'The reality of 2024' - Arsenal team-mates can't believe war is still happening - Zinchenko

  • last month
'Oleksandr Zinchenko is still hopeful of a peaceful resolution to the war that has ravaged his homeland
00:00So my teammates and also the staff, the guys from the staff, you know, coaching staff or the others,
00:05they're always asking me, how is it going? But they still cannot believe that the war is still
00:10there every single day. And like when I'm saying about the facilities which our people have there,
00:18having, you know, a couple of hours of light each day,
00:21they just, they cannot believe it because it's so difficult to visualize even in your head.
00:26But still, still, this is the reality of 2024 and it's been already almost for three years and
00:35I really hope that it will finish very, very soon.
