Rote Rosen Folge 1209

  • 2 months ago
00:00Talk to me.
00:02It's not that easy.
00:10I know this man.
00:12I went to dance school with him.
00:16Maybe this Pawel is my father.
00:18The bracelet of my deceased husband.
00:20I leave it to my dear son Clemens.
00:30I'm worn and painted by the sun
00:32And it's in my eyes
00:34And it's in my eyes
00:38Caught by the rapture of the dawn
00:40And a restless sky
00:42And a restless sky
00:46This is my life
00:50This is the way to find my own
00:54This is my life
00:56This is my life
00:58This is the world where I belong
01:04I'm rolling on
01:06I'm rolling on
01:16This must be a misunderstanding.
01:22The bracelet of my deceased husband
01:24I leave it to my dear son Clemens.
01:26I'm sorry, that's the way it is, Mr. Winter.
01:32Do you really think it's fair
01:34to get your father's watch?
01:38I'm sorry, I forgot.
01:40You almost drowned
01:42when you saved it from the floods of Ilmenau.
01:46Just make yourself funny.
01:48What a farce!
01:50Mother inherits
01:52the watch of our father.
01:54You didn't even know him.
01:56The more I'm happy
01:58about this thought, Roman.
02:00And you insist
02:02on keeping it?
02:06It's the last will of our mother.
02:10If you want,
02:12you can fight the will, Mr. Winter,
02:14but that usually doesn't help.
02:16Do you still need me?
02:22I'm sorry.
02:32Mrs. Rose doesn't know his last name,
02:34but Pavel and Luise were in love with each other.
02:36Do you remember that?
02:38I used to
02:40fall in love with Pavel,
02:44but he only had eyes for Luise.
02:46In time,
02:48it would come to that.
02:50And when Luise has repudiated
02:52his feelings...
02:54I'll find him.
02:56And then we'll find out
02:58if he's my father or not.
03:00Since I've already heard the main speech
03:02at the congress in Turin,
03:04I thought I'd use the time
03:06for a detour from the Elbe to Ilmenau.
03:08The surprise was definitely successful.
03:10Although I have to emphasize
03:12that your mother
03:14especially enjoys militant
03:16post-education visitors
03:18who don't miss a word.
03:20I know.
03:22Oh, Ben,
03:24did you bother yourself with the windmills?
03:28No, my wind power plants
03:30are totally tolerable
03:32if you don't provoke them.
03:34Would you like something to drink?
03:36Water, tea, coffee?
03:40I'll drink whatever you drink.
03:46it's taken care of.
03:48I have to go to the clinic.
03:50Preparatory service.
03:52But you can't just...
03:54There you hear it.
03:56We doctors, we always work.
03:58I'll accompany you.
04:00Maybe we'll make it to a cappuccino
04:02in the cafeteria.
04:04The coffee was always good.
04:10We'll talk on the phone.
04:12Oh, Britta,
04:14did you hear who applied for urology
04:16in Eppendorf?
04:18No, you'll never guess that.
04:32If you have any questions
04:34about hotel management,
04:36don't be shy.
04:38I'm always here for you.
04:40Let me guess,
04:42you've just sent a large mail
04:44to all the foresters
04:46of the Lüneburger Heide.
04:48Not a bad idea.
04:50And to satisfy your curiosity,
04:52at the moment,
04:54it's going well for me
04:56both professionally and privately.
05:00And the private component
05:02is still blond, sweet and young?
05:04Life can be so beautiful.
05:06Just make sure you don't burn your fingers.
05:08We know you're worried about your little brother.
05:10Hopefully without reason.
05:16Oh, Mr. Flickenschild,
05:18would you like to see the new designs
05:20for the golf course?
05:22You must be curious
05:24about what I discussed with the designer
05:26after you were unfortunately prevented.
05:28I fully trust your skill
05:30in this project.
05:32You can feel your affinity.
05:34And now please excuse me.
05:36First of all,
05:38I feel a slight irritation.
05:40Mr. Flickenschild,
05:42I'm not going to believe you.
05:44First of all,
05:46you allow me to see you at work
05:48so that I can gain experience in the hotel sector.
05:50And then I only see you from behind.
