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01:08My akura Viva fantastico
01:16Questa creatura anchora Viva
01:50Les sue funzioni cerebrali si sono conservate benissimo anche se era in quella discarica guarda sta aprendo agli occhi
01:58Ciao, io mi chiamo Ido qual è il tuo nome
02:02il mio
02:05Demo che si è inutile deve aver perso la memoria presto ricorderà ogni cosa intendi tenerla con te
02:14Voglio farla tornare normale
02:21Ecco qua Ido ti ringrazio sei molto gentile
02:26Dimmi come ti senti Alita ti stai abituando al tuo nuovo corpo. Oh, si mi posso muovere come voglia una sensazione meravigliosa
02:35Ido è il miglior medico cyber della città non lo sapevi
02:45Sei libera di fare quello che vuoi Alita però non uscire mai di notte
02:49Si sono verificati degli omicidi a catena e le vittime sono sempre state delle donne
02:55e inoltre girano anche dei ladri di vertebre
02:59Maledetti restituitemi la mia colonna vertebrale
03:03Le vertebre sono le uniche parti cyborg che purtroppo non bastano da accontentare tutte le richieste sono difficilissime da trovare e quindi
03:10molti ritengono che dietro questi furti ci siano persone apparentemente rispettabili che tragono vantaggi dal mercato nero
03:21Non sono ancora riuscito a ripararla bene ma tornerò domani d'accordo d'accordo vuoi restare a bere una tazza di tè con noi yugo
03:28No, grazie, mi sa cavallerebbero gli impegni devo andare in altri venti posti ancora arrivederci ci vediamo domani
03:36È un gran lavoratore ed è persino gentile ragazzi come lui ce ne sono veramente pochi al giorno d'oggi
03:42Già è un ragazzo in gamba
04:56Professore mi dispiace ma io non ho denaro per pagarla non preoccuparti non fa niente in questo momento posso ancora tirare avanti
05:03mi pagherai quando potrai
05:09Buongiorno Ido
05:10Buongiorno Alita
05:12Cosa ti è successo al braccio?
05:15Questo ma non è niente e mi sono ferito poco fa
05:19Non ti fa male deve essergli successo stanotte quando è uscito
05:23Ehi che fai lassù?
05:36Ti ho chiesto cosa fai non lo vedi la sto riparando mi sembra evidente
05:41Tu sei la bambina che vive col professore vero? Si sono io mi chiamo Alita
05:46Non ti senti ridicola a portare un nome così? Niente affatto e poi a me piace moltissimo
05:51Se lo dici tu
05:54Comunque il mio nome è più bello
05:57Ti chiami Yugo già lo so. Già lo sapevo
06:00Dimmi una cosa non hai genitori? No
06:05E ti guadagni da vivere da solo? Accidenti che bravo che sei. Lo pensi davvero? Grazie
06:12Non è incredibile
06:15Che cosa? Guarda bene
06:18Parlo di Zalem è meravigliosa
06:23Non saprei. Vieni con me. Dove? In un bel posto
06:32Professore l'ho sistemata. Ido io esco torno subito
06:47Da questa parte! Aspettami! Dammi la mano!
06:49Ehi ma quanto cavolo pesi? Non sono riuscito a tirarti su? E sei anche molto bravissima
07:14Ehi ma quanto cavolo pesi? Non sono riuscito a tirarti su?
07:18E sei anche molto forte. Ah si? E come?
07:26Bello vero? Da qui si ha la migliore vista su Zalem
07:30Quando resto a fissarla sento come se la mia anima venisse risucchiata verso l'alto
07:37Mi domando che tipo di vita conducano là
07:41Sai mio fratello desiderava così tanto andare su Zalem al punto da costruire un pallone aerostatico
07:47E lo farò anch'io. Metterò da parte un sacco di denaro e ci andrò sicuramente
07:52Prima o poi ci andrò
08:00Che cos'hai da guardare? Sono così buffo. Avevi un'espressione strana sembrava che sognassi
08:08Zalem è una città pulitissima mentre qui invece
08:11Questo posto è stato costruito per far di vivere le persone addette all'accumulo dei rifiuti provenienti da Zalem
08:19Sfido io che è incredibilmente lurido
08:23Non c'è da meravigliarsi
08:29Non ci avevo mai pensato
08:32Ma tu non sai davvero niente, sembri nata ieri, ma mi dici da dove sei sbucata fuori? Non lo so purtroppo
08:38Ho perso la memoria Yugo
08:41Non so neanche come mi chiamo, Alita non è il mio vero nome
08:46Beh, puoi ritenerti fortunata. Se hai perso la memoria in questo modo non corri il rischio di ricordare nessun fatto spiacevole
08:56Allora Ciren, sei ancora dell'idea di ritornare su Zalem? Sì, ho lasciato fin troppi affari in sospeso
09:04Non ti piace proprio questa città, vero? Che cosa potrei fare in questo posto così maleodorante?
