Highlander - Vendetta immortale (Anime 2009)

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00:00:23Un guerriero venne a noi lui non apparteneva a nessun clan ma ha combattuto per noi
00:00:29Con tutto il suo coraggio ed è morto per noi e per noi vivrà in eterno
00:00:34Da oggi in avanti egli sarà considerato come nostro fratello Colin McLeod del clan McLeod
00:00:45Dopo un secolo di terrorismo e battaglie universali la terra è precipitata nel caos e nella decadenza
00:00:53Le nazioni sono state sostituite da città-stato
00:00:58fortezze armate
00:00:59Governate da aspiranti re e demagoghi. La vita ha poco valore ed è facile morire
00:01:07Eccetto per qualcuno
00:01:28Per gli immortali che vivono tra noi la morte arriva solo se gli viene tagliata la testa
00:01:37Questa è la storia di un immortale
00:01:43Colin McLeod e della sua eterna ricerca di vendetta
00:01:51Tu non ti arrendi mai?
00:01:55Te lo puoi dimenticare
00:01:57Sei tu quello che deve dimenticare
00:02:50Che diavolo ci fai qui?
00:02:54Sto cercando qualcuno
00:02:58Si poconcino hai fegato
00:03:01Si ma poco cervello direi
00:03:29Io sono il terribile Malik
00:03:33Sei venuto a prendere la mia testa per incassare la taglia
00:03:37Non voglio né te né la tua testa e questo è un peccato perché è me che hai trovato
00:03:44Nessuno deve morire oggi
00:03:50Non oggi perché no
00:04:02Sono in vita da più di mille anni ragazzino e ne ho uccisi cento come te
00:04:33E' arrivata la tua ora
00:04:45No no non è possibile chi diavolo sei tu?
00:04:50Colin McLeod del clan McLeod
00:06:49Ma non ancora perfetta
00:06:51Proprio come questa città
00:06:53Look, there are lights. An immortal has been decapitated.
00:07:11Do you feel better? With his death you have obtained his powers and you will be recharged.
00:07:16Shut up, American!
00:07:19It's a real fortune that I'm already dead. You could have killed me.
00:07:25You can trust me.
00:07:43You are out of range. Either you are an authorized citizen with a pass, or you are a dead man. What do you say?
00:07:51Easy, my friend. Check it out.
00:08:01What do you have in there? I don't believe it, it's Malik!
00:08:05I want my money.
00:08:11Malik's assassin has come to rescue the cut.
00:08:15What do you think?
00:08:18Of your sculpture? Or of Malik's assassin?
00:08:24Here's your money. Now come with me.
00:08:28Our commander wants to thank you personally.
00:08:31Tell him to write me a letter.
00:08:35Mine is an order.
00:08:41Prudence is the best aspect of courage.
00:08:54What the hell happened here?
00:08:56The virus has killed most of them. Floods, pollution and genetic engineering have done the rest.
00:09:01This area is infested by the killer virus. If you haven't done it yet, maybe it's time to get vaccinated.
00:09:07It's not a problem for me.
00:09:15Stop. I'm getting out of here.
00:09:19What do you mean? This is not a taxi, my friend.
00:09:22And I'm not your friend.
00:09:24Yeah? Then you'd rather be dead.
00:09:28Fuck you!
00:09:49My friend, who are you?
00:09:51I'm Joe. And I'm a boss around here.
00:09:54Whatever you need, I have it. Food, drinking water, beautiful women, everything.
00:10:01Hey, nothing easier. You have to go to Rudy's bar down at the port.
00:10:05Look for the head of a cow and especially those who send you down.
00:10:10Wow, thank you very much. Hey, but you didn't tell me your name.
00:10:16What was that?
00:10:17What are you doing around here alone?
00:10:20Did you see? He put him out of action. And he also gave me 100 dollars.
00:10:29Useless. Completely useless.
00:10:34All the money in the world won't save you from the virus.
00:10:40Leave the bottle here.
00:10:54Hey, Dahlia, you're late.
00:10:57No, not today.
00:10:59I'm sorry.
00:11:01I'm sorry.
