going to continue on this road, brother.
00:31:46We're going to the main road.
00:31:47Thank you, brother.
00:31:49Oh, God.
00:31:52To the right?
00:31:53To the right, brother.
00:31:57Ilhami, isn't it easier than the roundabout?
00:31:59Look, do you see the old man over there?
00:32:01Take it from there.
00:32:02Take it from there.
00:32:03Take it from there.
00:32:04Do you see it?
00:32:05We're going to the right from there, brother.
00:32:06Is this the way to the hospital?
00:32:08Is it possible to do such a ridiculous thing?
00:32:11How can the ambulance pass through here?
00:32:14Go, go, go.
00:32:15Go, brother.
00:32:16Where are we, son?
00:32:18Where are we?
00:32:19Where are we?
00:32:21We're at the same place.
00:32:22No, no.
00:32:23It says offloader.
00:32:24Go, brother.
00:32:25Son, we passed.
00:32:26Brother, I'm looking at the map.
00:32:27I'm begging you.
00:32:28Son, look properly.
00:32:29I'm looking.
00:32:31Where are we?
00:32:32How many minutes?
00:32:33We've been here for half an hour.
00:32:34We're going to the right from here, brother.
00:32:35We've never turned right from here.
00:32:36For God's sake, turn right once.
00:32:38Turn right once for me.
00:32:39Offloader is here.
00:32:40This is the first time I've seen an offloader.
00:32:42Son, we've been in front of an offloader for four times.
00:32:45Here, brother.
00:32:47Is this how I'm going to stop?
00:32:50Now go to the left.
00:32:51Is it here?
00:32:52Here, zero, pull here.
00:32:53Is it here?
00:32:54Yes, here, here, here.
00:32:55Where is the hospital?
00:32:56Brother, one second.
00:32:59Stop the car, brother.
00:33:00Am I stopping?
00:33:01Yes, yes, yes.
00:33:05What did he say?
00:33:07Are you the offloader?
00:33:09Soykan, brother.
00:33:12I'm the offloader.
00:33:13Who are you?
00:33:14Are you going to do it here?
00:33:16Not here.
00:33:17My sister-in-law is here.
00:33:21I'm here to pay.
00:33:22What are you paying?
00:33:25What's going on, son?
00:33:26I'm going to tell you, brother.
00:33:28One second.
00:33:29What's going on, son?
00:33:30I'm going to tell you, brother.
00:33:31One second.
00:33:33Soykan, can we do it like this?
00:33:35Give me your money and I'll give it to you.
00:33:38We have cash.
00:33:39Okay, okay.
00:33:40Okay, come, come, come.
00:33:41Come, come, come.
00:33:42Soykan, Soykan.
00:33:43One second, Soykan.
00:33:44Come, brother.
00:33:45I have the money.
00:33:47I'll give you the money.
00:33:48Come, come.
00:33:49I have the money here.
00:33:50I'll give you the money.
00:33:51Take it, brother.
00:33:52There's 725 here.
00:33:53Take it, take it.
00:33:54We'll get even with you.
00:33:56Follow me.
00:33:57Okay, come on.
00:33:58I'll be back in 15 minutes, brother.
00:34:00Where are you going in 15 minutes?
00:34:01Where are you going in 15 minutes?
00:34:02Wait here, I'm coming.
00:34:03Son, are you crazy?
00:34:04I'm going to tell you.
00:34:05Wait for 15 minutes.
00:34:06What 15 minutes?
00:34:07Son, 15 minutes.
00:34:08Where is the hospital?
00:34:09Where is your father?
00:34:10Where are you going?
00:34:11Soykan, my brother.
00:34:12Where are you going?
00:34:14Who is this man?
00:34:15Brother, this man arranged a lady for me.
00:34:16I'm going to be with that lady now.
00:34:17I'll be back in 15 minutes.
00:34:18Our operations continue.
00:34:19Did you bring us to a woman?
00:34:20Did you bring us to a woman in all this?
00:34:21Don't come, brother.
00:34:22Come in.
00:34:23Stay inside.
00:34:24Look, I'll break your mouth, your face, your face.
00:34:26Get in.
00:34:27Get in.
00:34:29What are you doing?
00:34:30Get in.
00:34:31What are you doing?
00:34:32I gave the money.
00:34:33What money?
00:34:34Are you crazy?
00:34:35I gave 725 liras.
00:34:36Son, my father is waiting.
00:34:37Are you crazy?
00:34:38What happened to you?
00:34:40Come here.
00:34:41I gave the money.
00:34:43My father is waiting.
00:34:44I'll break your mouth.
00:34:45I'll break your eyes.
00:34:47Where are you going?
00:34:49I'm telling you, free.
00:34:50Look, you're crazy.
00:34:51You wait here.
00:34:52They'll call you.
00:34:53I never beat you.
00:34:54I'll break your mouth.
00:34:56Brother, don't hit me.
00:34:57I swear to you.
00:34:58Soykan, Soykan.
00:34:59Soykan, what are you doing?
00:35:00I can't hear what you're saying.
00:35:01Brother, this is the neighborhood.
00:35:02Why are you shouting?
00:35:03Don't make a scene.
00:35:05Brother Oktay.
00:35:06Why are you shouting?
00:35:07Why are you shouting?
00:35:08This is the neighborhood.
00:35:09Why am I shouting?
00:35:10Brother Oktay, for God's sake.
00:35:11Give me two minutes.
00:35:13Okay, calm down.
00:35:14Let's walk.
00:35:16Can it be like this?
00:35:18Brother, please.
00:35:19Come on, two minutes.
00:35:20Okay, calm down.
00:35:21Come on.
00:35:22What's the problem?
00:35:23Tell me.
00:35:24What did you say?
00:35:25We couldn't hear, brother.
00:35:26He's going to go out on the window.
00:35:27He's going to call.
00:35:28They ruined it.
00:35:29We have time to go to the hospital.
00:35:31Can I do anything to risk our operations?
00:35:34If you don't do it.
00:35:36I won't do it.
00:35:37But think about them.
00:35:38You made them stand in the middle of the operation.
00:35:39They were like this for a moment.
00:35:40We don't understand.
00:35:41Brother, why are you looking at them?
00:35:43Why am I looking at them?
00:35:44I've been talking to them for years.
00:35:45I'm going to tell them my problem.
00:35:46Come on, come on.
00:35:47Come on.
00:35:48I don't know what the operation is today.
00:35:49Maybe we're going to die.
00:35:50We're going to die.
00:35:51I don't know.
00:35:52The guys are after us.
00:35:53Why am I dying so cleanly?
00:35:56Did they ever show me a way to get out of my hands?
00:36:00I'm out of hair on my tongue.
00:36:01I'm going to go in soon.
00:36:02What am I going to do in there?
00:36:03I don't know.
00:36:04I have no idea.
00:36:07This is a closed subject for me.
00:36:08Brother, I can't explain this to my father.
00:36:10For God's sake, look.
00:36:11I'm going to be a homeless person in there now.
00:36:13Do you have a pillow next to you?
00:36:17What's that?
00:36:18The kid's lock. Do you have it?
00:36:20What lock?
00:36:22The bird's door.
00:36:23Do you have it?
00:36:24I don't have these.
00:36:25They're rubber.
00:36:29I have a condom.
00:36:30I'm going to be a condom.
00:36:31Of course not.
00:36:32I think he's looking at the navigation.
00:36:33Look at the place he brought us to.
00:36:36When you go in, don't make any gestures.
00:36:38Look at the space.
00:36:42They can laugh at you sometimes.
00:36:44Why do they laugh?
00:36:45You can get angry sometimes.
00:36:47So don't make any gestures.
00:36:50Do whatever you're doing.
00:36:51I'm not looking.
00:36:52That's the thing.
00:36:55Keep your efforts to a distance.
00:36:57I'm not looking.
00:36:58I'm not looking.
00:36:59Go straight to the chopper.
00:37:05Is this a tool?
00:37:07I don't know.
00:37:09Chief Tokadı.
00:37:12What's that?
00:37:14Pasha 80s.
00:37:16Don't you have it?
00:37:18No, I don't have these.
00:37:19What are these?
00:37:20What do you have?
00:37:21I have a stick.
00:37:22I'll stick it wherever it comes across.
00:37:24It'll take 15 minutes.
00:37:25You do it.
00:37:26Come on.
00:37:28Let me do it.
00:37:29Let me do it.
00:37:30Okay, let me do it.
00:37:37Uncle, they locked the sixth floor completely.
00:37:42They're preparing for surgery.
00:37:43They'll take it in a minute.
00:37:44In a minute.
00:37:45This place is a mess.
00:37:47It'll blow up.
00:37:48If you ask me, this is just a gunfight.
00:37:50We'll clean the blood with blood. We have no other choice.
00:37:53Tokadı, bring us some tea.
00:37:57Where is he?
00:38:02It's been 20 minutes.
00:38:04Serbest, if you love God, you can do it later.
00:38:06Let's go.
00:38:07Let me call him.
00:38:08Come on.
00:38:21My brother.
00:38:24Yes, brother.
00:38:25He's a swindler.
00:38:26Come on, let's go.
00:38:27For God's sake, let's go.
00:38:28Our money is not in anyone's hands and it never will be, Brother İlhami.
00:38:32Where are you, you dog?
00:38:34You made the wrong man.
00:38:36I'll take that money from you.
00:38:38Get out of here, you bastard.
00:38:40Why are you shouting?
00:38:42Did you say that to me?
00:38:43I'm here.
00:38:44Okay, okay.
00:38:45I'm talking to you.
00:38:47Go inside, you bastard.
00:38:48Why are you shouting?
00:38:49Okay, okay.
00:38:51Who are you shouting at?
00:38:52Hey, guys.
00:38:53What are you doing?
00:38:54Get out of here.
00:38:55I'll fuck you.
00:38:56I'll fuck you.
00:38:57I'll fuck you.
00:38:58I'll fuck you.
00:38:59Me too.
00:39:00You dog.
00:39:01What are you doing?
00:39:02Did you do that to me?
00:39:03Take that and get out of here.
00:39:05Get out of here.
00:39:06I'm here.
00:39:07Wait there.
00:39:08I'm here.
00:39:09Okay, okay.
00:39:10I'll put you in jail.
00:39:12I'll put you in jail.
00:39:13I'll kick you out.
00:39:14I'll kick you out.
00:39:15I'll kick you out.
00:39:18You're here.
00:39:21Bring the CD.
00:39:22Slow down.
00:39:23What happened?
00:39:24What happened?
00:39:26What happened?
00:39:27Help my brother.
00:39:28What happened?
00:39:29Bring the CD.
00:39:31Maybe he'll walk.
00:39:32What do you think?
00:39:33Oktay, what happened?
00:39:34Come here.
00:39:35We're in a bad situation.
00:39:36What happened?
