Jedi Mind Tricks

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00:00Like right now, I want you to imagine that I reached in your head and I pulled out a thought.
00:05It could be any thought, but as you look at it, you realize it's your name.
00:10As I toss it into the air, it drifts away into the night sky, into the black.
00:16You can no longer see your name, and in fact, it's gone from your mind.
00:19You no longer remember your own name. It's completely wiped away.
00:23And the harder you try to remember it, the more impossible it becomes.
00:26I'm Max. What's your name? Try to find it. Notice you can't.
00:32What's your name?
00:39I don't know.
00:40You don't know?
00:42You don't know your own name?
00:44Don't say it, but do you know her name?
00:47Do you know this guy?
00:49What's his name?
00:50What's your name? It's gone.
00:56It's gone! I said let him be!