• last year
00:00Hi Shia, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia. Hi Shia. I was watching it. Thank you for watching
00:06I just want to let you know Shia. I'm already very very stressed about
00:11Getting these videos uploaded. It's already been
00:19Half an hour and many of them are still uploading
00:24So because of the Wi-Fi
00:27It's not going to be easy and also the last time I told you I went out when I went in the car for the
00:33nine days
00:34the hacker was messing with all the
00:38Electronics and not and it was an extreme attack that I I was having a full-blown
00:44six-hour panic attacks
00:46From not getting from not being able to upload the videos
00:51I'm not even necessarily on time, but it was just so stressful because I was getting tortured and attacked
00:58I couldn't stay at the places that I need you to publish them different things, but I made the video
01:04That I just made and look how clear and nice
01:08This is wanted to make this video clear the lighting to most likely be doing this
01:14Throughout the trip see how clear and nice and not a library
01:20Stay cool
01:22Because it gets 85 or around 85 degrees it drops down
01:29So it's all shady, so I wanted to upload this
01:35The hackers already messing around with my electronics, and it was 73%
01:39It says something like three hours remaining
01:44And this has never been an issue with Starbucks Wi-Fi my cell phones if not being able to
01:52Videos on my cell phone so on this trip the videos aren't going to be perfect
01:58I'm going to
02:02Probably think that this is a backup
02:05Probably think that this is a backup
02:08to load the videos however is
02:12Typically probably not going to be how I uploaded them
02:198% uploaded 73% remaining
02:23so I can't stay here for an hour and
02:27Watch that and that will change that will go one hour three hours
02:32It'll just keep changing
02:36This is not this is going to be a stressful
02:39trip in regards to trying to get videos uploaded on the internet, so
02:46Don't shy just know that if I say times and dates
02:51When I'm going to upload the video it might not be possible
02:55There might be too much interference the hacker will be kicking me off of all of my electronics
03:00And I might not be able to upload every single all the videos on every single platform. It just took me 20 minutes
03:08To try to get access to my Facebook account because I'm in a different location they had to ask for
03:15These codes the codes weren't sending
03:18In regards to Google Maps the hackers already messing around with my Google Maps. He turned the keyboard
03:24He turned the keyboard off of my Google Maps
03:27So that I couldn't type in
03:31So that I couldn't type in I
03:36Had to do voice typing
03:42changing the Google Maps
03:43to there was two routes, and then there was an added routes to Flagstaff, which I'm not going to take and
03:51He's the hackers saying with each UK. I'm gonna. I'm going to
03:57Change your route while you're driving so that I don't know exact words. I'm going to change the route that you're driving
04:07And he's I wrote down the route on piece of paper shy so they know where I'm going
04:14But 6 20 a.m.. The keyboard was not popping up on Google Maps. I took image
04:21The hackers then I was trying to press start start direction start direction so I could look at the
04:29information of the written down
04:31Directions the start button would not work, so I had to restart the cell phone
04:37Unfortunately, I don't always remember to restart the cell phone when that happens, but restarting does help another thing
04:51Yeah, he said he's going to get me make me drive where he wants me to go so that I can get in trouble
04:58And this has been this has been a pattern that I ignored
05:02in the past with traveling I
05:05Had to completely ignore it or I would get it so full of anger
05:10and be this is
05:13Like right now like it's total parasitic
05:16Totally parasitic vampirism like total evil just sucking all the life force out of me when I can't when I oh
05:24Yeah, and then I wanted to show you this
05:27Video on here because it's all like this is all shady. You could barely see me. You could see me so clearly
05:34This is what happened with the the trip to Carlsbad for nine days
05:38Took me like three hours to two three different stores. I find what's library to upload it. It's the only place I could upload
05:45But I just showed you and then I'm like fine
05:50Fine, it doesn't work. It won't upload. So I'm gonna upload it on the computer and then with v2k
05:56Oh, yeah, this is small beans for you right now. Huh that this won't upload
06:00What what are you gonna do if I turn off your off this laptop?
