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00:00Hello? Hello? Who is it?
00:05Is that you, Mom? Please, tell me everything!
00:07So, how is Dad?
00:08Giottoni has just left to accompany him to the hospital.
00:11He seems very sick. I'm worried.
00:13Moreover, the doctor said that he had to suffer a little, but he preferred not to say it.
00:18Maybe we lost precious time, Nicoletta. I'm desperate.
00:23Your father is a stubborn man. He must have suffered a lot, you know?
00:26Please, Mom, try not to let yourself go.
00:29After all, he has not yet said the last word.
00:31You're right.
00:33Tell me, dear, are you still working at this time?
00:36Yes, the show is just around the corner.
00:38Then try to focus only on work.
00:41Don't think about anything else.
00:43You will see that Dad will be able to hold on until you can go to him.
00:46All right, Mom.
00:47Yes, now it's better if you attack again.
00:59Dad, dear!
01:01How are you doing? How do you feel, Dad?
01:04Miss Mine! Miss Mine!
01:06Here I am!
01:07I finally found it. It's almost time to go on stage.
01:09Hey, you don't look very well. Don't you feel well?
01:11Do you have any problems?
01:13No problem, no.
01:14Anyway, it takes a little more makeup.
01:16Yes, a lot.
01:17Hey, you! Wait a minute!
01:20Dad, please, try to do it until I get there.
01:3030 seconds to go.
01:3320 seconds.
01:3510 seconds.
01:375 seconds.
01:38Here we are, we're on the air. Go!
01:42Good evening, everyone, and welcome to our now famous Star Race.
01:46This week we are happy to introduce you to the girl who has aroused a wave of admiration in every part of the country.
01:52It's her television debut, but she has already received a mountain of letters from her numerous admirers.
01:57And here is the star of this week, Nicoletta Mine, who will sing you the song of the heart.
02:02Please, miss, sit down.
02:04And let us hear her song.
02:11Where the day will be born, I will find my happiness.
02:21With the sun and its warmth, sadness will disappear.
02:30But where is that man?
02:34Please, please, resist, dear.
02:41Hey, look at that singer.
02:44It's Nicoletta Mine.
02:45She must be the daughter of 203.
02:47Look, you're wrong, she's not the daughter of that man.
02:50Do you recognize Michela Coda?
02:51Of course.
02:52Well, she's the daughter of Mr. Mine.
02:54It's not this one.
02:55They were exchanged after birth.
02:57You couldn't not have heard the news.
02:59Anyway, it's not nice to be on TV singing while the father is dying.
03:03Ah, this is the typical attitude of artists.
03:06There are a lot of parents of famous characters who die alone without anyone at their head.
03:11But how? You mean on the stage?
03:12You didn't know that.
03:16Go ahead.
03:17Venga, subito la 203, per favore. C'è qualcosa che non va.
03:47Oh, mio dio, papà.
03:59Ha detto qualcosa, signorina?
04:01No, non ho detto niente, ma dobbiamo andare più veloci.
04:05Si sfreghi.
04:06Certo, è suoi ordini.
04:18Giovanni Mine, dove devo andare?
04:21L'ascensore a destra.
04:48Papà, papà mio, è impossibile.
05:08Oh, papà caro.
05:10Papà, non ha fatto che ripetere il tuo nome fino all'ultimo respiro.
05:24Oh, papà.
05:40Ma quella non è Nicoletta Mine?
05:58Sì, sembra anche a me.
05:59Però non è arrivata in tempo.
06:00Gli artisti non si ricordano mai della famiglia.
06:04Nicoletta, fatti coraggio, cara.
06:07Sì, mamma.
06:26Allora, credi che sia ancora alzata?
06:28Beh, sì.
06:29La luce è accesa.
06:30Ci deve essere un'importante riunione di famiglia.
06:33A questo punto riusciremo a scattare qualche bella foto di Michela con l'espressione più
06:37triste del mondo.
06:38Sì, andiamo.
06:39Sbrighiamoci, su.
06:41Chi è là?
06:44Ma che succede?
06:45Ehi, Milena, qualcosa non va?
06:47Ehi, signor Coda, sì, ho visto delle ombre sul muro vicino.
06:50Assicurati che tutto vada bene e stai attenta.
06:57Tornando a noi, Alessandra, ovviamente tu non sei da biasimare per questa faccenda.
07:01Che cosa intendi dire con questo?
07:03Eri così preoccupata delle chiacchiere su Michela che hai comprato tutti i giornalisti
07:07che hai potuto.
07:08Ma non si può avere tutto con i soldi.