00:11:03I'm sorry.
00:11:04You're late.
00:11:05No, not today.
00:11:07You have two options. You can come with me and earn these, or I'll take you by force.
00:11:14You're a good girl.
00:11:16No. You have two options.
00:11:19Either you go now, or you'll take your dear little friend home in a glass of paper.
00:11:25Go home, Freddy.
00:11:28As you wish.
00:11:29As you wish.
00:11:32Thank you.
00:11:34How's business?
00:11:35Bad. We're losing ground.
00:11:37Yes, it's like that for everyone.
00:11:40If something doesn't happen, and rather quickly, we're all dead.
00:11:51Hey, you don't need that.
00:11:54I'm the one you need.
00:11:57What did you say?
00:12:04I said you don't need that.
00:12:07I'm the one you need.
00:12:17And if an answer like that isn't enough, then you're not the man I thought you were.
00:12:23Our impoverished boss, who had less trouble conquering the Romans than he did with his wife.
00:12:35Enough joking around.
00:12:49To freedom!
00:12:50To freedom!
00:12:54To glory!
00:12:59In the name of honour!
00:13:07Now I want to think only of you.
00:13:10Are you really sure?
00:13:12Yes, of course.
00:13:15The gods are my witnesses.
00:13:18I will not love anyone else until the day of my death.
00:13:32What will happen tomorrow?
00:13:35Marcus Octavius leads 2,000 legionaries,
00:13:39while you only 400 warriors.
00:13:42You have no hope.
00:13:44That's because it would be the case to live this evening fully.
00:13:49Do you think it's a game?
00:13:51When my father chose you as our leader, he didn't think you would lead us to death.
00:13:56He would have wanted to see us escape.
00:13:58He would have wanted to see us live.
00:14:02Yes, of course, but not as slaves.
00:14:05He wouldn't have wanted to see us reduced to slavery.
00:14:08Moira, our lives are a small price to pay in exchange for honour.
00:14:20Well, then let's drink to our victory.
00:14:24To victory.
00:14:27I love you so much.
00:14:29You are all my life.
00:14:52Forgive me.
00:15:02What are you looking for, woman?
00:15:04My name is Moira.
00:15:06And I'm looking for the great Marcus Octavius, not his merciless guard dogs.
00:15:10Thief. I could rape you and kill you.
00:15:13It wouldn't matter to anyone.
00:15:15That's enough.
00:15:16Yes, sir.
00:15:17I'm sorry.
00:15:35Can you read, Moira?
00:15:39Too bad.
00:15:40Men have written things of rare beauty and wisdom.
00:15:43Beauty and wisdom, you say?
00:15:45Then perhaps they could tell me why Rome wants to destroy my people.
00:15:49Because this is the harsh law of nature.
00:15:52We are a superior civilization, do you understand?
00:15:55One day the whole world will be able to know the peace of Rome.
00:16:02You Romans speak of peace, while instead you only bring death.
00:16:08I know you didn't come just to insult me.
00:16:12No, in fact I'm here to beg for the lives of my people.
00:16:16Usually such requests are accompanied by considerable homage.
00:16:33This is truly a gift from the gods.
00:16:37So, what will become of my people?
00:16:40Your end is already sealed.
00:16:42Our fate must be fulfilled.
00:16:48Die, you bastards!
00:17:36What a shame.
00:17:38I could have put Rome at your feet.
00:17:41Instead, you will have to witness the end of everything you love.
00:17:45Exactly tonight.
00:18:18Oh, God!
00:18:19Don't do this to me, please!
00:18:35They're coming!
00:19:34It's me. Can you hear me?
00:19:36Oh, please, Lord, let her live.
00:19:43My wife.
00:19:46My treasure, you're alive.
00:19:48Then Heaven has heard my prayers.
00:19:51Oh, my wife, my love.
00:19:53We must leave this place.
00:19:55Colin, swear.
00:19:57Colin, I beg you, I want you to swear on me
00:20:00that now you will not seek revenge.
00:20:02Death will bring you only death.
00:20:06Colin, you must swear on me.
