• 2 months ago


00:00I thought these bodies were the end of my story.
00:21The answers I'd been looking for.
00:25But sometimes, the dead have their own agenda.
00:34All right, folks, show's over. Everybody go home.
00:37Ah, Sergeant, would you like to ask me a few questions?
00:39Thanks, Barry. Carl, home.
00:40You're a bit late, Sergeant.
00:42This is an official crime scene now. Everybody go home.
00:49Hey, have we solved the mystery?
00:52That would be amazing. We've only been here a few days.
00:56Seamus killed him.
00:58No, he said he didn't know what happened to them.
01:00Because killers always tell the truth.
01:03Leave now, or I'll arrest you!
01:06We should go.
01:15Where's Sean? He was here a few minutes ago.
01:18I'll call him.
01:19Fucking Sean. How much are you paying him to never be around?
01:23Yeah, he seems very busy.
01:25I can't find my phone. I must have left it in his car.
01:27Here, use mine.
01:36It's your boy, Sean.
01:40There's my phone in Sean's car. I've been at Darragh's.
01:43And how are we supposed to get there?
02:10This is it.
02:12It is what the app says.
02:19What was that?
02:31Oh my God!
02:33Oh my God!
02:35Oh my God!
02:37Oh my God!
02:42That's Sean's car.
03:08Are they talking about me?
03:11Where the fuck were you? You were late again.
03:14Yeah, I tried to tell you.
03:16A podcaster's found a pair of bodies in the bog.
03:21Yeah, in the boot of a car.
03:28What are you giving children air guns for?
03:32When I told you to get rid of the seagulls, I meant fucking...
03:36...poison or something.
03:41Send your flunkies home.
03:43Did you see that?
03:45The haunted look of a guilty man.
03:48More like shock.
03:50Or surprise.
03:52All right, lads. Come on.
03:53Come on, fuck off. You heard him. Let's go.
03:55Keep up the pace there.
03:57Actually, you know what? Give me back the guns.
04:00Give me the guns.
04:03Give me the guns.
04:05Give me the guns.
04:13I saw those two in the pub give money to Sean.
04:16Whatever's going on here, Gilbert, your podcast is in that warehouse.
04:22You need this.
04:33What is this place?
04:35We'll just have to see, won't we?
04:42What do you think is in there?
04:46It's so creepy.
05:03Can you see anything?
05:18Be careful, Dove.
05:22What the...
05:33Oh, my God, Dove.
05:35Dove, are you okay?
05:37Are you all right, Dove?
05:38What did he do? I don't know.
05:39I'm okay.
05:41I'm okay.
05:49I'm okay.
05:51I'm grand.
05:56Oh, my God.
06:01There is something...
06:06Get them off me!
06:12What the fuck are they?
06:14Juvenile anguilla anguilla.
06:16They're eels.
06:18Baby eels.
06:20You've got to be fucking kidding.
06:23You two, from the car.
06:25Get down, I know.
06:30On the floor.
06:34Sorry, who are you?
06:36They're the ones that ran me over.
06:39Oh, my God, you were at the pub.
06:41We're from Interpol.
06:45Wildlife Crimes and Environmental Action Group.
06:48Wildlife what?
06:49Watkin is the center of an international eel smuggling operation.
06:53Eels? Seriously?
06:55Yes. Eels.
06:57And if you jeopardize any part of this operation,
07:00we'll shut down your podcast and arrest all of you.
07:03Sorry, you ran me over for fucking eels.
07:06You came out of nowhere.
07:07Stay away from this warehouse.
07:09And most importantly, stay away from Seamus Galloway.
07:12Got it?
07:19Oh, my God.
07:20Eel smuggling is the biggest animal trafficking crime in the world.
07:24Eel populations are dwindling, but they're a cultural delicacy worldwide,
07:27especially Japan, so the prices are soaring.
07:29Yeah, unagi.
07:30And there's so valuable international gangs in our muscling inn.
07:33No wonder Interpol are involved.
07:35They can't even arrest anyone without begging locals for help.
07:38Interpol are nothing to worry about.
07:40Those are actually really interesting.
