Oggy and the Cockroaches

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HA Entertainments
Oggy and the cockroaches


00:00You'll make all the contestants laugh by looking at his body, brother.
00:03It's so much fun.
00:05Yes, look at that.
00:06What's this? Mr. Cat?
00:08I'll be like this.
00:10Look at this.
00:11My biceps.
00:12Hey, this is nothing.
00:14My fingers also have biceps.
00:21You're too much.
00:23What's so funny about this?
00:27What's the matter?
00:28The competition has started.
00:30People from all over have come here to participate in the competition.
00:33Is it?
00:35Fill up the form properly.
00:36All of you come to the line one by one.
00:39I'll be Mr. Cat.
00:41Hey, I'm also there.
00:42In the race.
00:43Hey, dogs are not allowed here.
00:45This is a contest of cats.
00:47Not me.
00:48He's the contestant.
00:50Absolutely perfect.
00:51Absolutely perfect.
00:52Very good. Very good.
00:54Isn't it? Absolutely.
00:56I'll see.
00:57Hey, move.
01:00No, you're not allowed.
01:01The cat is allowed here.
01:03Not the lion.
01:05Hey, I agree that my heart belongs to a lion.
01:07But I'm a cat.
01:10If you lie, I'll cut you like a crow.
01:12No, I don't mean that.
01:13He can participate if he wants.
01:15Oggi, come here.
01:17What happened?
01:18You go, Oggi.
01:19No, this is not my cup of tea.
01:21Hey, come on.
01:22Put your thumbprint here.
01:24Who is he?
01:25He's my brother.
01:26We're brothers.
01:33Everyone's preparation has started.
01:35I think Oggi is going to lose today.
01:40I'll prepare myself.
01:42Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
01:44Don't worry about his perfection.
01:47You'll win this contest, my brother.
01:49Mukul, I've put spinach in your teeth.
01:52I've removed it.
01:53Here's the fragrant powder.
01:55Hey, look.
01:56You're shining.
01:59All the best.
02:00Thank you, brother.
02:01Finally, it's time for the competition.
02:03Don't worry.
02:04My brother Oggi will win.
02:06No, my cat Wangdu will win.
02:08Shall we start the contest?
02:10Let's start.
02:12Ladies and gentlemen,
02:14I present to you
02:16all the contestants of Mr. Cat.
02:19A big round of applause.
02:21So many people?
02:22I'm getting nervous.
02:23Come on, my brother.
02:25My Mr. Cat.
02:27The judges have decided.
02:29The four cats that advance
02:36You'll win. You'll win.
02:37Wangdu, you'll win.
02:39And Oggi.
02:40Well done, my brother.
02:43How did I make it to the top four?
02:44That's what I'm thinking too.
02:46The cat has made it to the final four.
02:48Get out.
02:51Come here.
02:52Don't come forward.
02:53Otherwise, I'll shoot you.
02:55here's the money.
02:57Give me the money, uncle.
02:58I won't give it to you like this.
03:01Then how, uncle?
03:02Tinku, Gabru and Oggi
03:05are out of this contest.
03:08Don't worry, uncle.
03:09The job will be done.
03:10Now, Mr. Cat will become my Wangdu.
03:13Come on.
03:14I'm exhausted.
03:16My brother, I told you
03:17you're strong too.
03:18You'll win, brother.
03:19You'll win.
03:20My Wangdu will win.
03:22Something's wrong.
03:23The next round is
03:25the talent round.
03:27Watch my dance
03:28and give me a chance to move forward.
03:30Very smart.
03:32I'm Gabru, dad.
03:34I'm a solid speaker.
03:36Got it, uncle?
03:37Ten marks.
03:38Nine from me.
03:40I'm here.
03:41I'm here.
03:42Wow, my dear Oggi.
03:46My name is Tinku.
03:48My job is to dance.
03:50That too, with long hair.
03:52I'll set fire to your long hair.
03:55What's this?
03:56My long hair is on fire.
03:58Oh, no.
04:00He set my hat on fire.
04:02And I put out the fire.
04:04Zero, Tinku, out.
04:06Here are our top three contestants.
04:08Your hat is on fire.
04:09No problem.
04:10I always keep a stock of hats with me.
04:13Full mark.
04:15Wear this underwear, my brother.
04:16No, brother.
04:17I won't wear this underwear.
04:18Wear it.
04:19You won't get hurt.
04:22How does he speak so perfectly?
04:24I'll show you.
04:26This is the swimsuit round.
04:28It took me a year to make this swimsuit.
04:30Isn't it perfect?
04:33Let's go.
04:34We'll meet again.
04:35I'm here.
04:37Wear this underwear.
04:38Well done, my brother.
04:40I'm the best.
04:41And my swimming suit is the best.
04:46I'm Gabru.
04:49Let's go, crab.
04:50Let's start biting.
04:53Who bit me?
04:57Where did he go?
05:00Zero marks.
05:02Our finalists.
05:03Auggie and Vagro.
05:08Last round.
05:09Body building round.
05:12Look at my body.
05:13It's six-pack.
05:14It took him a year to build his body.
05:16Where are my six-pack?
05:17Forget about six-pack.
05:18Uncle, it's time for your pack-up.
05:25Where are you hiding?
05:26What's happening?
05:27I got it.
05:31Get out, crab.
05:34What's this?
05:44Why did my cat run away?
05:46How would I know?
05:47Give me my money.
05:48You want money?
05:49Give it to me quickly, uncle.
05:51He's angry.
05:53Next round.
05:54I'll beat you up.
05:56He ran away.
05:57Let's see his six-pack.
06:03Look at my fingers.
06:07Look at this.
06:08What do you think?
06:10Smart boy.
06:15Well done, Auggie.
06:17I won.
06:18I won.
06:19You're this year's Mr. Cat.
06:21I won, Ollie.
06:22Congrats, Auggie.
06:24He won.
06:27He lost the job.
