Ditching My Fiancé- I Dated A CEO (Full Movie)

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Ditching My Fiancé- I Dated A CEO (Full Movie)
00:00:00Monstress, will you marry me?
00:00:02I didn't get a chance to properly congratulate you.
00:00:05Mr. Senior Producer.
00:00:10I can't wait to tell everybody.
00:00:14Turner wants to see me at his place.
00:00:16It's almost 11, you don't have to go.
00:00:18I do.
00:00:20You are the most qualified person in that whole entire company.
00:00:26What were you guys doing till 4 in the morning?
00:00:29You're being promoted to Senior Producer.
00:00:32We both know how you got this job.
00:00:34You are nothing, nothing but a pretty face.
00:00:38You want the job?
00:00:40Oh, take the job.
00:00:41I'm just a fucking object of entertainment.
00:00:43This is not a career for a decent woman.
00:00:46You really think Turner would give you that promotion if he knew you were engaged?
00:00:49He raped me.
00:00:50He's dead.
00:00:51I thought it was a fucking prize for his mess.
00:00:53What happened last night, let's just forget about it.
00:00:55My lips are sealed.
00:00:57You should just quit this.
00:00:59I'm a Senior Producer in Hollywood.
00:01:01I'm going to shoot you with a fucking gun.
00:01:05You got away or you got promoted?
00:01:15That was your best one yet.
00:01:17Thanks, I've been practicing.
00:01:19With who?
00:01:20You of course, come on.
00:01:29What was that?
00:01:38I was going to wait until I meet Senior Producer, but I guess fate had other plans.
00:01:45Tris Palmer, I've known you since college.
00:01:49And you are absolutely incredible.
00:01:53For enduring me all these years.
00:01:57I love you so much, Tris.
00:02:00Will you marry me?
00:02:09I love you too.
00:02:14I love you so much, Tris.
00:02:22Will you marry me?
00:02:28Unless you want to go for round two first.
00:02:33Yes, yes, I'll marry you.
00:02:40I can't wait to tell everybody.
00:02:43Tris, I mean, we can't tell anyone yet.
00:02:45Why? You promised once we're engaged we can go public.
00:02:51I know, but come on, Tris, you know I'm discreet.
00:02:56I just don't want to be judged and teased every day at work.
00:03:02Once we get married, I'll tell everyone.
00:03:07Okay? I promise.
00:03:11Just take that off before you go back to work.
00:03:23Hey, Rose, my favorite client.
00:03:28Yeah, I know, the strip club.
00:03:30Yeah, of course, I'm still single.
00:03:32I'll even strip for you if you sign the contract.
00:03:35I'll see you Friday.
00:04:05Where is she?
00:04:07Can you write this analysis?
00:04:23Holy shit, it's Turner Lennon.
00:04:26Is that really him? I heard he's the king of Hollywood.
00:04:30Yes, I...
00:04:32You just cost a fucking million dollars!
00:04:34What? But I put the risk in there and I told you about it.
00:04:40Well, you certainly didn't put the ten million dollar risk in there, did you?
00:04:57Robert, you're fired!
00:05:01Tris, are you okay?
00:05:04Yeah, I'm all right, Mr. Lennon.
00:05:07Please, call me Turner.
00:05:13Aren't you forgetting something, Turner?
00:05:19I have billion dollar clients and resources in my hands.
00:05:26And if you fire me, I will leave nothing for you.
00:05:30I will leave nothing for you.
00:05:36Aren't you forgetting something, Robert?
00:05:40I own the company.
00:05:42I own you.
00:05:44And I own everything you own.
00:05:47If I could give you those resources, I could easily take them away.
00:05:58You can't take away my 20 years of connections.
00:06:06Let's see, shall we?
00:06:13Yeah, it's time for Robert Ford.
00:06:27Robert Ford?
00:06:47Robert Ford?
00:06:51We have evidence of you assaulting prostitutes.
00:06:53So at this time, you are now under arrest.
00:06:55Please come with me.
00:07:02Did you do this?
00:07:04Officer, those are fake!
00:07:06I didn't do anything!
00:07:08Well, that is for the court to decide, sir.
00:07:10For now, please come with me.
00:07:17Fuck this!
00:07:18Fuck this!
00:07:19Fuck you all!
00:07:44I knew Robert was the kind that beats women since the first time I saw him.
00:07:48I know, right?
00:07:49Today he has that vibe.
00:07:51And what vibe was that?