00:39:37Bring the CD.
00:39:38What happened?
00:39:39We have an emergency.
00:39:41I think my appendix is gone.
00:39:42Something hot is burning.
00:39:43It's giving me organs.
00:39:45We think it's an appendix.
00:39:46Did it explode on its own?
00:39:48Who exploded it?
00:39:49They're all talking.
00:39:50How many times did you call?
00:39:51I was so worried.
00:39:52We went to the clinic.
00:39:53Then to the hospital.
00:39:54I couldn't look at him.
00:39:55Which clinic?
00:39:56Slow down.
00:39:57Are you taking my wife to the clinic?
00:39:58What's going on?
00:40:00Can a patient come with me?
00:40:01Of course.
00:40:05Where is the clinic?
00:40:06Let's go to the toilet.
00:40:07Let's go to the toilet.
00:40:09Which way is the toilet?
00:40:11I'm going to throw up.
00:40:12Oktay, come here.
00:40:14What did I say?
00:40:16We need this man.
00:40:17He'll take care of us.
00:40:18I told him not to be a fool.
00:40:19He's going into surgery.
00:40:20What is this?
00:40:21Dad, we lost a man.
00:40:22He's a freeloader.
00:40:23When Begüm's designers found him,
00:40:25İlhami couldn't adjust the poison.
00:40:27The man's mouth cracked.
00:40:28He says the appendix exploded.
00:40:30I don't know. We'll see.
00:40:31What did you do?
00:40:32What appendix?
00:40:33Tell me about it.
00:40:35We'll talk about this later.
00:40:37What are we going to do from now on?
00:40:38What's our plan?
00:40:39Let's talk about it.
00:40:40What plan?
00:40:41What plan?
00:40:42We had a great plan.
00:40:43Why are you talking about it?
00:40:45Yes, yes.
00:40:46Let me explain it to you.
00:40:48The appendix didn't explode.
00:40:49The palate was torn.
00:40:50The palate...
00:40:52They're going into surgery, dad.
00:40:53They'll take him out in half an hour.
00:40:55We just need to pay 12,000 liras for the palate.
00:41:02Give me 15,000 liras.
00:41:03Give me 15,000 liras from the bank.
00:41:04I have 6,000 liras left.
00:41:06Where's 9,000 liras?
00:41:08We sat at Begüm's restaurant to follow the target.
00:41:12I placed a few orders there.
00:41:139,000 liras.
00:41:15Look, it's here.
00:41:16Here you go.
00:41:18I'm in shock, too.
00:41:19Dad, he ate a swordfish.
00:41:22He ate something called minced meat.
00:41:24He was told to eat revani, dad.
00:41:26Then he ate cacik.
00:41:28He ate whiskey.
00:41:30Then he continued with perde pilav.
00:41:32After that, he ate biryan and kirk pides.
00:41:36İlhami made a great finale.
00:41:38My stomach burned while I was reading.
00:41:40The water came into my mouth.
00:41:42I didn't eat, son. I didn't eat.
00:41:44Brother, I just said random numbers from the menu.
00:41:48I didn't know it would be like this.
00:41:49Brother, why did you pay the bill
00:41:51when we were going to kill the guy?
00:41:53Were you afraid that I would commit a crime?
00:41:55Okay, take out whatever you have on you.
00:41:59Dad, by the way, I lost my money.
00:42:02Who did you lose it to?
00:42:03To the pimp, dad.
00:42:04Who is this pimp?
00:42:05Dad, it's a real pimp.
00:42:07We went to the real life woman.
00:42:08She let us go.
00:42:10Did you go to a public hospital
00:42:12in the middle of an operation?
00:42:14No, I don't care if this family is gone.
00:42:15Why am I bothering?
00:42:17Let's all go.
00:42:18God damn me.
00:42:19God damn you, brother.
00:42:20God damn you.
00:42:23Did the pimps blow up the son of the pimp?
00:42:26No, the dogs of the pimp blew up.
00:42:28Who is the pimp?
00:42:29It's the pimp, dad.
00:42:31Give it to me.
00:42:32Give it to me.
00:42:33Dad, by the way, I had 900 liras at the beginning.
00:42:35I already lost 725 liras.
00:42:37I bought the rest of the 175 liras for the ambulance.
00:42:40I bought coke, chocolate, biscuits, cookies.
00:42:42I bought chocolate for my sister-in-law so that she can chew it.
00:42:45Serhan, take this 6,023 liras.
00:42:48Let them operate on the boy.
00:42:49We'll give him the rest later.
00:42:51Dad, how are we going to give him the rest later?
00:42:52My father was going to come and give him his ass.
00:42:55That's exactly what he said.
00:42:56Don't say that.
00:42:59Now, you two.
00:43:01Your clothes are available.
00:43:03Put on a doctor's mask.
00:43:05Stick it on Şenol's CD and go to the operating room.
00:43:08You go to the top of the man.
00:43:09You learn what he does with personal belongings from Mr. Erkin.
00:43:12He gave it to someone.
00:43:13He entrusted it to someone.
00:43:14He left it in the room.
00:43:15Whatever it is.
00:43:16Dad, the man is in anesthesia.
00:43:17He'll faint in 15 seconds.
00:43:18How do we get him?
00:43:19Then you have 15 seconds, son.
00:43:24Mr. Erkin.
00:43:25Hello, Mr. Erkin.
00:43:26How are you?
00:43:27Mr. Erkin.
00:43:27Mr. Erkin.
00:43:29Mr. Erkin.
00:43:30Mr. Erkin, are your personal belongings safe?
00:43:33We got up late.
00:43:34We got up very late.
00:43:35We got up very late.
00:43:37Mr. Erkin.
00:43:38Your personal belongings.
00:43:39Flashlight, wallet, USB.
00:43:41Where are they?
00:43:45Mr. Erkin.
00:43:46Are they in your room?
00:43:47Where are they?
00:43:48Where are they?
00:43:49I don't know.
00:43:50What are you saying?
00:43:51One minute.
00:43:52I'm not ready.
00:43:53He's not ready.
00:43:54Okay, go away.
00:43:55What is it?
00:43:57I don't know.
00:44:00One second.
00:44:01You'll die in a minute.
00:44:02Don't lie.
00:44:04Wait a minute.
00:44:05Don't force me.
00:44:05Mr. Erkin, where are they?
00:44:07Mr. Erkin, where are they?
00:44:09Kubilay, Kubilay.
00:44:10Kubilay, Kubilay.
00:44:11Kubilay, Mr. Erkin.
00:44:13Kubilay, who was it exactly?
00:44:15Kubilay, who was it?
00:44:15Who was it exactly?
00:44:17I don't know.
00:44:19I don't know, I don't know.
00:44:20Okay, okay.
00:44:21He said he doesn't know.
00:44:26Do you know?
00:44:27No, I don't.
00:44:29Mark the cut area.
00:44:31Let's mark it.
00:44:33Our cut area.
00:44:36Do you have a pen or something?
00:44:37Brother, Mr. Yusuf is in a guard named Kubilay.
00:44:41How many guards does this man have?
00:44:42I saw one, brother.
00:44:43Okay, Kubilay is that one.
00:44:44What kind of a guy is he?
00:44:46Brother, he's a normal guy in a black suit.
00:44:50Serhat, go upstairs one day.
00:44:52Find Mr. Erkin's room.
00:44:53Let's see if there's a guard around.
00:44:55If there is, let your brother Ilham know immediately.
00:44:58Ilham, you go out and look around.
00:44:59If you see the guy, download the USB and take it.
00:45:01We'll hang out.
00:45:02If you see the guy, download the USB and take it.
00:45:04We're here with Atakan.
00:45:05Let's go as soon as possible.
00:45:06Okay, okay.
00:45:12Were you Mr. Çenol's closest people?
00:45:14Yes, what happened?
00:45:15We need negative blood for Ayraş.
00:45:19Okay, you come with me.
00:45:21Atakan, Ati.
00:45:24God damn you.
00:45:26God damn you.
00:45:29Atakan loves me.
00:45:31Atakan loves me.
00:45:32Where is he?
00:45:34Atakan loves me.
00:45:36He fainted on his way here.
00:45:37He says, where are you?
00:45:39Come on, let's go.
00:45:40I can't breathe.
00:45:41We're stuck.
00:45:43I'm so bad.
00:45:46Are you okay?
00:45:49I'm so scared.
00:45:50Yes, I can smell it.
00:45:51Come on, let's go.
00:45:52Come on, let's go.
00:45:56Brother Atakan.
00:45:57Brother, are you okay?
00:46:00Are you okay, man?
00:46:02He was throwing something in his stomach.
00:46:04Like a heart.
00:46:05It was a heart.
00:46:07Are you okay?
00:46:08Look, your knees are shaking.
00:46:10I'm begging you.
00:46:11Oh, man.
00:46:12I'm out of blood pressure.
00:46:14Get me a glass of water or something.
00:46:16Come with me.
00:46:17No, no.
00:46:18Let's burn the man.
00:46:19We have operations, brother.
00:46:22Go to hell.
00:46:25Don't be shocked.
00:46:26Be strong.
00:47:00What are you looking at?
00:47:02Put it down, for God's sake.
00:47:04Put it down.
00:47:05I won't run away.
00:47:06Put it down.
00:47:07What are you doing?
00:47:08Oh, grandma.
00:47:09Leave it, leave it.
00:47:10Leave the gun.
00:47:11He's not a stranger.
00:47:13He won't hurt you.
00:47:14He's our guest.
00:47:16I told you.
00:47:17He won't put it down.
00:47:18He will, brother.
00:47:20Don't worry.
00:47:21Come on, put it down.
00:47:22Come on, have some tea.
00:47:23He's treating me so badly.
00:47:25He's treating me so badly.
00:47:27No, no, brother.
00:47:28No, no, brother.
00:47:29Don't do anything.
00:47:31I wonder why she's angry.
00:47:33What's his name?
00:47:34Brother Ertugrul.
00:47:39Brother Ertugrul.
00:47:42Should I call her Ertugrul?
00:47:45Yes, brother.
00:47:46Why did you put it down like that?
00:47:48No, we didn't put it down, brother.
00:47:50Who did?
00:47:51I mean, my grandfather, I guess.
00:47:55He must have put it down.
00:47:57Ertugrul is a long name.
00:47:59At some point,
00:48:01they can realize their mistakes and come back.
00:48:05You can call him Ertu.
00:48:08Yes, brother.
00:48:12Come on, drink your tea.
00:48:14Come on, leave him.
00:48:14Give him a break.
00:48:16Brother, I don't have cold tea.
00:48:18I have cold tea that my grandmother keeps.
00:48:20Wait, I'll get it for you.
00:48:21If you have more, take it from the fridge.
00:48:24Give it to me, brother.
00:48:25She's been sitting there for an hour.
00:48:28She's been staring at you.
