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00:00And we say to the government and the people sitting in the parliament that a production order should be issued for the member parliament.
00:06So why don't they stand up and say that he has made a wrong interpretation of the constitution?
00:12It is the right of the parliamentarians to stand up and say that he has made a wrong interpretation of the constitution.
00:17Our constitution says that neither the Mirzayis have permission to preach nor can they preach their filth and their dirty thoughts within their limits.
00:25Because the foundation of Pakistan is based on La Ilaha Illa Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah.
00:29If someone does not have the right to punish someone, and this is true,
00:32then no one has the right to make such decisions that people themselves are ready to punish them.
00:36The book that they have praised is called my Quran.
00:39This now-done-clear message is blindfolded on their eyes. It should go from our side.
00:43If there is bloodshed, then the law minister should tell these judges that you are creating this disorder by making such decisions.
00:50If there is praise in the constitution, then Article 6 is already present with you and its punishment is death.
00:54No matter how many people you hang, no matter how many people you hang, you should not attack our faith.
01:01The constitution that has been rewritten, has been decided against the Quran and Sunnah,
01:05and has been allowed to be disrespected in the Quran.
01:08It is not possible in Pakistan that you will sit under a wall and then disrespect the Quran.
01:13And the judges who have done this should be brought to justice.
01:16And I will also request the Supreme Court of Pakistan to keep an eye on your decisions.
01:20This is not a political issue. This is a matter of our faith.
01:23If the result does not come out and the law does not act on it, then the people will continue to go.
01:27I request you to make a special parliamentary committee for this issue.
01:32Sit the scholars and give us a chance.
01:34And that parliamentary committee should hold its meetings until the Supreme Court does not change its mind on this decision.
01:40The judges should tell us where they got the right to amend the constitution.
01:44They cannot amend the constitution.
01:46I will keep this kind of opinion of the judge on the back of my shoe.
01:50And I say that the constitution should be passed today itself.
01:53That no one should have the courage or the courage to do so.
01:55I don't know why the judge closes his eyes and makes such decisions.
01:58If there is a crime in the four walls, then it is a different matter.
02:00If there is an open case, then it is a different matter.
02:02I think that the crime in the four walls should be punished more.
02:06Because he works in secret.
02:08He works in secret from the eyes of the people.
02:10He commits a crime.
02:11And he does it so that my crime is hidden.
02:13This is Qadiani.
02:14I have spoken about him.
02:16So, in every respect, I think that the judge's right should be given to me.