07:42Oh, God.
07:43Gilbert, this is great.
07:45Seamus killed his brother and girlfriend 25 years ago,
07:48and now he's being busted for international eel smuggling.
07:51You wanted a story, this one's gonna blow people's heads off.
07:53Except that Interpol are gonna arrest us if we pursue it.
07:56Oh, fuck Interpol.
07:57But is it worth putting ourselves at risk over it?
07:59Gilbert, you told me you needed a hit.
08:01This is it.
08:02Yeah, but a hit's no good if we're in prison.
08:04Gilbert, you need to...
08:05Look, this is my podcast.
08:07I make the rules.
08:08All right, we're following orders,
08:10and we're staying away from Seamus.
08:12End of story.
08:15End of story.
09:21I confess to Almighty God
09:23that I have sinned in my thoughts, words, and deeds,
09:26in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do.
10:03Gilbert wants to meet in 20.
10:09Fine, yeah.
10:11I'll be there.
10:20Mr. Shea?
10:30That's for what your lady friend did to me.
10:32Please, please, can we talk about this?
10:34I don't have it.
10:35It's time you pay up.
10:42Make it brief.
10:44Damien, what's going on?
10:46The story here is getting wild.
10:48Call me back.
10:50Everything okay?
10:52Where's Gilbert?
10:53Finishing breakfast.
10:55Got my phone back from Sean.
11:01Where the hell is he?
11:02I swear, he was here before.
11:07Well, what if you and I just handle things on our own?
11:12You mean go after Seamus?
11:14You said you want to do what I do.
11:17This is your chance.
11:21Do you want to be an Emmy,
11:24or do you want to be a scissor?
11:29Open up, you fucker.
11:31Come on, out you go.
11:36That's a little look into your future.
11:38You have 24 hours to get me my money,
11:41or next time, this ride ends very differently.
11:45I thought you were a hippie.
11:47What happened to peace and love?
11:49Peace, love.
11:51And pay your fucking debts!
12:04What are you thinking?
12:06We need to prove Seamus killed Malachy and Fiona.
12:09Talk to someone who knew Malachy,
12:11but we need to be careful not to trigger Interpol, right?
12:15There's always another angle.
12:19Yeah, it is Malachy and Seamus.
12:23Who does this look like to you?
12:25Oh, shit, it's Sergeant Power.
12:31Good morning.
12:33Could you sign our petition?
12:35The Samhain Safety Committee believes we can't possibly have a festival now we've found two bodies in the bog.
12:39More fuss!
12:57I've got nothing to say to you.
12:59Seamus Gallagher is not only a notorious criminal
13:02living in Bodkin under an assumed identity,
13:04but he's also intimately connected with Fiona and Malachy.
13:08I'm guessing you knew that already.
13:11You knew Malachy.
13:13You knew Seamus.
13:17Who knows what else you're hiding.
13:21You fancy yourself a real agate to Christie, don't you?
13:24I think Seamus discovered Malachy was shifting his girl.
13:27I think he killed them both.
13:29And I think you had something to do with it.
13:31Bollocks. That's a fantasy.
13:33Well, that's what our podcast is going to say.
13:35Unless you want to set the record straight.
13:38There was no affair.
13:41Malachy and Fiona were killed by the McArdle brothers.
13:44The McArdle brothers?
13:46What the hell would they be doing down in Bodkin?
13:49Smugglers have flocked here for generations.
13:51Tunnels and hidey-holes all over West Cork.
13:53Who were the McArdle brothers?
13:55Gangsters. Hard men from up north.
13:57Very hard men.
13:59I spotted the McArdles in town that night.
14:01Then Fiona and Malachy disappeared.
14:03And then they came back.
14:06Then Fiona and Malachy disappeared.
14:08It wasn't that hard to put two and two together.
14:10So why didn't you arrest them?
14:12Jesus. You arrest those nutters.
14:16You should put a stop to all this podcast nonsense.
14:19And leave Will enough alone.
14:21What about Teddy?
14:22Why did he disappear that night? Was he involved somehow?
14:26My Teddy had nothing to do with that night.