00:07:53Hey Earl, I'm sorry, you have to update our organizers.
00:07:58Now that Robert is gone, who's going to be the next senior producer?
00:08:02I bet it's whoever Turner decides to cover for Robert.
00:08:05Then it'll be like a test drive.
00:08:09Speak of the devil.
00:08:16Cover for Robert's work today, alright?
00:08:19Earl's going to help you with that bonus.
00:08:27Dude, congrats.
00:08:29Thanks, man.
00:08:50You know, I didn't get a chance to properly congratulate you.
00:08:55Come on, Trish, we're still in the office.
00:08:59Mr. Senior Producer.
00:09:01In that case, go get me a coffee.
00:09:04With cream and sprinkles.
00:09:09You know, nobody will tease you once you're their boss.
00:09:13Yeah, kind of out of excuses now, huh?
00:09:23Turner wants to see me at his place.
00:09:25It's almost eleven, you don't have to go.
00:09:27I do.
00:09:28You saw what happened to Robert when things didn't go his way.
00:09:42Here you go, alright, that's it.
00:09:54Who the hell are you?
00:09:56I'm Trish.
00:09:58I'm looking for Turner Lennon.
00:10:00Good luck with that, dressing like this.
00:10:04I didn't think this was inappropriate.
00:10:08What a tasteless waste.
00:10:16You're talking.
00:10:17Okay, there you go, good.
00:10:19Oh yeah.
00:10:23Do you know when Turner will come out?
00:10:27Turner, Turner, Turner, is that all you think about, Turner?
00:10:30Of course not.
00:10:31I'm just curious.
00:10:33Come here.
00:10:34Will you forgive me?
00:10:57Are you okay?
00:10:58Yeah, um, I couldn't find you, so...
00:11:02You wanted to talk to me.
00:11:03Yes, about that, we were...
00:11:05Well, well, well.
00:11:07If it isn't Miss Senior Producer herself.
00:11:12Pardon me, Mr. Carter.
00:11:14Oh, I'm a senior producer too.
00:11:17You can just call me Mike.
00:11:18That's what I was going to talk to you about.
00:11:22You're being promoted to Senior Producer.
00:11:27Mr. Lennon, hi.
00:11:29I'm Logan's minst daughter.
00:11:31You should know him.
00:11:32Michael, control your bimbos.
00:11:34Hey, girls, come on.
00:11:38That's better.
00:11:42Watch out!
00:11:47Watch out!
00:11:49I'm sorry.
00:12:01I'm ready now.
00:12:08This will keep you warm.
00:12:12I put your clothes in the laundry, and I already told everybody to leave.
00:12:17You didn't have to do that.
00:12:22Yes, I did.
00:12:27Why are you so nice to me?
00:12:30Because I want to get to know you.
00:12:33The real you.
00:12:35Under the cover.
00:12:37That bright brain.
00:12:39And your breathtaking visage.
00:12:47Because I want to get to know you.
00:12:50The real you.
00:12:52Under the cover.
00:12:54That bright brain.
00:12:56And your breathtaking visage.
00:13:02I'm seeing someone.
00:13:07I'm so sorry.
00:13:09No, no.
00:13:11Don't worry.
00:13:12I totally understand.
00:13:16So, who's the lucky guy?
00:13:19You don't know him.
00:13:22I mean, he's not even in the industry.
00:13:28I need a drink.
00:13:29You want anything?
00:13:32I'm driving.
00:13:44If you want to promote somebody else to the senior producer position, I totally understand.
00:13:57Don't sell yourself short.
00:14:00You are the most qualified person in that whole entire company to take over Rappert's old position.
00:14:07I believe in you.
00:14:10Regardless of how I feel.
00:14:41Hey, sorry for calling you so late.
00:15:49What did Turner want?
00:15:54Did he do something?
00:15:56No, he didn't.
00:15:57I swear to God, if that prick did anything...
00:15:59No, Chad, he didn't do anything.
00:16:01Okay, well then what happened?
00:16:03What were you guys doing until four in the morning?
00:16:09Promoted me to senior producer.
00:16:11I'll be taking over Rappert's work now.
00:16:16Well, that's good news.
00:16:26I'm really sorry.
00:16:28No, no, no, don't be.
00:16:30It's a...
00:16:31It's a good thing.
00:16:34I could really help you in this position.
00:16:37I can...
00:16:39Give you all the credit.
00:16:41Introduce you to my resources.