09:10L'unico lavoro a disposizione è occuparsi di cyborg ormai moribondi
09:15Quindi questo non ti basta
09:17E come potrebbe? Neanche tu puoi sfruttare appieno la tua bravura qui
09:22Solo su Zalem potresti metterla in mostra
09:25Oppure credi di essere l'angelo salvatore di questa misera gentaglia? Non posso crederci
09:34Hai bisogno che io ti ricordi il passato forse
09:37Su Zalem c'erano pochi dottori cyber capaci di competere con te. Mi chiedo spesso dove si è finito il tuo orgoglio
09:43Il mio orgoglio non c'entra affatto. Noi ora stiamo parlando delle tue ambizioni
09:47Io non voglio certo finire i miei giorni qua giù. Voglio tornare assolutamente su Zalem
09:53E non mi fermerò davanti a niente pur di raggiungere il mio scopo
09:57Nessuno potrà fermarmi, nessuno
10:00Ciren, sono sicuro che non mi ascolterai, ma voglio darti ugualmente un consiglio
10:04Per il tuo bene, è molto meglio che tu stia lontana dalla factory
10:13Ido, te lo chiedo per l'ultima volta, non vuoi tornare insieme a me su Zalem?
10:18Pensaci prima di rispondere. No. Capisco, mi dispiace per te
10:34Ha vinto! L'imbattibile Zariki ha conquistato il titolo di campione per l'ennesima volta. Lo sfidante Kriuska non è riuscito ad opporsi alla collaudata potenza del famoso campione
11:04La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
11:34La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
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13:06Mettiti in salvo! Alita!
13:57Alita! Alita!
13:59Are you alright?
14:02Is everything alright?
14:04Yes, nothing broken.
14:06I didn't expect it.
14:08I would have never believed that you were able to fight in this way.
14:11I was also amazed.
14:13My body began to move suddenly, without me wanting it.
14:17It was as if something was burning inside me.
14:21What a shame, though.
14:23I couldn't finish the other one for a while.
14:27Anyway, you saved me.
14:29I thank you.
14:43Your reward is 10,000 chips.
14:46The cut on your colleague, the flyer of Cervalli, is ten times greater.
14:50He is truly a monster.
14:52Doesn't he intend to buy parts of the body today?
14:57I was sure you would have found out sooner or later.
15:00I'm a knife hunter.
15:04A long time ago, criminals were arrested by an organization called the police.
15:09Now, the factory cuts the criminals who are wanted by people like me.
15:14It's not a pleasant job, I assure you.
15:18What are you doing, Alita? Let's go home.
15:26I want to become a knife hunter too.
15:28What are you saying? Are you crazy?
15:30I didn't build your body to make you use it in this way.
15:33You are young, you are beautiful, and this should be enough for you.
15:36With the money I have, I won't let you miss anything.
15:39It's not for the money that I want to do it, but for myself.
15:42What do you mean? I don't understand.
15:44Fighting, I felt alive. It was a strange feeling.
15:48Do you realize what you are saying?
15:50Fighting is a horrible thing. I don't want you to lose your purity.
15:54I'm not your ghost anymore. At this point, I have to live my life.
15:58Don't you understand, Ido?
16:15I want to live my life.
16:21Can I really reach Zalem?
16:23Yes, of course.
16:26Won't there be any problems?
16:28Don't worry about me.
16:30You take care of the restructuring of my champion of the Colosseum.
16:34If you make it stronger, you can consider Zalem very close to you.
16:56You! Are you crazy to come here?
16:59I need help.
17:05You have to help me, please. I'm burning like hell.
17:10You are no longer the champion of the Colosseum.