00:20:12I swear.
00:20:15Oh, Colin, my treasure, I love you.
00:20:25I swear, I swear that he will pay for this.
00:20:30I will avenge all of you.
00:20:34I said you don't need to drink.
00:20:36You need me.
00:20:44Go away. Leave me alone.
00:20:47Listen, dear, I saw what you did before.
00:20:50They will come looking for you and there will be many of them.
00:20:53If you want to live, then come with me.
00:20:59All right, you are free unless you trust me.
00:21:02You are the one who will die.
00:21:06Hey, friend, it looks like you need to trust someone.
00:21:29Come on.
00:21:37It won't take long.
00:21:47Do you think someone is listening to you?
00:21:50I think you don't believe in God.
00:21:53Look around you.
00:21:54If there is one, it is an insensitive one, a sadist.
00:21:57Don't offend his name.
00:21:59If global warming, war, and pollution seem like...
00:22:04...evil things to you, consider that we are the artificial ones.
00:22:09If we manage to get rid of the bastard who controls the city,
00:22:13we might have a chance.
00:22:33You have been begging me not to stop until you reach your destination.
00:22:39Terrorist attacks have decreased by 15% in the last three months.
00:22:43Peace has almost been achieved.
00:22:45Now we are thinking of expanding the city to the 14th street.
00:22:48As you will notice, times have been respected.
00:22:51These are the last changes that await your approval.
00:22:55I'll take care of this later.
00:22:57Commander, I wanted to ask you something.
00:23:01What time is it?
00:23:02I think we should be there by now.
00:23:08We are almost there, sir.
00:23:10However, in a chemical reaction of such complexity,
00:23:13there are variables that, if not checked, could lead to disaster.
00:23:17I'll give you time until tonight.
00:23:19But, sir...
00:23:54I was too slow today. I'm sorry.
00:23:57No, the shot was perfect.
00:24:01And you are perfect too.
00:24:03I was nobody until you found me.
00:24:07Do you remember?
00:24:08Of course.
00:24:38You are perhaps God?
00:24:40More or less.
00:24:44You are an immortal.
00:24:46And you will be at my service for eternity.
00:24:48And yet I think you are too beautiful to die.
00:24:55Show me your gratitude.
00:25:06What is it?
00:25:07Commander, Malik's killer has escaped.
00:25:10Well, find him. Kill him if necessary.
00:25:13But I want him with his head on his neck, is that clear?
00:25:16Yes, sir.
00:25:18Do you need my help?
00:25:21Now let's think of something else.
00:25:50Come this way.
00:25:51There is a secret passage.
00:25:57The soldiers can't find us down here.
00:26:02Welcome to our world.
00:26:07I'm still hungry.
00:26:08I'm sorry, there is nothing left for today.
00:26:10Come back tomorrow.
00:26:13We still have soup.
00:26:14I hate rat soup.
00:26:15Come on, the next one.
00:26:17Do you have mustard?
00:26:18Yes, here it is.
00:26:20Why do you live down here?
00:26:22Only the soldiers live in the tower.
00:26:25And they rule over everyone.
00:26:30Those bastards have our vaccine.
00:26:33Here there is less chance of being infected by the virus.
00:26:37You're back!
00:26:42Doctor, how is Sarah?
00:26:45Not well.
00:26:46Without the vaccine...
00:26:48She has no hope.
00:26:50The virus is killing her.
00:26:53Is he the man who caused the earthquake?
00:26:55Yes, it's him.
00:27:07We're here.
00:27:09Come in.
00:27:10Thank you.
00:27:18Scotch, gin, bourbon.
00:27:21Serve yourself.
00:27:33I want to know why you brought me here.
00:27:35Can't you guess?
00:27:36Most of my clients are cold-blooded.
00:27:39It's a small and humble tribute to the house.
00:27:45Why don't you leave?
00:27:47You don't look like a shy guy.
00:27:53What do you want?
00:27:54Come on, it's free.
00:27:55Anything you want.
00:27:57Why don't you tell me why I'm here?
00:28:00Nothing strange.
00:28:01I just need help.