07:10Ormai quello che è fatto è fatto.
07:12Non avevo altre alternative e sono stata costretta dalle circostanze.
07:15Pensa a noi, invece.
07:17È tutto il giorno che siamo chiuse in casa e non possiamo uscire perché i giornalisti
07:20non ci lasciano in pace.
07:21Questo è il vero problema.
07:23Ma non puoi negare di aver cercato di corrompere la stampa per portarla dalla tua parte, vero?
07:27Oh, insomma, che modo di parlare è questo?
07:33Signor Coda, al telefono.
07:34C'è un certo signor Tony che chiede di lei.
07:36Signor Tony?
07:37E chi potrà mai essere?
07:43Chi parla?
07:44Sono il signor Coda, dica.
07:46Sì, è successo poco fa.
07:48Il papà di Nicoletta è appena...
07:51Beh, in sostanza si tratta del padre della sua Michela.
07:54Quindi pensavo che avesse il diritto di essere informata di quello che è successo.
07:59È tutto.
08:00Ma certo, ha fatto bene.
08:02Lei è stato molto gentile a telefonarci.
08:04Certo, verremo sicuramente a fare le nostre condolianze.
08:17Chi è che ti ha telefonato?
08:19Avete sentito anche voi.
08:21Era il signor Tony.
08:23Il padre di Nicoletta Mine è appena morto in ospedale.
08:28In effetti dovrei dire che è appena morto il padre di Michela.
08:31Non è vero?
08:32Ma che cosa dici?
08:37No papà, non ho nessuna intenzione di andare a quel funerale.
08:41Non ci andrò.
08:46Quello non era mio padre.
08:48Non era mio padre.
08:49Hai capito?
08:53Ascolta Michela, credo di sapere quello che provi.
08:56Del resto provo anch'io la stessa cosa.
08:58Per 17 anni sei stata mia figlia e adesso improvvisamente sei la figlia di un altro.
09:04Ma dobbiamo vivere imparando a seguire il nostro destino.
09:07Dobbiamo affrontare coraggiosamente la vita che ci è stata assegnata
09:11e imparare a convivere con il fatto.
09:13Insomma, figliola mia,
09:14dopotutto Nicoletta ha dovuto imparare a convivere con un destino più sfortunato del tuo.
09:21Per questa sera direi che è più che sufficiente.
09:24Domani andremo a rendere omaggio al padre di Nicoletta,
09:27o meglio di Michela.
09:28Dopo penseremo a cosa fare,
09:30senza trascurare la tua brillante carriera.
09:33Sei d'accordo?
09:38Caro, aspetta.
09:52Stanno cercando tutti di incastrarmi.
09:54Persino la mamma e papà e mi odieranno da morire
09:57ora che si sono resi conto che non sono la loro figlia.
10:01Se Nicoletta entrera in questa casa,
10:03costringendo me ad andare via,
10:05non so che cosa farò.
10:07Oh, no!
10:08In questo caso la mia vita sarebbe distrutta.
10:12Oh, no!
10:14Oh, no!
10:16Oh, no!
10:17Oh, no!
10:18Oh, no!
10:20Oh, no!
10:26Signorina Michela,
10:27suo padre dice che è già ora d'alzarsi.
10:29Oggi uscirete tutti insieme come una vera famiglia.
10:35Signorina, ma che...
10:38Oh, no!
10:44Signor Coca,
10:46è terribile!
10:47It's impossible!
10:49I'm leaving, Michela.
10:53What can we do, Giulio?
10:55The only thing we can do is to call the police.
10:59Oh, no! Not the police!
11:01We'll do it first.
11:02The police can't do it.
11:04Everyone will find out.
11:05I can't think of another way to find her.
11:12Who would have thought we'd come to this point?
11:16If people find out, who knows what they'll write in the papers?
11:40Nicoletta, please, don't you want to eat?
11:46You know very well that the body can feel it if you don't eat.
11:50It's not good for your health.
11:55It's time to eat. Come on.
12:01Mom, I've been thinking a lot about this lately,
12:04and I've decided to stop singing.
12:06What are you saying, dear? Are you serious?
12:10Mom, I got to Dad's head too late
12:13just because I was singing on TV,
12:16and so I didn't have the chance to say goodbye to the most important person in the world.
12:21Don't you think it's shameful?
12:23Children who respect each other don't do that.
12:27Oh, forgive me.
12:29Please, Dad.
12:31Dad, forgive me.
12:34Nicoletta, you don't have to do this.
12:36All your life, you've never been a source of concern for your father.