00:48:29Isn't there anything else in the fridge?
00:48:31There's nothing else, brother.
00:48:32You're kidnapping people.
00:48:35You have no manners.
00:48:40Get well soon.
00:48:41Thank you, brother. Thank you.
00:48:43God bless you.
00:48:47We went to my grandmother's. Are we going again?
00:48:51Did the operation start?
00:48:53It did.
00:48:54Thank God. That's great.
00:48:56Okay, give me a cigarette.
00:49:00Son Tekin, don't take it.
00:49:02Okay, give it to me.
00:49:03There's a lighter.
00:49:05Where are you going?
00:49:06Hello, my brother.
00:49:08I'm telling you about my grandmother.
00:49:10Write it down.
00:49:11Do you have a bag?
00:49:22Let's not prolong this.
00:49:24Give me back my 725 liras.
00:49:28I'm paying for the service I couldn't get.
00:49:33I kiss you a lot.
00:49:35You're precious.
00:49:39Ma'am, we'll write these down.
00:50:01Let's not prolong this.
00:50:03I'm paying for the service I couldn't get.
00:50:07I kiss you a lot.
00:50:09You're precious.
00:50:11Let's not prolong this.
00:50:13I'm paying for the service I couldn't get.
00:50:17I kiss you a lot.
00:50:19Let's not prolong this.
00:50:21I kiss you a lot.
00:50:52I'm paying for the service I couldn't get.
00:50:56I kiss you a lot.
00:50:58Let's not prolong this.
00:51:01I kiss you a lot.
00:51:05I kiss you a lot.
00:51:10I kiss you a lot.
00:51:15I kiss you a lot.
00:51:19I kiss you a lot.
00:51:21We made him accept it.
00:51:22Why did you make him accept it, on the condition that you were Kısır?
00:51:24Because he couldn't walk, bro. Because I made him live.
00:51:27It's not about not being able to walk.
00:51:30We're already looking at lower-class jobs.
00:51:32Kidnapping people.
00:51:34Never, never, never see anything you do as a lower-class job.
00:51:38Look, we didn't even start with headshot at this point.
00:51:43Everything has a taste.
00:51:45It has a reason.
00:51:46One by one.
00:51:47One by one.
00:51:48You're going to taste them all.
00:51:52You have to be happy for what you do.
00:51:54You have to be happy.
00:51:56I can't go anywhere right now.
00:51:57I mean...
00:51:58It's going to be sweet. It's going to be happy.
00:52:00And it depends on the person you kidnap.
00:52:02When you kidnap someone like you, bro, we...
00:52:04Like this, like this.
00:52:05There's a huge difference between killing a person by burning him
00:52:08and killing him by drowning him, auntie.
00:52:11I mean, between drowning him and killing him,
00:52:14between drowning him in water and drowning him with a rope,
00:52:16let me tell you, there's a cliff.
00:52:19I prefer rope.
00:52:21Isn't it hard?
00:52:23It's easy.
00:52:25For example, Octavio.
00:52:26For example, Octavio is a beltman.
00:52:28Octavio is a beltman.
00:52:29He likes belts.
00:52:31He's a beltman.
00:52:32But he breaks his neck.
00:52:34He doesn't expect to be drowned.
00:52:36He has a move.
00:52:37He breaks his neck.
00:52:38He breaks his neck.
00:52:39He takes him directly.
00:52:42We're going to have a short talk with you now, my dear.
00:52:45Where's Hüsbe?
00:52:48What's this?
00:52:49Don't you have any sense?
00:52:51I don't have anything like that.
00:52:52I don't understand what you're saying.
00:52:53Don't you have Mr. Erkin's necklace?
00:52:55Kubilay, don't bother me.
00:52:57What Kubilay?
00:52:58Kubilay is the name of Mr. Erkin's driver.
00:53:00I'm his bodyguard.
00:53:01My name is Zeynel.
00:53:02Don't do that.
00:53:06What are we going to do now?
00:53:08So the necklace is Kubilay's.
00:53:10Yes, it's Kubilay's.
00:53:11It has nothing to do with me.
00:53:12How am I going to find Kubilay now?
00:53:21Is it normal to have a serum in your hand?
00:53:24Is it because of the surgery?
00:53:25No, it's nothing.
00:53:26It's an operation.
00:53:27It's not a big deal.
00:53:28What are people dealing with?
00:53:29Are we going to enjoy it here?
00:53:30Never mind.
00:53:32Hello, brother.
00:53:34I have a small request from you.
00:53:37Go ahead.
00:53:38I sent a message to my friend.
00:53:41I'm going to make a small announcement.
00:53:43Let's go, sir.
00:53:45Can I do it?
00:53:48I mean, can I do it?
00:53:51It's not possible, sir.
00:53:53Go ahead, tell me.
00:53:54We'll go.
00:53:55Well, here's the thing.
00:53:56It would be great for both of us if I made the announcement.
00:53:59Sir, it's not possible.
00:54:02If there is something, look.
00:54:03Let me tell you.
00:54:04If there is something, we'll go.
00:54:06Sir, unfortunately.
00:54:08Please don't insist.
00:54:09If you have something, we'll go.
00:54:11Look at me.
00:54:12I'll shoot you.
00:54:14And I'll fuck you.
00:54:20What else do we want?
00:54:21I don't understand this.
00:54:22May God not make us fall into the hands of the bad guys.
00:54:25I'm a voice actor.
00:54:26I'm a voice actor.
00:54:27I have 112 octaves.
00:54:28If I scream here, I'll fuck his mother.
00:54:30I won't leave my life in the sky.
00:54:31Can you do it?
00:54:32God gave me a blessing.
00:54:33But I can't use it.
00:54:34This is very bad.
00:54:35Now that we're artists, we get a lot of offers.
00:54:37Strange offers.
00:54:38I got the last offer to change my gender.
00:54:40I said, wait a minute.
00:54:41You were at the right place.
00:54:42But not now.
00:54:43I don't want it.
00:54:44Brother, you look good in a butt.
00:54:45Do I have to wear a butt?
00:54:46They want me to hang out with that butt.
00:54:47I won't go.
00:54:48Everything will be when I want to.
00:54:49This is the way it is.
00:54:50Mr. Kubilay.
00:54:51Mr. Kubilay.
00:54:52Come to the intensive care unit.
00:54:54Come to the intensive care unit.
00:54:56Come to the intensive care unit.
00:55:02Mr. Kubilay.
00:55:03Mr. Kubilay.
00:55:04Come here.
00:55:05Come please.
00:55:06You have to come here.
00:55:07You are very energetic.
00:55:08You want to come here.
00:55:09The patient is very strong.
00:55:10Please, Mr. Kubilay, don't put your foot in my ass.
00:55:16Did you hear that?
00:55:17I did.
00:55:21Mr. Erdiç's driver is Mr. Kubilay.
00:55:24It's not Erdiç, it's Erkin.
00:55:26Oh, it's not Erkin?
00:55:27It's Mr. Erkin.
00:55:29Then I should call him Mr. Kubilay, right?
00:55:31It's a bit much.
00:55:32It's too much.
00:55:33Just call him Kubilay.
00:55:36Yücel, don't look at my face.
00:55:37Don't embarrass me in front of the driver.
00:55:39I'm excited.
00:55:42Mr. Erkin's driver is Mr. Kubilay.
00:55:45With the help of our friends, we found ourselves here.
00:55:48Classic story.
00:55:49What did he say?
00:55:50Did he say Mr. Erkin's driver?
00:55:51Did he say Kubilay?
00:55:53Are you Mr. Erkin's driver Kubilay?
00:55:56Mr. Erkin's driver is Mr. Kubilay.
00:55:59Please, don't put your foot in my ass.
00:56:02Oh, Mr. Kubilay.
00:56:04What happened?
00:56:05Come here.
00:56:07Don't make me angry.
00:56:09Don't make me angry.
00:56:19We're running away from everyone.
00:56:21The organization knows we're here.
00:56:22Get up, son.
00:56:28There is no Şenol.
00:56:30Brother, I announced the man.
00:56:32Now he will come there.
00:56:33I came when you said the coach came.
00:56:35Let them go, İlhami.
00:56:36Son, there is no Şenol.
00:56:37Şenol, Şenol.
00:56:38When you said the coach, I said the coach, dad.
00:56:41Son, someone should have arrested Şenol.
00:56:43There are men everywhere, son.
00:56:44Are you crazy?
00:56:45Is Şenol in his room, dad?
00:56:46I don't know where he is.
00:56:47Shoot, shoot.
00:56:50What was that?
00:56:53A man fell on the ambulance, dad.
00:56:55Brother Kazanfer.
00:56:58I threw my friend.
00:56:59I, I.
00:57:01Take the necklace.
00:57:02Take the necklace.
00:57:03Take it.
00:57:04On your neck.
00:57:05Oh, Istanbul is a very beautiful city, brother Kazanfer.
00:57:08We can't live.
00:57:09I swear we can't live.
00:57:13Okay, I kiss.
00:57:14Thank you.
00:57:16Man, it's a very locked name.
00:57:18Where did the men run away?
00:57:19Brother, you ate all the chicken.
00:57:21Is this okay?
00:57:22Tell me where the men ran away.
00:57:24We ate them, we threw them away.
00:57:25I'll take it from here.
00:57:27Brother, here's the thing.
00:57:28One of them runs away from the airport with a helicopter from the plaza.
00:57:31Look at the event.
00:57:32The potato is gone.
00:57:34Can you eat it?
00:57:36We need to make a new plan.
00:57:38How do we do it now?
00:57:39İlhan, what do you say?
00:57:40What should we do?
00:57:42Brother, we will catch the men in a very short time.
00:57:45What are you saying?
00:57:47God damn you.
00:57:49Bravo, İlhan brother.
00:57:50Let's do it like this, dad.
00:57:51Let's catch the men.
00:57:53This is the general line of the plan.
00:57:55Other than that, we'll go to the plaza.
00:57:58We'll catch the helicopter.
00:57:59We'll catch the helicopter.
00:58:00Yes, we'll catch it, brother.
00:58:02But I don't know how we'll do the airport.
00:58:06Well, everyone will be quiet from now on.
00:58:07They'll talk about guns.
00:58:08Not me.
00:58:09Son, how are you going to put a gun in the airport?
00:58:17Are you thinking the same thing as me?
00:58:33Son, when I say you're thinking the same thing as me...
00:58:35...why do you shake your head like that?
00:58:37No, brother, I didn't.
00:58:38You did.
00:58:39You did.
00:58:40You did.
00:58:41I swear I didn't.
00:58:42You did.
00:58:43You did.
00:58:44I swear I didn't.
00:58:45You did.
00:58:46You did.
00:58:47You did.
00:58:48I didn't.
00:58:49I didn't.
00:58:50I didn't.
00:58:52I didn't.