00:16:43I'm sorry, what?
00:16:50I could really help you in this position.
00:16:53You know?
00:16:55I can introduce you to my resources.
00:16:58Give you all the credit.
00:17:00I'm sorry, what?
00:17:05You think I can only succeed through nepotism?
00:17:08No, I never said that.
00:17:09Okay, well then what did you mean?
00:17:11I'm sorry, do you pity me?
00:17:12Is that what this is?
00:17:13No, I just want you to get promoted
00:17:15so we don't have to hide our fucking engagement.
00:17:17So we don't have to hide our fucking engagement.
00:17:19Well then why did you take the job in the first place?
00:17:22I work till two in the morning covering for fucking Rappert.
00:17:25You spend four hours with Turner and you get promoted?
00:17:28What are you implying?
00:17:30I told you nothing happened.
00:17:39I'm sorry, Trish.
00:17:42I'm sorry I snapped on you.
00:17:43I just got worried.
00:17:47I'm sorry.
00:18:18What the fuck?
00:18:20I know, right?
00:18:21That dress is stunning.
00:18:23No, not the dress, you idiot.
00:18:25Who did she fuck to get promoted?
00:18:28Oh, come on.
00:18:29Did you not see how Turner saved her from Rappert?
00:18:32Sweeping him like a white knight.
00:18:34It gives me goosebumps.
00:18:36Must be nice to have kids, huh?
00:18:38I wish you did agree.
00:18:40Well, anyway, I'm not taking any orders from her.
00:18:43Yo, Chet.
00:18:45Covering for Rappert must have tired you out.
00:18:47I bet you wish you were a girl, huh?
00:18:49Fuck off, Bob.
00:19:14Phone vibrates.
00:19:25Did you get the list of potential investors I sent you?
00:19:28I just got it.
00:19:32You're going to introduce yourself as the EP for Affinity Under Darkness.
00:19:37If you have any questions, just ask.
00:19:39Copy that.
00:19:41And hey.
00:19:43What happened last night, let's just forget about it.
00:19:47We're professionals.
00:19:50My lips are sealed.
00:20:35How did you get in?
00:20:37I said I was looking for Tris Palmer and they let me in.
00:20:43I had to learn my daughter was promoted from a receptionist.
00:20:49I'm sorry. I'm just really busy right now.
00:20:55Your father's waiting for you at your house. Hurry up.
00:20:59Hurry up. Come on.
00:21:10We've been waiting for you.
00:21:18Hey, Dad.
00:21:23George, Tris might be hungry now.
00:21:30I'm sorry.
00:21:33You're working late now, huh?
00:21:36Well, who's going to cook dinner?
00:21:41I'm busier now, so we just eat takeouts.
00:21:45Well, with Chet working beneath you, it's not a good way to start your marriage.
00:21:51What? You don't think I deserve this promotion?
00:21:56What? You think I don't deserve this promotion?
00:22:00Oh, it's not like that, honey. It's not like that at all.
00:22:04It's just that you have other work things to do, like planning a wedding and cooking and cleaning and things like that.
00:22:13And maybe getting pregnant.
00:22:15So, why don't you just let Chet have your job?
00:22:20See, Mom? That is exactly why I never pick up your calls.
00:22:25Because it doesn't ever work this way. I can't just give my job to another person.
00:22:31Well, you should just quit then.
00:22:33I'm told that the industry is full of sleazy men and floozies.
00:22:38This is not a career for a decent woman.
00:22:51I can't stand them for another minute.
00:23:00Yeah, I'm really not in the mood.
00:23:20Hey, Chet. Did you get your promotion in the end?
00:23:41What? Am I not good enough for you now that you're a senior producer?
00:23:48Who's this?
00:23:50Who are you?
00:23:52I'm his fiancée.
00:23:54What? I thought he was single.
00:24:01Who's on the phone?
00:24:03Is there anything you want to tell me?
00:24:05What? Who are you talking to?
00:24:07It was Rose.
00:24:11I'm sorry, Tris. I gotta tell him I'm single to close more deals.
00:24:15Is that why you don't want to tell anybody we're engaged?
00:24:18Because you want to fuck her?
00:24:19No, no. That's not it at all. I'm doing it for work.
00:24:24God, you should know that better than anyone.
00:24:26What's that supposed to mean?
00:24:28Come on, Tris. You really think Turner would give you that promotion if he knew you were engaged?
00:25:15I'm sorry.
