مسلسل مطلوب رجال ح 14 جومانا مراد و كندة علوش

  • last month


00:00The next day
00:02Zoham's house
00:16You still haven't fixed the issue with your boyfriend?
00:20We broke up
00:22I'm really sorry
00:25Do you believe he's different?
00:27But I'm not upset about that.
00:31I'm upset that he was waiting for any chance to leave me.
00:36That's how I felt.
00:37I was right. I caused you a problem with your lover.
00:40No, not at all. You have nothing to do with it.
00:43We've been having a lot of problems with each other for a while now.
00:47Calm down, calm down. Give him time to calm down.
00:49You don't know his situation.
00:52I don't know what to do.
00:56I don't want to meddle in your personal life.
01:00But do you think it's worth it to be alone and face the pain?
01:05Calm down, Ayoush. Where's the smile?
01:08Where is it?
01:10Give me a smile.
01:11Yes, that's how I want to eat.
01:13This is it, brother Youssef.
01:23I want you to sign the papers I asked you to sign.
01:26Okay. I'll call my partners tomorrow.
01:31Honestly, Ghassan, I don't know how to thank you.
01:34Because you've done me a great favor.
01:43May peace be upon you.
01:44May peace be upon you, too.
01:47Hello, Mrs. Haifa.
01:49I'm sorry I forgot the gifts.
01:51But unfortunately, the store was closed today.
01:53And I can't get them back.
01:55Thank you, it's not my fault.
01:57Why don't you bring Maryam with you?
01:59She's not free.
02:00Please, please.
02:04God bless her, guys.
02:06She's going to do body care and manicure in the most expensive center here in Dubai.
02:10I think we need to make sure she doesn't spend too much.
02:14Please, don't mind me.
02:16But guys, she's too old.
02:19Can't you control her expenses?
02:21She's poor.
02:22Her life is empty.
02:23She doesn't have anything.
02:24She doesn't have a son or a husband.
02:26You know what?
02:27I feel like she's being forced to do all of this.
02:30Then why don't you try to work?
02:32Does Maryam work?
02:34She's been working all her life.
02:51Look at this.
02:52Here you go.
02:53Oh my God.
02:54Why don't you let me live my life like this?
02:57I want to see them in magazines and cinemas.
03:00By the way, you're not going to change at all.
03:03Did you see?
03:04Did you see my eyes?
03:05They're all dry.
03:06My lips are dry.
03:08You should be ashamed of yourself, Zohaib.
03:12Oh my God, why?
03:14Why don't you let me live my life like this?
03:16All the people around us,
03:19and all the people around me,
03:21are afraid of me.
03:22And they say I'm going to sell my house.
03:24May God protect you.
03:27May God protect you from the evil eye of Fatima.
03:30I told you, Angelina is like the moon.
03:33No, she's beautiful.
03:36Are you going to change from Angelina?
03:38No way.
03:40Of course not.
03:41I'm kidding.
03:44You're welcome.
03:46Have you ever regretted marrying Khaled?
03:52I mean,
03:53for example,
03:54have you ever thought of marrying someone more beautiful,
04:00I'm not talking about my style.
04:04Yes, I know your style.
04:06Khaled Ayyub.
04:08Khaled Ayyub?
04:09No, grandma.
04:10My style is George Clooney.
04:13You're kidding.
04:15I mean,
04:16you've never regretted it.
04:19I mean, even when...
04:21Do you remember?
04:25why are you trying to change the subject?
04:27Please don't bring this up again.
04:29I don't want to go back to the bad memories.
04:31No, no, no.
04:32Sorry, sorry.
04:33I didn't mean to.
04:34It's okay now.
04:38I mean,
04:39you're going to heaven.
04:44You're crazy.
04:50Hi, Dallol.
04:52Nadine is waiting for you.
05:00Hi, Hala.
05:02Hi, Laura.
05:03How are you today?
05:04Thank God, I'm fine.
05:05And you?
05:06Very well.
05:08this is my friend Suhaib.
05:10Hi, welcome.
05:11Nice to meet you.
