• last year
ChatGPT is a text-based generative AI tool that can do various tasks. In this course, you will learn how to write prompts, generate content, generate codes and utilise its powerful features.

In this video lesson, we will learn about Generating Microsoft Word Documents in ChatGPT.

You can access the entire ChatGPT Course in the following playlist:
00:00So what you can also do is you can generate Microsoft Word documents by
00:09using ChatGPT. So for that I'm going to go around and give this prompt. I'm
00:14going to go around and say write a visual basic code that I can run as a
00:26module in Microsoft Word to write an article about
00:39benefits of traveling. I'm going to go around and say make sure to make
00:48the document colorful. Colorful include table data and also make sure you use
01:02different font size and colors to make it look
01:15attractive. Now you can go around give it more details but I'm going to
01:21go around and say write a visual basic code that I can run as a module. So if I
01:26were to go around and send this out right here then what happens is that it
01:30says here is the visual basic code right here that you can run as a module and
01:34this code will create a document that outlines the benefits of traveling
01:38with colorful text, different font sizes and a table right here. So you can see
01:43that this is what you have right here. It is generating out the content as you
01:48can see right here just like this and it is adding in the font size, the font
01:52color and even adding in a table as you can see right here as I requested it to
01:58do. So now what you can simply do is you can go around and copy up this code
02:02right here and then go to Microsoft Word and then go to the developers tab. If you
02:08don't have the developers tab enabled then you can right-click anywhere on the
02:12ribbon area and then go to customize the ribbon and over here you can see
02:16that developer is turned off so you can simply go around and turn it off and
02:20press OK and you will have this. Now you can go around onto visual basic right
02:25here and then go to insert and then onto module and paste out the code that is
02:30generated. Then simply press the play button right here just like this to run
02:35it and then you can see that this is the document that it created as you can see
02:40right here. Let's just go around onto the view right here. So let's go
02:46around onto view and go for print layout and this is what you see as you can see
02:50right here. So this is the benefits of traveling in different text right here,
02:55different colorful text and a table as you can see right here as well. So this
02:59is what you can do even with the old that is ChatGPT 3.5. But if you're
03:06using ChatGPT 4.0 right here then you can directly ask it to give you a
03:13Microsoft Word document as well. So I'm just going to go around and say now give
03:18me Microsoft Word document with this content for download right here just
03:27like this. So if I were to go around and say that right here then it analyzes it
03:32out and generates out a document for me as well. So it is running everything in
03:37the background right here which does take a bit of time and once it's
03:41complete it'll give me a document for download which is ready. And now it has
03:47given me the document as you can see right here. It says here is the Microsoft
03:51Word document. So let's just go around and click on download right here just
03:56like this and it downloads the document right here with benefits of travel. So if
04:00I were to go around and click right here then it opens out this document
04:05right here just like this which is a bit different than what you get from the
04:10wiki code right here. You can see that the formatting is a bit different but
04:15you can see that it's almost similar right here. So it's got better details as
04:19you can see right here. And this is how you can go ahead and then generate
04:23Microsoft Word documents by using ChatGPT. So hope you guys learned
04:28something as always and as always make sure that you share this out with your
04:34friends and family and make sure that you hit the like button. Make sure that
04:40you comment on what you think about the video and for more contents like these
04:44do follow Simple Tutorials.