00:25:45Are you okay?
00:25:52Yeah. I'm just looking for tissues.
00:25:56Okay, then.
00:25:58You know, I'm going to a private membership club. You should come.
00:26:15Anything you want. My treat.
00:26:22A hundred dollar salad?
00:26:24Pardon me?
00:26:25Nothing. Nothing.
00:26:28Give me one of everything on that menu.
00:26:31What? No, that's too much.
00:26:33Well, how are we going to know what to recommend to the investors if we haven't tasted everything?
00:26:45Did I tell you that horse-face NFT I bought is now worth 600 Ethereum?
00:26:59Really? What's the floor price?
00:27:03I think it's 150 and the volume is around 80,000 Ethereum.
00:27:09Wow. That's nuts.
00:27:12Didn't I tell you? I got a good eye for those NFTs.
00:27:16The only reason you said you bought it was because your wife looks like the horse.
00:27:21I love you, Turner. But if you tell my wife, I'll kill you.
00:27:35Why don't we talk about something you would like, Trish?
00:27:57One and two.
00:28:12Hey, are you sure about this?
00:28:16A hundred percent.
00:28:20I told you. I'm at the club with Turner and Trish.
00:28:24You know, the girl who got promoted because Robert beat a woman.
00:28:32Is it true, Turner?
00:28:35Of course not. Michael's an idiot.
00:28:39He makes a good point.
00:28:42Robert assaulted a woman, so you need a woman to replace him.
00:28:46And he hits me in the office, so I'm like the best choice you have.
00:28:50Who are you to assume the reason I promoted you?
00:28:56You're right, Turner.
00:28:59Or, sorry, Mr. Lennon.
00:29:16Hey, Andy.
00:29:19Yeah, I'm the new EP for the production of Affinity Under Darkness.
00:29:24We agreed to talk about the potential investment today.
00:29:35Mr. Vandas? It's Trish. I'm inside.
00:29:39I'm upstairs. Follow the voice.
00:29:58Trish, follow the voice.
00:30:08Over here.
00:30:19Over here.
00:30:23Come on in. We'll talk business.
00:30:27There's no rush. I'll be right here.
00:30:30Come on. I like working in the bathtub. Like Trumbo.
00:30:34We are talking about films, right?
00:30:37I'm so sorry, Mr. Vandas. I'll be right here.
00:30:40For fuck's sake.
00:30:45Let me get this straight.
00:30:47You're taking over for Robert, and none of the other investors are talking to you.
00:30:51You're desperate to prove yourself, and I'm all you've got.
00:30:56You know how I know that?
00:30:59Well, you're still here, aren't you?
00:31:02Besides, it's written all over your face.
00:31:07Come to think of it, my house could use some cleaning, though.
00:31:22Come clean over here.
00:31:26Mr. Vandas, when can we talk about the film?
00:31:31You didn't want to talk business in the bathtub?
00:31:36Come clean over here.
00:31:39Mr. Vandas, when can we talk about the film?
00:31:44You didn't want to talk business in the bathtub?
00:31:49Maybe we'll talk about it when I'm satisfied with your cleaning.
00:32:09Come clean over here.
00:32:12Mr. Vandas, when can we talk about the film?
00:32:18You didn't want to talk business in the bathtub?
00:32:21Maybe we'll talk about it when I'm satisfied with your cleaning.
00:32:42Is there anything else I can help you with?
00:32:46No, you must be very tired from all of this cleaning.
00:32:51Why don't you sit down and have some wine?
00:33:09How's Tris doing now?
00:33:11I think she went out to see an investor and the rents, I think.
00:33:24Alright, let's talk about your film.
00:33:31Yes, it's a vampire love story based on a best-selling novel from 2015.
00:33:38Let's cut out the bullshit.
00:33:41How much do you need?
00:33:44It's already in production, so anywhere from 1 to 2 million would be greatly appreciated.
00:33:56I will give you 50 million dollars if you let me have you.
00:34:09Mr. Vandas, what are you doing?
00:34:12Don't pretend to be so innocent.
00:34:15I've made myself clear from the beginning and you're still here.
00:34:19So quit playing hard to get.
00:34:22I was just trying to be professional.
00:34:25Professional? We both know how you got this job.
00:34:29Who did you have to please?
00:34:31Michael? Turner?
00:34:34Who did you have to please?
00:34:36Michael? Turner?
00:34:39Mr. Vandas, please let go of me.