14:29He went off to meet that slimy fuck, Fintan McGurk.
14:32Whatever happened to Teddy was his fault.
14:34You fucking wagon...
14:44Why'd you let him speak to you like that?
14:46I... I didn't mean to.
14:49Scissors, you realise everything you say sounds like an apology?
14:53The power's full of shite.
14:55Oh. How do you know?
14:58Well, it's too easy.
15:00Gangsters from up north popped down to Bodkin and killed Fiona and Malachy.
15:03And then Seamus just appears and takes over the business.
15:06No. I don't buy it.
15:08The power's covering for Seamus.
15:11If we could connect Seamus to the car in the bog...
15:14Look, the car was impounded.
15:16I can try and find out where they've taken it.
15:18I can tell you where the car is.
15:20For 20 euro.
15:24Pay the girl.
15:26Try and find out where that idiot Sean is.
15:30He's still our only ride.
15:43Hey, it's Amber. Please leave a message.
15:47Hey, it's me.
15:49Just wanted to let you know that things are good.
15:53Things are getting pretty interesting here.
15:58I wish you were here right now.
16:00I could really use your advice.
16:02Anyway, uh...
16:05Just, uh...
16:11Never mind.
16:15Lady problems.
16:23Have you just tried telling her how you feel?
16:27Look, I'm really in the middle of something.
16:30I need to be alone right now.
16:33So please...
16:37Okay, Gilbert Power.
16:39Thank you.
17:01You need to dance.
17:08Let it all go.
17:10Come on.
17:15There you go.
17:17There you go.
17:20When was the last time you danced with your woman?
17:24I don't remember.
17:27I don't remember.
17:32Well, the next time you see her, the first thing you do...
17:36Put on some music and move.
17:41Reminder you're alive.
17:50I have a favor to ask.
17:53What is it?
17:55How about the bodies?
18:00I've heard about your little money problem with those fucking hippie gobshites.
18:04I could help you with that.
18:07Uh-huh. Eight thousand, was it?
18:09We could smooth that over.
18:11But why?
18:13Well, I want you to promise that you won't mention me in your podcast.
18:17What I said in the boat.
18:19I just want to be forgotten, Gilbert.
18:22I just want to forget.
18:24And you can afford to just give me 8,000 euros?
18:28There's a lot of important things in this world, but money isn't one of them.
18:33Do I have your word?
18:35You'll let me be?
18:42I promise.
18:44Good man.
18:46Jez, let's get you cleaned up, huh?
19:19Eyes front, Sean.
19:21No fucking off today, yeah?
19:23I need you to stick around and not just disappear.
19:27You got it, chief.
19:29It's absurd. Fintan would have anything to do with Teddy's disappearance.
19:33He's not that kind of guy.
19:36What kind of guy is he?
19:39Well, he's, um...
19:41You fucked him, didn't you?
19:44It's not really... not really relevant.
19:48Keep telling yourself that.
19:54Let's go, César.
20:08So what?
20:09Did you get something out of Fintan?
20:13So why'd you fuck him?
20:15It wasn't like that.
20:16Like what?
20:18Like a transaction. I actually liked the guy.
20:20You do realize it's twice as hard for women to be taken seriously in this line of work, right?
20:25So be professional.
20:26Small towns like this, people talk.
20:28So blithely fucking some nerd with a Tesla only makes your job harder.
20:39So what's the professional way to get past the bell end?
20:41Break in?
20:42Have you got a better idea?
20:44You have to be kidding me. Is that what you did?
20:47César, you broke into the library and an illegal eel warehouse and you stole a file from Power.
20:53Now you're boning a suspect.
20:56But sure, I'm the cunt.
21:12Is this really the way to the bank?
21:15I don't know. I have to make a quick stop before we get the money.
21:29Must be good to think of something else after yesterday's tragedy.
21:36The bodies.
21:41Fucking sheep!
21:46Not the money.
21:48So tell me.
21:51Has he a nice big wallet? Has he?
21:54So what on earth are you talking about?
21:57Yeah, sure, I don't have a server farm or...
22:02But I've got big things on the horizon. I have plans.