00:28:05Yes, of course.
00:28:06Hey, wait, please!
00:28:08I really need your help.
00:28:09I just want to wait a minute.
00:28:11I want you to help me get into the tower to steal the vaccine.
00:28:14We lost contact inside.
00:28:16They killed him.
00:28:17People are still dying here.
00:28:18Don't you care?
00:28:20No, I don't care.
00:28:25It didn't work.
00:28:37I'll make you pay for this.
00:28:39Please, wait!
00:28:41I have money.
00:28:42I can pay you.
00:28:43Safe and secure.
00:28:45I'm just asking for your obedience.
00:28:49Come on.
00:28:51How do you know him?
00:28:53He's the bastard who controls us.
00:29:57Are you all right?
00:30:06What's going on?
00:30:11Where do you think you're going?
00:30:12Get up!
00:30:13Come on!
00:30:18Take him away.
00:30:35Tell me, why did you come here?
00:30:38Answer me.
00:30:41Because you crucified Moya.
00:30:44I remember, Moya.
00:30:45What a shame to lose such a beauty.
00:30:48She was your woman then.
00:30:50I'll tell you what to do.
00:30:52Kill me and you can live.
00:31:04Release him.
00:31:52Leave him. He's mine.
00:32:19He's already on a sacred ground.
00:32:21You're lucky, but it doesn't end here.
00:33:26You've been away long enough.
00:33:41Are you a wizard?
00:33:45Now I'm just a spirit.
00:33:47Once I was a great Druid priest.
00:33:50My name was Amergan.
00:33:53Where are you going?
00:33:55To kill a Roman.
00:33:57Are you not curious at all
00:33:59why you're still alive?
00:34:05I'm healed.
00:34:07Of course, my friend.
00:34:09You're immortal.
00:34:11You'll live forever if someone doesn't cut your head off.
00:34:15I'd put that sword down if I were you.
00:34:18Well, if I'm immortal, what should I be afraid of?
00:34:22Of pain.
00:34:46You're not immune to pain.
00:34:49Are you ready to listen to me?
00:34:52We have a lot to talk about.
00:34:54You've received a rare gift.
00:34:58You'll live to see civilization rise and die.
00:35:03You'll know a lot of joy,
00:35:06but above all, a lot of pain.
00:35:09My friend, the Roman people no longer exist.
00:35:14What are you saying?
00:35:16There are other immortals like you in the world.
00:35:19When you find them on your path,
00:35:21you'll recognize them, just as you will with Marcus.
00:35:25Where is Marcus? Tell me!
00:35:29He will take your head and your energy.
00:35:32Where is Marcus?
00:35:34He was part of your mortal life,
00:35:37and that life is over.
00:35:39It will end when he dies.
00:35:45Your life has just begun.
00:35:48Why are you in such a hurry to die?
00:36:23Damn it!
00:36:24Where is he now?
00:36:26What happened? What did he do to you?
00:36:29Where is he?
00:36:31He's up there, but you won't be able to get to him.
00:36:34Anyway, half of his army is hunting you.
00:36:38Unless you, like me, don't know the way.
00:36:44Now remember our agreement.
00:36:46I'll help you get in, and you help me get the vaccine.
00:36:49As soon as I have it, you do what you want.
00:36:59What the hell are you doing here?
00:37:02Sara is dying. I want to come with you.
00:37:05No, it's not possible. Go back to where you came from.
00:37:10Joe is too risky.
00:37:12The doctor was lucky. He only lost one leg.
00:37:15It's my choice.
00:37:31Take it easy.
00:37:33Come on, let's go.
00:37:41What the hell?
00:37:43Damn it, he's enchanted.
00:37:50It's not ringing anymore.
00:37:52Now, run.
00:37:59I'm sorry for what happened.
00:38:01Come on, run!
00:38:11This way!
00:38:40Come on, this way.
00:38:44Are you sure you know where we're going?
00:38:47Yes, the city is above us.
00:38:53It should be exactly...
00:39:01Let's go.
00:39:06It's dangerous. They can't see us.
00:39:19I'd say it's fun.
