• last year
Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) delivered remarks at a Trump-Vance 2024 campaign rally in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday.

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00:05Thank you
00:14All right, my friends. Thank you. Thank you
00:27All right
00:32It is great to be in Atlanta hello, Georgia
00:4193 days we're gonna take back our country and elect Donald J. Trump once again. It's gonna start right here in Georgia
00:54Let's recap
00:55The last month in political history we have to remember just over a month ago
01:00President Trump wiped the floor with Joe Biden on that debate stage
01:05exposing a massive cover-up of
01:09The president's mental incapacity he saved America from four more years of the disaster of Joe Biden and
01:17During that same time Donald Trump accepted our own party's nomination with overwhelming support
01:24We held the most successful convention in history
01:28He took a bullet for this country and didn't miss a single day of work
01:34Now he did that in one month just imagine what he's gonna do with four more years ain't that right
01:47Now after covering up Joe Biden's incompetence for the last three and a half years our friends in the media
01:53Are at it again
01:55this time
01:59They're gaslighting us on Kamala Harris's radical record
02:03They want to portray her as some kind of sensible moderate despite all evidence to the contrary
02:09Now this is the same media that told us remember my friends for three and a half years that Joe Biden who couldn't complete a sentence
02:17was Albert Einstein and
02:20Now they want to tell us that Kamala Harris is Abraham Lincoln
02:26Anybody who is too blind to see Biden's incompetence or let's be honest too dishonest to admit it
02:33Doesn't deserve to be commander-in-chief Kamala Harris is not getting a promotion to the presidency United States
02:39Now the Democrat Party bosses would like to install her as their new nominee and as the next president
02:46But remember she has not received a single vote for president
02:51But let's actually give
02:54Democrat primary voters some credit because in their primary in 2020 Kamala Harris was so unpopular
03:01She didn't even get a chance to be in the primary
03:03Some credit because in their primary in 2020 Kamala Harris was so unpopular
03:08She didn't even make it to the first vote being cast
03:15She wasn't in the top three in her home state of California and
03:19The reason is Democrat voters know what every American agrees with
03:24America is never gonna elect a San Francisco liberal who's so far outside the mainstream
03:30We're not gonna elect Kamala Harris's president
03:41Let us count the ways of the disastrous policies of Kamala Harris
03:47500,000 kids I was at the border just a couple of days ago
03:50500,000 kids have been trafficked by the drug cartels because of her policy
03:54She was the border czar the media lies to you, but she was
03:58Hard-working Americans cannot afford groceries because of her policies
04:02Gas and energy are through the roof because of her policies
04:08Housing prices are out of control because of her policies
04:11You cannot let in 20 million illegal aliens to compete with Americans for scarce housing and then raise interest rates
04:19Which is exactly what Kamala Harris has done and people right here in Georgia and all across the country have suffered
04:24And people right here in Georgia and all across the country have suffered because of it now the media calls her a moderate
04:32But there's nothing the fake news loves more than a fact-check
04:35So let's do a fact-check Kamala Harris was the most liberal United States senator during her entire time in public service
04:45As America's borders are
04:48Kamala Harris unleashed the worst border crisis in American history 10 million illegal aliens have invaded this country
04:56The total that's what they say. That's the official number. It's probably more than that
05:02Biden Harris on day one they suspended deportations. They stopped building the border wall. I saw it just a couple days ago
05:08It's sitting there on the ground ready to be finished, but Kamala Harris won't let him
05:20Reinstated catch-and-release then they proposed they proposed amnesty for millions of illegal aliens
05:27Kamala Harris turned Border Patrol into a travel agency for the worst criminals and terrorists all over the world now
05:34We have a different message president Trump and I do if you're in this country illegally start packing your bags
05:41You go home in six months
06:13We're not done yet
06:15The border isn't the only thing Kamala Harris is wrecked during her time in office in
06:202021 she was the tie-breaking vote on two trillion dollars of reckless spending
06:26That juiced this inflation crisis and sent a lot of money to China. Well, I don't think we should send money to China
06:31I think we ought to keep it right here at home
06:34Remember the Inflation Reduction Act, which was really the inflation is a disaster act
06:40She cast the deciding vote triggered the worst affordability crisis in generations
06:49And at the same time she said that high gas prices were quote the price to pay for democracy a woman who's never earned a vote
06:57But she said that high gas prices were quote the price to pay for democracy
07:01A woman who's never earned a vote for president United States
07:05That's the price for democracy
07:08What's not the price for democracy my friends? It's the price we paid for her failed leadership
07:16Harris wants to ban fracking ban offshore drilling take away your gas cars
07:22and by the way
07:23I think in America you ought to be able to drive whatever the hell you want to because this is America and we believe in
07:35Wants to take away your gas stoves she even wants to take away your ability to eat red meat
07:42That's how out there she is
07:48That's real the fake news will fact-check it they'll fact-check it true
07:51She actually said that in other words. She thinks that she's better than us. She thinks she's better than you
07:59She thinks she's smarter than you she thinks you need to be told how to live your life, but this November
08:06Let's tell the Washington elites. Let's tell Kamala Harris mind your own damn business. We're electing Donald J. Trump president United States
08:29Every time every time the Democrats attack us and attack our movement
08:35They can't help but tell on themselves. They reveal how much they hate the American people now remember this
08:42Remember Barack Obama said we have to make the world a better place
08:47We have to make the world a better place
08:50We have to make the world a better place
08:52they reveal how much they hate the American people.