00:58:53I didn't.
00:58:54I didn't.
00:58:55I didn't.
00:58:57I didn't.
00:58:59I didn't.
00:59:00Do you remember Ambassador Süleyman?
00:59:01Yes, brother.
00:59:04Yes, brother.
00:59:05You don't remember a thing.
00:59:10Now you're looking for Ambassador Süleyman.
00:59:12Okay, brother.
00:59:13You say...
00:59:15...Gazanfer has a job for you.
00:59:17He'll definitely come and see you.
00:59:18You tie him up somehow.
00:59:19Okay, brother.
00:59:20Then you take Şenol and Serbest.
00:59:23You take care of the plaza.
00:59:24We're going to the embassy.
00:59:26The man is not enough for the airport.
00:59:29Then when you finish the plaza... meet with Oktay again.
00:59:33Me too, brother.
00:59:35Father, we have a problem.
00:59:36We don't have the money to get these guys to work.
00:59:40Of course.
00:59:41That's right.
00:59:44Because you gave the money to the scoundrels.
00:59:45What did you do?
00:59:46You got a lot of money.
00:59:48When you say scoundrels...
00:59:49...there is no money.
00:59:50No money.
00:59:52The man went and ate a meal for 9,000 liras.
00:59:55No one opens his mouth.
00:59:57My account is 725 liras.
00:59:59Didn't you take us to Pezevenge?
01:00:01Where did you spend 725 liras?
01:00:03Father, where did you spend 725 liras?
01:00:05Did I take you to Pezevenge?
01:00:07Didn't I take you to Pezevenge?
01:00:09I went alone to Pezevenge, father.
01:00:11I didn't eat you.
01:00:12You drank coke in the bus.
01:00:17Who is calling?
01:00:18No, I set up the time I thought we would start our operations.
01:00:22We're a little late.
01:00:23Serbest, do you know what your biggest mistake is?
01:00:24You live everything in front of your eyes.
01:00:26You live everything in front of your eyes.
01:00:27What is the need?
01:00:28You are so right, Emre.
01:00:29I don't know.
01:00:30There is someone here that everyone talks to.
01:00:31Oktay brother has a curve.
01:00:32You must have heard of Sevil Yengem, the merciful potato maker, Ibrahim.
01:00:36Of course.
01:00:37The potato maker Ibo.
01:00:38At the end of the week, Zafer throws snow in the shop, father.
01:00:40Brother İrhami has been with the same woman for 50 years.
01:00:42He got old with his friend.
01:00:43What, did you meet at the age of 11?
01:00:45Mrs. Güzin.
01:00:46This kid did it.
01:00:47He has a kid now.
01:00:48Do I need to say anything else?
01:00:51Okay, okay.
01:00:52What a shift.
01:00:53We collect this from the saloons, father.
01:00:55This is constantly in the saloon.
01:00:56It will bring disease to our house.
01:00:57We stayed with you, father.
01:01:00We saw you now, with Maestro, huggy huggy.
01:01:02Don't make me talk.
01:01:03What kind of talk is that?
01:01:04I'm disciplined.
01:01:05I'm the same.
01:01:06I'm the same.
01:01:07I built a family.
01:01:09Family is not the same thing.
01:01:10Push man.
01:01:12Who are you talking to, kid?
01:01:14I'm talking to my aunt.
01:01:15God damn you.
01:01:19You take these to the right plaza.
01:01:21The rest to the ambassador with me.
01:01:22We don't have time for anything.
01:01:23Get up.
01:01:25How do we split up?
01:01:26What did you say?
01:01:27Should we leave the freeloaders to the plaza when we go to the ambassador?
01:01:29Should they send us to the ambassador when the freeloaders go to the plaza?
01:01:31What should we do, father?
01:01:32Calm down.
01:01:33Okay, okay.
01:01:34İrhami, you get the passports.
01:01:35We're going to the taxi.
01:01:37Okay, brother.
01:01:38Father, if you want, we'll go by taxi.
01:01:39It will be more comfortable for you.
01:01:40Let's not extend it if you want.
01:01:41Brother, what does the ambassador taxi say here?
01:01:43We don't know that now, İrhami.
01:01:44You put İrhami's driver's license and our passports in the taxi, okay?
01:01:49Should I get the M60, uncle?
01:01:50Does he ask for a taxi?
01:01:51I think so.
01:01:52Then don't ask for nothing.
01:01:53Come on.
01:01:54You see, right?
01:01:55We're going to the ambassador with the taxi.
01:01:59Tell me, I'll take you to the ambassador.
01:02:00Why did you ask for this?
01:02:01Brother, I shouldn't be asking for this.
01:02:04If it's an offer, it's okay.
01:02:18I don't know what to do with my own hand.
01:02:21Take me away, take me away.
01:02:33How are you, honey?
01:02:36Brother, welcome.
01:02:37You brought me in.
01:02:38Süleyman, we're full.
01:02:40If there's anyone in there who wants to tell us somewhere, keep in mind.
01:02:45Okay, brother.
01:02:46My name is Süleyman.
01:02:47What do you mean?
01:02:50Come on, sit down and have a drink.
01:02:51I didn't drink anything, thanks. We're in a hurry.
01:02:54We need you. We owe you.
01:02:56Of course, brother.
01:02:58We need two-armed, two-legged friends.
01:03:04I understand.
01:03:05You're my brother, you know. We're in the season, you know.
01:03:09I'm begging them for two glasses a day.
01:03:11If two of these guys don't show up,
01:03:15something important will happen.
01:03:16If we can deal with his salary and my share,
01:03:21it's not something that can't be solved.
01:03:23We can, Süleyman.
01:03:25Was it Yasin, brother?
01:03:27Yes, brother.
01:03:28Yasin, how did it happen that you and your brother got pregnant at the same time?
01:03:32It's a very unfortunate event.
01:03:34Brother, it's not like that.
01:03:36I mean, I'm the one who got pregnant, not my brother.
01:03:39He promised not to give birth to the organization.
01:03:41He promised not to give birth?
01:03:42Yes, brother.
01:03:43Is that a promise?
01:03:44I mean, in order to join the organization,
01:03:46he wrote himself down as infertile and promised not to give birth.
01:03:49Actually, he's not exactly infertile.
01:03:52His sperm count is low.
01:03:54Sperm count?
01:03:55Look, if you're saying his sperm count is low,
01:03:57does that count exactly or is his sperm quality low?
01:04:03I don't know, brother.
01:04:04Quality is different from quality.
01:04:06There's a number of living cells and a sperm quality.
01:04:10Could you check that?
01:04:12I couldn't, brother.
01:04:13If you look at the quality, it's understandable.
01:04:15That's right.
01:04:16What if he wanted to have a baby?
01:04:18You left the organization.
01:04:20Is he not going to have a baby?
01:04:20You're not going to have a baby, right?
01:04:22I'm not going to have a baby, brother.
01:04:22Is your nephew not going to have a baby?
01:04:24Is your brother not going to have a baby?
01:04:24I mean, there are ways to do that.
01:04:26Of course, you need a suitable wife.
01:04:29When the woman's ovaries are suitable...
01:04:32Isn't she a baby?
01:04:33Yes, she is.
01:04:33She should eat honey.
01:04:35She's a baby, yes.
01:04:35They take you to a white room like this, brother, while they're doing it.
01:04:39They play a video on the computer.
01:04:41You're playing with yourself while watching it.
01:04:43So you're hanging out.
01:04:44No way, brother.
01:04:46Isn't that what you mean by playing with yourself?
01:04:48Yes, it is.
01:04:49It's not a game, but it's a game, isn't it?
01:04:51Yes, it is.
01:04:53How are you going to get someone else out of it?
01:04:59Guys, listen to me carefully.
01:05:00Serbest, you're going to enter from the K block, door C.
01:05:03You're going to go up to the 27th floor and reach the thing from the tunnel bridge.
01:05:07Şenol, do you really know this building? Are you sure?
01:05:12What do you mean, brother? It's here.
01:05:13You and I are going to go down from the east entrance of the J building... the floor of the X9 bus station.
01:05:17We're going to use the elevator space there and go up to the U57.
01:05:20I'm going to go from the K to the C27 connecting tunnel.
01:05:22You're going to go down from the J to the X9 and meet at the U57.
01:05:26That's exactly what we're going to do.
01:05:27But wait a minute.
01:05:28If I go up from Z8 to M21,
01:05:30and then you open the doors to C1 and C2 for me,
01:05:32wouldn't it be easier?
01:05:34Wait a minute.
01:05:35We're going up to G43.
01:05:36No way. That's what I'm saying.
01:05:38You definitely have to enter from K1 or K2... that you can reach the C27 directly.
01:05:42After you reach it, it's all...
01:05:45What the hell is this?
01:05:46What is this?
01:05:47What kind of a plan is this?
01:05:50Are these your personal notes?
01:05:52Yes, brother. If you want.
01:05:53I mean, I don't prefer it, but we can do this.
01:05:55Look, let's enter from L7.
01:05:56Let's separate from the STM corridors.
01:05:58But we'll be separated from each other.
01:05:59It'll be hard for us to find each other later.
01:06:03This building is not like that.
01:06:05How much is this like this?
01:06:06What is this like this?
01:06:09You didn't comment on this, did you?
01:06:11No, I'm telling you what happened.
01:06:12Did you really understand anything?
01:06:14No, I didn't understand anything at all.
01:06:16Then don't start with the opposite.
01:06:18Take your guns and let's go through the front door.
01:06:20Let's do our job.
01:06:24So we're going to do it one-on-one?
01:06:25I mean...
01:06:26Then we'll go to the top floor. That's our mission.
01:06:28Is this the only thing we have to do?
01:06:30Okay, come on, brother.
01:06:46Go, go, go.
01:06:54What happened?
01:06:54Guys, it's very crowded inside.
01:06:57I'm taking down what you threw.
01:06:58Forget it.
01:06:59First you take it down, then me.
01:07:01Şenol, you guard the back.
01:07:02Okay, brother.
01:07:02Come on, run.
01:07:06Forget it, Şenol.
01:07:07Forget about the rocket.
01:07:09Forget it, brother.
01:07:11What's going on?
01:07:15The rocket, brother.
01:07:17Şenol, there's no need for the rocket.
01:07:19There's really no need.
01:07:20We're going to catch them, we're going to take them down.
01:07:22That's all.
01:07:23Brother, is this possible?
01:07:23Really, forget it.
01:07:25There's really no need for the rocket.
01:07:27Okay, you take this out.
01:07:29Hold this.
01:07:33We're ready.
01:07:36What the hell is this rocket?
01:07:45Go, go.
01:07:53Wait, he's on.
01:07:54He's on something.
01:07:57Push, push, push.
01:07:58What are you doing?
01:07:59Push a little more, brother.
01:08:00You push, push.
01:08:01I can't see anything.
