Caution Cute Baby Alert FULL EPISODE | Watch Free Movies

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Caution Cute Baby Alert FULL EPISODE Watch Free Movies
00:00:00Welcome to the birthday party of our city's finest, Mr. Robert Clark.
00:00:06Drink up, birthday boy.
00:00:30I thought drink last night was a total mistake.
00:00:58Why can't I remember his face at all?
00:01:09If you're still alive today, you'd be five.
00:01:36Hey you, today's my fifth birthday.
00:01:38Could you get me a mommy?
00:01:39That's not how it works, Charlie.
00:01:41Look at yourself, Robert Clark.
00:01:42Three years old and still single.
00:01:44Do you know how worried I am?
00:01:45If you don't get me a mommy today, I'll run away from home.
00:01:48Charlie, wait.
00:01:49Get back here.
00:01:56Hey, sweetie, are you okay?
00:01:59You should really make sure that his shoelaces are tied so he doesn't trip and fall.
00:02:02Are you okay?
00:02:05It's okay.
00:02:07Daddy, daddy, I found mommy.
00:02:13Daddy, I found mommy.
00:02:22You got knocked up by a stranger?
00:02:25I'm glad you're not my daughter, Scarlett, or I would die of shame.
00:02:30You gotta kick her out, daddy.
00:02:32That's it, Scarlett.
00:02:33You get rid of this bastard now, or you get the fuck out of this house.
00:02:39I'm no longer a Mason anymore.
00:02:40You guys can forget that I ever existed.
00:02:54Congratulations, mommy.
00:02:57It's a little boy.
00:03:13This is Scarlett Mason's kid.
00:03:16Now, give me the money and get out of here before somebody sees you.
00:03:28Sid's sudden infant death syndrome.
00:03:33There's absolutely nothing we could have done.
00:03:36I'm sorry, Miss Mason.
00:03:51Mommy, it's my birthday today.
00:03:54She has the same birthdays.
00:03:58Happy birthday, Charlie.
00:04:00Why do you keep calling me mommy?
00:04:02Because you look exactly like the mommy in my dreams.
00:04:06Do you have a boyfriend, mommy?
00:04:08Um, I don't.
00:04:10I have the perfect guy for you.
00:04:12He's 6'2", 30 years old, good looking, decent job, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink.
00:04:18The best part is, take him, and you can have a normal child for free.
00:04:24Charlie, is this your...
00:04:26I want you to marry my daddy.
00:04:31I want you to marry my daddy.
00:04:35He's joking.
00:04:37No, I'm not.
00:04:38Hey, the trust fund...
00:04:42If you want my silence, I'm craving some sweets today.
00:04:45Can you do it?
00:04:58He's really smart.
00:05:00Too smart.
00:05:01So, Bobby, what do you do?
00:05:04I'm a chauffeur for Robert Clark.
00:05:08Robert Clark?
00:05:10The richest, most mysterious billionaire in the city?
00:05:14Sounds like you know Mr. Clark.
00:05:19Sounds like you know Mr. Clark.
00:05:22Welcome to the birthday party of Mr. Robert Clark.
00:05:26I know of him.
00:05:27I've never met him before or anything like that, but...
00:05:33Oh, my God.
00:05:34I'm gonna be late for work.
00:05:36We'll give you a ride in our car, Mommy.
00:05:43Your car?
00:05:45Charlie, I told you, that's not our car.
00:05:48Daddy's just a chauffeur.
00:05:49What's a chauffeur?
00:05:50Finish your mousse.
00:05:55Charlie, your daddy's right, all right?
00:05:59You should never pretend to be somebody you're not.
00:06:03All right, Bobby Clark, well, it was really nice meeting you, talking to you, all that.
00:06:07Bye, Charlie.
00:06:12What was that for?
00:06:13No wonder you're still single.
00:06:16Give me your phone number, please, please, please, please!
00:06:21All right, all right.
00:06:29I know, I know.
00:06:30I'm a great wingman.
00:06:31You can thank me later.
00:06:32Have a great job, buddy.
00:06:40Can someone take our order before I starve to death here?
00:06:44Hello, ladies.
00:06:45I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting.
00:06:50So this is what you've been doing ever since Mom and Dad kicked you out?
00:06:55Not gonna lie.
00:06:56The maid apron really suits you.
00:06:58Just like that ugly sleptop suits you.
00:07:01Fucking take that back.
00:07:04You're the whore that got screwed by a stranger six years ago.
00:07:08And I bet you can't even remember his face, can you?
00:07:14Thought so.
00:07:16Now go get us some water.
00:07:18I'll even tip you if you serve us well.
00:07:27Coming right up.
00:07:36I'm gonna rip you apart, bitch!
00:07:39I am so sorry, miss.
00:07:41I promise you, I will put this waitress in her place.
00:07:44You better, or I swear to God I'll have this place shut down by the end of the week.
00:07:49Let's go.
00:07:51You're not off the hook.
00:07:52Come with me.
00:07:54I'm sorry.
00:07:57Mr. Travis, please, I can explain.
00:07:59I don't want to hear it, Scarlet.
00:08:00You're causing too much trouble.
00:08:03And I should fire you.
00:08:07I'm late on rent.
00:08:09I can't afford to lose my job.
00:08:15Then give me a reason not to fire you.
00:08:20Come on a date with me.
00:08:25Come on a date with me.
00:08:27I'll forget that ever happened.
00:08:34I can't.
00:08:36Be shy, Scarlet.
00:08:38It's not as if you have a man or anything.
00:08:40It's so sad that the best way to get a man to back off is to tell him that you're taken.
00:08:44I have a boyfriend.
00:08:46We're actually getting married.
00:08:49Bring him here.
00:08:50I'll never bother you again.
00:08:53After your shift.
00:08:56Wear something nice.
00:08:58Or else.
00:09:14Did you steal my phone again?
00:09:16I'm calling Mommy for you.
00:09:18Charlie, for the last time, that woman is not your mother.
00:09:21I don't care.
00:09:22I'll never eat or drink again unless you promise to marry her.
00:09:33Make your choice, old man.
00:09:34Want your only son starved to death?
00:09:36Or let go of your useless ego and propose to Mommy now?
00:09:44Make your choice, old man.
00:09:46You don't even know her.
00:09:47What'd I do?
00:09:48She's my Mommy.
00:09:49You know very well your Mommy is...
00:09:52Stop this nonsense and eat.
00:09:55That steak looks so good.
00:10:03You win.
00:10:04I'll ask Scarlet to marry me.
00:10:05Happy now?
00:10:06Very happy.
00:10:07Thanks, Daddy.
00:10:08But on one condition.
00:10:09Can't tell her I'm Robert Clark.
00:10:11I want her to make sure she's good to you.
00:10:14Not pretending to be because of our money.
00:10:23Now the problem is, I don't know if she'll want to marry me.
00:10:25Well, let's find out.
00:10:29Bobby Clark's phone.
00:10:31Please hold.
00:10:35I see.
00:10:36Don't say something.
00:10:41Bobby, I know it's a bit last minute, but would you want to meet up?
00:10:53I've never been here before.
00:10:55The sunsets here are beautiful.
00:10:58You're really missing out.
00:11:04What happened?
00:11:09Just another day at the diner.
00:11:11The thing I'm not used to.
00:11:16They should be ashamed.
00:11:18Not you.
00:11:21So, you're a waitress?
00:11:24Yeah, mostly.
00:11:26I've also been like a nanny, cleaning lady.
00:11:30I was even a plumber once.
00:11:32Wow, that's a lot of skills.
00:11:34How'd you learn to do so many things?
00:11:36You want to know my trade secret?
00:11:40When I was eight, my mom died.
00:11:43Three months later, my dad married his mistress, brought their daughter.
00:11:51Lose your home and you'll learn to survive and grow up.
00:11:55Because you're all alone.
00:12:00I'm bumming you out, aren't I? I'm sorry.
00:12:04Enough sad talk.
00:12:06I actually wanted to ask you if you could be my fake...
00:12:13Scarlett, will you marry me?
00:12:19I actually came here because I wanted to ask you if you could be my...