17:13I'm sorry, but I have no reason to cure someone who has a cut on his head.
17:17Damn Professor Ido!
17:19Since when do you bring such a strong girl to your side?
17:49You're right, Alita.
17:51I was arrogant to think I could control your life.
17:54But I wanted you to stay pure, like in my dreams.
17:58Why do you want to become a hunter of cuts?
18:14Don't move.
18:15I'm marking an identification code on your brain cortex.
18:20On my brain?
18:21It's the only way.
18:22You cyborgs don't have fingerprints, vowels or retina.
18:26So you can't be recognized otherwise.
18:39He reduced it with just one attack.
18:42What extraordinary strength.
18:45No one outside of Ido could have fixed it in such a way that it possessed such energy.
18:51Griuska, I will cure you.
18:53And you will have an excellent, precise and strong body.
18:57Able to face that little girl.
19:00I will do everything I can.
19:13The process has been completed.
19:18It was easy.
19:19Yes, but now I'm waiting for the results.
19:25Listen, what place is Zalem?
19:27Do you want news about Zalem?
19:29No comment.
19:43I'm sorry, I did it.
19:45I was registered as a hunter of cuts.
20:04Sariki starts the attack with a beastly launch.
20:07A spectacular action.
20:09Where are we going?
20:10To the hunters' meeting.
20:12I want to introduce you to them.
20:20What an unbearable sound.
20:22Yes, this is the noise produced by the large tubes that connect Zalem to the Factory.
20:27Due to the lunar attraction, the distance of Zalem changes continuously.
20:39Zalem is in danger.
21:02Griuska, it's horrible.
21:04It's not so easy to get rid of me, little girl.
21:08Now I'm much stronger and more powerful.
21:14What's going on?
21:15Who's out there?
21:17It seems impossible.
21:19It's him! It's Griuska!
21:39Little girl, are you ready to fight me?
21:45No, no, Alita, wait.
21:47We must unite our forces.
21:49No, you can't do that.
21:51We can't do that.
21:52How can you do that? It's impossible.
21:56What's going on?
21:57You're doing it out of fear, little girl.
22:08Go to hell!
22:10Alita, no, don't do it.
22:11Well, now get ready to die.
22:17You, Ciren, now I understand.
22:19It was you who transformed him.
22:21Yes, I must say that I did a good job.
22:24Who knows, maybe he'll be stronger, or your little cyborg.
22:28Ido, I want to see you desperate.
22:30Kinos, you're a piece of scrap metal worthy of you.
23:05I want to have some fun.
23:07I won't break you right away.
23:11Come on, little girl.
23:38I'd say you're ready to be put to work.
24:20Get ready!
24:25Now you'll taste the pain of cut flesh.
25:01Alita, you did it!
25:06I lost, Ido.
25:07It seems I have no hope against you.
25:09Your Alita is really strong.
25:12I'm just a useless refusal for you, right?
25:16But I'll come back to Zalem, I assure you.
25:19Sooner or later I'll make it, you'll see.
25:21And then, and then I'll make you pay dearly.
25:26I'll take revenge, I swear.
25:34Alita, you're getting stronger every day, and that's a good thing.
25:38But it could be dangerous if you're not careful.
25:41I realize you're very worried about me.
25:44But please, believe me.
25:48No matter how much it seems I'm changing,
25:51I'm still your little Alita.
25:53The Alita you've always known.
25:56I believe you. You're always you.
26:03The End
26:11Come on, let's get out of here!
26:18What are you doing here?
26:22It's Vector.
26:32Help me, please!
26:37Why did you kill him?
26:39You won't live long if you leave work halfway through.
26:43Remember that, Yugo.
26:45Come with me, I want to talk to you.
26:53The End
27:13Damn it, Yugo!
27:15Where is he going to wander around all night?
27:18He says he's going to Zalem.
27:20He works like a madman to get the money he needs.
27:24He's really crazy.
27:26How can he think he can get to Zalem?
27:33Three years ago, I made you a promise.
27:35I told you that in exchange for ten million chips,
27:38I would take you to Zalem.
27:41It's a number you normally don't reach,
27:43even if you work all your life.
27:45And you, after only three years, you tell me you're almost there.
27:49Well, I gave it my all.
27:51I like brave guys.
27:53You know what I mean.
27:54I want to buy you, Yugo.