05:52I'm sorry.
05:54Even though you know
05:56that I don't have any knowledge
05:58of the hotel business.
06:00And now I enjoy your complete trust?
06:02Is this a test or what?
06:04I'm sorry.
06:10May I?
06:18I don't understand this man.
06:22Gunther Flickenschild.
06:24How so?
06:26These change-makers.
06:28Sometimes he treats me as if
06:30I couldn't count to three
06:32and then he suddenly gives me a completely free hand
06:35and avoids any conversation.
06:37Mr. Gunther doesn't belong to the ordinary class of men.
06:40I see that differently.
06:42He has a date with a beautiful woman
06:44and his mind sets out.
06:45He's a classic.
06:47But not particularly professional.
06:58I thought you were one of the three kings.
07:01Yes, I am.
07:03Regina and I found a beautiful apartment here in Lüneburg.
07:07Unfortunately, I don't know your wife.
07:09She's a doctor, isn't she?
07:11Yes, and on the way from New York to Lüneburg.
07:14So if your husband needs a sedative, then ...
07:18Why should he?
07:20Oh, you don't know that yet?
07:23Our mother made me my father's armband.
07:29Is that so absurd?
07:31But this watch doesn't mean anything to you.
07:34It's the only thing that's left of my father.
07:37I didn't get to know him because he died on the day of my birth, right?
07:41And yet I have no right to get this watch?
07:44But that's not the point.
07:46I don't know my father or my mother
07:49and I'm after every straw that brings me closer to them.
07:53But this watch is a symbol,
07:56a symbol of your father's love for Roman.
08:01My mother saw it differently.
08:05Like so much when it was about you.
08:07What's that supposed to mean, Peter?
08:10Roman has worked hard all his life while you moved around in world history.
08:15And for that, he only got neck slaps from her.
08:20Even beyond her death.
08:27Mom, don't you want to wait for me in the canteen?
08:33Hello, Lore.
08:41When was the last time we saw each other?
08:44Toronto, Interdisciplinary Meeting 2009.
08:48Zurich Airport.
08:50First Christmas Day, last year.
08:52That's right. Well, I've always envied you for your memory.
08:56And what brought you here?
09:01Of course, you're the mother of...
09:03Professor Hartsfeld-Winter will be my new boss.
09:06Well, the world is a village.
09:08With that, you'll get a not uncomplicated, but highly competent executive.
09:13The latter was known to me, yes.
09:15Why are you driving around with that?
09:18I come directly from New York and just wanted to take a few documents with me to work on myself.
09:23That sounds like a long-distance relationship.
09:26Clemens even arrived in Lüneburg before me.
09:29But unfortunately, on a sad occasion.
09:34His mother, Heidrun, died.
09:36My heartfelt condolences.
09:38Mine, too.
09:39Thank you.
09:41My respect, by the way.
09:44The speed with which you raised the genetic database here on site...
09:48Nobody can do that so quickly.
09:51But I didn't know anything about it, Britta.
09:53It wasn't just my merit.
10:00Yes, please.
10:04I heard that next week the Association of Entrepreneurs will be here again.
10:08They would offer a green week. What do you say to that?
10:11Yes, that sounds good.
10:13Oh, are those the plans for the redevelopment of the golf course?
10:16Well, I'm just thinking about it.
10:18Well, you can get what you want from Mrs. van Loon,
10:21but she knows how to achieve great results with small means.
10:24Are we really talking about the golf course here?
10:27Excuse me, this here.
10:29This was a real shame.
10:30Ungrazed, trampled grass.
10:32And you just put a few pretty beech trees in buckets and whoosh!
10:35You achieve great results.
10:37Beech trees?
10:38I'm not so good at landscape architecture.
10:40Yes, you need a professional with a brain for that.
10:43You listened, didn't you?
10:45And voluntarily.
10:47Mrs. van Loon doesn't get much from me, does she?
10:50What should she do?
10:51You're business partners and you're pretty jumpy right now.
10:55Excuse me, please. I don't let my mood out unfiltered.
10:58Not in general.
11:00Besides, I just had a magical date with a magical woman.
11:06She saw me.
11:07So why should I still be in a mood?