00:12:23Scarlett, will you marry me?
00:12:28I know we just met, but I know you're special.
00:12:31Charlie's never acted like this with anyone else.
00:12:35I'm just a driver. I don't have much.
00:12:38But if you want, Charlie and I, we could be your new family.
00:12:47I don't know what to say.
00:12:54Say yes.
00:12:57You married a guy within a day?
00:13:00I mean, are you nuts?
00:13:03I'm nuts. Scarlett, why the heck?
00:13:06The heck would you do this, boss?
00:13:08I did it for Charlie. The way he looks at her, he really...
00:13:11He thinks that I'm his mommy.
00:13:13Oh, honey, I love you.
00:13:16I just think that you need to let go of what happened five years ago.
00:13:20I mean, are you really okay with being with the driver of Robert Clark?
00:13:24I mean, what if he's not who you think he is?
00:13:28What if he's not who you think he is?
00:13:30I don't know how to tell you this, but I really feel like I can trust him.
00:13:34And I know I gotta let go of what happened five years ago, okay?
00:13:38Fine. But you should at least test drive him a little, you know?
00:13:43Like, just to make sure everything down there works.
00:13:48I literally just met him yesterday.
00:13:51Fine. Be boring.
00:13:54You should at least have him take you out on a date.
00:13:56Or to the mall.
00:13:58A man stingy with money can't be generous with love.
00:14:00Wow. You're so wise.
00:14:04But that does remind me, I want to get him a gift.
00:14:18She's gotta be a gold digger.
00:14:31Does she want me to buy that for her?
00:14:35I guess I could get her a ring since we just got married.
00:14:39Do you want...
00:14:41That's $25 an hour.
00:14:44That's more than I make in my job right now.
00:14:48Oh. That's what you're looking at.
00:14:53Yeah, whatever. I'll apply later.
00:14:56But I really want to get Charlie a present.
00:14:59She's here to buy Charlie a present.
00:15:03Excuse me, ma'am?
00:15:07Hi, yes, um...
00:15:09I really want to get one of those ID tag pendants for my child here, Charlie.
00:15:13Just with his name engraved and our phone number.
00:15:15Silver or gold?
00:15:17Silver is $650, gold is $2000.
00:15:22Oh, um...
00:15:24Silver, please.
00:15:26I'm sorry, silver is the only one that I can afford.
00:15:28Ugh, cheapest item in the store. Poor people.
00:15:43Wait, Daddy, Mommy got me a present. We should get Mommy one too.
00:15:47No, no, no, Charlie, it's okay.
00:15:49How about this ring Mommy was looking at earlier?
00:15:52That's a great idea, son.
00:15:54Can you take that ring out for my wife to try on?
00:15:56They get the cheapest item in the store and now they want to try on a $30,000 ring?
00:16:01This ring is our season's newest design.
00:16:03It's made with white gold, it has three diamonds, it costs $30,000.
00:16:08I don't want to risk you breaking it. You can't afford it anyway.
00:16:11Who says we can't afford them?
00:16:13Come on, Daddy, get them for Mommy.
00:16:16I forgot my credit card at home.
00:16:18Figured. You came here just to buy the cheapest thing in the store and now you're wasting even more of my time.
00:16:23Just leave.
00:16:24Excuse me?
00:16:25What is going on here?
00:16:29What is going on here?
00:16:31Ah, you must be the manager.
00:16:34I would like to get this ring for my wife, but I left my card at home.
00:16:38Do you have the ability to pay online?
00:16:43Mister, uh...
00:16:46Yes, of course you can pay online.
00:16:48Sir, he's scamming you.
00:16:50Look at what they're wearing. They couldn't scrape up $30,000 if they tried.
00:16:56That's it. We're leaving.
00:16:59I'm tired of you talking to them like this.
00:17:01Wait, Mr. Clark, Mrs. Clark, please.
00:17:07Accept this ring. Our sincerest apologies. No charge.
00:17:10Oh, no. You can't buy us off at $30,000 after the way your employee treated my wife and I.
00:17:14You fire her, we can talk.
00:17:20You're going down, loser.
00:17:25You're going down, loser.
00:17:27Please escort her out. She does not work here anymore.
00:17:31Wait, what?
00:17:32That's right.
00:17:35No, you can't fire me.
00:17:41What do you say, buddy? Should we help Mommy get this ring on?
00:17:52Thank you.
00:17:53Look, isn't Mommy beautiful?
00:17:55Yes, she is.
00:17:57You should give Mommy a kiss.
00:18:01The tag necklace you got engraved, miss, it's on the house.
00:18:04No, no, no, no. That's not what I meant.
00:18:07The tag necklace you got engraved, miss, it's on the house.
00:18:09No, no, no, no. That's too much.
00:18:11Nothing's too much. After all, Mr. Clark is our VVIP.
00:18:24Of course not. I think they treat me like a VIP because of my boss, Robert Clark.
00:18:28Isn't that right?
00:18:30Um, sure, sir.
00:18:34Okay, yeah. Thank you.
00:18:36You're very welcome. Have a wonderful day.
00:18:39Come on, Charlie.
00:18:45I need a vacation.
00:18:51Charlie. Here, let's put this on you, okay?
00:18:54Here, turn around, turn around, turn around.
00:19:05He has the same birthmark as me?
00:19:13All right, um, Charlie, you're just going to give me and Daddy a few minutes, okay?
00:19:17And you're going to go in the car.
00:19:19We're going to talk for a little bit, all right?
00:19:23All right, goodbye.
00:19:25All right.
00:19:34Bobby, um, who's Charlie's mom?
00:19:38And where is she now?
00:19:44Who's Charlie's mom?
00:19:46And where is she now?
00:19:49She's a family friend. We grew up together in one night.
00:19:53Just one time.
00:19:55She had Charlie left him with me.
00:19:57She moved to Paris and became a fashion designer.
00:20:00Hmm, I see.
00:20:02Hey, are you okay?
00:20:05Yeah, yeah, um, I just, I thought, um...
00:20:11Never mind.
00:20:14Shoot, I have to go look at apartments. My lease is almost up and I...
00:20:18Mommy, you should come live together.
00:20:21Were you listening this whole time, Charlie?
00:20:25You're married, and married couples should live together, right?
00:20:29I have to make sure it's okay with your dad first.
00:20:32Um, if you have a room available or anything like that, I can help pay Ryan to rent one for me.
00:20:38Don't worry, Mommy. Daddy has houses all over the world.
00:20:41Just pick the one you like and we can fly there.
00:20:46Houses all over the world? Charlie, what...
00:20:49What are you talking about?
00:20:52Daddy has houses all over the world.
00:20:55Houses all over the world? Charlie, what...
00:20:58What are you talking about?
00:21:00Charlie, I told you, Monopoly is just a board game. Those houses aren't real.
00:21:09You should come live with us!
00:21:11You should come live with us!
00:21:19This is beautiful!
00:21:21Vincent Van Gogh Monet?
00:21:24Bobby, how do you afford this place?
00:21:26Oh, this all belongs to my boss.
00:21:28Wait, this is Robert Clark's apartment?
00:21:30Yeah, one of them.
00:21:32He lets us stay here because it's in a good school district.
00:21:37Well, he must be a nice guy.
00:21:40Yeah, I think he tries to be.
00:21:49Was it hard raising Charlie alone?
00:21:52Hard? Not much.
00:21:54Just a bit lonely.
00:21:58I wish that I knew you and Charlie sooner.
00:22:10Mom! Daddy! Look what I found!
00:22:14Oh my gosh!
00:22:16Now we can make dinner together!
00:22:18Try it on, Daddy!
00:22:20Oh my gosh!
00:22:22Let's see.
00:22:26Turn around.
00:22:28Oh, you think you're funny, huh?
00:22:33Nice work!
00:22:36Nice work!
00:22:39Keep it up. Keep laughing.
00:22:42When I get you, when I get you, I'll chase you.
00:22:54Did you have fun tonight, Charlie?
00:22:56Yeah. I want every day to be like today.
00:22:59Until forever.
00:23:01You say forever, right, Mommy?