22:10I see you, you know.
22:14Like I actually see you.
22:17So what are you doing running around like a three-legged dog after her?
22:23I thought we had a little something, fighting our way up from the bottom.
22:29Sean, you and me, we're not...
22:35I don't think this is what you think it is.
22:40You saved yours, they're all the same.
22:42I care in the world about anyone but yourselves.
22:45Now come on, we've got an important meeting to get to.
22:48We're paying you to drive us.
22:50Well, why don't you get Mr. Microchip to send you a helicopter, huh?
22:59Fucking Sean!
23:10Can I help you?
23:12Yeah, hi. Just the man I was looking for.
23:16I was hoping to speak to you about the podcast.
23:21Well, I do have a certain insight into the goings-on in town.
23:27I have a podcast myself about the football.
23:31It's fairly interesting. We do an awful lot of analysis.
23:36Tell me about it.
23:38Well, it's a beautiful sport.
23:40It is, like I say at the end of every episode,
23:42everything you ever needed to know about life can be found in 90 Minutes of Football.
23:48Chris, that was boring.
23:52Look what I found in the glove compartment.
23:54St. Bridget's Cross.
23:56Like on Teddy's knives.
23:58Where's Sean?
24:00He left.
24:02Fucking hell, Scissor.
24:04It'd be more useful if you'd fuck Sean.
24:06At least that way he'd stick around.
24:08Why do you even want to do this?
24:10Excuse me?
24:11Well, I see that watch on your wrist. You're a girl who has options.
24:14You know, it's fucking hard to be a journalist.
24:16It pays like shit, and even if you're good,
24:18the highest price you can get is to be a journalist.
24:20I'm not a journalist.
24:22I'm a journalist.
24:24I'm a journalist.
24:26It pays like shit, and even if you're good,
24:28the high and mighty only want to silence you.
24:30I just...
24:32I want to do something real, something that matters.
24:34I don't know.
24:36Like how Daddy set you up with a cushy, corporate, well-paid job.
24:38As a matter of fact, he did.
24:42Didn't work out.
24:43You boned the wrong person there, too.
24:45Dad, would you please just fuck off?
24:51There she is.
24:57Now, what do you make of this?
25:00Must be Teddy's.
25:02I agree.
25:04Power is covering for Seamus,
25:06and somehow, Teddy's involved.
25:08Maybe Teddy saw it happen,
25:10and Power had to hide him away for a few days.
25:12I agree.
25:14If we can prove this is Teddy's, we can use it as leverage
25:16to get Power to tell us who owns the car.
25:18He doesn't want his son involved in any of this.
25:20Teddy's not likely to admit anything.
25:22What was Power talking about?
25:24About Teddy meeting Fintan that night.
25:26Fintan told me they were friends, but they fell out after that one.
25:30You think you can get him to talk to Teddy?
25:48What are we doing here?
25:50I just have a bit of business to attend to.
25:52I'll be back in a jiffy.
26:10Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.
26:12Oh, fuck.
26:14We represent a consortium of Japanese seafood buyers.
26:16We lost their supplier,
26:18and are looking for a new one.
26:20You don't look Japanese to me.
26:22The interests we represent
26:24are very concerned about privacy.
26:40What are you looking for?
26:50Do you know that eels
26:52are one of the biggest mysteries in nature?
26:54You know, we've
26:56been to the moon,
26:58we've split the atom,
27:00but we have no fucking idea
27:02how eels breed.
27:04And they can live in the sea,
27:06rivers, ponds,
27:08even fucking ditches.
27:10And if they want to,
27:12they can go to England,
27:14and they live to over 100 years old.
27:18So eels are nothing but mystery.
27:20And mystery
27:22is magic.
27:24So I hope
27:26we never find out
27:28how eels fuck.
27:30Huh? What a cruel and banal world
27:32where we know the truth of everything.
27:38There are some questions
27:40that aren't made to be answered.
27:48We sell flounder,
27:50place, and a bit of mullet,
27:52but no eels.
27:56It's illegal to sell eels.
27:58We'll give you
28:001,200 per kilo.
28:02How many kilos?