05:12Nice to meet you, too.
05:15who are you with today?
05:17She's still teaching me about the new style.
05:19What's this?
05:20It's for you.
05:24thank you.
05:25Excuse me.
05:28What did you do to her?
05:30What did you do to her?
05:32How could you do this to her?
05:35What did I do?
05:36I said it's for you.
05:37You saw her,
05:38so you said it's for you.
05:39You're ruining my wedding.
05:40Shame on you.
05:41And now you're trying to humiliate her.
05:43Oh, I don't know.
05:44You know me.
05:45My heart is in my mouth.
05:48go do your hair.
05:49I have work to finish.
05:54I expect you to stay here for a few days.
05:58But don't tell anyone, okay?
06:02She's crazy.
06:05Laura, what creams do you use?
06:08day cream,
06:09night cream?
06:11I buy them from the supermarket.
06:13From the supermarket?
06:14That's not good.
06:15These creams are not good.
06:16In a few years,
06:17your skin will be damaged.
06:20but what do you use?
06:21We have good creams here,
06:23but they're a bit expensive.
06:25It's okay, no problem.
06:27Okay, great.
06:28Look, your skin is really very good,
06:30but you're tired.
06:31It's dry because of all the creams you use.
06:33We have to wash it again.
06:34And I'll tell you something,
06:35and don't be mad at me.
06:36I'm going to overdo your makeup.
06:38You don't know the color,
06:39and you didn't put it on.
06:40You have a beautiful face,
06:41like the moon.
06:42You don't need all these colors.
06:43I don't know how to do makeup.
06:44Teach me.
06:45Yes, of course.
06:46Now we're going to take everything off,
06:47and we're going to do makeup again.
06:49I'll teach you, okay?
06:51Let's start.
07:09What is this?
07:10Do you like it?
07:11Do you like it?
07:12It's great, Dad.
07:13Where did you get it?
07:14Yes, I mean,
07:15I didn't expect so many people to come.
07:19Now, what do you think?
07:21I'm going to thank them one by one.
07:23You're welcome.
07:24You're welcome.
07:27Hello, Rasha.
07:28How are you?
07:29Thank God.
07:30How are you?
07:31I'm fine, thank God.
07:32How are you?
07:33Did you like the exhibition?
07:35It's really great.
07:36Thank you.
07:37Thank you for your hospitality.
07:38You're welcome.
07:39Thank you.
07:40I hope to see you again.
07:44Who do you like?
07:45Tell me who you like, Dad.
07:48Where did you get the salt from?
07:50I learned it from my teacher.
07:52Your teacher?
07:54She loved the salt,
07:55and she expressed her opinion.
07:57There's another one I didn't like.
08:00The journalist who saw you in the photos.
08:02Tell me.
08:03I feel like my teeth are going to fall out.
08:04Tell me.
08:05Okay, okay.
08:06What do you want to see?
08:07I don't want to see him.
08:10Hi, Zain.
08:13How are you, Uncle?
08:14How are you?
08:15I'm fine, thank God.
08:16You're going to give me an answer,
08:17and you're going to give me your honest opinion.
08:19Of course.
08:20I won't lie to you.
08:21But it looks like a great job.
08:23No, thank you.
08:24Thank you.
08:25Mr. Nabil.
08:28Can I have a word with you?
08:29You can.
08:30Come in.
08:31Come in.
08:33Thank you for coming.
08:34Are you tired, my daughter?
08:35I mean, I was tired last time.
08:37I swear, I'm still tired.
08:39I'm not comfortable.
08:40But I can't leave you alone.
08:42Of course.
08:43Thank you.
08:46Come on.
08:47Let's eat.
08:53Ms. Suha,
08:54why didn't you say hi to Ms. Maryam?
08:56I couldn't find her.
08:59The problem is,
09:00we used to go out and have fun together,
09:02but after I left my husband,
09:03it became a little difficult.
09:04So, if you get divorced,
09:05you won't be friends anymore?
09:06No, it's not like that.
09:07Last time,
09:08I wasn't the first one
09:09to lose my husband.