00:23:05Good night, Charlie.
00:23:16Thanks for making dinner tonight.
00:23:18I've never seen him that happy before.
00:23:22And you, Bobby.
00:23:26Are you happy?
00:23:31Never mind.
00:23:33Stupid question.
00:23:35I know that you married me because of Charlie.
00:23:39Wait, Scarlett.
00:23:45Wait, Scarlett.
00:23:48Charlie likes you a lot.
00:23:50But that reason alone wouldn't have had me propose to you.
00:23:53You said you wished you'd known us earlier.
00:23:55And I wish the same.
00:23:57I am really happy.
00:23:59And I want you to stay.
00:24:05Fine. I'll stay.
00:24:09I know something that we can do on a night like this.
00:24:12Scarlett, I...
00:24:14Just come with me, okay?
00:24:24I mean...
00:24:26I mean that...
00:24:29As you wish.
00:24:31Shall I carry you then?
00:24:50Oh my God, Bobby!
00:24:52Oh my God, Bobby!
00:24:56I'm not here. I'm not here.
00:24:58Charlie, you did this.
00:25:00I didn't do anything.
00:25:08Shoot. I gotta get to work.
00:25:10I gotta take Charlie to school.
00:25:12I'll pick you up after your shift.
00:25:14Okay. Yeah.
00:25:16See you soon.
00:25:22See you soon.
00:25:30Bobby Clark, you're one lucky man.
00:25:32Just go get ready, please.
00:25:41Finally, a drama-free day.
00:25:44And where are you taking off to, Scarlett?
00:25:48Did you forget?
00:25:50It's Monday.
00:25:52We have a date.
00:25:56It's Monday.
00:25:58We have a date.
00:26:01I never agreed to go out on a date with you, Mr. Travis.
00:26:03I'm married.
00:26:05Well, that just spices things up if you ask me.
00:26:08Don't you agree?
00:26:10I have you on camera.
00:26:12I can take this to court.
00:26:14To court?
00:26:17You're not good at bluffing, Scarlett Mason.
00:26:19I did my research.
00:26:21Your husband's just a broke driver.
00:26:23He can't even afford a lawyer.
00:26:25And you, little missy,
00:26:27can't afford to lose this job.
00:26:29Stay away from me!
00:26:34You're a feisty one.
00:26:36That's what I like about you.
00:26:38Get off of me!
00:26:40What's your precious husband gonna do, huh?
00:26:50What's she gonna do?
00:26:53I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do, you piece of trash.
00:26:56I'm gonna make sure you lose your job
00:26:58and you learn your lesson the hard way.
00:27:00Get me fired?
00:27:02In your dreams?
00:27:05It's me.
00:27:07Sunshine Place.
00:27:09Hey, Travis. Now.
00:27:11Ooh, you made a phone call.
00:27:13I'm shitting my pants.
00:27:22Oh, yes, Mr. Hanks.
00:27:25What? You're firing me?
00:27:27This is a mistake.
00:27:31Nick Travis, come with us.
00:27:33No, what?
00:27:35Who sent you here?
00:27:37None of your business.
00:27:39No way to do our job.
00:27:41Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?
00:27:43No, I'm fine.
00:27:45What was that phone call all about?
00:27:49Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?
00:27:51No, I'm fine.
00:27:53What was that phone call all about?
00:27:55Oh, I know the owner of this place.
00:27:57We go way back.
00:28:01Small world.
00:28:03Thanks for saving me.
00:28:05Well, you are my wife.
00:28:07It's my job to protect you.
00:28:09I don't want you looking at this place anymore.
00:28:11I don't want you to get hurt again.
00:28:13I can't just quit my job.
00:28:15We need the money.
00:28:17Don't worry about that.
00:28:19I just want you to be safe and happy.
00:28:21Okay, well,
00:28:23I'll find another job,
00:28:25but I don't want you to do it alone.
00:28:27Or a team.
00:28:29The best team.
00:28:39I'll take this. I'll be right back.
00:28:41Oh, my God.
00:28:43We've got a mess all over here.
00:28:45Boss, your dinner with Mrs. Nielsen
00:28:47is tonight at the Hilton. Is eight okay?
00:28:49Got some ice cream on your face.
00:28:53And no one laughs at me in kindergarten anymore
00:28:55because I have you now, Mommy.
00:28:57Mommy, I heard you married
00:28:59some loser you found on the street,
00:29:01but I didn't know it was a buy one,
00:29:03get one free deal.
00:29:05I heard you married
00:29:07some loser you found on the street,
00:29:09but I didn't know it was a buy one,
00:29:11get one free deal.
00:29:13What's this, Scarlett?
00:29:15You can't keep your own child,
00:29:17so you're doing recycling now?
00:29:19Leave him out of this, Queenie.
00:29:23I know your hand-me-down husband
00:29:25is just a driver.
00:29:27This little brat is gonna grow into a loser
00:29:29just like his dad.
00:29:31My dad is not a loser.
00:29:33He's the richest and best man in the world.
00:29:35Darling, are you okay?
00:29:37I'm okay, Mommy.
00:29:39Let me see.
00:29:41It didn't hurt.
00:29:49Yes, can I please have an ambulance
00:29:51on Hanson and Jefferson?
00:29:53So dramatic. To Kate, it's fine.
00:29:55The ambulance isn't for him, Queenie.
00:29:59Give me a minute, okay?
00:30:01It's for you.
00:30:07Are you okay, buddy?
00:30:09I heard screaming.
00:30:11There's this evil lady. I think Mommy's in trouble.
00:30:15Oh, I don't think
00:30:17your Mommy's the one in trouble, Charlie.
00:30:19Mommy, you won!
00:30:21Of course I did, Charlie.
00:30:23I'll never let anybody hurt you, ever.
00:30:25I'm so sorry.
00:30:27I should have protected him.
00:30:29Hey, you did way more than that.
00:30:31You stood up for him.
00:30:33I'm calling the police.
00:30:35This bitch is not
00:30:37getting away with this.
00:30:39Stop being so dramatic, Queenie. You're fine.
00:30:41You'll regret this day, Scarlet Mason.
00:30:43I'm going to destroy you.
00:30:45Yeah, yeah.
00:30:49Let's get out of here.
00:31:01What are you working on?
00:31:03Nothing, just
00:31:05some fiddles. Nothing important.
00:31:11Are you kidding me, Scarlet?
00:31:13These are beautiful.
00:31:15Hey, I heard Maria Amato's fashion brand
00:31:17is hiring assistant designers.
00:31:19You should apply.
00:31:21Maria Amato?
00:31:23The most famous designer in the world?
00:31:25Yeah, all right.
00:31:27Bobby, you should be a Formula One race car driver.
00:31:29I'm serious. You have a gift for this.
00:31:31Promise me you'll apply.
00:31:33It's not that easy.
00:31:35Just promise me, okay?
00:31:41I promise I'll apply.
00:31:47I gotta go make the bacon.
00:31:49How do I look?
00:31:59You look...
00:32:31Got it. I'll be right there.
00:32:35Sorry, that was my...
00:32:39Charlie's out of friends tonight, so don't wait up for me.
00:32:43I can take care of myself.
00:32:59You have a gift for this.
00:33:03Promise me you'll apply.
00:33:19Fred, tell Maria Amato's firm
00:33:21to schedule an interview for Scarlet.
00:33:23For their biggest and best search, it shouldn't be a problem.
00:33:25I'll get right on that, boss.
00:33:27You better.
00:33:29It's the least you can do after you ruined my kiss.
00:33:33Ruined your kiss?
00:33:35I don't get it, boss.
00:33:39Application's in.
00:33:49Hey, Abby. What's up?
00:33:51Hey, girl. Are you still looking for part-time gigs?
00:33:53My friend needs someone to fill in for her at the Callaway Hotel.
00:33:55Are you free?
00:33:57Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
00:33:59Bobby's gonna be late at work tonight,
00:34:01so I'll do anything that I can to help.
00:34:07This project is worth millions, Mrs. Nielsen.
00:34:09It's very important to my company.
00:34:11Of course, Mr. Park.
