Coco and Wiggy go 150MPH on boat! Live from The Tipsy Seagull

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Coco and Wiggy go 150MPH on boat! Live from The Tipsy Seagull
00:00and technically for you. I hope that you're watching the show on Twitch or on YouTube
00:06and listening wherever you are. Curtis and I are at mid-station here at the Tipsy Seagull. Courtney
00:11and Wiggy are now in outer limits. That's what he said. Wiggy, you have a microphone. I can hear
00:21you, Wiggy. I can sort of hear you. Try again, Wiggy. You hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Can
00:25you say one small step for man? It is nice in here, but if you're claustrophobic like me,
00:32I feel like I'm trapped. You feel like you're trapped, claustrophobic in outer limits. And
00:38we're rocking like crazy, Courtney. How's Courtney doing? Courtney's in the back. Wiggy's
00:43in the front seat. Courtney's in the back. Can she get the mic, Wiggy? Hold on. Holy.
00:49I am shaking so much. If you are watching on Twitch right now, you may feel motion sickness
00:53because my hand is... Can you see us on Twitch? Yes, we can see you. We can see this incredibly
01:00powerful boat, which is going to do 130 miles an hour with you in it, maybe 140. You got the life
01:07jackets on. Both of you are okay on that. And you're going to sit down the entire time, correct?
01:12It's gorgeous back here, though. We've got three seats with seatbelts, two in the front,
01:18no free feet. All right. Well, I think probably the best thing to do is to get Dan to fire that
01:25baby up, fire that wild thing up. And I would say for a guy who... Is Wiggy holding the mic?
01:31I think it might sound better if you do, Courtney, because... It sounds better with
01:34you for some reason right now. In the back where you are, I think it's better signal-wise.
01:38Oh my goodness. Wiggy, who has been on the field, the catch before the Super Bowl for his hometown
01:45team to win a championship, is more nervous right now than he was in New Orleans.
01:51I'm so nervous. Did you put your seatbelt on? No, I'm sorry.
01:54Okay. I didn't either. Is that okay? Oh my God.
01:56No seatbelt. You don't need a seatbelt. Can you bring this up on your Twitch?
02:00Oh yeah. I'll get it on my phone. Sure.
02:02This is... So you can hear that thing.
02:05You want to see them die? Is that what it is? Okay. Twitch-a-rooney.
02:09I can't believe we're doing this. We actually have... This is exciting,
02:12too, because we have boats in the harbor watching.
02:14Here we go. And not only do we have boats in the harbor
02:17watching, but we have the harbor patrol here making sure everything is a-okay.
02:21All right. Did you say an Our Father, Courtney? Look at that. That thing is... I'm watching on
02:25Twitch. Guys, can you hear me?
02:26Yes. Yeah, we can hear you.
02:27Wiggy has the EMTs ready in case. What's that, Courtney?
02:32I don't know what that means. Maybe a heart attack?
02:34You might have to go phone, Courtney. Yeah, I can't hear you.
02:38Okay. How fast are we going?
02:40Well, they're going to hear there's an unbelievable crowd at the deck,
02:46on the dock watching this here at the Tipsy Seagull.
02:50And so there they are. They are headed out. You can see...
02:54Oh, there we go. Okay. This is better looking at live.
02:56Yeah, we can see. We can look. Well, is that...
02:59I feel like this is the wide world of sports, and I'm Jim Lampley.
03:02Yeah. My question becomes, are we going to be able to... And this is a question more for
03:07Eamon, is we're going to be able to see them when they come back around. So they're heading...
03:11And maybe we'll be able to see them, but we may have to share that video afterwards.
03:16However, Courtney, we have Wiggy on the phone. Okay.
03:21Can you guys hear me? Oh, much better.
03:24Perfect. Okay.
03:26How's it feeling right now? You're doing like 10... You're just a little pleasant cruise.
03:30I tell you what, this is the perfect speed.
03:33Okay. Like doing 10 miles an hour.
03:36I'm happy. Oh my goodness.
03:38They are making their way now under the Braga Bridge.
03:42Oh, they're... Wow.
03:43All right. He's starting to crank that thing up.
03:45Holy hell. All right.
03:48Wiggy, how are you feeling? Let me know when we're going fast so I can
03:51brace myself. All right.
03:54Are you feeling okay, Wiggy?