00:34:42You can pretend all you want, but you are nothing, nothing but a pretty face.
00:34:48I said let go of me!
00:34:52Turner? What the fuck?
00:35:04Turner? What the fuck?
00:35:10Hey, that punch was for laying your hands on her.
00:35:15What? She's yours?
00:35:17She's not your possession.
00:35:20You will respect her as you respect your own mother.
00:35:25Right then, I won't touch her. Fine.
00:35:29But you'll get nothing from me for your film.
00:35:33Suit yourself.
00:35:36If you ever lay a finger on her, ever again, I will end your life.
00:35:44Yeah, I'll be right here waiting for that.
00:36:00Find me all the dirt on Andy Randis by any means necessary.
00:36:15What happened?
00:36:19You were right. My dad was right. This job isn't for me.
00:36:26I'm just a fucking object of entertainment for these stupid men.
00:36:33Did Turner touch you? Did Andy?
00:36:36It was Andy.
00:36:39I just wanted to raise funding for the film and then he thought it was the fucking price for his investment.
00:36:47What did he do?
00:36:49Nothing. He got away.
00:36:53He got away or he got promoted?
00:37:37I'm better than you. You know it.
00:37:40Chad, you're hurting me.
00:37:41You want the job? Take it. Take the job.
00:38:08Are you looking for me?
00:38:26Turner, I...
00:38:27If you want to step down, please don't.
00:38:31I know you're great at statistics and analyzing.
00:38:35And you have wonderful instincts.
00:38:37You're just not used to socializing.
00:38:40You'll learn fast.
00:38:42And once you produce some successful films, no one will ever disrespect you ever again.
00:38:49Thank you for saying that, Turner.
00:38:51I was going to quit after Andy, but I decided to stay.
00:38:56Look, I'm really sorry you pulled the money. I promise I'll make it up to you.
00:39:00Don't worry.
00:39:02I've already got people digging up dirt on Andy.
00:39:05I'll take care of it.
00:39:11Did Andy do this?
00:39:14Was it your boyfriend?
00:39:16Tell me who it was and he will regret it till his dying day.
00:39:21Thank you for your support.
00:39:23But I know what to do now.
00:39:26So, where were you?
00:39:28Where was I?
00:39:30Is that your opening question?
00:39:32Why don't you just answer the question?
00:39:34Answer the question?
00:39:36Why do you get to ask me a question?
00:39:38Were you with Turner?
00:39:40Are you kidding me?
00:39:42You should be apologizing right now.
00:39:44Apologizing? Apologizing for what?
00:39:48I'm not the one who went to my boss's house to apologize.
00:39:51Apologizing for what?
00:39:53I'm not the one who went to my boss's house in the middle of the night and came back promoted.
00:39:57I'm not the one dressed like a prostitute and cries every time someone tries to touch me.
00:40:01And I'm not the one who ran to my boss only seconds after having sex with her fiancé.
00:40:07You pretty much raped me.
00:40:09I told you you were hurting me and you didn't stop.
00:40:13Look at this.
00:40:15Look at this.
00:40:17Look at this.
00:40:21I'm fucking home.
00:40:28I got you. I got you.
00:40:30What are you doing here?
00:40:32Chet said you were in trouble at work, so we were worried about you.
00:40:35You called them?
00:40:37You were really emotional earlier. I thought your parents could help calm you down.
00:40:40Are you shitting me? Have you ever seen me call my parents?
00:40:44Yes. Lower your voice.
00:40:46We did not raise you to yell at your husband.
00:40:50My husband?
00:40:52He raped me, Dad.
00:40:56Honey, he didn't mean that.
00:41:00Anyway, don't yell that word out.
00:41:03What if somebody hears you?
00:41:05I mean, that's not good.
00:41:08Are you taking his side?
00:41:10It's not about whose side we're taking.
00:41:13All right?
00:41:15I told you to quit the job and focus on your marriage.
00:41:18None of this nonsense would have happened if you would have just quit your job.
00:41:30Tris, don't do it. Don't do it, honey.
00:41:35Don't tell me what to do, Mom.
00:41:37I don't want to plan the fucking wedding.
00:41:41What about the ring you got me?
00:41:43Was it ever for me?
00:41:45Or was it for Rose?
00:41:47Or some other slut?
00:41:49I don't know.
00:41:51I don't know.
00:41:53I don't know.
00:41:55I don't know.
00:41:57Or was it for Rose?
00:41:59Or some other stupid bitch?