09:12Now, every time we go out,
09:13we both feel embarrassed.
09:16That's right.
09:17When we used to go to the restaurant,
09:18either mom didn't order anything,
09:19or she ordered a salad.
09:20It was cheaper.
09:21Poor thing.
09:23don't take me wrong.
09:24It's become a torture.
09:25It's not nice for us
09:26to go out with our husbands
09:27when we're the only ones suffering.
09:29That's true.
09:30Now, for example,
09:31in the summer,
09:32we're all going to Monaco.
09:33So, imagine,
09:34in the summer and in the spring,
09:35we're all with our husbands,
09:36and she's all alone.
09:37She'll be lonely for two days.
09:41That's true.
09:59Hey, hey.
10:00It's been a long time.
10:02I've missed you.
10:03We're here to talk.
10:04There's something important
10:05that Zain and I need to talk about.
10:08So, Zinzoun,
10:09how are mom and dad?
10:10They're fine, thank God.
10:11Dad plays tennis with Shadi,
10:13and mom is always
10:15at her soccer club.
10:17Why don't you tell dad
10:18about your problem?
10:19What problem?
10:20No, of course not.
10:23if there's a problem,
10:24I'm ready to solve it.
10:26You know,
10:27I'm good at solving problems
10:28and breaking the rules.
10:29No, uncle,
10:30it's not a problem.
10:31It's just a matter of time.
10:32Zain wants to apologize to dad.
10:33It's me.
10:35Zinzoun, my dear,
10:36I won't force you to tell him.
10:39But if you want to tell him
10:41and make him understand,
10:42you know where he is.
10:45You also need to know
10:46that your secret is deep,
10:48and no one will know it.
10:51Uncle, I don't even know
10:52if it's serious or not.
10:54I just feel
10:55that I'm weird,
10:57but I don't think
10:58there's any hope.
11:05Look, Zinzoun,
11:06what's wrong, Zinzoun?
11:07Do you love him
11:09and you want him?
11:14Now, what's wrong?
11:16I mean,
11:17if I want to tell you
11:18through my humble experience,
11:20I have to tell you
11:21that love
11:22is the most beautiful
11:23and the most beautiful thing.
11:25I mean,
11:26it's like a magic wand.
11:27It makes one go to another world.
11:32but why don't you love
11:33someone from your generation
11:34and age?
11:35I mean,
11:36what do you want
11:37from adults
11:38and their problems?
11:40I mean,
11:41the young people,
11:42I mean,
11:43from my generation,
11:44I feel like
11:45they have a small mind.
11:47I mean,
11:48I feel like
11:49Ali is much older than them,
11:50but he's a mature,
11:52and big person.
11:53I feel like
11:54our brains are close to each other.
11:56No, Zin,
11:57unless you find someone
11:59who puts your mind
12:00on his mind.
12:01But you two
12:02have to live
12:03the most beautiful life.
12:05The life of the university
12:06that you have to live
12:07in every aspect
12:08and live
12:09a dynamic life
12:10full of love
12:11and tenderness.
12:12You have to make memories
12:13for the coming years.
12:14You have to live
12:15a life full of madness.
12:16I swear,
12:17you reminded me
12:18of the old days.
12:19There's still the old days.
12:20I don't know
12:21what your old days were like.
12:24be quiet.
12:25God bless you.
12:27to be honest,
12:28you have to see
12:29your friends
12:30from your age
12:32and you two
12:33have to love,
12:34be crazy,
12:35and live
12:36the most beautiful life
12:37in your lives.
12:38Live it!
12:43Thank you, uncle.
13:02This soul longs for you. This soul longs for you.
13:22This soul longs for you. This soul longs for you.
13:58Is something wrong?
14:02It's just that I and my boyfriend are a bit jealous.
14:06It's nothing. You'll get over it tomorrow.
14:10No. This isn't the first time.
14:14I understand him.
14:17Understand what?
14:19I feel like he doesn't know my worth.
14:24He looks at me from above.
14:27As if I'm not of his level.
14:29I feel like this is what will make me lose.