00:39:22Yes, but it's also very risky. Let's move.
00:39:41Now comes the best part.
00:39:45Nobody move!
00:39:47If you want to stay alive, put your hands behind your head.
00:39:50Come on.
00:39:55What are you going to do?
00:39:58I'm here to get the vaccine. Tell me where it is.
00:40:05No, stop!
00:40:07I'll do whatever you want, but please don't shoot anymore.
00:40:10Is the virus container damaged?
00:40:13No, sir. We're safe.
00:40:15All sensors are negative.
00:40:17What are you talking about?
00:40:23It must be this. I found it! I found the vaccine!
00:40:27Put it in the backpack.
00:40:31Hey, what's in there?
00:40:33You talked about a virus.
00:40:36What kind of virus is in there?
00:40:39Don't do it.
00:40:40Otherwise, anyone within a radius of 50 kilometers will die.
00:40:44It's very powerful.
00:40:45It's a virus with a 100% mortality rate.
00:40:49Explain to me what the hell you're doing with that virus.
00:40:54No, it can't be true.
00:40:56Son of a bitch.
00:40:58But of course. Now I understand your plan perfectly.
00:41:01You're the ones who are making us sick.
00:41:03You're killing us.
00:41:05I'm just following orders.
00:41:07Why do you do such a thing?
00:41:10Because that's how it works in ancient Rome.
00:41:14But we're not in ancient Rome. We're in New York.
00:41:19It seems that now even security is aware of your presence.
00:41:22Drop your weapons.
00:41:24Let's get out of here.
00:41:26I'm ready. Let's go.
00:41:32What's going on now?
00:41:53Shit! Run!
00:42:05Where is she?
00:42:06I don't know.
00:42:07Wait! Colin!
00:42:11Don't go!
00:42:14Go back!
00:42:22Go back!
00:42:30You've never been too smart.
00:42:35How many women are you going to lose?
00:42:39Friends? Love?
00:42:41They mean nothing to you?
00:42:43You only live for your stupid revenge.
00:43:01I know you've been very busy.
00:43:03Yes, I have.
00:43:05Persia, Gaul, Egypt.
00:43:07I go wherever my empire calls me.
00:43:10For your empire, today is the end.
00:43:14You're wrong. My empire can never end.
00:43:18Rome is much more than princes and palaces.
00:43:22It's a thought, an ideal, a vision of beauty, order and peace.
00:43:28My destiny is to recreate it in all its perfection.
00:43:34No, you'll die.
00:43:36You're already dead, my friend.
00:43:47I'm waiting for you.
00:44:06You're just a barbarian.
00:44:15This is your destiny.
00:44:18Only one of us will be able to live.
00:44:30Since then, you can only feel your hatred for Marcus.
00:44:34You lived only for your hunger for revenge,
00:44:37losing centuries of life in a useless journey
00:44:40that could only end in death.
00:45:18He will live forever for us.
00:45:21From now on, he will be considered our brother,
00:45:24Colin MacLeod of the MacLeod clan.
00:45:27To Colin MacLeod!
00:45:29You found a place that you could consider your home
00:45:33and a woman who loved you.
00:45:35And what did you do?
00:45:42Where is that bastard?
00:45:44We have to find him!
00:45:45I saw him! This way!
00:45:47I don't like this story.
00:45:49This way!
00:45:50Let's go, come on!
00:45:52Get out of the way, Deborah!
00:45:54The weak must be destroyed!
00:45:56You'll have to go over my corpse.
00:45:58Are you crazy?
00:46:00Get out of the way!
00:46:02Leave him alone, Deborah.
00:46:04This is my battle.
00:46:06No, it's mine too. I love you.
00:46:10Kill him, now!
00:46:12Leave him alone. Don't hurt him.
00:46:17Why do you want to kill this man?
00:46:20McGregor is a demon.
00:46:22We saw him die.
00:46:23And now he's alive.
00:46:24Yes, it's true!
00:46:25He's the demon.
00:46:26It's true!
00:46:27I don't know what kind of magic brought him back to life,
00:46:30but he fought by our side
00:46:32and helped us win the victory.
