Hardbite honey dijon chips Review Doller Tree

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Welcome everyone I do reviews snacks food movies and much more please check it out thank you enjoy your day everyone
This time I was reviewing Hardbite Chips in the park a very hot day honestly I think am crazy sometimes but just had to try them right away everyone. Please check out my other Hardbite chips Review and much more thank you enjoy your day everyone


00:00Hello everyone. Today I am doing another hard bite chips. When I saw this flavor at Dollar
00:08Tree, because that's where I get these hard bite chips, from Honey Dillgin. I had to try
00:15it. Honey Dillgin. I like Honey Dillgin. I like Honey Dillgin. So I got to try it. Honey
00:21Dillgin to me is very good on hot dogs. I think, if I'm thinking rightly, I think that's
00:26what Honey Dillgin is. It's kind of like a mustard type, tasting type thing. If I'm wrong,
00:32I'm going to find out soon when I open up these and go, oh my god, I'm so stupid. I
00:36don't know what Honey Dillgin is. But I should know, because I believe I used to put them
00:40on hot dogs. And even sometimes sausages. When you have those barbecues and you make
00:45those hot dogs really, like you know, like burned type. Like I like my hot dogs burnt.
00:52Like you know, really well done. Really tasty. And a bit crispy. That's how I like my hot
00:57dogs. But, I'm not talking about hot dogs. I'm talking about hard bite. Now, if you've
01:02checked out my other ones, I've done two other flavors of hard bite, I believe. But anyway,
01:07hard bite is no artificial, anything in it. Gluten free. No trans fat. And there are some
01:15of them, not all of them, are in avocado oil. Now, avocado oil is a very healthy oil for
01:23you. And as I'm sitting here, I'm sweating like crazy because it's boiling out. Like
01:28it's really hot out. It's beyond hot. That's why I'm sweating here. And my hair looks like
01:34I went swimming or something. No, it is sweat. And I'm going to try these. Now first of all,
01:40these are hard bite, hard craft style chips. And they're Canadian. Now, at the back here,
01:46it says all potatoes, no couch. That I still don't understand why they say that. Because
01:51I eat potatoes while I'm sitting on the couch, being a couch potato, watching a funny TV
01:56show. That's what I do. So I don't say all potatoes, no couch. I don't understand that
02:02at all. We're always loved farming. The west coast and it's healthy activity lifestyle.
02:08And potatoes. So we decided to celebrate both by making our own delicious chips. By cooking
02:14in a small batch using simple ingredients. We ensure the highest quality flavor. We're
02:21proud to bring you hard bite. All potatoes, no couch. Again, I don't understand. I guess
02:27I'm just flat out stupid. Now, right here it says cooked in 100% avocado oil. Why avocado?
02:35It's lighter than traditional oils. That means our handcrafted chips are lighter in
02:41texture and bolder in taste. Eat up. I didn't know that. I don't actually think it said
02:46that on the last one I did. And right over here, it basically says our delicious ingredients.
02:52Potatoes, avocado, sugar, sugar, honey, powder, dill, mustard. It is mustard seed. I am right.
03:00Vinegar, salt, salt, onion, powder, white distilled vinegar, garlic powder, spices.
03:07So right here it says 250 calories, 17 fat, trans fat 13, fiber 14, sugar 5, sodium 4,
03:17potassium 15. And potassium is really important. I get potassium headaches if I have too much.
03:24But some people lack potassium because you need a balance in your body of all sorts of
03:28things. So 15 is a good amount. 2% calcium, iron 8%. Well, now I'm going to open it up.
03:38If I can't. Actually, you know what? It's really strong. It's a really strong honey
03:48dill gin smell. Wow. And they don't smell stale. Actually, they smell really good actually.
03:56But you know what though? The funny thing is, they can smell really good but taste terrible.
04:01I've had that before with other chips and even other food. I always like to smell it
04:06first. But here's the chip. It looks yellow. Let's see. That is honey dill gin. And it's
04:13a nice light flavor. It's not super heavy. It's actually not bad. Let's try it again.
04:20See the consistency. You know what? These are pretty good. Now I'm going to try the
04:43dill gin. You know what? I actually really like these. It's a really nice flavor. It's
04:54very light. It's not like overwhelming dill gin mustard. It's a very light flavor. As
05:00you can see in my fingers though, it's a little bit. You have to lick your fingers or get
05:05a paper towel or something because they kind of go all over you. Because there's a lot
05:10of powder on it it seems. A lot of powder. Yeah, it's good. And as you can see the back
05:17there they have some pictures of avocado oil. And also you can go online and Facebook and
05:24Twitter all on the side there. So I got these at Dollar Tree for a couple bucks. And there's
05:31not a lot in the bag for two bucks but they're tasty. I'm actually surprised. To be honest
05:37with you when I saw this I said to myself, it's not going to be that good. It's going
05:40to be like overwhelming. It's not. It's a nice light flavor and tasteful. And they don't
05:46smell bad at all. I like them. I give them a 7. I give them a 7 out of 10. I don't give
05:54them any higher just because they're okay chips. They're not great chips but I do like
05:59them and I probably would buy them again. Maybe a little bit more flavor. Maybe that's
06:05why. Or they should have added maybe a honey mustard dilgent spice might have been slightly
06:09better. But it does say what it is and it did say it was mild and thin and it is good.
06:15So I recommend these especially if you like honey. If you don't like an overwhelming taste.
06:20If you like it a bit more, you might not like it. It's hard to say. But I would easily buy
06:26them again I believe. And so I give them a 7 out of 10. 7 out of 10 everyone. Bye for
06:31now. Check out my other reviews. Farmer's Market. Eating exotic foods like kangaroo.
06:37I'm not proud of where I filmed that. It didn't turn out as well. But yeah well I want to
06:44give you realism and that's realism unfortunately. It was a little dark that video. But I like
06:49realism. Like this is real. I'm sweating. I'm hot. I was walking and it's driving me
06:55crazy. I reviewed these everyone. Check out my other movie reviews. Food. I do movie reviews
07:00too. Food reviews. Events. Tours and much more. And you can check out my other two reviews
07:05of Hard Bite. Bye for now everyone. Have an incredible day. And thank you again for watching.
07:10Bye for now.