12:40On the contrary, I'm sure you're proud of your daughter.
12:43Dad was eagerly waiting for you to become a great singer.
12:47It's not just for this reason, Mom.
12:50How can I make people sing after everything that's happened
12:53if I can't behave well in the most important moments of my life?
12:56What can I sing to people again?
12:59All I can do is repeat words without feeling,
13:02and that's not what I mean by music.
13:04Mom, I'm sorry, but I have no intention of continuing to sing.
13:08Dad, please forgive me.
13:11I won't run the risk of behaving unworthily, even with Mom.
13:20I want to destroy my guitar! I want to destroy it!
13:23Think about it, Mom, please!
13:28You won't believe that she allows you to do such a thing.
13:31Let me go! Let me go, Uncle!
13:33No, I won't let you go,
13:35nor will I allow you to do such a thing.
13:37As president of your fan club, I can't.
13:39Uncle Tony, I've decided that I'll never sing again in my life.
13:42How can I continue to do it after betraying my father
13:45and behaving so unworthily?
13:47You're making a mistake.
13:49You've only been influenced by other people's chatter.
13:52Nicoletta, listen to me carefully.
13:55It may be that I'm not very intelligent,
13:57and I certainly don't understand this kind of thing,
14:00but I'm sure I love your music
14:02and I want to continue to hear you sing.
14:04I must confess that when I hear you sing,
14:06I forget all my problems
14:08and I feel like I can do anything.
14:10That's the effect your music has on me,
14:12and this doesn't only happen to me.
14:14It also happened to your father,
14:16and everyone likes your songs.
14:18You know what he once told me?
14:20That you'll surely become a great singer,
14:22because even if he rang like a bell,
14:25when he heard you, his heart was filled with joy.
14:29Actually, it's not true that he rang like a bell.
14:34Nicoletta, I'm sure your father went up to heaven
14:37listening to your music.
14:39You sang so well and with so much love
14:41that it's not possible that he didn't hear your message
14:43while he was dying.
14:45I could put my hand on fire.
14:47He's right.
14:48Dad was listening to you when he went up to heaven.
14:51Nicoletta, at this point you must continue
14:53to sing to the best of your abilities
14:55for the love of your father, and for me too.
15:01I almost forgot.
15:03Can you bring these flowers to his grave?
15:05The florist didn't make it in time.
15:07Of course, and thank you very much.
15:09Nicoletta, do you want to bring them to dad?
15:11I'm sure he'll like them.
15:12Give them to me.
15:15Fanny is coming!
15:22Oh, my son!
15:23I came as soon as I heard the news.
15:25Uncle Tony told me.
15:27You're a very affectionate boy.
15:35It's terrible, dad.
15:43Goodbye, dad. Goodbye.
15:54It's very hot, and the beer will heat up immediately.
15:57Come on, drink something. Be brave, dear.
16:08Dear dad, let's drink a beer together.
16:13I would have loved to have a drink with you
16:16when you were still alive.
16:19Well, cheers to you!
16:42I don't know what to do anymore.
16:44I don't have a place to go.
16:46There's no one I can turn to.
16:48What can I do?
17:11Be careful!
17:12Be careful!
17:15Stupid! What do you think you're doing?
17:42What do you think you're doing?
18:02Did something happen to you, beautiful lady?
18:05No, nothing.
18:06You're just bringing me something to eat.
18:08At your service.
18:12Thank you.
18:20Hey, do you know where you're coming from, darling?
18:23You're all wet, but you don't have anything to dry yourself with, do you?
18:29Here, you can use this. Dry yourself well.
18:33What's the matter? Don't you want to dry yourself?
18:35Your handkerchief is too dirty for a lady like that.
18:38You're exaggerating. It's not as dirty as it looks, is it?
18:43She's not a bad girl.
18:45She looks a lot like that singer
18:47and the spitting image of Michaela Coda, the girl of the moment.
18:50Now that you're telling me, you're right.
18:52Yes, but it can't be her.
18:54Who knows how many girls look like her.
18:56Michaela Coda comes from a rich family in the city.
18:59Yes, maybe you're right.
19:00She would never stay in that state.
19:02And then what would she do in this place all alone?
19:05Ha ha ha ha!
19:32Where are you going? Let's stop here.
19:34We have to get to that bridge. Do you see it?
19:46After all, we can't consider ourselves real brothers, can't we?
19:51Yes, maybe you're right.
19:53And then...
19:54Well, yes, in short, you can't become your girlfriend.
19:58What do you say?
20:04Let's go.
20:23Dad, Mom, I'm sorry.
20:34I'm sorry.