06:07And this in so it's so I'm in a panic over it
06:13Because it's hot is the temperature is increasing by the minute
06:19I'm already supposed to be on the road driving. This isn't just delay. This is serious interference of my life and time and energy
06:27That's constantly in stolen from me
06:29but I
06:30Had to tell you
06:43This is not
06:46So if there's a delay with my videos
06:49I'm going to assume that it might take me four or five hours to upload the video to get it published for you. So
06:56If there's a time if I say there's a time don't even think that I'm going to upload it on time
07:02Because it's probably not going to happen
07:08The last time I tried uploading the videos and this was going on
07:14This has been going on for so long Shia
07:18but I
07:20Was also told that if you were going to be in Sedona
07:25The criminal was going to meet us there
07:28Criminal hacker and I'm not thinking that you're going to be in Sedona, but I'm just saying that these are the threats that I'm getting
07:41you have to know all this Shia so that you I could keep you updated with all the threats that I'm getting because
07:47It's just really painful to go through and it's something that I never really talked about
07:51On the videos is the hour to two hours afterwards uploading all these videos
07:57There's I have I'm in like suffocation mode panic attack because there's always interference
08:03There's always things that go wrong. And if this laptop does shut down on its own, which wouldn't be on its own it would be
08:13The hacker it's going to cause a serious problem because this video will not upload
08:17I would have to go into Starbucks buy a coffee because it's too hot
08:22Waste my money waste another hour two hours to get it to upload
08:27This is just this is just an example of what I go through every single day
08:34This is what this is an example of all the time in the energy that's just being completely taken from me
08:40And I know this is happening to you because the telepathic supporters have told me
08:44Shine does know what's going on with you
08:46He does know the type of attacks that I can't always talk about every single day every single hour
08:52Because this will be a full-time job
08:55Talking about all the attacks that I get I can't I don't have the energy and I don't have like I'm too like sick and weak
09:02To talk about it 24-7
09:03I wasn't going to mention this to you, but I'm going to mention this right right in the beginning of this trip that I
09:10Don't want you to I'm already stressed out enough putting me trying to get these videos uploaded
09:16I don't want you to be stressed out
09:20Being like where's the video? Why didn't she upload it and get stressed out? So know
09:26That there's going to be problems with me with the videos up getting uploaded
09:36But the good thing is I'm in Marietta Spring Road area, which is probably a vortex area
09:44And because I can feel there's some vortex energy here, so it ended being okay
09:50but I'm starting to get really hot and
09:55It's supposed to be around 91 degrees here, but I'm in the shade so it's not too bad
10:00But I'm I've looked up. I looked up people are dying in Sedona. I'm going to stay and
10:08find a scene go to lots of different places if I have to
10:12in order to
10:14not be in the hot Sun because I
10:17Already have health issues. I can't I can get further brain damage
10:21I can get further health issues and I can die at this point because my
10:26Organs are weak from the brain injury
10:28So I have to be extremely careful about the hot weather
10:31I don't have like a tolerance like I used to and I don't have temperature control
10:36When you have a stroke, you don't have temperature control. So I don't know exactly. I don't completely remember what that means
10:48Basically, I feel like passing out very very quickly when I when I'm in the heat
10:55If I'm in the cold
10:57Like in the AC I get wicked cold like wicked quickly. So it's something that's wrong with the my temperature
11:06So I'm gonna
11:12So I'm I'm going to talk to you later
11:15I'll probably make more frequent smaller videos than very like hour-long videos every day
11:21most like most likely if I'm around Wi-Fi and
11:28But I'm very happy to be on this road trip
11:32I'm very very happy to get out of that purgatory hell and I think that
11:47Going it's not going to be awful
11:50Marian's spirit guys and child pastor supporters are going to help me and you Shia
11:54So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow or later tonight, but most likely tomorrow. I love you Shia
11:59Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much Shia for watching
