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00:00蓝蓝,我可不是你家大小姐。Lanlan, I'm not your young mistress.
00:07大小姐,夫人她很伤心,我知道大小姐对夫人...Miss, Madam is very sad. I know that Miss is...
00:12蓝蓝,你不明白。Lanlan, you don't understand.
00:14我什么都明白。夫人待我像家人,凤女姐姐是夫人的女儿。我们就是家人。I understand everything. Madam treats me like family. Feng Nu is Madam's daughter. We're family.
00:21你去见见夫人吧,大小姐。Please go and see Madam, Miss.
00:24喂,我说蓝蓝,认不认识凤女自己的事,不要强迫她好不好。Hey, Lanlan, do you know Feng Nu? Don't force her, okay?
00:30谁让你多嘴啦?Who told you to talk back?
00:32蓝蓝,你干什么?Lanlan, what are you doing?
00:34空间魔法是吧?来啊。Space magic, right? Come on.
00:37早就想痛快地打一场了。来啊。I've been wanting to fight for a long time. Come on.
00:44为什么不让我教训她啊?Why don't you let me teach her a lesson?
00:46怎么黑暗种子还没消灭,就对付起自己人了?Why are you dealing with your own people before the Dark Seed is gone?
00:50法戎帝国出来的都不是自己人。The people from the Faron Empire are not our own people.
00:52瞧你,净说傻话。不管怎么说,燕冰还救过你和菲菲,大家都是朋友啊。Look at you, you're talking nonsense. Anyway, Nian Bing saved you and Feifei. We're all friends.
00:59他才不是朋友呢。He's not a friend.
01:02别说气话了啊,回营帐去照顾宫爵夫人吧。Don't be angry anymore. Go back to the tent and take care of the Princess.
01:11你还在生我的气吗?Are you still mad at me?
01:12不生气才怪。It's weird that you're not angry.
01:14都怪兰兰搅局。其实我还有很多心里话。It's all Lan Lan's fault. Actually, I still have a lot to say.
01:18那就留着等消灭了黑暗种族,再慢慢说。Then let's wait until the Dark Seed is gone, and then we'll talk.
01:27只要跨过冲天峰,就离龙王殿不远了。As long as I cross the Chongtian Peak, I'm not far from the Dragon King Hall.
01:31好了没?Are you done?
01:33再给我一天时间,我就能让他们见识见识我的炼狱十杀大阵。Give me one more day, and I'll show them what I'm capable of.
01:39阵法是旧式麻烦。到了战场上,等你们不完阵,这仗可都打完了。The formation is a pain in the ass. When you're on the battlefield and you don't finish the formation, the battle is over.
01:47阵法的精妙,不是你这种蠢货能理解的。真诚。The essence of the formation is not something a fool like you can understand. It's sincere.
01:52此阵名为传魂阵。入此阵者,控制力受阵术干扰。稍有不慎,便会使魔法和斗气反噬自身。This formation is called the Transcendence Formation. Anyone who enters this formation will be affected by the force of the formation. If you're not careful, you'll lose your magic and fighting spirit.
02:02这就够了。我会让他们全都死在这里。This is enough. I'm going to kill them all.
02:10夫人,龙亲王驾到。请。Madam, Prince Long has arrived. Please.
02:20亲王大人。我来探望宫爵夫人,看看安顿得如何。Prince Qing. I'm here to visit Lady Gongjue, to see how she's doing.
02:25烦劳亲王,这里一切都好。Thank you, Prince Qing. Everything is fine here.
02:32Lady Fengjue, have you heard about the arrival of the King of Ao Lan?
02:37I left in a hurry and followed the phoenix girl all the way here.
02:41I didn't report to the King of Ao Lan.
02:43The war is dangerous.
02:45Lady Fengjue has a noble status.
02:47If anything happens, I'm afraid...
02:49I'm here this time to find my daughter.
02:52If the phoenix girl doesn't leave Hanlin, I won't leave either.
02:55Lord Qin, you don't have to worry.