27:56Don't try to flatter me.
27:58But stop drinking.
27:59In that glass is the wine that is destined for Zalem.
28:02Real wine, genuine.
28:09So, what do you think?
28:10Doesn't it taste like Zalem?
28:13I shouldn't tell you this,
28:14but the food that is collected under the management of the factory
28:17are worked and refined in this dirty city
28:20to be transported from the pipes to Zalem.
28:23The food that usually circulates here
28:25is worthy of ending up in the garbage,
28:27but I manage the route of the products destined for Zalem
28:30and I can take advantage of it whenever I want.
28:33So, Yugo, think about it.
28:36Would you like to work for me?
28:38But I want to go to Zalem.
28:40And once you get there, what would you do?
28:42Would you settle for begging for the streets of the city?
28:46Isn't it much better to enjoy a part of the material
28:48that the inhabitants of this dump can't even imagine?
28:52In this way, it would no longer be a dream for you
28:54to live luxuriously as the citizens of Zalem do.
28:57Think about it, Yugo.
29:15They made you drink wine, right?
29:18Don't be stupid, shut up!
29:20Don't try to drag Yugo down a bad road
29:22or he'll have to face me.
29:24Bye, Yugo.
29:25I'm waiting for your affirmative answer.
29:30Yugo, try to get up, come on!
29:35My head hurts.
29:37Here, it's water.
29:38You feel like this because you drank.
29:41I'm not a child.
29:43Wine can't do anything to me.
29:45You shouldn't behave like this.
29:47What happened to you?
29:49You, rather.
29:50Why did you come here?
29:52It was a coincidence.
29:53I was passing by and I thought I'd come to see you.
30:00Alita, you have a dream to realize.
30:04My dream has always been to go to Zalem,
30:06but not because I want to live in luxury there.
30:09I want to get there because it's far and unapproachable.
30:12Can you understand me?
30:13Yes, I think so.
30:14You know, I feel that there,
30:16there I can see something that doesn't exist in this city.
30:19This is my dream.
30:23Yugo, how much money do you need to go there?
30:30Let's go.
30:58Parts of the body, sir.
31:00Only 500 cip.
31:02Does anyone care?
31:04I care.
31:06Follow me.
31:18So this is how you act?
31:20In this way?
31:26I caught you red-handed, you thieves.
31:29Let me see your face.
31:33Take off your mask, I said.
31:38Damn you!
31:39Let me go!
31:41Let me go!
31:44Let Yugo go!
31:46Get out of here!
31:47Don't be afraid!
31:53Run, you idiot!
31:59Take this!
32:39Oh, Yugo.
32:42A butcher!
32:43He pretended to be a buyer.
32:46He killed Angie.
32:47I don't even know his name.
32:50Calm down, Yugo.
32:51What's done is done.
32:53Take all your savings
32:55and come to my office.
32:57You'll get me to Salem.
32:59Of course.
33:00We'll talk about it as soon as you get here.
33:04I'll be waiting for you.
33:06What's going on, Azariki?
33:08He's been collecting only defeats lately.
33:14That's bad.
33:19So far, Azariki's opponent has had the best of him.
33:23Damn it!
33:26Even Azariki needs a revision.
33:29Think about it, Siren.
33:31No, there's nothing to do.
33:33It's useless.
33:34I did everything I could.
33:36I have to try.
33:38I have to give up.
33:39Don't be silly, Siren.
33:41You're skilled.
33:42When will I go to Salem?
33:44Look at this picture.
33:45It's about the girl who's eliminating the most dangerous detectives.
33:49I have an idea.
33:51We could make her a champion of women's wrestling.
33:54Wait a minute.
33:55I've seen her before.
33:56This is Yugo's little friend.
33:58Her name's Alita.
34:01You seem to know her.
34:03Good, good.
34:04I want you to be my winning card.
34:07Are you going to make the little cyborg fight at the Colosseum?
34:11Of course, my dear.
34:13With her, I can guarantee victory in the arena.
34:16Do you think she'll blindly obey you?
34:18Of course.
34:19If she were forced to do it for the good of her lover,
34:22who's in a lot of pain.
34:26Find me this Alita and bring her to me.
34:29You're disgusting.
34:31And when you come back, I'll make sure you go to Salem.
34:35I promised you.
34:39What did you do with all the money you've earned so far?