00:42:03And fuck marriage.
00:42:06Tris, just calm down.
00:42:09No, I'm not going to calm down.
00:42:11I'm not some obedient housewife.
00:42:14I'm a senior producer in Hollywood who knows how to shoot the fucking gun.
00:42:19You sure about that, Tris?
00:42:21It's not a toy.
00:42:24You still doubt me, Chad?
00:42:26You really thought I had to fuck Turner to get promoted?
00:42:31Since day one of my promotion, you neglected me and put me down like a little bitch you are.
00:42:40I believe you.
00:42:43I don't need you to believe me.
00:42:45Get on your knees and apologize.
00:42:57Get on your knees and apologize.
00:43:21You too, Dad.
00:43:22Get down.
00:43:23Come on, Tris.
00:43:25Get on your fucking knees!
00:43:38I'm sorry, Tris.
00:43:41For doubting you.
00:43:44For mistreating you.
00:43:48And raping you.
00:43:57I'm sorry for everything.
00:44:02If you want to be a producer, go for it.
00:44:05I'm happy for you.
00:44:08Get out of my house.
00:44:11All of you!
00:44:17Get out of my house.
00:44:20All of you!
00:44:26Get out of my house.
00:44:37Hey, Chad.
00:44:39Go get me a tall cappuccino with one and a half teaspoons of sugar, a little bit of caramel, a splash of camel milk, and some chocolate sprinkles on top.
00:44:49Oh, and stir it with a wooden straw, not plastic, of course.
00:44:53And I would like a croissant heated to 110 degrees.
00:44:56I'm sorry, what?
00:44:57I said I need it in 15 minutes, so chop chop.
00:45:03Okay, I know what you want revenge, so why don't you just fire me?
00:45:10Oh, you're not stupid.
00:45:12You are so not getting that layoff compensation.
00:45:18From now on, you're my errands boy.
00:45:21And every time you fuck up, you're getting closer to getting fired with cause.
00:45:29Now, be a good boy and fetch me that coffee.
00:45:52You look amazing.
00:45:56Well, thank you.
00:45:58You don't look half bad yourself.
00:46:09Please, try my secret recipe Caesar salad.
00:46:13Did you make it yourself or just tossed it?
00:46:17Yes, of course, I made it myself and I tossed it.
00:46:21It was one of the few things I learned from my mother.
00:46:24To be honest, when I was a kid, I used to look forward to that more than the Thanksgiving turkey.
00:46:31Well, now I can't tell you if it's bad.
00:46:41Oh my God.
00:46:44No wonder you wanted to have our first date at your place.
00:46:49This is the best Caesar salad I've ever had.
00:46:54Can you guess my secret recipe?
00:46:59Well, I'll go with gravy.
00:47:06You mentioned Thanksgiving and turkey, so...
00:47:10You're right.
00:47:12For real?
00:47:13For real.
00:47:15You are something else, Tris.
00:47:21You know that?
00:47:31It's beautiful.
00:47:33What's wrong, Tris?
00:47:34I wanted to ask, how's your digging and anti going?
00:47:37Oh, nothing yet.
00:47:40He's a tough nut to crack.
00:47:42Maybe I shouldn't bother you with this anymore.
00:47:45I have a new strategy.
00:47:48So, I started contacting investors' wives instead and they've shown me a lot of sympathy, so I almost made up for the loss.
00:48:02I know you're very smart and brave, but I'm here now.
00:48:10Just relax and chill.
00:48:12Enjoy the jacuzzi.
00:48:14I'll take care of everything else.
00:48:21Turner, I'm so sorry.
00:48:24Look, after all the abuse with Andy and my ex, I just, I don't think I'm ready for sex.
00:48:30Oh, Trish.
00:48:32You have nothing to be sorry for.
00:48:34I'll be right here.
00:48:36Sex or no sex.
00:48:39Thank you.
00:48:45Come in.
00:48:49Your coffee.
00:48:51Off you go.
00:48:59Tris, it's been over a week. Can we talk peacefully now?
00:49:04I'm peaceful.
00:49:06Tris, I hurt you and I'm sorry.
00:49:09My jealousy got the best of me.
00:49:11I'm truly, truly sorry.
00:49:13But can we please talk?
00:49:19Look, I know I don't deserve you, so I just want to talk about how we split everything up.
00:49:23The house, the cars, all of it.
00:49:25Now we can finally be at peace.
