You Atract What Your Vibration Is

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You Attract What You are in harmony with - By Bob Proctor
#lawofattraction #bobproctor #lawofvibration #vibes #manifestation
00:00Most people set a goal and then wait for it to happen.
00:02It's never going to happen.
00:03You've got to assume that it's already happened.
00:05You've got a picture of it in your mind.
00:07Mentally, it's already happened.
00:08It's happened because I've got the idea in my conscious mind.
00:11If I didn't have the idea in my conscious mind,
00:13I couldn't talk to you about it.
00:14The very fact I can talk to you about it
00:16means that I've already got it.
00:17Then I've got to get emotionally involved in it.
00:19I'm already emotionally involved in the goal that I've got.
00:22I've got it intellectually.
00:23I've got it emotionally.
00:24It's only a period of time until it moves into form.
00:26How does it move into form?
00:27Well, you attract whatever's required for it to move into form.
00:30You attract all the energy that's necessary to produce the physical result.
00:34How do you do that?
00:35You do that by intellectually and emotionally staying in the vibration
00:39of the good that you desire.
00:40You see it already in the present tense.
00:42So that keeps you on the frequency
00:45and that frequency then dictates what you're going to attract.
00:47You can only attract to you what's in harmonious vibration with you.