08:55Now, remember this.
08:57Remember, Barack Obama said we cling to God and guns.
09:00Remember that?
09:02Hillary Clinton called us deplorables.
09:06And now, Kamala Harris says we're weird.
09:11Well, Kamala, I'm glad you brought that up.
09:18Let's talk about some things that are weird.
09:22We, we think it's weird that Democrats want to put sexually explicit books in toddlers'
09:39We think it's weird that the far left wants to allow biological males to beat the living
09:44crap out of women in boxing.
09:51We think it's weird for a presidential candidate to bail convicted rapists and murderers out
09:56of prison, and that's what Kamala Harris did.
10:02And I think it's especially weird when Kamala Harris comes to Atlanta, I believe came here
10:07to this arena, Kamala Harris comes to Atlanta and talks with a fake southern accent.
10:15Even though she grew up in Canada, you can't make it up.
10:17That's pretty weird.
10:26Go watch the clip.
10:27She sounded like a southern belle, even though she grew up in Vancouver.
10:30It doesn't make any sense.
10:33But on November 5th, she can go back to using her San Francisco accent, because we're going
10:37to send her packing, and we're going to reelect Donald J. Trump, president of the United States.
10:45Now, we can handle the made-up attacks by Democrats and by the media, because we're
11:01used to it by now.
11:03But here's something I can't stomach about Kamala Harris, it's when she has the nerve
11:08to question our loyalty to this country.
11:13And she does.
11:15Well, here's what President Trump and I believe about loyalty.
11:19Loyalty to this country is closing our border, not opening it up.
11:28Loyalty is making life more affordable, not causing inflation because you can't stop sending
11:33money like a drunken sailor.
11:39Loyalty is safeguarding Medicare for American citizens, not bankrupting it by sending it
11:44to illegal aliens, which is what she wants to do.
11:50Loyalty is protecting Lakin Riley, not allowing an illegal immigrant to take her life.
11:59Loyalty is serving in the United States Marine Corps, something I am proud to have done.
12:08Loyalty is taking a bullet for this country, something Donald J. Trump did.
12:16Kamala Harris, if you want to see the face of disloyalty, look in the damn mirror.
12:24Now, for decades, we've gotten used to it.
12:48Politicians in Washington have sold out this country.
12:50We gotta remember, when the multinational corporations and lobbyists called their offices,
12:55a lot of them traded American jobs for campaign cash.
12:58Now, they'd never admit that, of course, they'd brag about trade deals, and they'd promise
13:03cheap products.
13:05They called it globalization, and that's what it was, sending American jobs to some other
13:10part of the globe instead of keeping them right here at home.
13:14And if it's up to Kamala Harris, it's going to keep on happening.
13:19Remember her record.
13:21She voted to preserve NAFTA, the very trade deal that sent American jobs to Mexico and
13:27turned American dreams into nightmares.
13:31Now, she's asking us for a promotion, and I think it's time to say to Kamala Harris,
13:38you're fired.
13:39The American dream, the American dream is dying under Kamala Harris, but we're going
13:56to save it.
13:57We're going to save it for every American, regardless of color or creed, and we're going
14:02to do it when we reelect Donald J. Trump president of the United States.
14:06That's why we've got to do it.
14:12You know, President Trump knows a few things that the Washington politicians forgot.
14:16He knows that a million cheap plastic toys from China is not worth a single American
14:21manufacturing job.
14:26We're going to rebuild American manufacturing, we're going to rebuild the factories, we're
14:30going to rebuild the American dream, and we're going to stamp more products made in the USA.
14:35It's a beautiful thing, and that's what we're going to do.