00:34:13Just give us a chance to work with you.
00:34:15You won't be sorry.
00:34:17Ladies and gentlemen, your McAllen on reserve.
00:34:19What are you doing here?
00:34:23What are you doing here?
00:34:29Thank God you're here, Scarlet.
00:34:31My boss is running late.
00:34:33That woman is trying to hit on me.
00:34:35She thinks I'm a reminder of her late husband,
00:34:37and she keeps asking me to drink with her.
00:34:41I got this.
00:34:45That guy right there?
00:34:47That guy right there?
00:34:49He's actually my husband.
00:34:53Your husband?
00:34:55Don't worry about him.
00:34:57He looks like a stud,
00:34:59but really,
00:35:01he has a lot of issues.
00:35:05He's just a driver.
00:35:07I'll drink for him.
00:35:19is he ever spinning?
00:35:21Well, that's what you get
00:35:23for defaming your husband.
00:35:25Here. Have some water.
00:35:31This is the first time
00:35:33a baby sits in one like this.
00:35:41Wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:35:47Yeah, just sit here.
00:35:49Come here.
00:36:05You were something else,
00:36:07Scarlet Mason.
00:36:15I've been there.
00:36:17I know what you need right now.
00:36:21My God, I...
00:36:23I love you.
00:36:25The coffee.
00:36:27I was talking about the coffee.
00:36:29Sure, Scarlet.
00:36:31I know how much you love me.
00:36:35I see that apron's really grown on you.
00:36:37Just like my bathrobe on you.
00:36:39You weren't too drawn to remember
00:36:41last night, were you?
00:36:43Or should I refresh your memory?
00:37:09Of course.
00:37:17Oh my God.
00:37:19Yeah, that's wonderful.
00:37:21Thank you.
00:37:23Wait. Today.
00:37:25No, no, no, no.
00:37:27That's fine, yeah.
00:37:29Okay, yeah. I'll see you today.
00:37:31Alright, bye.
00:37:33I'm the new assistant designer
00:37:35for Maria Amato.
00:37:37You deserve it.
00:37:41It's you.
00:37:43What do you mean? I didn't do anything.
00:37:45No, ever since you came into my life,
00:37:47everything has fallen into place.
00:37:49You're my lucky star.
00:37:51Well, in that case, can I finally get that kiss?
00:37:53God knows I've been waiting long enough.
00:38:07Just as I thought.
00:38:09Best kiss ever.
00:38:11Alright, easy cowboy.
00:38:13I gotta get to work.
00:38:15Alright, you get changed.
00:38:17I'll give you a ride to work.
00:38:19Wait. One last kiss.
00:38:37Are you sure it's okay
00:38:39that we borrow your boss' car?
00:38:41Well, don't worry, Scarlett.
00:38:43It's a special occasion. You'll understand.
00:38:45Morning, boss.
00:38:51Why did he just call you boss?
00:38:57Why did he just call you boss?
00:39:01No, no, no, no.
00:39:03No, no, no, no.
00:39:05Why did he just call you boss?
00:39:07No, no. He called me Bob.
00:39:09This is Fred, Robert Culler's personal assistant.
00:39:11Uh, yeah. Hey, Bob.
00:39:13Come on. I'll drive, Fred.
00:39:15After all, I'm the chauffeur.
00:39:17Right, right. Well, ladies first.
00:39:23It's too close, Fred.
00:39:25Sorry, boss. Bob. Bob.
00:39:35I don't think I'm literally gonna make our life a living hell.
00:39:39Like, just wait. Just wait on it.
00:39:41I'll be back.
00:39:51Congrats, Scarlett.
00:39:53You managed to crawl your way
00:39:55into a real fashion brand.
00:39:59Congrats to you too, Queenie.
00:40:01You managed to put a nest on top of your head
00:40:03and make it look like real hair.
00:40:07Congrats to you too, Queenie.
00:40:09You managed to put a nest on top of your head
00:40:11and make it look like real hair.
00:40:13You wanna play?
00:40:15I'll play with you, Scarlett.
00:40:17Mark my words.
00:40:19You won't last a week in this firm.
00:40:23My hand slipped.
00:40:29Someone's missing.
00:40:31She just launched her collection at Milan.
00:40:37I wouldn't go in there
00:40:39and embarrass myself if I were you.
00:40:41You don't have anything
00:40:43to show me some motto anyway.
00:40:45You don't think I'll go in there?
00:40:47Watch me.
00:40:49Very well, Scarlett.
00:40:51Don't say I didn't warn you.
00:40:59I was hoping for something fresh.
00:41:01Something that can catch my eyes
00:41:03and make me go,
00:41:07But these are just...
00:41:13That's it?
00:41:15There's absolutely no new ideas in this room?
00:41:19Miss Amato,
00:41:21Scarlett over here has some designs to share.
00:41:23Do you think I usually bring you girl sketches?
00:41:27What's your name?
00:41:31my name is Scarlett Miss Amato.
00:41:33Queenie's right, I do have some designs
00:41:35for you to look at.
00:41:41Are these all your designs?
00:41:43Yes, Miss Amato.
00:41:47Well, I have to say
00:41:49I'm quite disappointed.
00:41:53Stupid bitch is going down.
00:41:59Stupid bitch is going down.
00:42:03I'm disappointed because there are many designers
00:42:09and no one could come up with ideas
00:42:11more exciting than Scarlett.
00:42:17I really like your vision.
00:42:19Can you show me more of your designs?
00:42:21Wow, I've never heard Miss Amato
00:42:23compliment anyone like me.
00:42:25Who knew the new girl actually had an ear?
00:42:27Not on my watch, bitch.
00:42:29That's wonderful, Scarlett.
00:42:31We should go to your place
00:42:33tonight for dinner.
00:42:35This way you can show us more of your
00:42:39No, no, no, no, no.
00:42:41I could never take up your time, Miss Amato.
00:42:43Don't be modest, Scarlett.
00:42:45You've proven to us that you're worthy of our time.
00:42:47Unless you don't
00:42:49welcome Miss Amato into your home.
00:42:51No, no, no, no. I absolutely
00:42:53I welcome you. I just have to call my husband
00:42:55to tidy things up.
00:42:57I appreciate the invite, Scarlett.
00:42:59Everyone, get back
00:43:01to work.
00:43:05I look forward to tonight.
00:43:11Oh, yeah.
00:43:17Mommy, pick up.
00:43:19Please, please, please, please.
00:43:21Please pick up.
00:43:23Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up.
00:43:25Hello, Mommy.
00:43:29Hi. Um, where's Daddy?
00:43:31He's not picking up.
00:43:33Daddy's at work. He said he'll be back
00:43:35pretty late tonight.
00:43:37Wait, you're home alone?
00:43:39Dad's watching me.
00:43:41Okay, um, put Fred on the phone, okay?
00:43:43I gotta talk to him real quick.
00:43:53Madame says her boss is coming tonight for dinner.
00:43:55She says she wants us to help her order some carryout.
00:43:57No, no.
00:43:59We have to help Mommy impress her boss.
00:44:01Fred, we have work to do.
00:44:03Good afternoon, Mr. Clark.
00:44:05We only have an hour
00:44:07before Mommy comes home.
00:44:09Everyone, start moving!
00:44:13A hundred thousand dollar
00:44:15bottle's on the top shelf.
00:44:17This is below fifty thousand dollars.
00:44:19Just put it back on the shelf.
00:44:21Right away, sir.
00:44:23And where would you like this Rodin sculpture, Mr. Clark?
00:44:25It will go well with the colors
00:44:27of the Van Gogh over there.
00:44:29Good eye, Charlie.
00:44:31No need to act so surprised, Fred.
00:44:39More truffle, less salt.
00:44:41Yes, Chef.
00:44:43You did it!
00:44:45Great job, Charlie.
00:44:47Thanks, Fred.
00:44:49Mommy's home!
00:44:51You should go out the back door.
00:45:01I'm so sorry, I don't really have anything prepared,
00:45:03but I ordered takeout.
00:45:05Ugh. Takeout?
00:45:07That's what you're feeding us?