02:57I will join the Alliance and fight alongside everyone.
03:01Good. With the help of Lady Fengjue, the Alliance will have a better chance of defeating the Dark Tribe.
03:07There's just one thing that I need your help with.
03:11Please say it.
03:12It's about the phoenix girl.
03:20Lord Qin, the Alliance is all here.
03:25This time, the Dark Tribe must be annihilated in Hanlin.
03:29Long Yue.
03:31You will lead the Huarong Army with me to attack head-on.
03:35Yan Bing.
03:37The army will attack head-on and contain the Dark Tribe.
03:40You will lead Long Bing and Murong Mujing to the Dragon King's Hall to protect the Dragon Tribe.
03:46Lord Qin.
03:48Lang Mu and Ao Lan's army will be led by you.
03:51You will attack from the side.
03:53Phoenix girl, you and Lan Lan and Feifei will stay by Lady Fengjue's side and listen to her orders.
04:00Lord Qin.
04:01I appreciate your kindness.
04:03Since protecting the Dragon Tribe is very important,
04:05I will go to the Dragon King's Hall with Yan Bing.
04:07The enemy is right in front of us.
04:09It's not the time to be willful.
04:12Lord Qin.
04:13Let's follow Lady Fengjue's order.
04:19Lan Lan.
04:22You will go with Lady Fengjue.
04:25The Dragon King's Hall
04:28You are very strong, Lord Qin.
04:33Fifth Prince?
04:35Lord Qin.
04:36Lady Fengjue.
04:38I came late.
04:40Yan Yun is here.
04:41Please forgive me.
04:43You came at the right time.
04:45I don't know how many troops the Fifth Prince brought.
04:49To fight against the Dark Tribe, we have no other choice.
04:51After selection,
04:53I brought 20,000 elite soldiers of the Ice Moon Empire.
04:57Before this, I contacted the King of Ice Moon
04:59to discuss about sending troops to join the Alliance.
05:01His Majesty has clearly refused.
05:03Why now?
05:05Father has long decided
05:07to let my younger brother lead the troops and join the Alliance.
05:09Unfortunately, my younger brother...
05:12I won't say it anymore.
05:16I will ask the Fifth Prince to be the backer of the Alliance
05:18and guard the Central Army.
05:20We must not let the Dark Tribe get in our way.
05:24I accept the order.
05:31After the battle is over,
05:33we will fly over the Chongtian Peak
05:34and enter the base of the Ice Tribe.
05:36The Dragon King's Hall is in the center of the base.
05:38Everyone is here.
05:46Nian Bing?
05:47You are Nian Bing?
05:49Your Highness the Fifth Prince.
05:51My younger brother, Yan Feng, always talks about you.
05:53He said that you are the disciple of the Chief God.
05:56I don't dare. I don't dare.
05:57I haven't seen Yan Feng for a long time. How is he?
06:00He is still the same.
06:02He makes people worry.
06:04I heard that you won the championship of the Magic Stone Contest.
06:09Your Highness is overpraising me.
06:11The general attack has started.
06:13Let's go.
06:15I'm going back to the Central Army too.
06:18Nian Bing,
06:19when we reach the Ice Tribe,
06:21we will meet again.
06:39The Yan Army has already stopped two groups of Dark Tribes.
06:42I didn't expect that there are still so many people.
06:45In this continent,
06:47where there is darkness, there is us.
06:50If you want to stop the darkness,
06:53there is only one way to die.
06:55Aren't you worried about yourself?
07:03A small trick.
07:07What is this?
07:14Kill them!
07:44Be careful!
08:14This way!
08:44I will die with you!
08:52Oh, no. The spirit has been cut off.
08:57We can't recover for now.
08:59You and Feng Nian, hurry up and enter the Ice Tribe.
09:06No, this is too dangerous for you.
09:08Stop nagging. Hurry up and go!
09:11Don't waste everyone's efforts.
09:20Where do you want to go?
09:23I will kill you.