28:04Everything you've got.
28:34Arigato gozaimasu.
28:46Will you be in touch?
28:54That's double the Spanish offer.
28:56Fuck me, we're dripping in cash.
29:00We should talk about some flounders.
29:02Shut the fuck up.
29:04How did you meet them?
29:06They approached me.
29:08Heard about me, like.
29:10Find out all you can about them.
29:12Make sure they're legit.
29:14Yeah, I did. They're fucking sound.
29:16Oi, that's fourteen-fucking-fifty.
29:18And we can wave goodbye to those
29:20fucking Spanish pricks
29:22Pablo and Hector.
29:36Is there something wrong?
29:46My mother used to
29:48My mother used to make a homemade salad for that.
29:50Gosh, yes.
29:52It smelled like wet dogs.
29:54So, uh, how did your
29:56business meeting go?
29:58Oh, it was just a couple of tourists
30:00looking to rent me a boat for sailing.
30:02It's a great view of the bonfires from the harbour.
30:06Do you need to see a doctor?
30:08No, no, no.
30:10It'll work itself out.
30:14Time to
30:16head to the bank, right?
30:20Something like that.
30:22How many have you got?
30:26That's nowhere near enough.
30:28I need more speakers,
30:32I just need it to be loud.
30:34I want the fucking hollow to be shaking.
30:38I'll call you back.
30:41What a nice surprise.
30:43Just passing by.
30:49I, uh, wanted to call,
30:51but I was
30:53trying to play it cool.
30:55No, you did.
30:59I've been
31:01thinking a lot about what you said the other night.
31:03About the festival.
31:05It's wild.
31:07We're so close to knowing what really happened at the last one.
31:09Fucking 2.0.
31:11The past is over, right? And we're...
31:13We found this near the site where the bodies were dumped.
31:19So, this was Teddy's.
31:21It might be linked to the bodies.
31:23And to whatever happened to Teddy that night.
31:27We finally know what happened, but...
31:29but not why.
31:31Imagine if we could
31:33work out the truth.
31:35You'd have a great podcast.
31:37If the mystery was solved before Samhain,
31:39you could finally put all those questions to bed.
31:41The festival could really be a beginning.
31:43For you and Bodkin.
31:45Bodkin 2.0.
31:47The opposition to you,
31:49the plans, the festival,
31:51could all just go away.
31:57What are you suggesting?
32:01I think you should take this to Teddy's.
32:03And do what?
32:05Apologise? Make amends?
32:07See if this triggers any memories?
32:09I'm not going to apologise
32:11for something I did as a teenager.
32:13It's all in the past now.
32:15But it's not in the past.
32:17Something happened to Teddy, and if he sees this and remembers,
32:19we could solve two murders.
32:25maybe help Teddy find some peace.
32:31No more shitpants.
32:35Make you breathe.
32:41Fenton's agreed to talk to Teddy.
32:45You'll need to record their conversation.
32:47For the podcast?
32:49No, leverage against power.
32:51No, I can't.
32:53It's wrong.
32:55When I was 12,
32:57my mum took me for a walk.
32:59It was a long walk.
33:01It was a long walk.
33:03My mum took me for a walk.
33:05She dropped me at a convent,
33:07and I never saw her again.
33:09I never had anything handed to me.
33:13I had to carve a life for myself.
33:15I had a fucking stone using my own bloody fingers.
33:17So if you want to achieve anything,
33:21if you want to be anything like me,
33:23then toughen the fuck up.
33:27There has to be another way
33:29besides using people's trauma.
33:31All stories are about someone's trauma.
33:35Come on.
33:37You got us this far, Emmy.
33:39Now it's time to bring it home.
33:41Oh, hi.
33:43Emmy said you wouldn't mind
33:45bringing us back into town.
33:53It's scissor time.
34:01I don't want to talk about it.
34:03We used to be friends, Teddy.
34:05Best friends.
34:07He threw cow shit at me,
34:09ran off with Siobhan and Michael.
34:11Told me to fuck off.
34:13I was an arsehole.
34:15Probably still am.
34:17I just wanted it.