14:33Laura, if he really loves you, there's nothing in the world that can take him away from you.
14:39Besides, I don't want to see you sad like this.
14:41This pretty face can't make him sad.
14:43Is everything okay?
14:46I didn't find the mattress I wanted, but we can continue later.
14:52Sorry, Nadine. Laura is a bit upset.
14:55I'll take her to the office. You can rest and then continue with her.
14:59Bye, Laura.
15:02No problem.
15:12Hello, Style Week.
15:14Hello, Tamer. How are you?
15:16I'm fine. Can I talk to Aya?
15:18Aya didn't come today.
15:20She didn't come?
15:24Tamer, let me talk to her.
15:28Yes, Nadine. What's up with Aya?
15:30Aya is tired, but we need to talk.
15:33What do you mean she's tired?
15:35Yes, she's tired, but we can't talk on the phone. I need to see you and talk.
15:41Okay, I'll see you.
15:46Is everything okay with Aya?
15:48There's nothing else.
15:50Anyway, I can't find my mattress numbers.
15:53Ask Ruba. She might have put them in the storage.
16:16What's wrong?
16:18Come on, it's your turn.
16:20Yes, let's go.
16:22My friends.
16:24Yes, that's right.
16:27I'm sorry, Basil.
16:28I'm sorry, Basil.
16:30But I can't concentrate.
16:32I feel like I'm so stupid in front of you.
16:34You're a failure.
16:36After all the cheating, you've become so much better.
16:42How long have you been together?
16:45Three years, two months, and four days.
16:49That's a long time.
16:53We're not alike.
16:55I care about one thing, he cares about another.
16:58That's why we're so good together.
17:00On the contrary.
17:02They say that if your partner is not like you,
17:04it gives you vitality.
17:06There are always new things you want to discover.
17:08May God protect you.
17:10What you're saying is true.
17:12But do you know that this difference has affected my life?
17:15It's possible.
17:17But I think that one should compromise.
17:21One should compromise for the sake of things.
17:24What you're saying is true.
17:25But when it comes to the application,
17:27everyone does what they want.
17:30I think that this is immature.
17:33That's what I think.
17:35How did you ruin him?
17:37What did you do to him?
17:39What I feel is that I don't appreciate what I did for him.
17:41I left my family, the Levant, and the whole world
17:44to stand by him.
17:46And when I want him to stand by me, I can't find him.
17:48And what's worse,
17:50he doesn't answer my calls.
17:52What kind of man is he?
17:53Do you love him like you used to?
17:57Yes, I love him.
17:59I love him to death.
18:01I miss him a lot.
18:03I can't imagine myself sitting here
18:05without Tamer in my life.
18:07Look, this is Tamer.
18:09Not anyone else.
18:16Your brother Youssef's project is a success.
18:18His chances of success will reach 100%.
18:20As you know,
18:21a group of aliens is being born today.
18:23And a big market is being created
18:25for the production of dramas.
18:27Of course.
18:29And don't forget, I studied the market a lot.
18:33foreign and Jordanian dramas
18:35started to spread.
18:37In addition to the Syrian and Egyptian dramas.
18:40That's right.
18:42And people just put their work in front of the TV.
18:44That's right. Your words are very true.
18:49Is the food ready?
18:51It will be ready in a few minutes.
18:53Okay, I'm hungry.
18:55Hey, guys!
18:57Where are you?
19:09It's good that the woman changed her appearance
19:12because of the man she loves.
19:14But the appearance is not everything.
19:16Believe me, the man who loves you because of your appearance
19:17doesn't love you at all.
19:19And it's better if he doesn't love you.
19:21Lora, the real beauty
19:23is the beauty of the soul, not the appearance.
19:28I want to improve myself.
19:30I want to be presentable
19:32like those customers outside.
19:35Don't try to be someone else but yourself.
19:38Just yourself.
19:41I want to improve myself.
19:43I want to be a better version of myself.
19:45Like you, for example.
19:49How can you say that again?
19:51Lora, I can bring you here every day
19:53and make you look different.