00:45:17Don't you think all of these fake
00:45:19Van Gogh and Monet are a bit pretentious,
00:45:21Scarlett? These paintings are all real.
00:45:23Yeah, right.
00:45:25Next thing you'll say is that your loser dad
00:45:27is a billionaire.
00:45:29And his paintings are going to be of excellent quality.
00:45:31I'm impressed.
00:45:33Aren't you going to offer us something to drink, Scarlett?
00:45:35Yeah, of course.
00:45:37Yeah, um...
00:45:39I have some wine right here.
00:45:41That's cheap wine from the gas station.
00:45:43Miss Amato here is a world-famous
00:45:45wine taster.
00:45:47I would put that away before you embarrass yourself.
00:45:49Wait a minute.
00:45:51This bottle costs over $100,000.
00:45:57This bottle costs
00:45:59over $100,000.
00:46:01That's right, Miss Amato.
00:46:03What are you, five?
00:46:05Didn't grown-ups teach you not to lie?
00:46:07And how old are you?
00:46:09Fifty. Didn't the grown-ups teach you
00:46:11not to pretend to be a know-it-all?
00:46:13You think we're idiots?
00:46:15This wine is fake.
00:46:17This wine is real.
00:46:19Scarlett, this is too much.
00:46:21Your mommy's boss.
00:46:23You should deserve the best wine.
00:46:25You're right, Miss Amato.
00:46:27How about you head over
00:46:29to the dining room, and I'll be right there.
00:46:35What is this? Where's all this stuff from?
00:46:37Well, the truth is...
00:46:41Well, the truth is...
00:46:43You can't tell her I'm Robbie Clark.
00:46:47I'm sorry, Mommy. It's a secret.
00:46:49Pinky promise with Daddy.
00:46:55Yeah, I'm really, really inspired
00:46:57by your designs, and I've always
00:46:59looked up to you ever since I was a little girl.
00:47:01I got us cake!
00:47:03I should have never accused you
00:47:05and Charlie of being liars.
00:47:07I'm sorry. Thank you, Queenie.
00:47:09Now let me cut you a slice.
00:47:13I want to try the cake.
00:47:15Here you go.
00:47:25You're so weird.
00:47:31Charlie! Charlie! Are you okay?
00:47:33911! Call 911!
00:47:41Is Charlie okay?
00:47:43Yes. Yes. He just fell asleep.
00:47:47Bobby, I'm really sorry.
00:47:49My sister,
00:47:51she made this cake out of peaches in order to poison me,
00:47:53and Charlie is allergic to peaches.
00:47:55I had no idea that he was allergic.
00:47:57It's all my fault.
00:47:59It's okay.
00:48:03It's okay. He's safe now.
00:48:05He's all right. That's all that matters.
00:48:07I'm sorry I wasn't there.
00:48:09You're here now.
00:48:13I have something to ask you.
00:48:15Sure. What's wrong?
00:48:17So, I came home,
00:48:19and Charlie had all these Van Gogh paintings all over the place,
00:48:21and a $10,000 wine bottle,
00:48:23some truffles,
00:48:25and I asked him, I was like,
00:48:27where did you get this stuff from?
00:48:29And he told me that he pinky promised you, and he ran off.
00:48:31Bobby, I know exactly what's going on here.
00:48:33You can't keep me in the dark any longer.
00:48:35Bobby, I know exactly what's going on here.
00:48:37You can't leave me in the dark any longer.
00:48:39I know that you took that stuff from your boss, Robert Clark.
00:48:43don't try to be somebody that you're not.
00:48:45Don't try to be one of these rich people.
00:48:47They're not real.
00:48:49And they're not to be trusted,
00:48:51especially Robert Clark.
00:48:53You don't know him, Scarlett.
00:48:55Maybe I do.
00:48:57Six years ago, I worked at this hotel.
00:48:59One night, there was this guy
00:49:01who was like,
00:49:03one night,
00:49:05there was this huge party for this billionaire.
00:49:07I wasn't allowed in the private venue,
00:49:09but I heard the host.
00:49:17After my shift, I got drunk
00:49:19and ended up in a room with a man.
00:49:21I've never told anybody this,
00:49:23but my best friend.
00:49:25The next morning, I woke up alone.
00:49:27Ten months later,
00:49:29I had a baby.
00:49:33I think Robert Clark is a father.
00:49:39I think Robert Clark is a father.
00:49:41Did you contact him?
00:49:45Yes, I tried to contact him so many times,
00:49:47but he's Robert Clark.
00:49:49I'm a nobody.
00:49:59The child didn't make it.
00:50:01The only thing that I have left of proof
00:50:03is these cuff links.
00:50:07I wanted to ask him something,
00:50:09but I was so scared
00:50:11that he wouldn't have done anything.
00:50:13I'm so sorry.
00:50:17It's okay.
00:50:19I have you and Charlie now.
00:50:21That's all that matters.
00:50:23Just please,
00:50:25don't ever pretend to be somebody
00:50:27that you're not.
00:50:31Can we do that?
00:50:33Of course we can.
00:50:47I gotta go check on Charlie.
00:50:49Go, go.
00:50:51I gotta make a call.
00:51:01we need to talk.
00:51:05we need to talk.
00:51:07Give it to me straight.
00:51:09I'm only gonna ask once.
00:51:11What happened six years ago
00:51:13after my birthday?
00:51:21Drink up, birthday boy.
00:51:23Drink up, birthday boy.
00:51:45Oh, it's just so hot in here.
00:51:53Oh, God.
00:52:03What do you mean there's a woman in his bed?
00:52:07Bring him to my room before he wakes up.
00:52:15Where am I?
00:52:17Oh, honey,
00:52:19you don't remember what we did last night?
00:52:23Give it to me straight.
00:52:25I'm only gonna ask once.
00:52:27What happened six years ago after my birthday?
00:52:29I told you, Bobby,
00:52:31we both had too much to drink,
00:52:33and, uh,
00:52:35we spent the night together.
00:52:37Why wouldn't you have told me you were pregnant?
00:52:39Why wait after a year after Charlie was born?
00:52:41I was ashamed.
00:52:43I was scared you wouldn't want our kid.
00:52:45I would have never given up Charlie.
00:52:47It was you who ran off to Europe
00:52:49and left him with me.
00:52:51If I had listened to you and saw the DNA reports,
00:52:53I would have thought you faked the whole thing
00:52:55just to get to my money.
00:52:57We grew up together, Bobby.
00:52:59How can you accuse me like this?
00:53:01I don't know why you're digging this all up now,
00:53:03but I'm Charlie's mother!
00:53:05Say that again,
00:53:07and I'll have everyone know
00:53:09this is how you treat
00:53:11the woman who gave you a son!
00:53:21It's me.
00:53:23Go check on Robert Clark for me.
00:53:25Let me know if you find anything new.
00:53:27This house,
00:53:29my weekly allowance,
00:53:31and my whole life in Europe,
00:53:33I will die
00:53:35before I give this up.
00:53:37It's me.
00:53:39Go check on Robert Clark for me.
00:53:41Let me know if you find anything new.
00:53:43It's me.
00:53:45Go check on Robert Clark for me.
00:53:47Let me know if you find anything new.
00:53:49I will die before I give this up.
00:53:53Say that again,
00:53:55and I'll have everyone know
00:53:57this is how you treat
00:53:59the woman who gave you a son!
00:54:07How's he doing?
00:54:09He's awake.
00:54:15Are you okay?
00:54:17Just think about what we talked about earlier.
00:54:19Do you hate him?
00:54:21Robert Clark?
00:54:27I just want to move on past that.
00:54:29With you.
00:54:31Can we do that?
00:54:33Of course we can.
00:54:43Come on, let's go.
00:54:53Why am I the one taking the photos?
00:54:55I should be in the photos.
00:54:59Hi, Scarlett.
00:55:01How's that bastard you adopted?
00:55:05Come after me all you want,
00:55:07but hurt my child again
00:55:09and I will fucking kill you.
00:55:11Oh my god.
00:55:13Are you okay, Quinny?
00:55:15I can't believe that bitch hit you like this.