34:19I don't know.
34:21Hang with the cool kids.
34:23Impress them.
34:25Are you fucking me over?
34:29You've been back in town for a year.
34:33Why knock on my door now?
34:35I'm selling.
34:37Brings a lot back up.
34:39For what it's worth,
34:41that night went shit for me.
34:43Siobhan gave me some mushrooms
34:45she bought off those new-age travellers.
34:47Ran off with the others,
34:49left me tripping my face off.
34:53I don't know.
34:55I don't know.
34:57Shat my fucking pants
34:59right there in the woods.
35:05I had to walk two miles
35:07home smelling like a slurry tank.
35:11What is it with you and shitting yourself?
35:19I'm just really fucking sorry.
35:21I'm sorry for not showing up
35:23and I'm sorry for whatever happened to you that night.
35:27Fuck it.
35:29It's over, I'm done.
35:31But it's not.
35:33We still don't know what happened to you.
35:35I thought if I could
35:37help you remember
35:39what happened.
35:43Emi found this.
35:45She thinks it might be a
35:47clue to what happened to you.
35:49Do you recognise it?
35:51Is it?
35:55Is it yours?
35:59It's got my mark, doesn't it?
36:03I bought it
36:05and gave it to my dad for his birthday.
36:07I was
36:11He acted like it was the best gift he ever got.
36:15Kept it in his car.
36:17For protection, he said.
36:21He was scared about his away, he said.
36:23Things were different then.
36:43Teddy gave that knife
36:45to Power, which means the car we found in the bog
36:47must be Power's.
36:49Power is not James's.
36:51It must have been Power who walked out of the bog that night.
36:53I need to hear the recording.
36:55Why? I told you the important stuff.
36:57Because I want to hear it for myself.
37:01Give it to me.
37:03Stop it.
37:05Don't fuck with me.
37:07Don't get on me.
37:11Stop it.
37:19I'm sorry for not showing up, but
37:21I'm sorry for whatever happened to you that night.
37:23Fuck it.
37:25It's over, I'm done.
37:27But it's not.
37:29You recorded us.
37:31I can explain, OK?
37:33It's not...
37:35No need.
37:39Fintan, please, it's not.
37:41It's not what...
37:43Please, it's not. It's not what...
37:49Where are you, Scissor?
37:51That's the second ride
37:53you've lost us today.
37:55What the fuck is wrong with you?
37:57You're a fucking
38:01Oh, sweethearts.
38:03Let me just tell the truth.
38:05Fuck off!
38:13Fuck off!
38:35Just give me a minute.
39:598,000, right?
40:03Where did you get this?
40:05An entrepreneur always has
40:07something squirreled away for a rainy day.
40:13My dad
40:15never had two pennies to rub together.
40:17And if he did have a bit of money,
40:19he spent it on drink.
40:21No point
40:23in having it, he'd say.
40:25The man's only gonna take it from you.
40:27Better off investing
40:29in a pint of plain.
40:31He keeled over
40:33when I was 15,
40:35and I promised myself I'd never be poor.
40:37I'd look
40:39after Malachy.
40:41I'd be a real man.
40:53Come on now, Emmy.
41:27How are you, Frank?
41:29How's the day treating you?
41:33You got something for me?
41:35It's all of it.
41:41you leave this man alone, you hear me?
41:45This isn't everything.
41:47There's the interest.
41:55I'm only fucking with you.
41:57Joke on.
41:59A joke?
42:01It wasn't fucking funny.
42:25A hundred?
42:29That enough interest to you?
42:33And if I ever have to come back here again,
42:35I'll staple so much money
42:37to your fucking nuts,
42:39you'll be pissing euros out your dead-limb dick.
42:45Do you understand me?
43:07I'm sorry you had to witness that.
43:13It's fine.
43:17I used to have anger problems.
43:19Oh, yeah?
43:25It's been a strange day.
43:34How did they look?
43:41Theon and Malachy.
43:45when they're stuffed in there or tied up.
43:51Did they look in pain?
43:57You wanna see them?
44:07The mystery man reappears.
44:09Fucked up.