19:55But none of that will help you.
19:57The most important thing is how you look from the inside,
19:59not from the outside.
20:01Oh, sorry.
20:03Is it ready?
20:05Of course, it's ready.
20:07Lora, I'm sorry. I have to go.
20:09Remember what I told you.
20:11Okay, of course.
20:13Here you go.
20:15Thank you.
20:22Yes, ma'am.
20:24Take care of Lora.
20:26Thank you, ma'am.
20:29You're on your own.
20:31I don't want to bother you at all.
20:37I really enjoyed talking to you.
20:39Me too.
20:41Goodbye, Lora.
20:45What happened?
20:47Nothing happened.
20:49I was in the shower,
20:51because I was drunk with my boyfriend.
20:55But you shouldn't have told him
20:57that your boyfriend was drunk too.
20:58Let's go.
21:16do you have the driver's license?
21:18Yes, I do.
21:20But I have it in the car.
21:22You don't have to bring it now.
21:24Okay, I'll wash it and bring it to you.
21:26Okay, as you wish.
21:28Thank you.
21:40In the past,
21:42I didn't know what to do with my husband.
21:44Now, whenever we meet,
21:46we both feel embarrassed.
21:47I'm sorry.
21:57You don't have to order anything,
21:59or order a salad.
22:01It's free.
22:08I'm sorry.
22:10I didn't mean to.
22:12I'm sorry.
22:14But I don't know what happened to me.
22:15No, no, no.
22:17Thank you, thank you.
22:19Okay, I know, I know.
22:21But why are you crying?
22:23No, no, no. I'm just tired.
22:25But I'm fine. I'm fine.
22:27I don't think so.
22:29I didn't force you to do anything.
22:31You look tired.
22:35What happened?
22:37Did I feel tired?
22:39No, you didn't.
22:41But don't you want to sit with me?
22:43Who are you?
22:45I don't want to sit with you.
22:47I understand that you have a personal problem with me.
22:50Suit yourself.
22:52Please, you don't have to tell Adnan or Haifa that you saw me.
22:58Why? What happened?
23:00Can't you see that I have a lot of questions for you?
23:02Besides, I'm free.
23:16I'm Zayna.
23:18I can do anything.
23:20And nothing will happen to me.
23:22I'm Zayna.
23:26And I have money.
23:28A lot of money.
23:33I'm Zayna.
23:35I can do anything.
23:37And nothing will happen to me.
23:39I'm Zayna.
23:43And I have money.
23:45A lot of money.
24:03Why does this happen to me?
24:06I want money.
24:31I'm not poor.
24:33I know what I want.
24:46For God's sake.
24:48I don't want to clean the kitchen again.
24:50Shut up.
24:52I want to change the kitchen.
24:54Not now.
24:56Don't you understand me?
24:58Zahra, we have to do something.
25:00What do we lack in the kitchen?
25:04The kitchen is complete.
25:06The fridge, the oven, and the fridge are old.
25:08They need to be changed.
25:10I saw Nazel yesterday.
25:12I want to change the fridge.
25:13No, Zahra.
25:15I told you, Nazel.
25:17What do you want from me?
25:19I don't have a job.
25:21I decide at home, not you.
25:23What else do I want to change?
25:27There's one thing you need to change.
25:29And we'll be fine.
25:31I want a new oven, a washing machine, and a washing machine.
25:33Because the fridge I like is silver.
25:35And these are white.
25:37I want everything to be silver.
25:39Shut up.
25:41Your kitchen is complete.
25:43I'll put the fridge here.
25:45And I'll put the sink here.
25:47I saw it yesterday.
25:49It's so beautiful.
25:51What do you think?
25:53You can put my things in the closet
25:55and sleep here.
25:57You know, you're right.
25:59The kitchen is old.
26:01I'm tired of it.
26:03I want to change it.
26:05Don't say that.
26:07I'm tired.
26:09Everything is old.
26:11Don't embarrass me.
26:13I'm tired.
26:15I'm tired of fashion.
26:17I want to change it.
26:22I want to change the decoration.