00:55:17It's war now, Scarlett,
00:55:19and you are going down!
00:55:23It's war now, Scarlett,
00:55:25and you're going down!
00:55:31What do you want?
00:55:33You think I want to talk to you?
00:55:35Miss Amato has a task for you.
00:55:37This is a test.
00:55:39Miss Amato has a task for you.
00:55:41This customized necklace
00:55:43is worth $200,000.
00:55:45Miss Amato wants you to personally
00:55:47deliver it to the client.
00:55:51Who's the client?
00:55:53Robert Clark.
00:55:55Mr. Clark?
00:55:57The billionaire?
00:55:59What? Are you daydreaming about crawling
00:56:01into his bed like that stranger six years ago?
00:56:03He slid in the morning
00:56:05when he saw you.
00:56:07Let's not trip over the same stone twice.
00:56:09Okay, sis?
00:56:11And if you don't shut your big mouth up,
00:56:13I'm going to tell the whole office that you peed your bed
00:56:15until you were 12.
00:56:17Okay, sis?
00:56:19This was delivered to you.
00:56:21The guy said door.
00:56:23He needs your signature.
00:56:25Oh my god, this must be from my husband.
00:56:33I was talking to Mindy
00:56:35the other day.
00:56:37Her daughter really wants to meet you.
00:56:41I've been on more than 30 blind dates
00:56:43in the past year.
00:56:45Don't you think it's time we take a break?
00:56:47Oh, come on. Your mom's just worried about you, Bobby.
00:56:49You know, you're 30.
00:56:51It's time you start your own family.
00:56:53You know, you're 30.
00:56:55You know, you're 30.
00:56:57It's time you start your own family.
00:56:59Find somebody you love
00:57:01who loves you and Charlie back.
00:57:03Are you going to hit that, son?
00:57:07Can't talk while eating.
00:57:09Manners, Dad.
00:57:11Bobby Clark, why are you acting so weird?
00:57:13I'll get it.
00:57:15Good afternoon.
00:57:17Scarlet has arrived at the entrance.
00:57:19Wait, Scarlet?
00:57:21Who's Scarlet?
00:57:23No one.
00:57:25Bobby Clark, why are you acting so weird?
00:57:27You don't need to hide anything from us.
00:57:31The woman out there,
00:57:33she's my wife.
00:57:35The woman out there,
00:57:37she's my wife.
00:57:39Robert Clark,
00:57:41you got married
00:57:43without telling us?
00:57:45And you didn't mention she was coming over today?
00:57:47I mean, we didn't prepare anything.
00:57:49That's right!
00:57:51This is our first time meeting our daughter-in-law
00:57:53and we should give her something.
00:57:55A mansion?
00:57:57Some jewelry?
00:57:59How much cash do we have in the house?
00:58:01Is $500,000 enough?
00:58:03Mom, Dad, please.
00:58:05She doesn't know who I am.
00:58:07She thinks my name is Bobby Clark and I'm just a chauffeur.
00:58:09What? Why would you lie like this?
00:58:11Mr. Clark, would you like me to have the gate open for her?
00:58:13There's no time to explain. Please.
00:58:15You can get up. Go change your clothes.
00:58:17Just cover for me. Just this one time.
00:58:19Oh, looks like nobody's home.
00:58:21It's my lucky day.
00:58:23I don't have to meet him.
00:58:35Hi, Scarlett.
00:58:37Bobby, what are you doing at Robert Clark's house?
00:58:41Bobby, what are you doing at Robert Clark's house?
00:58:43Yeah, he's out of town.
00:58:45So I'm here house watching.
00:58:47Well, that's crazy because I was just calling you to tell you that I was coming here.
00:58:49Well, you're here now.
00:58:55these are my parents.
00:58:57Oh, my God.
00:59:01My name is Scarlett. It's really, really nice to meet you guys.
00:59:03My dad is Mr. Clark's gardener
00:59:05and my mom is his personal chef.
00:59:07That sounds like a lot of work.
00:59:09Certainly, yes.
00:59:11I just fertilized
00:59:13the entire garden
00:59:15for Mr. Clark.
00:59:21I just want to let you guys know that you
00:59:23raised an amazing son
00:59:25and we're going to work really, really hard
00:59:27to make sure that you guys can retire soon.
00:59:29Oh, you are such a sweet girl,
00:59:33Bobby doesn't deserve you.
00:59:37He makes me really happy.
00:59:39Well, anyway, Scarlett,
00:59:41what are you doing here at Mr. Clark's place?
00:59:43Yeah, um,
00:59:45I came here to deliver something.
00:59:47Open it.
00:59:53Oh, my God. I...
00:59:55Oh, my God. I...
00:59:57It was fine when I left the office
00:59:59and it's...
01:00:01Oh, don't worry, Scarlett.
01:00:03We can...
01:00:05No, I'm going to go talk to her, okay?
01:00:07I'm just here to check on you.
01:00:09Miss Amato might trust you
01:00:11with a $10,000 necklace, Scarlett,
01:00:13but I don't.
01:00:15Look at you, just enjoying the tennis court
01:00:17as if this was your own house.
01:00:19I wonder how Mr. Clark stands
01:00:21the stench of you poor people.
01:00:23That's enough.
01:00:25Queenie, leave.
01:00:27Fine. You want me to go?
01:00:29Just give me the necklace and then I'll go.
01:00:31What? Is it broken?
01:00:35You're the one who sent the flowers,
01:00:37not Bobby.
01:00:39You framed me.
01:00:41Save it for the jury, Scarlett.
01:00:43You and I both know you can't afford this necklace.
01:00:45Looks like you're going to jail.
01:00:49Let her go, or when I kick you out,
01:00:51you won't be walking.
01:00:55Let her go,
01:00:57or when I kick you out, you won't be walking.
01:00:59I'm not afraid of you.
01:01:01You're just a driver.
01:01:03She broke the necklace, so she has to pay for it.
01:01:05You're right.
01:01:07She has to pay for it.
01:01:09If the necklace was real...
01:01:11Of course it's real. What are you talking about?
01:01:13That's interesting, because the real emerald necklace
01:01:15is designed by Robert Clark's mother
01:01:17and is in his safe
01:01:19here in this mansion.
01:01:21Too bad Mr. Clark isn't here
01:01:23and you have no proof.
01:01:25Oh, but we do.
01:01:27We know exactly where he keeps it.
01:01:37It was fake?
01:01:39You're lying.
01:01:41Fake or not, we can go see a jewelry expert right now.
01:01:43You're just bluffing.
01:01:45Try me.
01:01:47Now I'll give you three seconds to get out before I change my mind.
01:01:53Now I'll give you three seconds to get out
01:01:55before I change my mind.
01:02:01This isn't over, Scarlett.
01:02:03I'm going to take you and your whole family down.
01:02:09Are you alright?
01:02:11Yeah, I'm fine.
01:02:13That's Queenie. She's my stepsister.
01:02:15She's been like this my whole life.
01:02:17Yeah, it doesn't help with my dad always spoiling her.
01:02:19I can't believe she's treated you like this
01:02:21your whole life.
01:02:27what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
01:02:33Hold on.
01:02:35Hold on. I gotta take this. I'm sorry.
01:02:43We cannot let that obnoxious woman
01:02:45walk all over Scarlett.
01:02:47That's right, Bobby. We have to do something.
01:02:49You're right. It's time I dealt with the Masons
01:02:51once and for all.
01:02:57What happened, sweetheart?
01:02:59Scarlett is a bitch, that's what.
01:03:01She ganged up on me with her loser husband
01:03:03and my family. No one has ever
01:03:05insulted me like this.
01:03:07It's okay, honey. We've got some good news.
01:03:09Just got off the phone with
01:03:11Robert Clark's assistant.
01:03:13He wants to meet with us later today.
01:03:15How is that going to help me?
01:03:17Don't you see, sweetheart?
01:03:19If we can get Mr. Clark to invest in your father's
01:03:21factory, business is going to take off.
01:03:23That's right.
01:03:25Plus, my baby girl is so
01:03:27pretty, he's going to
01:03:29maybe fall in love with you.