00:49:34I'm staying at the Stafford Hotel, room 307.
00:49:37Meet me there after work?
00:49:40Come in.
00:49:44Your coffee.
00:49:46Off you go.
00:49:54Tris, it's been over a week. Can we talk peacefully now?
00:49:59I'm peaceful.
00:50:01Tris, I hurt you and I'm sorry.
00:50:04My jealousy got the best of me.
00:50:06I'm truly, truly sorry.
00:50:08But can we please talk?
00:50:14Look, I know I don't deserve you, so I just want to talk about how we split everything up.
00:50:18The house, the cars, all of it.
00:50:20Now we can finally be at peace.
00:50:29I'm staying at the Stafford Hotel, room 307.
00:50:32Meet me there after work?
00:50:48Yeah, she'll be there.
00:50:49Stafford Hotel, room 307.
00:50:51Just knock.
00:50:52Alright, as long as you honor our deal.
00:50:58Against the company policy to make a phone call now?
00:51:01No, I was just passing by.
00:51:03Alright, I'll go back to work.
00:51:11Yeah, she'll be there.
00:51:12Stafford Hotel, room 307.
00:51:14Just knock.
00:51:15Alright, as long as you honor our deal.
00:51:23Against the company policy to make a phone call now?
00:51:25No, I was just passing by.
00:51:27Alright, I'll go back to work.
00:51:30I know you were interested.
00:51:38Yeah, she'll be there.
00:51:40Stafford Hotel, room 307.
00:51:42Just knock.
00:51:43Alright, as long as you honor our deal.
00:51:50Against the company policy to make a phone call now?
00:51:52No, I was just passing by.
00:51:54Alright, I'll go back to work.
00:51:57I know you and Tris were dating.
00:52:00I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
00:52:07You better not do anything to go against Tris.
00:52:09Because if you do, I will beat you until your own mother doesn't recognize you.
00:52:16Don't worry, buddy.
00:52:17We're just friends now.
00:52:46I got his tickets to the jazz festival at the Hollywood Bowl.
00:52:49What do you say?
00:52:51I'm sorry, Turner.
00:52:54I wish I could go, but I made plans today.
00:52:57But you have friends.
00:53:16Thank you for coming.
00:53:19You're welcome.
00:53:30I know you prefer water when you drive, so...
00:53:33Thank you.
00:53:35Do you have any dishes?
00:53:37I think I'm out.
00:53:39Yeah, I believe they have some in the bathroom.
00:53:50I'll go get them for you.
00:54:15Nice job.
00:54:16Nice job.
00:54:18Just be sure to give me credit when you mess the film.
00:54:33Did you drug me?
00:54:35Oh, I didn't drug you.
00:54:37Your boyfriend did.
00:54:40I'm just here to make you feel good.
00:54:57What did you do to Tris?
00:54:59Oh, so you heard me earlier.
00:55:01Doesn't matter, you're too late anyway.
00:55:02Where is the room key?
00:55:04What are you going to do?
00:55:05Beat me in public?
00:55:10Don't even bother.
00:55:12You will steal the whole thing.
00:55:15But you won't be able to move a muscle.
00:55:18That's what you get for killing me in the balls.
00:55:23You girls just don't understand.
00:55:25Where is the key?
00:55:26If I want you, I will have you eventually.
00:55:30Where is the room key?
00:55:31If you had said yes the first time...
00:55:34Give me the key.
00:55:35The outcome would have been the same.
00:55:37But you would have your investment.
00:55:40Give me the key.
00:55:44Come on.
00:55:55Didn't you know I'm dating Turner now?
00:55:58How could you do this to me?
00:56:00He would dare to do anything.
00:56:01He would have done it the first time I tried this.
00:56:09What the fuck?
00:56:12What the hell?
00:56:16That imbecile.
00:56:19Maybe not today.
00:56:20But sooner or later, I'm going to have your little girlfriend.
00:56:26Before you say anything you'll regret.
00:56:28Check your phone.
00:56:32Hiding income?
00:56:34Fraudulent tax returns?
00:56:36And deceiving blackmail?
00:56:40Board members?
00:56:41Everything is in that file.
00:56:43I can end your life right here.
00:56:46Right now.
00:56:48Please, Turner, no.
00:56:50I'm sorry.
00:56:51Please don't.
00:56:53I didn't do anything to her yet.
00:56:56You're saying sorry to me?
00:57:02I'm sorry.
00:57:05I don't know what got into me.