11:09We're all happy for you, but...
11:11There are signals that Mrs. van Loon doesn't understand.
11:14You should clarify them.
11:16She's insecure.
11:19Okay, I'll talk to her again.
11:22Do that.
11:51Gunter Fleckenschild here.
11:53I just wanted to ask you...
11:56What do you think of a joint theater visit?
12:01Ms. Lichtenragen?
12:05Oh, Dr. Thies! Hello!
12:09Is everything okay?
12:11It never got any better.
12:13Yes, pregnancy hormones create feelings of happiness.
12:16But I don't remember which month it was. I think it was the 4th.
12:20I was looking forward to the first day.
12:22But that's probably because I wished for the baby so much.
12:26Is there a better start to life than being so welcome?
12:33I also have feelings of happiness.
12:35In an early stage.
12:37Congratulations! That's great news!
12:40I don't think I've realized it yet.
12:43And your boyfriend?
12:44As far as I know him, he's probably out of his mind.
12:48He doesn't know yet.
12:51But I have to change that quickly.
12:53Thank you.
13:09I met Clemens.
13:11I'm so sorry, darling.
13:14I know how much this watch meant to you.
13:18What a blow to the stomach.
13:22What did I do to my mother?
13:25Even when she was dead, she introduced me to Clemens.
13:28I don't understand why she did that.
13:31But believe me.
13:32She loved you both.
13:35We know that's not true.
13:38My mother was ungrateful.
13:40Until she died.
13:48Oh, Roman.
13:51I might have found a clue to my father.
13:58I'm sorry, darling.
13:59But at the moment, I really don't feel like...
14:02...researching my ancestors.
14:04But I might be able to find my father.
14:08My father would turn around in his grave...
14:10...if he knew that his own wife...
14:12...and his eldest son...
14:13...had the only piece of memory left of him.
14:22I'm at Johanna's in the hospital.
14:41We have to pay.
14:43Wait, I'll do it.
14:44It's okay.
14:45Come on.
14:52I have to tell you something.
14:53Oh, wait a minute.
14:55No one's knocking?
14:56No phone, no beeper?
14:58And where's the other chat killer?
15:00Your mother?
15:02Do you want to hear it now?
15:04I'm not so sure anymore.
15:08Did you get bored talking to Lars?
15:11Oh, Ben, just shut up.
15:16I'm pregnant.
15:21We're having a baby.
15:28I want to be a father.
15:30I want to be a father.
15:32You're a father.
15:34You're a father.
15:36You're a father.
15:38You're a father.
15:40You're a father.
16:10In which direction is the interest going?
16:12Machines of all kinds.
16:14I'm sure we'll get into a conversation there.
16:16Excuse me, I have to hang up.
16:18A dinner with a Japanese business partner.
16:20I'll get in touch.
16:29I'm starting to get interested in what you're doing to make your money.
16:33Judging by your car, you don't seem to be hungry.
16:36I'm doing what I'm offered.
16:38Import-export works best for me.
16:41Sounds exciting.
16:43It could be pretty much anything, right?
16:46I'm an extremely reliable partner.
16:49Business or private?
16:56You can pass my card on to your father.
16:59Maybe we can get into business.
17:02You can pass my card on to your father.
17:05Maybe we can get into business.
17:08Did you only do that with us to get a foot in the door of Winter's West?
17:17Well, you wouldn't be the first one to hope to get close to my father on this path.
17:22I don't want to be petty, but...
17:25Who pulled Vien into his bed?
17:32Who pulled Vien into his bed?
17:35Tell me, my dear, how is it with you now?
17:38With Brussels, don't you have to work?
17:41Don't worry. I applied for a leave of absence.
17:44But is that possible? Won't you be needed?
17:56How are you?
17:57Good so far.
17:59Were you able to gain any experience with this ominous Pavel?
18:04The dance school still exists.
18:06But of course with new owners.
18:10No wonder after so many years.
18:12Unfortunately, there is no archive in which the dance class participants of the last decades are recorded.
18:17I'm sorry.
18:19I was so happy for you when my mother told me that there is a trace of your father.
18:24I beg you, don't always paint so black.
18:27She didn't know for a lifetime who she was and where she came from.