01:03:31And I'll be the father-in-law
01:03:33of the richest man in the city.
01:03:35Stop it, Dad. What are you waiting for?
01:03:37Go get ready. We're leaving
01:03:39in 30 minutes.
01:03:43The Masons are here, boss.
01:03:47What are you doing here?
01:03:51What are you doing here?
01:03:53Queenie, isn't that Mr. Clark?
01:03:55Come on, Dad. Does he look like a billionaire
01:03:57CEO to you?
01:03:59That's Scarlett's husband,
01:04:01Robert Clark's driver.
01:04:03What's a driver doing drinking at the table?
01:04:05Come on. Get up.
01:04:07I'm sorry. I don't understand
01:04:09dogs barking. What did you just say?
01:04:11Are you messing with us?
01:04:13Where is Mr. Clark?
01:04:15He's right here, Miss Mason.
01:04:17I'll wait outside, boss.
01:04:19Please, have a seat. We've a lot to catch up on.
01:04:23Mr. Clark, I understand
01:04:25that my daughter has offended you.
01:04:27We're very sorry. Yeah, we didn't mean to cross you.
01:04:33Oh, it's okay to cross me.
01:04:37But you came after my wife!
01:04:41And that,
01:04:43I'm not letting go.
01:04:47What the fuck? Are you crazy?
01:04:55Are you crazy?
01:04:57Now, I hate repeating myself,
01:04:59so listen carefully.
01:05:01This gentleman is going to escort you
01:05:03to the train station. You're going to get on the nearest
01:05:05train out of this city,
01:05:07and you'll never come back again.
01:05:09No! Please!
01:05:11Mr. Clark,
01:05:13I still have a house
01:05:15and my factory. I wouldn't worry about that.
01:05:17I checked your financial reports.
01:05:19Long story short,
01:05:21you're broke.
01:05:23What? That's impossible! Duh!
01:05:25I'm sure you'll find a nice bridge to live under.
01:05:29Oh, one more thing.
01:05:31If you crawl back to this city,
01:05:33if you tell Scarlett who I am,
01:05:37you'll be very, very sorry.
01:05:39Take them away.
01:05:45I only get to check that off the to-do list.
01:05:47Thank you, Fred.
01:05:49I couldn't have done it without you.
01:05:51Where to now, boss?
01:06:09What was that for?
01:06:13I'm just happy to be home with you.
01:06:17That's pretty. What's it for?
01:06:19There's a
01:06:21charity auction next weekend.
01:06:23Everybody in my firm is submitting their own
01:06:31Well, I feel bad for the other
01:06:33designers. With this masterpiece,
01:06:35you're going to get the highest bid ever.
01:06:37How do you know that, Bobby?
01:06:39I can see into the future.
01:06:41Okay, Mr. Fortune Teller.
01:06:43Are you going to be at the auction then?
01:06:45I wouldn't
01:06:47miss it for the world.
01:06:49You're my wife.
01:06:51I want to support your career.
01:06:53Thank you,
01:06:57I didn't get the chance to tell you earlier,
01:06:59but you make me
01:07:01really happy too, Scarlett.
01:07:18sure Charlie's asleep, right?
01:07:20Sound asleep.
01:07:38Looks like I'm going to be
01:07:40a big brother soon.
01:07:46All right.
01:07:48Close your eyes.
01:07:52Why are you so secretive?
01:07:54Should I be scared?
01:07:56Just close them, will you?
01:08:03Okay, open.
01:08:09We never got the chance to do this,
01:08:11and you deserve more than just a taste.
01:08:13We never got the chance to do this,
01:08:15and you deserve more than just a 10-minute drive to City Hall.
01:08:17You amaze me every day.
01:08:19You're loving,
01:08:23and I couldn't imagine my life without you.
01:08:25So, Scarlett Mason,
01:08:27will you be my wife
01:08:33Scarlett Mason,
01:08:35will you be my wife
01:08:39Of course I will.
01:08:42Oh, my God.
01:08:44This is beautiful.
01:08:46Bobby, how were you able to afford this?
01:08:48It's just crystal,
01:08:50but I promise that I'll get you
01:08:52a real diamond ring someday.
01:08:56You, Charlie,
01:08:58you guys gave me the home that I never had.
01:09:00Blood doesn't make families, Scarlett.
01:09:02Love does.
01:09:14Hey, buddy, what's up?
01:09:16My head hurts.
01:09:18Charlie! Charlie!
01:09:20Hey, are you okay?
01:09:22Call 911. We need to get him to a hospital now.
01:09:29There has to be some type of cure for that.
01:09:31Right now, the best option is a bone marrow transplant.
01:09:33Okay, take my bone marrow.
01:09:35Unfortunately, we've already run the test
01:09:37for you and your family,
01:09:39and none of you match Charlie.
01:09:41Charlie's mom.
01:09:43You have to call Charlie's mom.
01:09:45But Scarlett...
01:09:47No buts.
01:09:49Can't you see that this is our only hope?
01:10:01Hello, Bobby.
01:10:03I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon again.
01:10:05I'm sending my jet over, Jessica.
01:10:07I need you back in the U.S. now.
01:10:09Sure, as long as you want me.
01:10:25you're the replacement Bobby found
01:10:27while I was gone.
01:10:29Jessica White.
01:10:31Charlie's in bed and Bobby's just coming home from work.
01:10:33Good. Then we can talk in private.
01:10:35You know, girl to girl.
01:10:43I see.
01:10:45He still loves his paintings.
01:10:47They're not his. They're his boss's.
01:10:49Robert Clark.
01:10:51You can't afford that.
01:10:53Oh. Interesting.
01:10:55Listen, Jessica. I just wanted to say
01:10:57I understand that you're Charlie's mother
01:10:59and you want to be a part of his life.
01:11:01But this is my family.
01:11:03And I will do whatever it takes
01:11:05to protect it.
01:11:07You listen, you sneaky bitch.
01:11:09It's about time you gave my family back to me.
01:11:11You don't know what I'm capable of.
01:11:13So you better back out of it
01:11:15while you still can.
01:11:17Get off of me!
01:11:21Scarlett, please, no!
01:11:25What happened here?
01:11:27It's my fault.
01:11:29I didn't mean to upset you, Scarlett.
01:11:31No! I didn't push her.
01:11:33Bobby, I wish you didn't have to see me like this.
01:11:35I think you can help yourself up.
01:11:39Is this how you're going to treat me, Bobby?
01:11:41I'm the mother of your son.
01:11:43You lost the right to call yourself that
01:11:45the moment you left him.
01:11:47The only reason I asked you out
01:11:49was because I didn't want to hurt you.
01:11:51I'm sorry.
01:11:53I'm sorry.
01:11:55The only reason
01:11:57I asked you to come back...
01:11:59I know, I know.
01:12:01Charlie's bone marrow transplant.
01:12:03I got the match report from the hospital
01:12:05before coming here.
01:12:09You're not a match.
01:12:11No, I'm not.
01:12:15I have a better proposal.
01:12:19Court blood.
01:12:21Divorce this bitch, marry me,
01:12:23and we make a child
01:12:25that can save Charlie's life.
01:12:29Divorce this bitch, marry me,
01:12:31and we make a child
01:12:33that can save Charlie's life.
01:12:37are you insane, Jessica?
01:12:39It's our only chance, Bobby.
01:12:41You said I left Charlie.
01:12:43Well, I'm doing my duty as his mother,
01:12:45and so should you.
01:12:47Don't tell me you're choosing this woman
01:12:49over your own son.
01:12:51Hey, wait.
01:12:53Bobby, she's right.
01:12:55She's our only hope.
01:12:57Scarlett, there has to be another way.
01:12:59No, we can't wait.
01:13:01We can't make Charlie wait.
01:13:03Yes, Jessica.
01:13:05We'll get a divorce.
01:13:07You can do whatever you want.
01:13:09Just promise me you'll take care of Charlie.
01:13:11Of course I will.
01:13:13He's my son.
01:13:17Since you're breaking up,
01:13:19I might as well tell her the truth.
01:13:21A good boy shouldn't lie,
01:13:27What did she just call you?