44:11I know I said to stay away from Seamus, but...
44:13Forget it.
44:15The car in the bog's Powers.
44:17What? How do you know that?
44:19Long story.
44:21I knew Seamus didn't do it.
44:23Well, don't say anything to Seamus about Power.
44:25They might be in it together.
44:27We don't know.
44:29We need to work this out.
44:31You okay?
44:35I need a favor.
44:37For the podcast.
44:41We're out of batteries.
44:47What's up with her?
44:49She'll get over it.
44:55What's the favor?
45:01I don't know.
45:17Didn't expect to see you at my doorstep.
45:19I haven't not been thinking about you.
45:25So, you decided to woo me with red wine?
45:27After the poutine.
45:29Thought we'd take it slow.
45:37This is nice.
45:39Not what I expected.
45:41Most places are so stuffy.
45:43And dour.
45:45Why can't a funeral home be nice?
45:47I, uh, I'd bring you upstairs,
45:49with the flats at tip.
45:51Have a seat, I'll, um, grab some glasses.
45:57Thank you.
45:59Be quick about it.
47:25Look at that.
47:27I hated that fucking tour.
47:29When we were kids,
47:31he paid me to chop it off.
47:33Mom caught me just
47:35as I was raising the meat cleaver.
47:39She was more worried about
47:41blood on the carpet.
47:45I used to...
47:53I've done things I'm not proud of, Gilbert.
47:57I stole from the wrong people.
48:01Would you look at him?
48:05Did they hurt Mal?
48:09Did they torture him?
48:11Kneecap him?
48:19Did they touch her?
48:23Was it quick?
48:27Or did they drag it out?
48:45Disappeared, they said.
48:47Well, I tried hard to imagine
48:49they'd run off together.
48:51You know?
48:53Australia, Canada, Costa Rica.
49:01Surrounded by kids.
49:07And every night, they'd laugh at me.
49:11And I'd be so fucking mad.
49:15Them laughing at the stupid old fucking fool.
49:21Being mad made it easier.
49:33Deep down,
49:35I knew the truth.
49:43My cartels took everything from me.
49:51Now it was all my fault.
49:55My fault.
50:21You were an actor.
50:25And now you're a mortician.
50:29People are nicer.
50:33You're a good crack.
50:37Just a good crack?
50:53Phone always rings just as things get interesting.
50:55Fuck, I'm sorry.
50:57We'll give you some space.
51:01Damien, before you say anything,
51:03you need to know this story is massive.
51:05Like, front page.
51:07Pride women. Massive.
51:09Dove, extradition order has been signed.
51:11They're bringing you home to face charges.
51:13It's over.
51:15I'm sorry.
51:17I'm sorry.
51:37I'm sorry, she's gonna sign. I think we have to go.
51:41Turns out death is every bit as complicated as life itself.
51:43It has its twists and turns,
51:45surprises and solutions.
51:51Sometimes you think you've found the answers.
51:57Is something, uh, wrong?
51:59She only wore parcels.
52:01She had her front teeth knocked out
52:03when she was a schoolgirl.
52:05But all you've really found
52:07are more questions.
52:09I haven't a clue who this is.
52:11But it isn't fucking Fiona.
52:41Another round.
52:43Another round.
52:45Another round.
52:47Another round.
52:49Another round.
52:51Another round.
52:53Another round.
52:55Another round.
52:57Another round.
52:59Another round.
53:01Another round.
53:03Another round.
53:05Another round.
53:07Another round.
53:09Another round.
53:11Another round.
53:13Another round.
53:15Another round.
53:17Another round.
53:19Another round.
53:21Another round.
53:23Another round.
53:25Another round.
53:27Another round.
53:29Another round.
53:31Another round.
53:33Another round.
53:35Another round.
53:37You'll still be that bitter man
53:41They are changing
53:43all the tabs.
53:45Switching off the lights in every
53:49If the last call
53:51has an ending,
53:53I swear to God there's nothing left
53:55for you.
54:29© transcript Emily Beynon
54:59© transcript Emily Beynon
55:29© transcript Emily Beynon
55:59© transcript Emily Beynon