18:32And now I found you in the shortest time.
18:35Or rather, you found me.
18:36And maybe I even know the first name of my father.
18:39And on the Internet there are such opportunities for research.
18:42And Jule will definitely help you with the search as a journalist.
18:47Don't worry about it, Mom.
18:49Believe it or not, but it still works best for me.
18:55Nevertheless, you should rest now.
18:58Susanne and I go to the cafeteria and think about a battle plan.
19:01If you're right.
19:03Yes, but...
19:04That's the least of it.
19:05The men in our family have been so rude to you and your mother Luise.
19:11So if I want to make up for that, I have a lot to do.
19:14I never forgave Paul.
19:17Of course.
19:19First he betrayed your cousin Luise to her inhuman father.
19:22And then he forbids you to adopt Susanne.
19:26But please, those were different times.
19:30Humanity is not a question of a decade.
19:37Ah, a card for you.
19:40For my favorite guest.
19:43Are you allowed to say that at all?
19:45But as hotel employees, we have an unofficial list of favorites,
19:49in which we judge our guests according to purely subjective criteria.
19:55Learned something again.
19:56And? How does it look?
19:58Good. And you?
20:00I meant whether I could show you Lüneburg today.
20:04An old town, a water tower, the Lüne Monastery.
20:06Weren't we at various bars and cafes the other day?
20:09Yes, but unfortunately you didn't jump on it.
20:16Tell me, are you going to have an apartment?
20:18Huh? Why?
20:20I need a few applicants for a new menu.
20:23You can only live limited by air and love, hm?
20:26You should still be allowed to be friendly.
20:28Yes, especially when the guest is so attractive.
20:31I thought you just wanted to focus on your job.
20:34I do too.
20:35By the way, what about your sea tongue menu?
20:38We offer seasonal, regional cuisine, so if you want to catch me a pano ilmenau.
20:42If I catch you something, then certainly something else.
20:49Then you behaved so strangely as if it were just because of your pregnancy.
20:53Yes, I had to clarify that myself first.
20:56And when it was time, we were only disturbed.
21:01And we agreed that we wanted children, but actually only in one or two years.
21:05No, no, no, no, you agreed.
21:07For me it was always clear.
21:09With you, all the time.
21:14Did you now understand how stupid your jealousy was for Lars?
21:19I'm sorry.
21:22But why did you constantly cuddle behind my back?
21:26When Lars came to watch football here, he found this pregnancy test by chance.
21:30And I just wanted him to keep his mouth shut until I talked to you.
21:34Aww, cute.
21:40Do you think we can do it?
21:42Of course.
21:45Tell me, when you're lying here, right?
21:48And you hear in you...
21:52Ah, yes.
21:54How do you feel?
21:56Right or wrong?
21:58Just good.
22:00Don't get up, don't get up.
22:02I'm not getting up, I'm not getting up, I'm not getting up.
22:12Yes, sure, when?
22:16Yes, okay, see you.
22:21I'm sorry.
22:23I'm sorry.
22:25I'm sorry.
22:27I'm sorry.
22:29My mother and my future boss invited me to dinner in Salto.
22:33Do you want to come?
22:35Um, when you introduced me to your mother as a friend,
22:38I think she had a picture of me as if I were climbing on power poles as a primate
22:43and couldn't eat with a knife and fork.
22:46Oh, Ben, that's outdated now.
22:49Yes, but with this prank here, I would only confirm this prejudice.
22:53So better not.
22:54Okay, then I'll go alone.
22:56So, just the two of you.
22:58You can think of a name in the meantime.
23:01Already happened.
23:03Hedwig Waltraut or Karl Heinz, those would be my favorites.
23:07Hedwig was my grandma's name, it's actually a nice name.
23:13Come on, really, I didn't take your cell phone with me.
23:16I'm not that stupid.
23:18Wait a minute, I'll get my bag, okay?
23:29Tom, are you still there?
23:30Um, yes, well, I did plug it in.
23:34I can't bring it to you now, is it okay if I leave it at the reception?
23:38Okay, kiss, kiss.
23:42Hey, Carlo.
23:51Have you already finished work?
23:53It would be nice.