03:58Wiggy... I'll come down as we go faster.
04:02Okay. All right.
04:04We're at about 44 miles an hour, people. We're up to a cool 50.
04:10Look at the giant plume of water that those motors make.
04:14All right. Or is that Wiggy?
04:16It's leaning a little bit right. Is the boat supposed to be leaning right
04:18toward the basketball? That's what you do.
04:20Okay. We're at 55 miles an hour.
04:24Wow. Cars have stopped on the bridge to watch this.
04:2755 miles per hour.
04:29And they are making their turn so that they can make their approach by the
04:36Tipsy Seagull at 130, 120.
04:39What's the speed right now, Wiggs?
04:41Wiggy, can you hear us?
04:4356, 55 miles an hour. We're turning.
04:46It's a little crazy.
04:50This is... I'm trying out a lot more.
04:53It's the turning. It feels a lot more...
04:56Oh, shit.
04:58Hold on, Wiggy.
05:05We finally found a way to shut up Wiggy.
05:08All right. Here they come.
05:10Holy cow. This is unbelievable.
05:1370 miles an hour, but it feels like we're doing 150.
05:20We're at 85. My old number.
05:23Oh, God.
05:25All right. We're at 90.
05:27Oh, shit.
05:33And they're going right by us as we speak here at the Tipsy Seagull.
05:36Holy hell.
05:38I think we lost... Everything's fine.
05:40If you're listening...
05:40Yeah, I had to put him down because I couldn't afford another S-bomb.
05:44Oh, okay, Sean.
05:45Can you bring him back up?
05:47I don't have any delay built up, so no.
05:49It's okay. The FEC will understand.
05:51It's fine, Sean. Bring him back up.
05:54I don't hear you.
06:02Well, hold on. I might have lost her.
06:05Oh, we got you.
06:06We got you.
06:07I might have lost her for a minute.
06:08We were at 100.
06:10We're doing 115.
06:14115 miles an hour.
06:17I can't believe he's doing this.
06:19I'm up to about 130.
06:22Oh, God damn.
06:24Hey, he said 115 feels a lot faster.
06:29He's got his hands off the steering wheel now.
06:32Oh, God.
06:41Wiggy, is Courtney okay?
06:42Yeah, what about Courtney?
06:46Wiggy, is Courtney okay?
06:48Greg, you know what this feels like?
06:51Apollo 13 when they're waiting for the re-entry.
06:57All right.
06:58Well, I think they're going to make their way back here.
07:06All right.
07:07Back down to 76.
07:16Oh, what a day.
07:17This is unbelievable.
07:18Oh, we're back.
07:19We have video back here.
07:22Okay, there we are, Wiggy.
07:24Look at that.
07:30Oh, man.
07:31Oh, wow.
07:33Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
07:39Oh, great line of the twitch jet.
07:40This is the closest any of you losers will ever get to Courtney's lap.
07:47Oh, my Lord, look at that.
07:49I can't believe he did it.
07:50He is terrified of boats, and he's doing 130 miles an hour and outer limits.
07:55That's unbelievable.
07:56All right.
07:57Hey, listen, round of applause for Wiggy.
07:59Great job, guys.
08:01Really unbelievable.
08:04And great job by Eamon and Griff and everybody getting all that.
08:07Great job when it comes to Twitch and on the radio network we have for you all over New England.
08:13Griff, great job.
08:14All right.
08:15We're at the Tipsy Seagull.
08:16And when those guys come back, which will be next, we will get their reflections on
08:22their first time doing over 100 miles an hour.
08:25I am very proud of both of them, specifically Wiggy overcoming the fear of the water.
08:30Much more successful endeavor on the ocean than the last time on a lake.
08:34And we have time left.
08:35We got a lot of time left here on a Flex Friday.
08:37So bar is open.
08:39Great food here.
08:40Tipsy Seagull.
08:41It's our first Flex Friday of the summer.
08:44Next week, just a heads up.
08:45Sam Adams is throwing this show a fifth birthday party.
08:48So I hope you'll make a plan to Flex that Friday as well.
08:51And join us downtown at the Sam Adams Tap Room.
08:55We'll be on the roof deck with all kinds of great stuff.
08:58Breakfast, special guests, all of it.
09:00Celebrating our fifth birthday when it comes to the Greg Hill Show.
09:04So that is one week from today.
09:06We got to take a break.