14:45Now I've seen the consequences of electing failed politicians like Kamala Harris, I've
14:49seen it in my own hometown, because more often than not, it's the people the Bible calls
14:55the least of these that suffer the most when Kamala Harris doesn't do her job.
15:00They like to say they're for the little guy, but it's the little guy who hurts the most
15:03when Kamala Harris fails.
15:06Now a lot of you know my story, you know how I grew up.
15:09I was raised by a strong woman, a Christian grandmother who loved the Lord, but also loved
15:16the F word, ladies and gentlemen.
15:18She was a study in contrast, I think there are a few out here just like it.
15:26Now people ask me, how is it that you were able to grow up in a poor family, grow up
15:31in a family that was struggling, had a lot of chaos and a lot of trouble, and the answer
15:35is because one, this is the greatest country in the world and the American dream is still
15:48The second answer is because I had a mammal who was tough as nails, and she kept me on
15:54the right path.
15:56Now, I could tell you a lot of stories, I could tell you a lot of stories, but one of
16:12my favorite mammal stories is when I enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps.
16:17She was very proud of me, of course, but it was a time of war and mammal was not happy
16:24that a recruiter had persuaded me to enlist in the Marines.
16:28So I remember he came over to our house and started to walk up the steps to her porch
16:32and she said, look, if you step one more foot on my porch I'm going to blow that thing off.
16:38And she had 19 handguns at home, so that was not an idle threat.
16:44But that strength and that discipline allowed me to achieve my dreams and things worked
16:49out for me because we love our country, it's a great country, and because there are women
16:54like mammal all over this country making sure kids are able to achieve their dreams.
17:06But let's be honest, there were some tough times too, and this goes to the point about
17:11Kamala Harris' failures.
17:13I remember, the reason mammal raised me is because my mom struggled with addiction for
17:18a big chunk of my early life, and I'm proud to say that she has been clean and sober for
17:22almost 10 years now.
17:23I'm so proud of my mom.
17:33And for all those struggling with this terrible problem of addiction, know there is hope and
17:38there is recovery.
17:41It's worth it.
17:42You've got to keep fighting for it.
17:44But we support you and we support your dreams for second chances.
17:47But it wasn't always that good.
17:49I didn't always think that I would get a second chance with my mom.
17:52I remember being a kid, waiting at the bedside of my mom, angry that she had taken something
17:59she shouldn't have taken, and just praying to God, even though I was so mad, praying
18:04to God, please Jesus, just let her wake up.
18:08Don't let this thing be the thing that took her life.
18:12And the unfortunate truth, my friends, is that the poison that Kamala Harris has let
18:17into this country means there are a lot of kids like me who are not going to have those
18:20prayers answered.
18:21We're going to remember who we're fighting for.
18:25And it's the kids at the side of those bedside tables, begging God for their parents to wake
18:31We're going to make sure that happens.
18:32We're going to fight for the people who are struggling in this country.
18:46And the contrast, the contrast between an America led by Kamala Harris and an America
18:52led by President Trump, it couldn't be more clear.
18:55Remember, President Trump's vision was closed borders and open factories.
19:02Kamala Harris's vision is the exact opposite.
19:05Open borders and closed factories.
19:09Kamala Harris, she wants a bigger government that can tell you what to do, and she also
19:13wants smaller bank accounts, which I think a lot of us have seen.
19:18But Donald Trump, by contrast, delivered record paychecks and the strongest border in history.
19:23What an amazing record of accomplishment.
19:31Kamala Harris wants to ban fracking and buy energy from every tin pot dictator all over
19:36the world.
19:37Donald Trump wants to drill, baby, drill.
19:40Let's get it from our own workers and our own territory.
19:49Kamala Harris wants to raise your taxes, and she wants to make it easier for companies
19:53to ship jobs to Mexico and China.
19:56Donald Trump wants to lower taxes for hardworking families.
20:00In fact, he already did it.
20:01And we want to reward companies that hire American and buy American.
20:05It's all about protecting the workers of this country.
20:15Kamala Harris wants to defund the police and let violent criminals out of jail.
20:23Donald Trump wants to lock up the bad guys and back the blue, and he did it for four
20:29He's going to do it again.
20:37So I want to send a message out there to those who are struggling, those who are trying to
20:43make ends meet.
20:45If you're scraping by instead of thriving, I know what that feels like.
20:50I know what it's like to choose between paying off the credit card or buying groceries.
20:55I know what it's like to watch families fall apart under financial stress.
21:00I know what it's like to worry that a parent will never kick that habit, and I know what
21:04it's like to worry that that habit is going to eventually claim their lives.
21:09But I also know that our national motto is, in God we trust.
21:14And God tells us not to despair, but to hope.