00:46:34Look at his eyes.
00:46:35There is no wickedness.
00:46:37I only see sadness.
00:46:38And I know he doesn't mean to hurt any of you.
00:46:41He bewitched you too.
00:46:43Yes, he must die!
00:46:46That's enough!
00:46:47I swear on my honor
00:46:49that none of you will touch him.
00:46:59But never forget
00:47:01that you are Colin MacLeod of the MacLeod clan.
00:47:05Live with honor, Highlander.
00:47:16Did Deborah's love or Gregor's loyalty
00:47:19improve you?
00:47:22Did you live with honor?
00:47:24Because honor is not getting what you want.
00:47:27For thousands of years,
00:47:29you only sought revenge.
00:48:08You died again and again
00:48:10without thinking who you could have been
00:48:13and what you could have done.
00:48:59It looks like our paths cross again.
00:49:27Sacred ground.
00:49:32Why don't you give up
00:49:34before your fortune abandons you?
00:49:38I loved Moya
00:49:40and you killed her.
00:49:42Instead, I loved Rome,
00:49:43but everything dies.
00:49:45That's how life goes.
00:49:47What we can do
00:49:48is find a reason to go on
00:49:50and make sense of everything.
00:49:52I found mine.
00:49:55Why don't you find it too?
00:49:58is to bury you.
00:50:00I wonder who is crazier between the two of us.
00:50:08We're still the same.
00:50:10You must really like
00:50:11kicking yourself in the back
00:50:13since it happens so often.
00:50:37Dania, hurry!
00:50:40It's closing!
00:50:55I knew it was you.
00:50:58He's my guest.
00:51:06How do you do, my friend?
00:51:10You're the usual miserable barbarian.
00:52:25You'll get hurt.
00:52:41Look down there!
00:52:47You go!
00:52:48Come on, let's go!
00:52:49He's dead!
00:52:50Take the vaccine to the doctor.
00:52:52Tell him about the virus too.
00:52:54What are you waiting for?
00:52:55I'm flying!
00:53:29What's going on?
00:53:30You were dead before.
00:53:32Isn't it true?
00:53:33Isn't it?
00:53:36It's true.
00:53:37But it's not the first time.
00:53:42Do you want me to believe
00:53:44that you got out of all this in one piece?
00:53:46Because you and Marcus are both immortal?
00:53:52And you've been hunting him all this time?
00:53:56Just for revenge?
00:53:57All this time?
00:54:01Because 2,000 years ago
00:54:03he killed your wife.
00:54:052,000 years ago!
00:54:07I think you're out of your mind.
00:54:25I'm getting tired of this shit.
00:54:48We did it.
00:54:502,000 fucking years.
00:54:54All this pain.
00:54:56All this hatred.
00:54:59Honey, you've suffered so much.
00:55:05you must have really loved that woman.
00:55:25It's amazing.
00:55:27You never change.
00:55:32But where am I?
00:55:36inside your head.
00:55:39Pretty empty, don't you think?
00:55:44Do you remember this place?
00:55:46Or did you forget her
00:55:48like you did with your promise?
00:55:52And what would your wife think of you?
00:55:56My wife is gone.
00:55:58Are you sure?
00:56:00Yes, this is her grave.
00:56:02I've met plants with more brains than you.
00:56:05Do you think she was just a body?
00:56:08That she was just dust?
00:56:11The soul of Moira, her essence, is something eternal.
00:56:15She was going to meet you again
00:56:17and she found you everywhere in time.
00:56:20But you kept wandering for centuries, blind and stupid.
00:56:23Unable to see, unable to love.
00:56:26So full of anger and violence
00:56:28you lost your reason
00:56:30and forgot your promise.
00:56:33You're talking nonsense.
00:56:35You think?
00:56:36Open your eyes.
00:56:38Don't you see?
00:56:39Don't you understand?
00:56:41Moira, Deborah, Dahlia
00:56:44are the same woman.
00:56:52It's me.
00:56:55Dahlia saved your life.
00:56:59Welcome back.