01:13:29Did she call you
01:13:35And they can't be trusted, especially Robert Clark.
01:13:37You don't know him, Scarlett.
01:13:39I'm a chauffeur
01:13:41for Robert Clark.
01:13:43Promise me you won't ever try
01:13:45to be somebody in ours.
01:13:47Did she call you...
01:13:49Did she call you Robert?
01:13:59I'm so stupid.
01:14:01Please, Scarlett.
01:14:03I didn't mean to hurt you. I can explain.
01:14:05Explain what?
01:14:07How you lied to me?
01:14:11How you made Charlie
01:14:13and your parents lie for you?
01:14:17Please, Scarlett.
01:14:21Robert Clark might not have been that man
01:14:23that night,
01:14:25but I got one thing right about him.
01:14:27He can't be trusted.
01:14:29Thank you,
01:14:33for giving me a reason
01:14:35to actually leave.
01:14:41please don't go.
01:14:45please don't go.
01:14:49It's okay, Charlie.
01:14:51Your new mommy's here.
01:14:53She'll take care of you.
01:14:55No! You read to me.
01:14:57You cook for me.
01:14:59You teach me stuff.
01:15:01She says she's my mommy,
01:15:03but you love me more than she does.
01:15:05Of course I love you.
01:15:07Of course I love you.
01:15:09But sometimes,
01:15:11Blunt does.
01:15:19Mommy's sad
01:15:21because we lied to her, right?
01:15:23Yes, buddy.
01:15:25But it's not your fault.
01:15:27It's mine.
01:15:29I'm gonna make things right.
01:15:31I won't lose her.
01:15:33I promise.
01:15:35I still can't believe it.
01:15:37What are the odds
01:15:39that you would end up marrying Robert Clark
01:15:41six years later?
01:15:43It wasn't him,
01:15:47He got drunk.
01:15:49He spent the night with Jessica.
01:15:51They had a baby.
01:15:53Mine died.
01:15:55Same story, different characters.
01:15:57I'm gonna go.
01:15:59I'm so tired.
01:16:01All right?
01:16:03All right.
01:16:13No, asshole.
01:16:15Scarlett's friend, Ivy.
01:16:17We need to meet up.
01:16:19There's something that you have to see.
01:16:35Oh, my God.
01:16:37Boss, what are you doing?
01:16:39He deserves it. He knows it.
01:16:41You want a piece of this, too?
01:16:43She's right, Fred. I deserve this.
01:16:45Maybe he's not so hopeless.
01:16:47I didn't come here to kick groins
01:16:49or chit-chat, Robert. I have a question.
01:16:51She thought I got rid of these six years ago.
01:16:53I didn't.
01:16:55Are they yours?
01:16:57Yes. My parents gave them to me
01:16:59six years ago at my birthday party.
01:17:01I thought I lost them.
01:17:03It all makes sense now.
01:17:05Jessica drugged me.
01:17:07Scarlett came to my room by mistake.
01:17:09Jessica took me to her room.
01:17:11She set the whole thing up.
01:17:13That means Charlie...
01:17:17She used this glass last night.
01:17:19You know what to do.
01:17:25She used this glass last night.
01:17:27You know what to do.
01:17:29Thank you. Really.
01:17:31What can I say?
01:17:33She loves you.
01:17:37What are you looking at?
01:17:39Oh, I, um, I...
01:17:41I'm just messing with you.
01:17:43You look cute when you blush, you know.
01:17:49Is that Jessica White?
01:17:51Her designs are super popular
01:17:53in Europe.
01:17:55I guess the highest bid is going to her, then.
01:17:57I'm surprised to see you here, Scarlett.
01:17:59Shouldn't you be busy dealing with
01:18:01divorce documents?
01:18:03You've gotten what you wanted, Jessica.
01:18:05Just leave me alone.
01:18:07But I'm having so much fun.
01:18:09Tell you what, Scarlett.
01:18:11Why don't we make a bet?
01:18:13If you get the highest bid,
01:18:15I'll get to my knees
01:18:17and admit defeat
01:18:19and leave you alone.
01:18:21But if I get
01:18:23the highest bid,
01:18:25I will leave this city
01:18:27and never come back again.
01:18:29What do you say?
01:18:35So, what are the results?
01:18:37See for yourself.
01:18:45You okay?
01:18:47Mr. Clark?
01:18:49Yes. Gotta go.
01:18:51Fred, get Charlie
01:18:53and bring him to the charity auction now.
01:18:55Ladies and gentlemen,
01:18:57the next item up for bid
01:18:59is by the famous designer
01:19:01who just returned from Europe,
01:19:03Miss Jessica White.
01:19:07We are going to start
01:19:09the bidding at $10,000.
01:19:11Do I hear $10,000?
01:19:13$10,000. Thank you, sir.
01:19:15Do I hear $20,000?
01:19:17$20,000. Thank you very much.
01:19:23Do I hear $35,000?
01:19:25$35,000. Thank you very much.
01:19:31$50,000 on the young lady in red.
01:19:33Thank you very much.
01:19:35Going once.
01:19:37Going twice.
01:19:39Sold the young lady in red.
01:19:41Wow! That is the most you've ever sold
01:19:43at one of these.
01:19:45Congratulations, Mrs. White.
01:19:47Next up, we have Miss Mason's design, folks.
01:19:49Now, this was called
01:19:51Lily's Fantasy,
01:19:53and this is inspired by the flower lily.
01:19:55So we are going to start the bid
01:19:57at $2,000.
01:20:03Ladies and gentlemen,
01:20:09I'm sorry, but if
01:20:11no one is going to bid,
01:20:13we will have to announce a bought-in.
01:20:19Sorry, Miss Mason.
01:20:23I bid $1,000,000
01:20:25on Miss Mason's
01:20:29I bid $1,000,000
01:20:31on Miss Mason's design.
01:20:33Robert Clark.
01:20:35What are you doing?
01:20:37Oh, my God. Did the mysterious billionaire
01:20:39Robert Clark? I heard he was hot.
01:20:41I didn't know he was smoking hot.
01:20:43I'm bidding on Scarlett's work.
01:20:45She's my wife
01:20:47and the best designer I know.
01:20:49She's not your wife anymore, Bobby.
01:20:51We have a deal.
01:20:53You promised you'd divorce
01:20:55her and marry me.
01:20:57I would never marry you.
01:20:59I know what you did six years ago.
01:21:01You drugged me and stole
01:21:03the baby from the woman that gave birth
01:21:05to my son, Charlie.
01:21:07This is crazy, Bobby. How can you...
01:21:09My men dug up everything.
01:21:11The dealer you got the drugs from,
01:21:13the lawyer and the doctor you bribed.
01:21:15You're out of moves, Jessica.
01:21:17And you'll spend a lot of time in jail
01:21:19thinking about what you did wrong.
01:21:21Don't fucking touch me!
01:21:23Take your hands off me!
01:21:27You'll spend a lot of time in jail
01:21:29thinking about what you did wrong.
01:21:31Don't fucking touch me!
01:21:33Take your hands off me!
01:21:37I got the highest bidding, didn't I?
01:21:41Take me to jail.
01:21:43Let's go.
01:21:49So everything you said...
01:21:51Was true, Scarlett.
01:21:53I have the DNA
01:21:55to report of you and Charlie.
01:21:57You are the mother of Scarlett.
01:22:03You know, a man once told me
01:22:05that blood doesn't make family.
01:22:07Love does.
01:22:11A man once told me
01:22:13that blood doesn't make family.
01:22:15Love does.
01:22:35Mommy, help!
01:22:37Hey, who gave you the nerve
01:22:39to mess with kids in broad daylight, huh?
01:22:41Charlie, you gotta be careful.
01:22:43You can't tackle Mommy like that.
01:22:45It's okay, Bobby. I'm fine.
01:22:47Let's hope your little sister
01:22:49has more chill than you, buddy.
01:22:51Hey, you know you love me.
01:22:53Yes, we do. Very much.
01:22:55Come on, Lily.
01:22:57Mommy, Daddy, and I are waiting for you.