26:24I want to change the colors.
26:26I want to make a modern house.
26:28Instead of spending your money on changing the house,
26:30do something useful.
26:34turn on the water.
26:36Go do your work.
27:43It's so delicious.
27:47We have a baby downstairs.
27:49It's dangerous.
27:51It's dangerous to have a baby.
27:55I'm so happy to see you, Suhail.
27:57Aren't you afraid of getting married?
28:01More than that,
28:03I don't know what will happen.
28:05What should I be afraid of?
28:07I don't know.
28:09I don't know.
28:10I don't know what will happen.
28:12After marriage,
28:14I want love,
28:18and operations.
28:20After marriage,
28:22I want to live a life of pleasure.
28:26I'm so worried about the food.
28:28After getting married,
28:31I don't care what happens after.
28:33I just want to arrive to the salon,
28:35have a massage and that's it.
28:37I travel on weekends,
28:38What do you think of coming to the prison with me?
28:40Every Saturday?
28:41Because you don't have a day off, you don't go out.
28:44Okay, I say, and you and Khaled, don't you go out to eat?
28:48No, but not every weekend.
28:52Your children are grown up, what do you have?
28:54Or go out and have fun.
28:55These are the best days of the year.
28:56Why do you want to go out?
28:57I know.
28:58But I'm busy and he's busy.
29:00So we spend it at home.
29:02What is this?
29:03I mean, for example, in normal days.
29:05I mean, noon, you have lunch somewhere.
29:07You don't have to.
29:08You take a cup of coffee, a cup of coffee.
29:10I mean, for example, shopping.
29:12I mean, anything, anything.
29:14You don't have time at all.
29:17As you like.
29:18But I'm surprised at you.
29:20What is this? Aren't you bored?
29:21I mean, this is wrong.
29:24What do you think?
29:25Today we'll go have dinner together and we'll go watch a movie in the cinema.
29:28Not today.
29:29I'll tell her a few days later when I arrange it with Khaled and the kids.
29:32Khaled and the kids?
29:33Oh, Ma'aouda, you won't believe it if you go out alone.
29:36I swear to God.
29:39On the contrary.
29:40I'm very happy when he's with me.
29:43Well, you're free to do whatever you want, darling.
29:45But this way you're ruining your personality and your independence.
29:49On the contrary.
29:50I feel like I'm living a very sweet dream.
29:53The dream of any woman who has a home and a family.
29:56And her relationship is perfect with her husband.
29:59I mean, traditional.
30:00This is the image that exists in society.
30:04He's the one who loves his family and he's traditional?
30:07Listen, Suhail.
30:08You stay the way you are.
30:09No one asks you for anything.
30:11And I'm convinced that I'm right.
30:13But what about the doubt that kills me?
30:15We have to solve this issue.
30:17Are you going to relax?
30:18We'll talk about it.
30:20But not here, not now.
30:23Let's continue the drama.
30:26Are you going to fight?
30:28Are you going to fight?
30:30Are you crazy?
30:41You need to think about it, Tamer.
30:43It's obvious that Aya is confused.
30:45And this is very normal for a girl like her.
30:47She's responsible for herself.
30:49And she lives in a country where she doesn't know anyone.
30:51And I'm happy, Nadine.
30:52You're here, of course, but you're busy all the time.
30:54This is what makes her feel lonely.
30:56You're talking as if I left her and went to China.
30:58I'm traveling to Qatar for work.
31:00In the end, for me and for her.
31:02Qatar or Dubai.
31:03The important thing is that you're not seeing each other.
31:05You're not spending time together.
31:07Nadine, I work day and night.
31:08And she works.
31:09And each of us lives in a place.
31:11And you're one of the most people who know the situation in the country.
31:13Between my house and her house, Aya is less than 45 minutes.
31:15If the streets were empty.
31:17Then I realized from the beginning that we have to be patient.
31:20I know.
31:21I swear I understand you.
31:22But Aya loves you very much.
31:23And she told me how you left everything and came here for her.
31:26That's why you also have to be patient.
31:28And take care of her a little.