01:08:02Why did you come?
01:08:03I can't see anything.
01:08:05Why did you come?
01:08:06It's not turning, brother.
01:08:07Why did you come?
01:08:08Wait, wait, I'll take care of it.
01:08:10Brother, I can't see anything.
01:08:11Put it down, just a second.
01:08:13Okay, just a second.
01:08:14Put the rocket down.
01:08:18It's not opening.
01:08:19Brother, it's not opening.
01:08:20Push it a little more.
01:08:21It's not opening.
01:08:22Put it down, put the rocket down.
01:08:23What do you mean, put it down?
01:08:24Put the rocket down.
01:08:25No, put it down.
01:08:26Turn it.
01:08:27I did it.
01:08:28It's not turning, it's not turning.
01:08:31We can't turn the rocket, brother.
01:08:33It's not turning, brother.
01:08:34It's not turning.
01:08:38Did it come to somewhere?
01:08:39Put the rocket down.
01:08:42Fuck you, brother.
01:08:46It's really good that you brought this rocket.
01:08:48You've secured it.
01:08:49The glass is also out, brother.
01:08:50I'll fuck your rocket.
01:08:52I'll fuck the job you're going to do.
01:08:54I'll put you in the shit of the bags you brought.
01:08:57Is it coming upside down?
01:08:58Okay, let's try.
01:08:59Is it coming upside down?
01:09:00Let's try it calmly.
01:09:01Right now.
01:09:02What are you doing?
01:09:04Put it.
01:09:05Put the rocket in the air.
01:09:07Open it, brother.
01:09:08Okay, okay.
01:09:09Okay, okay.
01:09:10That's it.
01:09:11That's it.
01:09:12Now load it.
01:09:13As if it's going to open.
01:09:14We would have loaded it while it was locked.
01:09:16Why did we take it out then?
01:09:18If you hadn't entered, there would have been no problem.
01:09:19Brother, can you go alone?
01:09:21Look, I'm standing right in the middle.
01:09:22I'm not touching anywhere.
01:09:23Get out, get out.
01:09:24Well done, Serbis.
01:09:25Well done, brother.
01:09:26What does it have to do with me?
01:09:27You couldn't get on the next one.
01:09:29You came to the place where I came with the gun
01:09:31and the rocket.
01:09:32I'm going to put it in my pocket.
01:09:33I'm going to add a second.
01:09:34It doesn't fit in the pocket.
01:09:35As long as it fits.
01:09:36The detonator of my damn code doesn't fit in the pocket.
01:09:38Where did it go?
01:09:39Try it, brother.
01:09:41What one?
01:09:43When I say one, it sticks.
01:09:44What one?
01:09:45Come on.
01:09:46Come on.
01:09:47Come on.
01:09:49Come on.
01:09:50Come on.
01:09:51Come on.
01:09:52Hold it.
01:09:53Hold it.
01:10:01Get out.
01:10:08Get out, get out.
01:10:28What caused so much smoke?
01:10:30What the hell is going on?
01:10:35What's going on?
01:10:37He's shooting.
01:10:39Let's shoot him too.
01:10:40I'm answering.
01:10:41Let's answer. Shoot.
01:10:45I'm getting a headache.
01:10:47Open your mouth.
01:10:48Stop. Stop.
01:10:49Who are you?
01:10:51What does it matter to me?
01:10:52İlhan, come here.
01:10:53Come here.
01:10:54Don't shoot.
01:10:55Come here.
01:10:56Okay, come here. We're waiting.
01:10:59So I'm the one who shot you first.
01:11:02There's an elevator over there. Follow me.
01:11:04Let's go.
01:11:05Where's the elevator?
01:11:06Let's go.
01:11:07Don't go.
01:11:08Let's go.
01:11:09I can't see anything.
01:11:13Let me see.
01:11:28I can't go. He's coming this way.
01:11:40Fuck our brother.
01:11:46Where's the elevator?
01:11:47Where's the elevator?
01:11:48We didn't take the elevator.
01:11:50We didn't take the elevator.
01:12:07I am a man!
01:12:08I am a man!
01:12:12You couldn't be a man!
01:12:15You couldn't be a man!
01:12:18Hey bro!
01:12:22Hear this!
01:12:23What is this?
01:12:24Arms and legs.
01:12:26It doesn't look like a leg at all.
01:12:27What does that mean?
01:12:28Now, dad.
01:12:29They probably didn't put on any make-up because they thought they'd stay under these pants.
01:12:33Look, for example.
01:12:34Can you make him wear shoes?
01:12:35Of course.
01:12:36If necessary, even socks.
01:12:38I see.
01:12:39Very good.
01:12:40Now, here's what we'll do.
01:12:42I'll take the cab and I'll go to the hotel.
01:12:44We'll meet with your brother Miriam.
01:12:46We'll finish the preparations.
01:12:48And after we've taken care of this place, you'll come to us, okay?
01:12:51No, no.
01:12:52It's okay.
01:12:53Are these polyester?
01:12:54Come on, come on!
01:12:55Wait, wait, wait.
01:12:56I've thrown you on me.
01:12:58Where did he come from?
01:13:00Are you here?
01:13:01Son of a bitch!
01:13:02Come on!
01:13:04Let's go.
01:13:05I'll go with you.
01:13:06I'll carry you.
01:13:07Wait, wait, wait. I'm sitting on it.
01:13:09Where are you going?
01:13:12Are you here?
01:13:23Did you hug the stick?
01:13:24You couldn't wait a step.
01:13:26You couldn't wait a step.
01:13:27I hugged the stick.
01:13:29What happened?
01:13:30Take this.
01:13:32Take this necklace.
01:13:33It's mine.
01:13:34Take the necklace.
01:13:35Take it.
01:13:36Take it.
01:13:41I'm dead.
01:13:42I'm dead.
01:13:43Take this.
01:13:44Take this necklace.
01:13:48What happened?
01:13:49What did you do?
01:13:50What did you do?
01:13:51What did you do?
01:13:52What was that?
01:13:53What did you do?
01:13:54What did you do?
01:13:58Take it.
01:13:59Take it.
01:14:00Take it.
01:14:06He jumped.
01:14:07He jumped off.
01:14:08He jumped off.
01:14:09I'm so scared.
01:14:13I'm so scared.
01:14:15I'm so scared.
01:14:16Take this.
01:14:17My mother gave birth to me.
01:14:19It's okay.
01:14:20Jump, jump.
01:14:21I can't jump.
01:14:24Come on down.
01:14:25I can't jump.
01:14:27Take this.
01:14:29I can't jump.
01:14:30I can't jump.
01:14:31God damn.
01:14:32God damn.
01:14:35How much money did you get from this operation, Furkan and Yasin?
01:14:4417 thousand liras.
01:14:4517 thousand liras?
01:14:47Per person?
01:14:48No, bro.
01:14:49Your total salary here is 17 thousand liras.
01:14:54Bro, 17 thousand liras is too little.
01:14:5611,500 liras is the minimum wage.
01:14:58Is it that much?
01:14:59Yes, of course.
01:15:00You have to think about everything.
01:15:03Bro, I can't talk about money.
01:15:05We can't face my brother because he doesn't have a bank account.
01:15:10Don't do that, Furkan.
01:15:12Set a number in your mind.
01:15:15Don't work day and night.
01:15:19Not in the whole organization.
01:15:20Let's say I stayed here for 10 days.
01:15:22Not including what I eat and drink.
01:15:24This place has rent, expenses, monthly rent.
01:15:27Is that right?
01:15:28It has electricity, water.
01:15:29You have to make a deal on the first day.
01:15:33How many days will I stay here?
01:15:35This is the question.
01:15:36Is that right?
01:15:37Yes, bro.
01:15:38If you set the same number for the whole operation,
01:15:41what will you do if the guy leaves you for a month?
01:15:45You are at a loss.
01:15:46Thank you.
01:15:47God bless you.
01:15:48It's okay.
01:15:49I'll tell you where I go.
01:15:51Thank you.
01:15:52I'll tell you everything.
01:15:53Thank you.
01:15:54God bless you.
01:15:55Bro, if you need a bathroom,
01:15:59we have an animal-like bathroom inside.
01:16:02You can see what you need.
01:16:05My brother bought a jacuzzi last week.
01:16:06We set it up there.
01:16:07We got into that business.
01:16:08How many days has it been?
01:16:09It's good for me.
01:16:11There is, bro.
01:16:12Bathroom, toilet.
01:16:13Everything is brand new.
01:16:14Zero toilet?
01:16:16Since we can't use it,
01:16:17we are not used to Alafranga.
01:16:19Continued to Alaturka.
01:16:20The master brought it.
01:16:21Can I go to a foreign toilet?
01:16:23I've been holding it for 5 days.
01:16:24It's a jacuzzi.
01:16:25It's for guests.
01:16:26It's very nice to use.
01:16:28It's up to you.
01:16:29Okay, bro.
01:16:30Let me solve this.
01:16:31I'll go to the bathroom.
01:16:32We can't solve it, bro.
01:16:34Since it has a zipper,
01:16:37once you use it,
01:16:38once it's cut,
01:16:39Bro, this won't hold me.
01:16:42Let's take it out, bro.
01:16:44Bro, if I run away, I'll run away.
01:16:46This is not a thing.
01:16:47Of course not.
01:16:48It's not for that.
01:16:49It's more like a procedure.
01:16:52I understand.
01:16:53If I run away,
01:16:54can't I run away 100 times?
01:16:55You can, bro.
01:16:56I'm waiting for my family here.
01:16:58This is my place.
01:17:04Sweetie, can you see from there?
01:17:06Where is he?
01:17:07Where did he fall?
01:17:11In front of you.
01:17:12Turn around.
01:17:14In front of you.
01:17:15Your right...
01:17:18I'll tell you when we meet.
01:17:20I don't understand you.
01:17:21Where did he fall?
01:17:22Put me down.
01:17:23I saw the guy.
01:17:24Put me down.
01:17:25Describe it properly.
01:17:26I'll take the flash.
01:17:27I'll put you down.
01:17:28I'm paralyzed.
01:17:33To the grass?
01:17:35Go to the back right.
01:17:36I can see your foot from there.
01:17:37This way?
01:17:40Your grass is that way.
01:17:41Go that way.
01:17:42Yes, there.
01:17:43Go that way.
01:17:44From the back.
01:17:45That way.
01:17:46Go straight.
01:17:47I found him.
01:17:48I found him.
01:17:49Brother Zafer.
01:17:50You're a brother who brought me to a different point, developed me, and made me ambitious,
01:17:57So let's be honest with you.
01:17:58Let's be sweet.
01:17:59Let's be sweet.
01:18:00I'm saying this as an example.
01:18:01Let's say that your people died before they came here.
01:18:04God forbid, of course.
01:18:05This is possible.
01:18:06If they die, you're exposed.