23:55I'm just trying to gather my strength
23:57to play the silent postilion between Mr. Flickenschild and Mrs. von Lohen afterwards.
24:04I've already talked to Gunther.
24:06It doesn't go that far.
24:08Thank you, hopefully it helps.
24:10The two of them are like fire and water.
24:12I mean, of course I don't care, but ...
24:15But what?
24:16Well, I have a bit of a feeling that Mr. Flickenschild is constantly biting off Mrs. von Lohen
24:21because he's in love with her.
24:25No second thoughts?
24:28Well, I've already thought about it.
24:30That's why this weird blind date.
24:34Am I interrupting?
24:35Oh, Mr. Eckart, don't you also have the feeling that you could go back to work?
24:39By the way, the first thought is often the best.
24:41You're right.
24:42My private life.
24:43It doesn't concern you at all.
24:45You have to write everything down for yourself.
24:47If you act adequately, no one will gossip about you.
25:26Perceptions can be so different.
25:28In my eyes, I didn't run away, but you drove me away.
25:33By offering you a future perspective?
25:38In a job I didn't want.
25:40Fortunately, I pulled the emergency brake.
25:43Yes, I'm a non-human.
25:45How could I expect you to join a father's company
25:49and then, at some point, lead it together with me?
25:53Roman, you haven't changed one bit.
25:56You're still the self-loathing compass on two legs,
25:59after which everyone has to adjust.
26:02In my world, it's called taking responsibility.
26:05That's what I'm saying.
26:07We live in different worlds.
26:11Oh, by the way.
26:13And if anyone suffered because I left,
26:17it was my mother.
26:19But she accepted it at some point.
26:21Oh, yes?
26:23Why did she blame me for your departure for a lifetime?
26:27Those are completely new words.
26:29I think you always got along so well.
26:33I took care of her.
26:39And I loved her.
26:44I did, too.
26:45I did, too.
26:50And now she's heard enough.
26:53Bye, Mom.
26:54Bye, Mom.
27:26If I can help, I wanted to stop by Rajan's anyway.
27:28We're friends.
27:30Great, thanks.
27:33I have to go.
27:36I have to go to Rajan and get his cell phone.
27:39Bye, Peter.
27:47So, who do we have here?
27:49The always-investigative Julie Ansen?
27:51Researching an article about people in hotels.
27:54First of all, this article already exists in famous book form.
27:57And secondly, I just got out of the hospital.
27:59I visited my grandma.
28:01And? How is she?
28:04She's complaining about the food again. That's a good sign.
28:06I'm glad.
28:08Are you more of the business type or the sports type?
28:12Among us?
28:13I'm totally into small ads.
28:15You can read a lot between the lines.
28:17Not stupid.
28:19Are you going to stay in Lüneburg for a long time?
28:21No desire to go to Munich?
28:23The mountains? The Föhn?
28:25I've dealt with the Föhn quite well so far.
28:28And why not?
28:34How are you two?
28:37Can we talk for a second?
28:41Don't bother. I have work to do anyway.
28:46What's up?
28:48I really don't know what's going on with Britta.
28:51She's getting more and more strange.
28:53I mean, I believe you two are over, but...
28:57You know something, don't you?
28:59I can feel it.
29:04Oh, man.
29:06Ben, what...
29:09What am I supposed to say?
29:13For example, that you're happy for me because I'm becoming a father.
29:18What? You know that now?
29:21Not as long as you, little one.
29:24Sorry, man.
29:25Britta was totally torturing me when I said something.
29:27Hey, excuse me.
29:30No, no, you're not really coming in here.
29:32You're pulling such a face and just kidding me.
29:34Hey, who's quitting now?
29:36Let's continue.
29:38Let's toast.
29:39Mr. Albers?
29:41What are we drinking?
29:42Two limos, please.
29:45Oh, man.
29:46Don't ever kid me again.
29:47I'm your father, man.
29:48Man, great, you're a daddy.
29:54Am I bothering you?
29:55No, no, not at all.
29:58Don't you think they're beautiful?
30:01So tender and fragile.
30:04And yet they bloom like no other plant in winter.
30:09What gives me the honor?
30:11I took a look at your designs for the golf course.