00:57:01Five minutes ago you had six broken ribs,
00:57:04three fractured vertebrae,
00:57:06a bleeding myeloma and wounds everywhere.
00:57:09Now you have nothing.
00:57:25But that's him!
00:57:26I don't believe it.
00:57:27He's alive!
00:57:29I can't believe it!
00:57:30It's a ghost!
00:57:31How is it possible?
00:57:33I'm more than used to people running away from me
00:57:36as if I were a demon.
00:57:38It doesn't matter what you are.
00:57:40You helped them by taking the vaccine.
00:57:43You gave them something very important.
00:57:47You gave them hope.
00:57:49Now they finally believe that everything will be possible.
00:57:52Me too.
00:57:55I wouldn't want to declare war on them.
00:57:58I'm tired of living in the shadows
00:58:00waiting for the day we'll be killed.
00:58:03Are you crazy?
00:58:04He has an army.
00:58:06You have no hope.
00:58:08You have no hope.
00:58:11We have no choice.
00:58:14Listen to me!
00:58:16Today we discovered the truth.
00:58:18This virus has only one purpose.
00:58:20To kill us all.
00:58:21I say we fight.
00:58:22Who of you is with me?
00:58:24We have no choice.
00:58:25Let's take back our city.
00:58:27Tell your friends.
00:58:28Tomorrow we'll take back the city.
00:58:30Tomorrow we'll take back our lives.
00:58:36you will fight with us, right?
00:58:38It's our war.
00:58:39It's not his problem.
00:58:52To glory!
00:58:55In the name of honor!
00:59:22Everything was going so well.
00:59:25And now you say it's useless.
00:59:27Tell me, what should I do now?
00:59:29It's not useless.
00:59:30It's just not perfect.
00:59:31It's necessary to do some checks.
00:59:33Using it now is madness.
00:59:34It could kill us all.
00:59:36I just need some time.
00:59:38Unfortunately, there is no more time.
00:59:40It's over.
00:59:42What does it mean, over?
00:59:47It means over.
00:59:55They may not appreciate the fact that we created the virus.
00:59:58I think it's time to check the situation.
01:00:02Yes, sir!
01:00:05And what do you tell me about our dear MacLeod?
01:00:09Don't bother looking for him.
01:00:11He will come alone.
01:00:22Come in.
01:00:31Come in.
01:00:42I haven't thanked you yet for taking me away from there.
01:00:45Don't think about it.
01:00:51If you die, you won't be able to go back.
01:00:54Sometimes it's easier to die than to live.
01:00:57It's all my life that I do nothing but fight.
01:01:00If my death is useful to something, it's good for me anyway.
01:01:03Every day in church, I pray for this.
01:01:07I know you don't believe it.
01:01:10But I'm sure God is listening to me.
01:01:12I'm sure of it.
01:01:13Because he answered one of my prayers.
01:01:19I prayed for you.
01:01:46I love you.
01:02:16I love you.
01:02:47Hey, where's Dahlia?
01:02:49It's better if we let her sleep.
01:03:17We rely heavily on the element of surprise.
01:03:20Come on, let's get rid of these bastards, or never again.
01:03:24Rudy is right.
01:03:25But there's only one way to really win.
01:03:28Marcus must die.
01:03:30How long do you plan to resist?
01:03:33Will you be able to kill him?
01:03:35I wouldn't know.
01:03:37The same goes for us.
01:03:39Colin, there's another way to get to him.
01:03:42But you have to be crazy to do it.
01:03:44Let me see.
01:04:05Come on, baby.
01:04:06Come to me.
01:04:08Wait for me.
01:04:10Come here, baby.
01:04:11Wait for me to show you what I've prepared for you, baby.
01:04:15Just a little bit more.
01:04:16Like this.
01:04:28Keep shooting!
01:04:47Son of a bitch!
01:04:51Here we are.
01:04:56We're almost there.
01:05:01Let's get out of here!
01:05:32I told you you had to be crazy.
01:05:36But this is the only way to get to him.
01:05:39Thank you.
01:05:40You've been very helpful.
01:05:42Hey, Colin!
01:05:43You have to kill him for all of us.