01:18:07Suddenly, you're exposed.
01:18:08It's not like that.
01:18:09I'm exposed.
01:18:10You're exposed.
01:18:11It's not like that.
01:18:12I'm exposed.
01:18:13I'm exposed.
01:18:14I'm exposed.
01:18:15I'm exposed.
01:18:16I'm exposed.
01:18:17I'm exposed.
01:18:18I'm exposed.
01:18:19I'm exposed.
01:18:20I'm exposed.
01:18:21I'm exposed.
01:18:22I'm exposed.
01:18:23I'm exposed.
01:18:24I'm exposed.
01:18:25I'm exposed.
01:18:26I'm exposed.
01:18:27I'm exposed.
01:18:28I'm exposed.
01:18:29I'm exposed.
01:18:30I'm exposed.
01:18:31I'm exposed.
01:18:32I'm exposed.
01:18:33I'm exposed.
01:18:34I'm exposed.
01:18:35I'm exposed.
01:18:36I'm exposed.
01:18:37I'm exposed.
01:18:38I'm exposed.
01:18:39I'm exposed.
01:18:40I'm exposed.
01:18:41I'm exposed.
01:18:42I'm exposed.
01:18:43I'm exposed.
01:18:44I'm exposed.
01:18:45I'm exposed.
01:18:46I'm exposed.
01:18:47I'm exposed.
01:18:48I'm exposed.
01:18:49I'm exposed.
01:18:50I'm exposed.
01:18:51I'm exposed.
01:18:52I'm exposed.
01:18:53I'm exposed.
01:18:54I'm exposed.
01:18:55I'm exposed.
01:18:56I'm exposed.
01:18:57I'm exposed.
01:18:58I'm exposed.
01:18:59I'm exposed.
01:19:00I'm exposed.
01:19:01I'm exposed.
01:19:02I'm exposed.
01:19:03I'm exposed.
01:19:04I'm exposed.
01:19:05I'm exposed.
01:19:06I'm exposed.
01:19:07I'm exposed.
01:19:08I'm exposed.
01:19:09I'm exposed.
01:19:10I'm exposed.
01:19:11I'm exposed.
01:19:12I'm exposed.
01:19:13I'm exposed.
01:19:14I'm exposed.
01:19:15I'm exposed.
01:19:16I'm exposed.
01:19:19The man died very badly.
01:19:22The man's head is in his ass.
01:19:23Did you get the flash disk?
01:19:25Very good.
01:19:27Call our guys.
01:19:28Let them get me out of here.
01:19:29Call the car.
01:19:30Let them get me out of here.
01:19:31Get me out of here.
01:19:32Let's do it this way.
01:19:33I'll go to the airport right away.
01:19:34The man will run away.
01:19:36I'll tell the nearest ones anyway.
01:19:37They'll come and get you.
01:19:38Don't go.
01:19:40Take me.
01:19:41Take me.
01:19:42I'm paralyzed.
01:19:43Don't go.
01:19:44Şenol, please.
01:19:45For God's sake.
01:19:46Take me.
01:19:47Şenol, take me.
01:19:48With a bucket knife.
01:19:49Take me.
01:19:51God damn you.
01:19:52God damn you.
01:19:53Get me out of here.
01:19:54Take me.
01:19:55Take me.
01:19:56I'll fuck your father's dead brothers.
01:19:59I think it's good.
01:20:00What do you say, İllami?
01:20:01I've set up the tracking watches.
01:20:02Can we go through X-ray?
01:20:03Brother, it's double turbo.
01:20:04We can go through all kinds of things.
01:20:06Let's go.
01:20:07Let's go.
01:20:08Let's go.
01:20:09Let's go.
01:20:10Let's go.
01:20:11Let's go.
01:20:12Let's go.
01:20:13Let's go.
01:20:14Let's go.
01:20:15Let's go.
01:20:16Let's go.
01:20:17Let's go.
01:20:18Let's go.
01:20:19Let's go.
01:20:20Let's go.
01:20:21Let's go.
01:20:22If it's true, we can get to the police.
01:20:24Let's get ready.
01:20:25Then let's get inside.
01:20:26We're crowded.
01:20:27I'm bored.
01:20:29God forbid.
01:20:32One corridor.
01:20:33Do you have 20-30?
01:20:35Where is the Fire Department?
01:20:36Is there?
01:20:38Where is the Fire Department?
01:20:39Wait a second.
01:20:40On the phone.
01:20:41750 thousand dollars a lot, brother.
01:20:42I don't have a budget.
01:20:43Kemal is mine.
01:20:48Actually, I...
01:20:50Did I explain this to you, Mihal?
01:20:53We fell off the plane.
01:20:55My phone flew off while I was losing altitude.
01:20:57When we fell, I couldn't find it.
01:21:01I thought I'd bring the flash disk and run away.
01:21:04So I came, ran and hugged you.
01:21:06I'm glad you came, Şenol. You said it was just in time.
01:21:09Son, I don't remember saying anything like that.
01:21:12You came from the same way.
01:21:14Didn't you see your brother? He was in the middle of the highway.
01:21:17No, I swear I didn't see him, dad.
01:21:19Where was he? Which way did he go?
01:21:21We called you. Didn't you pick him up?
01:21:22Okay, Kemal. Okay, we'll take a break.
01:21:25Come on. What happened?
01:21:27I told you.
01:21:29Let me give you my phone.
01:21:31After we fell, I didn't want to run here right away, Gazanfer.
01:21:34Because it's crowded. I wanted to catch up.
01:21:37And he...
01:21:38He was on the way when the plane crashed.
01:21:40We talked about it.
01:21:41No, we didn't.
01:21:42He was on the way.
01:21:43While he was fighting in the helicopter, the target put a needle in his throat.
01:21:47The boy was paralyzed.
01:21:49Son, you...
01:21:50Wait a minute.
01:21:51While there are so many men after us,
01:21:54you left your brother in the middle of the highway,
01:21:56directly, in a paralyzed state,
01:21:59in a terrible way,
01:22:01like a hedgehog,
01:22:02and you came here.
01:22:04And you didn't tell me anything, did you?
01:22:09Mr. Gazanfer, I really told you, but...
01:22:13Give me my gun.
01:22:15Give me my gun.
01:22:16Brother, we didn't bring the guns because we were going to come by airport.
01:22:20If you want, I can take off your devices, guys.
01:22:22Brother, brother.
01:22:23Let me go.
01:22:24Let me go.
01:22:25Let me go.
01:22:27Let me go.
01:22:28Let me go.
01:22:29Let me go.
01:22:30Are you playing with my mind?
01:22:32Okay, uncle.
01:22:33Come here.
01:22:35What did you do? You put our family in each other.
01:22:38I told you.
01:22:39Okay, so I told you.
01:22:40Brother, I'm dealing with something here.
01:22:42I'm sorry.
01:22:43The news I got is not true.
01:22:44Dad, dad.
01:22:45Your waist is open.
01:22:47What is it, dad?
01:23:03As you know,
01:23:04we've been on the run for a long time.
01:23:06There are people who want to kill our family.
01:23:13We're running away from them.
01:23:14And how did we get into this process?
01:23:16My father didn't want to give me to these guys.
01:23:19We ran, we ran.
01:23:21You left me behind every time.
01:23:23You beat me up in the corners of the coast.
01:23:26You left me hanging on the poles.
01:23:28I turned around in front of the men.
01:23:31I was left behind many times.
01:23:34I was left behind by my own family.
01:23:38Is Serbest dead?
01:23:40Are they fucking Serbest?
01:23:42My family didn't care at all.
01:23:45What should I feel now?
01:23:46What should I do?
01:23:48I met Cucu while I was thinking.
01:23:52Cucu is a stranger who responds to my silent cries for help.
01:23:57But he brought me down without even saying a word.
01:24:01He brought me water, we drank.
01:24:04We hugged, kissed, talked about each other on the walk.
01:24:07We talked a lot, we had a lot of trouble with Cucu.
01:24:10We loved each other.
01:24:11He showed me his dick.
01:24:12I looked at it.
01:24:13No lies.
01:24:14Because I said to myself,
01:24:16today everyone is doing something for their family.
01:24:19You shut up and watch this dick.
01:24:23I said to myself.
01:24:25Are you okay, son?
01:24:26I'm fine, dad. Thanks.
01:25:18Dad, should we have tea or something?
01:25:21Atakan, make tea for your sister-in-law.
01:25:23If we can get in without any problems,
01:25:25we take the men's arms and legs from them
01:25:27and do the editing in a toilet we control.
01:25:31We are calm and careful, but we are very fast, gentlemen.
01:25:34Otherwise, the guy will run away.
01:25:44This guy will pass through a corridor with his own private jet.
01:25:46The only place we have a connection to there
01:25:48is the place where Sarah's hotel is.
01:25:55Open the door.
01:25:58When the mechanism is ready,
01:26:00I will take it directly and deliver it to Serhan.
01:26:04Cemal, I'm ready. Where are you?
01:26:06Brother, we're coming.
01:26:08We're coming. We're not wandering around. I'm coming.
01:26:11Now, this is critical.
01:26:13Serhan, there is only a two-meter gap in between.
01:26:16You will drop the guy just as he passes through.
01:26:18After dropping the guy,
01:26:19they will take him out for emergency intervention.
01:26:21We will then climb to the top and take the USB.
01:26:23We have no other chance, no second shot.
01:26:25We have no second shot.
01:26:27Oh, I love your eyes.
01:26:44No, no, no.
01:26:49Brother İlhami, hello.
01:26:50Did you make a mistake to give this to Dürgün?
01:26:52Everything is too big.
01:26:53I can't see anything.
01:26:55Serhan, time is running out.
01:26:56There is a striped jacket on the target.
01:26:59Break it on his heels.
01:27:00Break it on his heels.
01:27:01Serhan, he can hear you.
01:27:03Break it on his heels.
01:27:04I'll break it on his heels.
01:27:05Brother, for God's sake.
01:27:06Are you kidding me?
01:27:07Someone come here.
01:27:08Fix this, please.
01:27:09İlhami, will you come?
01:27:10Serhan, I was under the left eye of the target in the photo.
01:27:14Look at me.
01:27:15Focus on me.
01:27:16Try to find me. Me.
01:27:17Is it possible, brother?
01:27:18Does what I said make sense to you, brother?
01:27:20Is it possible, please?
01:27:21Look, I'm begging you.
01:27:22I'm going to lose my mind from stress here.
01:27:23Someone come here.
01:27:24Fix this.
01:27:25İlhami, come here.
01:27:26I have one bullet.
01:27:27I have only one bullet.
01:27:28Just one.
01:27:29Please, hurry up.
01:27:30I won't stay, Serhan.
01:27:31I'm coming.
01:27:32I'm coming.
01:27:33Where are you going?
01:27:34Where are you going?