00:57:06I'm so sorry, Tris.
00:57:10I'm so sorry, Tris.
00:57:11I'm sorry.
00:57:12I'm sorry.
00:57:13Please forgive me.
00:57:14It's your choice, Trish.
00:57:19Those files were going to own her for life.
00:57:22It would be a waste to put her in jail.
00:57:27You hurt her.
00:57:28Now get the fuck out of my face.
00:57:31Get up and get the fuck out of my face right now.
00:57:43Are you alright?
00:57:45I'm just starting to feel my body again.
00:57:49I'm sorry.
00:57:51I'm sorry I was late.
00:57:54I just have to thank you for saving me again.
00:58:11Turner, I'm sorry.
00:58:13I'm just not ready yet.
00:58:16But I saved you.
00:58:19I saved you over and over again.
00:58:23When is it enough?
00:58:24I said, when is it enough?
00:58:27Don't move.
00:58:32Where did you get that gun?
00:58:36Where did you get that gun?
00:58:40Is that the first question you're going to ask me?
00:58:44I figured I'd start somewhere.
00:58:46I hid it under the pillow when Chad wasn't looking.
00:58:51So you were never paralyzed.
00:58:54Of course not.
00:58:57Do you have any tissues?
00:58:59I think I'm out.
00:59:01Yeah, I believe they have some in the bathroom.
00:59:13I'll go get them for you.
00:59:36You truly are something else.
00:59:38Aren't you, Trish?
00:59:42How did you know Chad was up to this?
00:59:46I was listening this whole time.
00:59:53I knew everything.
00:59:55From the general plan to the kind of pill they're going to give me.
00:59:59I knew it all.
01:00:01That gun might keep you safe here tonight.
01:00:06But not when we're at work every single day.
01:00:11Well, in that case, I suggest you check your phone.
01:00:24You bitch!
01:00:30Who would have thought that the most powerful producer in all Hollywood
01:00:35would have such a terrifying fetish towards women?
01:00:44And the most cliché part of it all,
01:00:47you filmed it!
01:00:53How did you find out?
01:00:57Well, before our last little date, I overheard you on the phone.
01:01:04You got any dirt on Andy Randis?
01:01:07Huh. Okay. Good.
01:01:11That'll cut him off at the knees.
01:01:19Then, when we were in Jacuzzi,
01:01:22I asked you if you had any dirt on Andy
01:01:26and you lied.
01:01:29I wanted to ask you,
01:01:32how's your digging on Andy going?
01:01:35Oh, nothing yet.
01:01:38He's a tough nut to crack.
01:01:41So I wanted to find out why you lied.
01:01:46And I asked your friend Michael.
01:01:48By the way, little note,
01:01:52don't tell friends who can't keep a secret, secrets.
01:01:57Michael might be the simplest man I know.
01:02:00To be honest, I don't even know how he became your friend.
01:02:04All I had to do was put on a more revealing dress,
01:02:07get him drunk,
01:02:08and he just told me everything.
01:02:12So the next time I was at your house,
01:02:15I sneaked into the little basement Michael told me about.
01:02:19And guess what I found?
01:02:27All right. You got me.
01:02:32What do you want, Tris?
01:02:35I want 25% of the shares out of 51 you have.
01:02:41Why don't you just take the whole 51% and leak the videos?
01:02:45Because if I leak your videos,
01:02:48the company stock will go down and I'll get nothing.
01:02:51But if I keep my 25%,
01:02:55I'll get you as my servant for life.
01:03:05Trish! Trish, Trish, Trish.
01:03:10You are something else.
01:03:41Morning, guys.
01:03:44Michael might be the simplest man I know.
01:03:47To be honest, I don't even know how he became your friend.
01:03:50All I had to do was put on a more revealing dress,
01:03:53get him drunk,
01:03:54and he just told me everything.
01:03:58So the next time I was at your house,
01:04:01I sneaked into the little basement Michael told me about.
01:04:05And guess what I found?
01:04:15All right. You got me.
01:04:19What do you want, Tris?
01:04:22I want 25% of the shares out of 51 you have.
01:04:28Why don't you just take the whole 51% and leak the videos?
01:04:32Because if I leak your videos,
01:04:35the company stock will go down and I'll get nothing.
01:04:38But if I keep my 25%,
01:04:41I'll get you as my servant for life.
01:04:51Trish! Trish, Trish, Trish.
01:04:56You are something else.
01:05:21Morning, guys.