34:42You lied when you told me you didn't do it just for money.
34:46It's not like that.
34:47I'm putting the money aside to go to Salem with Yugo.
34:50Wait a minute.
34:51Who told you it's possible to get there?
35:01Have you confided in him what you feel for him?
35:04Not yet.
35:05And what does he think of you?
35:07I don't know.
35:09I confess that I didn't expect it to end this way.
35:12Urgent update in the search list.
35:14Number 7, Yugo.
35:16Accused of burglary of spine columns and murder.
35:20No, it's not possible.
35:22The size that was put on his head is 80,000 cc.
35:26I repeat, number 7, Yugo.
35:29Number 7, Yugo.
35:30Accused of burglary of spine columns and murder.
35:33The size that was put on his head is 80,000 cc.
35:37I repeat, it's very dangerous.
35:51You have been informed of the fact, Yugo.
35:54Ah, yes, yes.
35:59I'm sorry.
36:21One and a half million.
36:25I was so close.
36:29I'm sorry.
36:57It's true, Yugo.
36:59It's true.
37:02And now where will you run?
37:04Do I look like the guy who runs away?
37:07I'll go to the city.
37:08I've already called Vector and he promised me his help.
37:12I haven't given up on Zalem yet.
37:15Forget it.
37:16You'll be followed by Italian hunters.
37:18You'll be forced to hide among the refugees.
37:20I can't stand the filth of this city.
37:22I have to reach Zalem.
37:24And now more than ever, between me and this city,
37:26a real battle is underway.
37:28And I'll have to be the one to win it.
37:36As insignificant as I may be,
37:38I still keep my ideals, my pride, my dreams.
37:41And that's what keeps me alive.
37:43That's why I'm in the right.
37:47I'll get away from here as soon as it gets dark.
37:49Go until you have time.
37:51I don't want you to get involved.
38:00Yugo, I like you.
38:02What do you feel for me?
38:06I don't understand. Why are you asking me this?
38:08That's enough. Go away.
38:13No, you have to answer me!
38:29I love you too, Alita.
38:31And I like you very much.
38:47We're accomplices now.
38:49You know, before I felt an electric taste.
38:51As if I had put a battery in my mouth.
38:53I know.
38:54When it rains, the bodies charge with electricity.
38:58Listen, I've wanted to ask you for a long time.
39:01What happened to your wrist?
39:03Ah, this?
39:04This is just a memory of my brother.
39:06A memory?
39:08You must know that once I had a brother older than me.
39:11He and his wife raised me just as if I were their son.
39:15They were kind.
39:16My brother was employed at the factory as an engineer.
39:20My sister-in-law loved him very much.
39:22And our life passed in serenity.
39:25But my brother was enraptured by the beauty of Zalem.
39:28And he kept staring at her.
39:30He always said that he would reach her.
39:32It was his dream.
39:34One day he decided that he would realize his desire.
39:37And he designed an aerostatic balloon.
39:39With which he would go up to the sky.
39:41Build flying vehicles against the law.
39:44And if they had discovered it, they would have issued a arrest warrant against him.
39:47But he was ready to risk his life for his dream.
39:50He started working.
39:52When I was ten years old,
39:54I finally finished building the balloon.
39:57But the next night a knife hunter arrived.
40:17Later I found out that my sister-in-law had betrayed him.
40:20By denouncing her to the factory.
40:23It's terrible.
40:30What did your sister-in-law do?
40:33Who knows?
40:35Maybe now she lives happily somewhere with someone else.
40:38Deep down I think I understand your sister-in-law.
40:40It must not have been easy.
40:43The husband loved a distant thing much more than she loved him.
40:47She was jealous.
40:49She was jealous.
40:50Don't be silly.
40:54At first they must have had the same ideals and the same hopes.
40:58Then he started to move away from her.
41:00He thought that if he had crowned his dream, he would have abandoned her.
41:04And he started to hate him.
41:06Ending with the murder.
41:08You're jealous too and you'd be able to kill
41:10not to make me achieve my dream of reaching Zalem.
41:13I think so.
41:16Let's see.
41:19What do I do? Do I kill you and put the knife in your pocket?
41:22Just kidding.
41:24How much do you need to leave?
41:26500,000 chips.
41:28All right, I'll send them to you at Vector's office.
41:31But how?