01:27:35I'm coming.
01:27:36Where are you going?
01:27:37I'm coming.
01:27:38Where are you going?
01:27:39Sit down and wait.
01:27:48Do it.
01:27:49Do it.
01:27:50Do it.
01:27:51Do it.
01:27:54Uncle, Süleyman is gone.
01:27:55How is that possible?
01:27:56How did he go?
01:27:57He's gone.
01:27:58He took the guys and...
01:27:59He must have gone.
01:28:00I saw him, too.
01:28:01They jumped in a gray uniform and left, sir.
01:28:03What do you mean?
01:28:04We didn't...
01:28:05Who are you?
01:28:06I'm a taxi driver, brother.
01:28:07I'm here for the fee you asked for.
01:28:08Atakan, go right now.
01:28:09Pick up the biggest vehicle you can find.
01:28:10Come and load the material.
01:28:11Hurry up.
01:28:12Okay, uncle.
01:28:13Brother, this fee is...
01:28:14I don't know.
01:28:15I don't know.
01:28:16I don't know.
01:28:17I don't know.
01:28:18I don't know.
01:28:19I don't know.
01:28:20I don't know.
01:28:21Is the luggages open?
01:28:22Yes, it is.
01:28:23Here's your fee.
01:28:25How much was it?
01:28:262.700 liras.
01:28:28The goal is coming.
01:28:29Okay, I'm ready.
01:28:36The target...
01:28:37The target is on his way.
01:28:38Seral, the target is flying!
01:28:40The man on the moving train.
01:28:41He's on top of it, moving quickly!
01:28:42He's everywhere!
01:28:44Yes, okay!
01:28:45I'm waiting.
01:28:46Yes, okay, I'm waiting.
01:28:47Serhan, this is a 2-meter-wide opening.
01:28:50The guy will pass by in a second.
01:28:51Arrange it accordingly.
01:28:52Arrange it?
01:28:53Arrange it? How can I arrange it accordingly?
01:28:55Besides, what does it mean to arrange it?
01:28:56No, I can't do it. Let's do it this way.
01:28:58You go straight there.
01:28:59I'll go there, okay?
01:29:00No, brother, we can't do that.
01:29:01If we go down there, they'll take us down.
01:29:03We said that after you hit them,
01:29:04they'll take you out for emergency medical intervention.
01:29:05Then we'll go down to the hills.
01:29:06Why did I make this plan?
01:29:07I told you this.
01:29:08I'll squeeze your mouth if you don't tell me the plan.
01:29:10I'll squeeze your mouth.
01:29:11Serhan, I hear him.
01:29:13Okay, shut up.
01:29:14Shut up.
01:29:15Shut up.
01:29:43He hit him.
01:29:44He hit him very well.
01:29:45He hit him very well.
01:29:46Well done, boy.
01:29:52Thank you, daddy.
01:30:13Thank you, daddy.
01:30:43Thank you, daddy.
01:30:44Thank you, daddy.
01:30:45Thank you, daddy.
01:30:46Thank you, daddy.
01:30:47Thank you, daddy.
01:30:48Thank you, daddy.
01:30:49Thank you, daddy.
01:30:50Thank you, daddy.
01:30:51Thank you, daddy.
01:30:52Thank you, daddy.
01:30:53Thank you, daddy.
01:30:54Thank you, daddy.
01:30:55Thank you, daddy.
01:30:56Thank you, daddy.
01:30:57Thank you, daddy.
01:30:58Thank you, daddy.
01:30:59Thank you, daddy.
01:31:00Thank you, daddy.
01:31:01Thank you, daddy.
01:31:02Thank you, daddy.
01:31:03Thank you, daddy.
01:31:04Thank you, daddy.
01:31:05Thank you, daddy.
01:31:06Thank you, daddy.
01:31:07Thank you, daddy.
01:31:08Thank you, daddy.
01:31:09Thank you, daddy.
01:31:10Thank you, daddy.
01:31:11Thank you, daddy.
01:31:12Thank you, daddy.
01:31:13Thank you, daddy.
01:31:14Thank you, daddy.
01:31:15Thank you, daddy.
01:31:16Thank you, daddy.
01:31:17Thank you, daddy.
01:31:18Thank you, daddy.
01:31:19Thank you, daddy.
01:31:20Thank you, daddy.
01:31:21Thank you, daddy.
01:31:22Thank you, daddy.
01:31:23Thank you, daddy.
01:31:24Thank you, daddy.
01:31:25Thank you, daddy.
01:31:26Thank you, daddy.
01:31:27Thank you, daddy.
01:31:28Thank you, daddy.
01:31:29Thank you, daddy.
01:31:30Thank you, daddy.
01:31:31Thank you, daddy.
01:31:32Thank you, daddy.
01:31:33Thank you, daddy.
01:31:34Thank you, daddy.
01:31:35Thank you, daddy.
01:31:36Thank you, daddy.
01:31:37Thank you, daddy.
01:31:38Thank you, daddy.
01:31:39Thank you, daddy.
01:31:40Thank you, daddy.
01:31:41Thank you, daddy.
01:31:42Thank you, daddy.
01:31:43Thank you, daddy.
01:31:44Thank you, daddy.
01:31:45Thank you, daddy.
01:31:46Thank you, daddy.
01:31:47Thank you, daddy.
01:31:48Thank you, daddy.
01:31:49Thank you, daddy.
01:31:50Thank you, daddy.
01:31:51Thank you, daddy.
01:31:52Thank you, daddy.
01:31:53Thank you, daddy.
01:31:54Thank you, daddy.
01:31:55Thank you, daddy.
01:31:56Thank you, daddy.
01:31:57Thank you, daddy.
01:31:58Thank you, daddy.
01:31:59Thank you, daddy.
01:32:00Thank you, daddy.
01:32:01Thank you, daddy.
01:32:02Thank you, daddy.
01:32:03Thank you, daddy.
01:32:04Thank you, daddy.
01:32:05Thank you, daddy.
01:32:06Thank you, daddy.
01:32:07Thank you, daddy.
01:32:08Thank you, daddy.
01:32:09Thank you, daddy.
01:32:10Thank you, daddy.
01:32:11Thank you, daddy.
01:32:12Thank you, daddy.
01:32:14Let's go, let's go!
01:32:15Go, go, go, go!
01:32:16Let's go, go, go, go!
01:32:17Let's get them up there, and send them back down the mountain, we know.
01:32:18Let's go.
01:32:23We'll get them now.
01:32:26OK now?
01:32:27OK, OK.
01:32:29OK now?
01:32:30OK now?
01:32:31OK, OK, OK.
01:32:32OK now?
01:32:35OK now?
01:32:37OK, now.
01:32:39Okay, son, Süleyman ran away and sold us.
01:32:42Here you go.
01:32:43Stop, stop.
01:32:44I sent Atakan to find a vehicle.
01:32:46I really messed up.
01:32:49How well is your t-shirt torn like this?
01:32:51There was a kid with a whip.
01:32:53Are you talking about Sezgin?
01:32:54Is Sezgin dead?
01:32:55Is he dead?
01:32:56Is he dead?
01:32:57Yes, he is.
01:32:58Look, he's dead.
01:32:59Is he dead?
01:33:01I'll let you know.
01:33:02Did you hit him?
01:33:03I did.
01:33:05Dündar Diç.
01:33:06Dündar Diç.
01:33:07Dündar Diç.
01:33:08Careful, baby.
01:33:10Come on, come on.
01:33:11Atakan, what are you doing?
01:33:12Son, turn off that music.
01:33:13What the hell is this?
01:33:14Uncle, no, it's not shutting down.
01:33:16I pressed the whole button.
01:33:17Glass magic.
01:33:18Glass magic.
01:33:20Dündar Diç is coming!
01:33:21Citizens, come!
01:33:23You come and run with us!
01:33:27The dock is tight!
01:33:30Everything is empty, everything!
01:33:32Look at this officer, look at this officer, look at this officer.
01:33:43What is it?
01:33:45No, master, this won't work.
01:33:48There are two USB inputs.
01:33:50If we don't connect all four of them at the same time, we can't copy them.
01:33:55What will happen then?
01:33:57USB doesn't have a jumper.
01:34:02Do you think there is a jumper?
01:34:07There has to be.
01:34:08How can there not be?
01:34:09Don't think about these things.
01:34:11You have to think about these things.
01:34:13You really have to think about these things.
01:34:14I'm sorry, everything happened so fast.
01:34:16I couldn't think about this in the middle of the traffic.
01:34:18I'm sorry.
01:34:24Uncle, they're coming.
01:34:25Where are the guns?
01:34:27Where are the guns?
01:34:28Where are the guns?
01:34:29We took the M60 with us.
01:34:30Okay, but where is the M60?
01:34:32Where is the M60?
01:34:33Uncle, it's somewhere in the back.
01:34:35I don't know now.
01:34:36Guys, find that gun.
01:34:38Serhan, go upstairs and give it to them.
01:34:40Okay, dad, okay.
01:34:41Son, for God's sake, turn it off.
01:34:43What is this?
01:34:44Uncle, I told you, it doesn't work, I can't turn it off.
01:34:46Serhan brother.
01:34:47Brother, now we can't copy the data of these USB inputs.
01:34:52They all need to be plugged in at the same time.
01:34:55That's why we need a USB amplifier.
01:34:58We can't just stop and get it now, you know.
01:35:02This is our situation.
01:35:03Very nice, thank you.
01:35:05This is our situation.
01:35:07This is our situation, brother.
01:35:09So we can't copy it?
01:35:12I'm turning it off.
01:35:13Of course, turn it off.
01:35:14I'm turning it off.
01:35:17We put our blood in your blood.
01:35:19That's how we get in.
01:35:21We become one arm.
01:35:23We walk with one arm.
01:35:25It's coming straight.
01:35:27What do we say?
01:35:28We say 9T.
01:35:32Yasir Ali, come here.
01:35:34Give me your gun.
01:35:36We say we can ride.
01:35:38We say this man is straight.
01:35:40Straight, straight.
01:35:42This man doesn't let garbage lie.
01:35:44Doesn't let garbage lie.
01:35:46It's coming straight.
01:35:49If you were a man, Fazil,
01:35:51if you were a man,
01:35:52you wouldn't have to think about those pregnant women.
01:35:54I wish.
01:35:55God, what have you done?
01:35:56This is the end of the story.
01:35:58I'm not jealous of you.
01:35:59You're so young, man.
01:36:01You're so young.
01:36:03You don't even know me.
01:36:04I don't know you.
01:36:05I don't know you.
01:36:06This is the end of the story, guys.
01:36:07Yasir Ali, come here.
01:36:08Give me your gun.
01:36:09Give me your gun.
01:36:10We say we can ride.
01:36:11We say this man is straight.
01:36:14We say this man is straight.
01:36:15We say this man is straight.