31:30No, Nadine.
31:31You don't know her like I do.
31:33Aya is always like that.
31:35What you see right must happen.
31:36And anything else is wrong.
31:38Honestly, this time I'm the one who was tired.
31:52I love you.
32:23Madam, your card was rejected.
32:27Do you have another one?
32:29How could it be?
32:32I don't know.
32:33I tried to walk but I couldn't.
32:35I'll give you another one.
32:52I want a service from you.
32:54Tell me, Ayouni.
32:55I want you to help us collect the donations for the association.
32:57What do you mean?
32:58It's not going well?
32:59No, but it's not like before.
33:01Honestly, Sousou, we don't have enough money.
33:03And I want to carry out all the charity projects that are on the agenda.
33:06Yes, Sousou, Ayouni.
33:07Hallouli, I mean, dinner or a charity meal,
33:09with a shower from the second or third floor.
33:11Who does that?
33:12I don't know.
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36:16I don't know.
36:17I don't know.
36:19Take the car!
36:23Take the car.
36:24Hi mom.
36:30Take the car!
36:40Hadi, may God bless you.
36:47I know you have commitments and duties.
36:56Yes, my love.
37:01They will reach you this time.
37:04Dad, it's the end of the month.
37:07It's not the end of the month yet. What's wrong?
37:12Hadi, just trust me and accept me.
37:17Give me your blessings.
37:34I'm leaving.
37:35I'm leaving.
37:36I'm leaving.
37:37You're hitting me.
37:38I don't understand what's wrong with you.
37:40You should be the one hitting me and you're just watching.
37:42I'm telling you, I don't have a choice.
37:44Ask Zain to tell you what I did.
37:46Yes, dad.
37:47Sultan's hand was like a nail.
37:49But Mr. Shady was able to cut it very well.
37:52Your son.
37:53Are you happy with yourself?
37:55If you had blood, you wouldn't have used this method.
37:58You're right.
38:00If you had blood, you wouldn't have used this method.
38:03Sometimes, this method is the only way.
38:05Otherwise, you would have been stabbed many times.
38:07Dad, this is the method of stupid people who don't have a dialogue.
38:10It's a shame.
38:11It's a shame.
38:12It's right to say that your brother is stupid, stupid and stupid.
38:14I didn't say stupid, by the way.
38:15Leave it.
38:16Leave it.
38:17Why do you teach it to people?
38:18We will sleep and merge with nature.
38:19Maybe one day you will turn into a tree and we will finish.
38:20Are you joking?
38:21Tomorrow I will look at you and gather all of you.
38:23I will make a path for you and your face will be colorful.
38:26Calm down.
38:28I'm not a monkey.
38:29I'm not a monkey.
38:30Dad, what is he saying?
38:32Don't be sad.
38:33You're not a monkey.
38:34What is this?
38:39You're a fool.
38:47Lulu, don't you want to have dinner?
38:49No, I'm not hungry.
38:51How about a strawberry plate with some cream?
38:54I told you I'm not hungry.
38:59Why are you crying?
39:00Why is Saira not liking the dinner?
39:02It's nothing.
39:03Leave her alone.
39:04I just want to have fun tonight and that's it.
39:07Oh, tonight.
39:09So you're going to spend the night with her.
39:13I told you, you didn't listen to me.
39:15If I had married a man your age, you would have broken up with me and left me alone.
39:20Enough, auntie.
39:22I don't want to hurt her anymore.
39:24My love, I'm not hurting her anymore.
39:26But listen to me.
39:27Ask me about him and his likes.
39:29Not now, not later.
39:31You dream of going out with him.
39:33I'll keep it a secret from you.
39:35Tamer is very selfish.
39:37He only thinks about himself.
39:39He never thinks about me.
39:41You're a monkey, but I'm sure there's someone who likes you.
39:44I'm Laura.
39:45Everything I want has to happen.
39:47You two are not ready to hear each other.
39:49That's all.
39:50I fell in love.
39:51I discovered that all my heart aches for Fadi.
39:53Then I said no and said...