01:06:05You know you can't hide, baby.
01:06:35Come on, baby.
01:07:00Poor baby.
01:07:01You can hurt yourself like this.
01:07:30Do what you have to do, but come back safe and sound, please.
01:07:35You too.
01:07:36Be careful.
01:07:44I think I got him.
01:07:56Who's the strongest?
01:07:58Obviously you.
01:07:59Next step?
01:08:01I'm ready.
01:08:03We're done giving in.
01:08:09Here's the signal.
01:08:33The more things change,
01:08:35the more they remain the same.
01:08:40Just like now.
01:08:42You were there.
01:08:48Are you responsible for this?
01:08:51No, Marcus.
01:08:52It's all thanks to you.
01:08:54Their battle will only end
01:08:56if you help me.
01:08:58It's all thanks to you.
01:09:00Their battle will only end
01:09:02if you die.
01:09:04If you die!
01:09:07Barbarians are still barbarians.
01:09:11If I can't control them,
01:09:13or tame them,
01:09:15I must find another way.
01:09:20Now, what do you want to do?
01:09:22Isn't it obvious?
01:09:23I want to eliminate all forms of life.
01:09:27You're completely insane!
01:09:31The virus will be in the air in two minutes.
01:09:35Can you stop it?
01:09:59Now, the time is precious.
01:10:19Now, the time is precious.
01:10:50As I said,
01:10:52now everyone will have to die.
01:11:01My new world will begin!
01:11:20No, it's not possible!
01:11:22The virus!
01:11:29So, how do you feel, darling?
01:11:32Oh, don't be afraid to answer.
01:11:35Don't worry, you won't be the only one.
01:11:37Don't worry, you won't be the only one.
01:11:38Today everyone will die,
01:11:40today everyone will die,
01:11:41except Marcus and the signature.
01:11:43except Marcus and the signature.
01:11:45Except Marcus and the signature.
01:11:47I didn't think you'd...
01:11:52I didn't think you'd...
01:11:53I didn't think you'd...
01:11:59Colin, we'll meet again soon.
01:12:08One day.
01:12:14In another time.
01:12:17Signore, l'aiutami, per loro, per lei.
01:12:34Sei già tornato?
01:12:37Direi che è proprio arrivata l'ora di darci un taglio.
01:12:47Rimarrà in vita soltanto uno di noi.
01:13:47Bene, finalmente hai vinto.
01:14:16Troppo tardi, per qualsiasi cosa.
01:14:20No, non è troppo tardi, hai salvato la città.
01:14:26La morte di Marcus ha dissolto il virus.
01:14:28Mi dispiace per quella povera ragazza, ma le sue preghiere sono state ascoltate.
01:14:46No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:15:15no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:15:43no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:16:12no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
01:16:42I hear you breathe so far from me, I feel your touch so close and real, and I know my church is not of silver and gold,
01:17:06it's glory lies beyond the judgement of souls, the commandments are of consolation and warmth,
01:17:22and now our sacred pain won't do, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sacrament of love, the sacrament of warmth is true, the sacrament is real,
01:17:48I hear you weep so far from me, I taste your tears like you're next to me, and I know my weak prayers are not enough to heal,
01:18:08of the ancient wounds so deep and so dear, the revelation is of hatred and fear,
01:18:23and now our sacred dream won't do, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sacrament of love, the sacrament of warmth is true, the sacrament is real,
01:18:54the sacrament is real, the sacrament is real, the sacrament is real, the sacrament is real,
01:19:17and now our sacred dream won't do, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sacrament of love, the sacrament of warmth is true, the sacrament is real,
01:19:40the sacrament is real, and now our sacred dream won't do, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sacrament of love, the sacrament of warmth is true, the sacrament is real,
01:20:10and now our sacred dream won't do, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sacrament of love, the sacrament of warmth is true, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sacrament is real,
01:20:40and now our sacred dream won't do, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sacrament of love, the sacrament of warmth is true, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sacrament is real,
01:21:10the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness of love, the sanctuary tenderness
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01:22:40love, the sanctuary tenderness of love,