01:36:17Is this what we're talking about?
01:36:18This is dangerous.
01:36:19This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:20This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:21This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:22This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:23This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:24This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:25This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:26This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:27This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:28This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:29This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:30This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:31This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:32This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:33This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:34This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:35This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:36This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:37This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:38This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:39This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:40This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:41This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:42This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:43This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:44This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:45This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:46This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:47This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:48This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:49This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:50This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:51This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:52This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:53This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:54This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:55This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:56This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:57This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:58This is a very dangerous thing.
01:36:59This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:00This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:01This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:02This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:03This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:04This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:05This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:06This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:07This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:08This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:09This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:10This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:11This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:12This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:13This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:14This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:15This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:16This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:17This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:18This is a very dangerous thing.
01:37:19This is a very dangerous thing.
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01:44:20This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:21This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:22This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:23This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:24This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:25This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:26This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:27This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:28This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:29This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:30This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:31This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:32This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:33This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:34This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:35This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:36This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:37This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:38This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:39This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:40This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:41This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:42This is a very dangerous thing.
01:44:43This is a very dangerous thing.
01:45:00I can't erase you, you're half of my heart
01:45:10Whatever I do, I can't erase you
01:45:16Loving you from a distance
01:45:22Is the most beautiful thing in love
01:45:28I'm used to your longing
01:45:33If I say come, I can't come
01:45:39Loving you from a distance
01:45:45Is the most beautiful thing in love
01:45:50I'm used to your longing
01:45:54If I say come...
01:46:24I can't erase you, you're half of my heart
01:46:54Oktay, let's get this guy out of here
01:46:57Uncle Gazanfer, let's get this guy out of here
01:46:59He's not burning because of the wood
01:47:01He's not burning because of the wood
01:47:03We need to find gas
01:47:05Where can I find gas?
01:47:07Where can I find gas?
01:47:09Go and find gas
01:47:11We can do something like this
01:47:14We can make a fire
01:47:16We can put Meftahi on the fire
01:47:18We're not going to eat him
01:47:20Why are you trying to cook him?
01:47:21If you love your father, bring that gas
01:47:24Oktay, I'll put you in the job you're going to do
01:47:27I'll put you in the job you're going to do
01:47:29You ruined it, is this how you respect your dead?
01:47:31Do something right
01:47:33This is the last wish of the man
01:47:35We're burning, dad, we're burning, okay
01:47:37He put wood in his ass
01:47:39I didn't do anything
01:47:41I'm sorry, Ilhami, but...
01:47:43You pulled a very locked wood
01:47:45Don't make me talk now, I saw
01:47:47What happened to him after he died?
01:47:48What happened to him after he died?
01:47:50He had a beehive, go and pick it up
01:47:52You're exaggerating
01:47:54Go, go
01:47:56Bring something burning
01:47:58Isn't there a picnic tube?
01:48:00What is this man doing with a barbecue?
01:48:02What are you doing?
01:48:04You want too much, go
01:48:06It won't burn like this
01:48:08It's burning
01:48:10Dad, it looks like it's burning
01:48:12It's turning off
01:48:14It started to burn from the tip of his finger
01:48:16It's on, it's on
01:48:17It's on, it's on
01:48:19It's on, it's on
01:48:21It's on
01:48:23It's on, it's on
01:48:25It's on, it's on
01:48:44Mr. Ilhami
01:48:45See you soon, thank you
01:48:47What's going on?
01:48:49Brother, it's over
01:48:51Look, we have no money
01:48:53Brother, they called from the organization
01:48:55They made a deal with you
01:48:57We're leaving you
01:48:59We're saying goodbye to you
01:49:01They gave us the internet cafe job
01:49:03As a business partner
01:49:05Brother, it's over
01:49:07It's over
01:49:09Thank you so much
01:49:11Thank you so much
01:49:12Thank you so much
01:49:43Blue and green
01:49:45It's on, it's on
01:49:47It's on, it's on
01:49:49It's on, it's on
01:49:51It's on, it's on
01:49:53It's on, it's on
01:49:55It's on, it's on
01:49:57It's on, it's on
01:49:59It's on, it's on
01:50:01It's on, it's on
01:50:03It's on, it's on
01:50:05It's on, it's on
01:50:07It's on, it's on
01:50:09It's on, it's on
01:50:10It's on, it's on
01:50:12It's on, it's on
01:50:14It's on, it's on
01:50:16It's on, it's on
01:50:18It's on, it's on
01:50:20It's on, it's on
01:50:22It's on, it's on
01:50:24It's on, it's on
01:50:26It's on, it's on
01:50:28It's on, it's on
01:50:30It's on, it's on
01:50:32It's on, it's on
01:50:34It's on, it's on
01:50:36It's on, it's on
01:50:38It's on, it's on
01:50:40It's on, it's on
01:50:42It's on, it's on
01:50:44It's on, it's on
01:50:46It's on, it's on
01:50:48It's on, it's on
01:50:50It's on, it's on
01:50:52It's on, it's on
01:50:54It's on, it's on
01:50:56It's on, it's on
01:50:58It's on, it's on
01:51:00It's on, it's on
01:51:02It's on, it's on
01:51:04It's on, it's on
01:51:06It's on, it's on
01:51:08It's on, it's on
01:51:10It's on, it's on
01:51:12It's on, it's on
01:51:14It's on, it's on
01:51:16It's on, it's on
01:51:18It's on, it's on
01:51:20It's on, it's on
01:51:22It's on, it's on
01:51:24It's on, it's on
01:51:26It's on, it's on
01:51:28It's on, it's on
01:51:30It's on, it's on
01:51:32It's on, it's on
01:51:34It's on, it's on
01:51:36It's on, it's on
01:51:37It's on, it's on
01:51:39It's on, it's on
01:51:41It's on, it's on
01:51:43It's on, it's on
01:51:45It's on, it's on
01:51:47It's on, it's on
01:51:49It's on, it's on
01:51:51It's on, it's on
01:51:53It's on, it's on
01:51:55It's on, it's on
01:51:57It's on, it's on
01:51:59It's on, it's on
01:52:01It's on, it's on
01:52:03It's on, it's on
01:52:05It's on, it's on
01:52:07It's on, it's on
01:52:09It's on, it's on
01:52:11It's on, it's on
01:52:13It's on, it's on
01:52:15It's on, it's on
01:52:17It's on, it's on
01:52:19It's on, it's on
01:52:21It's on, it's on
01:52:23It's on, it's on
01:52:25It's on, it's on
01:52:27It's on, it's on
01:52:29It's on, it's on
01:52:31It's on, it's on
01:52:33It's on, it's on
01:52:35It's on, it's on
01:52:37He can't get a job.
01:52:39He can't get a job because of the cost, but...
01:52:42I didn't ask him because I didn't trust him.
01:52:45You'll get a job, man.
01:52:46You'll get a job.
01:52:47We can count on you.
01:52:48We'll meet three prisoners every month.
01:52:50If we meet one...
01:52:51He has a friend in Bayburt.
01:52:53He has an internet cafe.
01:52:54Dad, I'm coming!
01:52:55He has an internet cafe.
01:52:56He makes me do everything.
01:52:57He missed me.
01:52:58They set up an internet cafe.
01:53:00New generation...
01:53:01Don't look bad.
01:53:02What is an internet cafe?
01:53:04It's nonsense.
01:53:05It's bad.
01:53:06They don't even let you set up a family.
01:53:09Dad, I'm coming!
01:53:36I'm coming!
01:53:37I'm coming!
01:53:38I'm coming!
01:53:39I'm coming!
01:53:40I'm coming!
01:53:41I'm coming!
01:53:42I'm coming!
01:53:43I'm coming!
01:53:44I'm coming!
01:53:45I'm coming!
01:53:46I'm coming!
01:53:47I'm coming!
01:53:48I'm coming!
01:53:49I'm coming!
01:53:50I'm coming!
01:53:51I'm coming!
01:53:52I'm coming!
01:53:53I'm coming!
01:53:54I'm coming!
01:53:55I'm coming!
01:53:56I'm coming!
01:53:57I'm coming!
01:53:58I'm coming!
01:53:59I'm coming!
01:54:00I'm coming!
01:54:01I'm coming!
01:54:02I'm coming!
01:54:03I'm coming!
01:54:04I'm coming!
01:54:05I'm coming!
01:54:06I'm coming!
01:54:07I'm coming!
01:54:08I'm coming!
01:54:09I'm coming!
01:54:10I'm coming!
01:54:11I'm coming!
01:54:12I'm coming!
01:54:13I'm coming!
01:54:14I'm coming!
01:54:15I'm coming!
01:54:16I'm coming!
01:54:17I'm coming!
01:54:18I'm coming!
01:54:19I'm coming!
01:54:20I'm coming!
01:54:21I'm coming!
01:54:22I'm coming!
01:54:23I'm coming!
01:54:24I'm coming!
01:54:25I'm coming!
01:54:26I'm coming!
01:54:27I'm coming!
01:54:28I'm coming!
01:54:29I'm coming!
01:54:30I'm coming!
01:54:31I'm coming!
01:54:32I'm coming!
01:54:33I'm coming!
01:54:34I'm coming!
01:54:35I'm coming!
01:54:36I'm coming!
01:54:37I'm coming!
01:54:38I'm coming!
01:54:39I'm coming!
01:54:40I'm coming!
01:54:41I'm coming!
01:54:42I'm coming!
01:54:43I'm coming!
01:54:44I'm coming!
01:54:45I'm coming!
01:54:46I'm coming!
01:54:47I'm coming!
01:54:48I'm coming!
01:54:49I'm coming!
01:54:50I'm coming!
01:54:51I'm coming!
01:54:52I'm coming!
01:54:53I'm coming!
01:54:54I'm coming!
01:54:55I'm coming!
01:54:56I'm coming!
01:54:57I'm coming!
01:54:58I'm coming!
01:54:59I'm coming!
01:55:00I'm coming!
01:55:01I'm coming!
01:55:02I'm coming!
01:55:03I'm coming!
01:55:04I'm coming!
01:55:05I'm coming!
01:55:06I'm coming!
01:55:07I'm coming!
01:55:08I'm coming!
01:55:09I'm coming!
01:55:10I'm coming!
01:55:11I'm coming!
01:55:12I'm coming!
01:55:13I'm coming!
01:55:14I'm coming!
01:55:15I'm coming!
01:55:16I'm coming!
01:55:17I'm coming!
01:55:18I'm coming!
01:55:19I'm coming!
01:55:20I'm coming!
01:55:21I'm coming!
01:55:22I'm coming!
01:55:23I'm coming!
01:55:24I'm coming!
01:55:25I'm coming!
01:55:26I'm coming!
01:55:27I'm coming!
01:55:28I'm coming!
01:55:29I'm coming!
01:55:30I'm coming!
01:55:31I'm coming!