41:32I know how to win the affection of people dear to me.
41:38I'll also put aside the necessary amount.
41:41I already have 600,000 chips.
41:43If everything goes well, in a long time
41:45I'll have enough money to reach Zalem.
41:49You don't have to...
41:50Don't worry.
41:52Take your chips.
41:54Thank you.
42:32Too late.
42:40You were slow, Alita.
42:42I'll be back after the fight with Griusca.
42:44But your bravery won't stop me from taking this boy's life.
42:48He'll be taken care of by me, like I did with his brother.
42:51Let my friend go.
42:54That's how things are.
42:56But the hunters of Italy don't know mercy.
42:59If you want to kill me, go ahead.
43:03Fighting you will be more interesting than killing this brat.
43:11Hey, guard!
43:17What do you say?
43:19You can't move like you used to, right?
43:31Get ready to die.
43:47Do you think this unbearably long electric discharge will do me any good?
44:12It's getting cold.
44:15Yugo, answer me!
44:18I want to have a future with you.
44:22Please don't die.
44:23I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
44:39Save Yugo, I beg you.
44:58How did it go?
45:01The operation was a success.
45:03There's nothing to be afraid of.
45:05Thank God, thank you.
45:07No, you don't have to do it.
45:09If he's saved, it's only because of what you did.
45:11You immediately connected your maintenance device to his neck.
45:15If you hadn't done it, the lack of oxygen would have caused the death of all his brain cells.
45:22But it's not just my credit.
45:24The connection was made by Ciren.
45:26She helped you?
45:28I wasn't expecting this.
45:33Yugo is dead?
45:36He was killed by a butcher.
45:44This time you didn't take any advantage.
45:47And what about Alita?
45:49I'm sorry, there's no trace of her.
45:52Besides, this city is very big.
45:54We just have to look for her patiently.
45:57See you.
46:01I think it's time to send you to Zalem.
46:05Yugo was deceived.
46:07It's not true that Pagano could have reached Zalem.
46:10We can't get there.
46:12No way.
46:13If I tell you that I lived there, you have to believe me.
46:16The mark I have on my forehead proves that I belonged to the population.
46:22It's not true!
46:31Alita, hurry up.
46:32Take Yugo back.
46:33He must be in desperate condition.
46:48What's going on?
46:49Who are you?
46:50You're a worm.
46:51You deceived Yugo.
46:53What do I have to do with it?
46:55It's his fault.
46:56He was so naive.
46:58It's his fault.
46:59He was so naive to think he could reach Zalem.
47:02You're so greedy for money, aren't you?
47:04What a bastard!
47:07To earn this money, Yugo threw his life in the wind.
47:11But you don't care about people's dreams, do you?
47:15You're just a bastard!
47:30What did you do to Ciren?
47:32Answer me!
47:39It's not possible.
47:41These are human organs.
47:44Every month in Zalem, they ask me for a full match.
47:47I don't know what they do with them.
48:27An intruder has entered.
48:30An intruder has entered.
48:35Wait for me, Zalem.
48:37I'm coming.
48:38I'll be with you soon.
48:43I'll be with you soon.
48:44I'll be with you soon.
49:02Did you see a boy passing by?
49:04Did you see a boy passing by?
49:05That one who climbed on the pipe, you mean?
49:07This area is off limits, little cyborg,
49:09I advise you to go away.
49:10It's forbidden to stay here.
49:14What are those blades?
49:16They are used to prevent the mice from climbing.
49:18They descend from the city of Zalem
49:20to kill those annoying beasts.
50:01Finally, Zalem.
50:03We're almost there.
50:06What are you doing here?
50:07I want to take you back, Yugo.
50:10Don't be stupid.
50:11I've come this far and I don't want to go back down there.
50:14Zalem is wonderful.
50:15I can already see her and I know she's waiting for me.
50:17Don't you understand?
50:18I've been waiting for this moment for so many years.
50:21Finally, my dream and my brother's dream is about to come true.
50:24But it's just a dream.
50:26It's not by escaping reality that you can become happy.
50:29Don't you remember what we said in that shack?
50:33Let's go back, please, to live together, not to dream.
50:41You're right.
50:43I'm going down now.
50:47Watch out!
51:05I was lucky to meet you, Alita.
51:09Thank you for all your love.
52:08To be continued...
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