Soul Land 2: The Peerless Tang Sect Episode 60 English Sub

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Soul Land 2: The Peerless Tang Sect Episode 60 English Sub


00:00Get out of here quick!
00:07Young Master?
00:09You should leave as well!
00:11How come Yu Hao hasn't shown up yet?
00:21My power has been decommissioned!
00:25Why would it be like this?!
00:29It's the coldness of the fog.
00:32Yu Hao has absorbed the coldness of the sky and earth.
00:35His soul power has increased too quickly.
00:38With the opening of the Dream of Heaven and the sealing of his spirit power,
00:41his soul power and spirit power will explode in the future.
00:46Affected by this, Xue Mi's power has increased rapidly,
00:51breaking through my seal.
00:53Breaking through me?
01:00My power is too strong.
01:02If you can control me, not only will I be extinguished,
01:05but also the coldness of the sky, the fog and Yu Hao.
01:08You will also be entangled.
01:10When you die,
01:11even these ancient sects will be destroyed.
01:17Yu Hao must be trapped inside.
01:20Yu Hao, Yu Hao, where are you?
01:22Xiaodong, hurry up and go out with everyone.
01:25No, Yu Hao is still inside.
01:30Hurry up.
01:40Second Brother, hurry up and tell me.
01:46Yu Hao, hurry up and come out.
01:48It's too dangerous.
01:49Yu Hao.
01:53Eldest Brother.
01:55Yu Hao...
01:58Take Xiaodong out first.
02:01All sect disciples, immediately withdraw from Hao Tian Fortress.
02:11I must leave this place immediately.
02:13No matter what, I can't bring harm to the Hao Tian Sect.
02:18Yi Lang, can you restore Xue Mi's power?
02:22This time, Ben Niu's power is stronger than last time.
02:26I have no other choice.
02:32I was too impulsive.
02:34The first time I left the Hao Tian Fortress,
02:36I actually caused a great disaster.
02:38I have to protect the lives of Wang Dong and the Hao Tian Fortress.
02:41I can't just stand by and watch the disaster fall.
02:44Yi Lang, do you have a way?
02:47Even if I have to sacrifice, I won't give up.
02:49The Hao Tian Fortress doesn't deserve a kitten like you to save it.
02:56Huo Xiaoyou, I know you have a powerful existence in your body.
03:01Please show up. Let's discuss a solution together.
03:05I'm sure you can see it.
03:08Both Second Brother and I have the power of the gods.
03:11With the power of all of us, we may be able to resolve the crisis.
03:15Yi Lang, I will use all of my power to make you fall.
03:19And me...
03:20Don't ask me.
03:21Although compared to all of you, my power is insignificant,
03:24I believe that as long as I don't give up,
03:26nothing is impossible in this world.
03:29It's been a long time since I had such hot blood.
03:34Okay, I'll fight with you.
03:49Let's begin.
03:54Let's begin.
04:24Let's begin.
04:38Senior, this is all because of me.
04:40I should end it.
04:42With the help of the two chiefs of the Hao Tian tribe,
04:44you can force my power out of your body.
04:48I will save all the lives here.
04:54I will save all the lives here.
04:58I will save all the lives here.
05:24I will save all the lives here.
05:54I will save all the lives here.
06:13The mysterious fish is tied up.
06:24The mysterious fish is tied up.
06:54The mysterious fish is tied up.
07:24The mysterious fish is tied up.
07:26The mysterious fish is tied up.
07:29The mysterious fish is tied up.
07:31Let's go.
08:25Thank you, Ylan.
08:55Thank you, Ylan.
09:15Thank you, Ylan.
09:35Thank you, Ylan.
10:05Thank you, Ylan.
10:35Thank you, Ylan.
10:55Thank you, Ylan.
11:15Thank you, Ylan.
11:35Thank you, Ylan.
11:59Thank you, Ylan.
12:09Thank you, Ylan.
12:19Thank you, Ylan.
12:39Thank you, Ylan.
12:49Thank you, Ylan.
12:59Thank you, Ylan.
13:19Thank you, Ylan.
13:29Thank you, Ylan.
13:39Thank you, Ylan.
13:59Thank you, Ylan.
14:09Thank you, Ylan.
14:19Thank you, Ylan.
14:29Thank you, Ylan.
14:39Thank you, Ylan.
14:49Thank you, Ylan.
14:59Thank you, Ylan.
15:09Thank you, Ylan.
15:19Thank you, Ylan.
15:29Thank you, Ylan.
15:39Thank you, Ylan.
15:49Thank you, Ylan.
15:59Thank you, Ylan.