30:15And they're great.
30:23Clear, simple.
30:24Well, more than successful.
30:27Thank you.
30:29Well, I don't have any objections.
30:31You have a green light.
30:35No suggestions for improvement?
30:40This new harmony is confusing me a little.
30:43Not that I like to argue, but...
30:45I think I should apologize to you for my mood swings in the last few weeks.
30:50I know I wasn't always fair to you.
30:53That means I can hope that our cooperation will be a little more constant in the future?
31:03Thank you.
31:11Hello, Aunt Traudl.
31:13Yes, this is Erika.
31:16No, not Veronika.
31:18From Lüneburg.
31:20Yes, yes.
31:21How are you?
31:24Tell me, I have a question.
31:27Can you remember the last name of a boy from our dance school in Lüneburg?
31:34Yes, his name was Pawel.
31:40Yes, that's the one.
31:43The one I used to love so much.
31:48Oh, I see.
31:50If you remember the last name, please call me urgently.
31:55See you soon.
31:57Thank you.
32:01But at least you knew right away who I was talking about.
32:06That didn't escape me.
32:11I hope I'm not disturbing you.
32:14It just doesn't leave me alone.
32:16Have you come up with anything else about this Pawel?
32:19Mrs. Rositz, Mr. Marth has been thinking about it all the time.
32:22But sit down.
32:23Thank you.
32:25I think about it and think about it.
32:28Who else could have known that Pawel was in love with your mother Luise?
32:34Unfortunately not me, although I knew your mother.
32:37Her father owned the Lüneburger Tea Company.
32:40And sometimes she came to us to the pharmacy.
32:45She was what you call an eye-catcher.
32:48So not only beautiful, but also popular with everyone.
32:52Back then we were all very surprised that she suddenly disappeared.
32:56It was said that her father had sent her to the boarding school.
33:01If we had guessed that he had gotten rid of her because she was pregnant with him...
33:13What he did to her...
33:29Hi Fenja.
33:31That's a surprise. Come in.
33:34I'm supposed to hand over Mr. Lichtenhagen's cell phone.
33:37Are you working as a courier now?
33:39That was a coincidence.
33:40I heard that it was his.
33:42I was on my way to the city anyway, so I thought I'd hand it over.
33:46Cool, thanks.
33:49Are you interested in Calaripayat?
33:52Attention everyone.
33:54You are one of the few people here who can say that without stammering.
33:57I've always been interested in martial arts.
34:00Calaripayat is the perfect balance for me for the clinic, nursery and fellow student.
34:05If you feel like it, why don't you try it?
34:09Calaripayat is about body control and balance.
34:12That's pretty well explained here in the first paragraph.
34:15Calaripayat is the mother of all internal martial arts.
34:18And this exercise is relatively easy.
34:28Yes, something like that. Wait.
34:31Stretch and stretch like this.
34:34Better like this?
34:37Not bad at all.
34:39Well, I used to only play tennis and hockey.
34:42Sport and exercise are good in every way.
34:44But martial arts is something very special.
34:46Passed the exam.
34:47But now I have to devote myself to my fellow student again.
34:51Yes, if you decide to do something, then you do it.
34:55I think that's good.
34:57Yes, thanks for the snack hour.
34:59Thanks for the cell phone.
35:04Oh, stop.
35:06And practice nicely.
35:07I'll check it out if I get the chance.
35:11Bye, Fenja.
35:15Isn't that a miracle?
35:19And above all, again and again.
35:21When I was pregnant with Timo,
35:23there were these ultrasound photos and even better search images.
35:27You had to put everything together.
35:29But here, look.
35:30You can already see that.
35:31That's the foot.
35:33Ah, pictures of our family growth.
35:38Everything healthy and everything on it.
35:45Then you should now enter the planning phase 2.
35:49Get children first aid.
35:51Not a cheap pleasure.
35:52You really think about it.
35:53I haven't thought about it yet.
35:55Your cousin will make you an absolutely top-notch special offer
35:58for a game clock, table, car and so on.
36:00And the whole package.
36:01Oh, so you want to make capital out of my pregnancy?
36:06What do you think of me?
36:08The honest or the diplomatic answer?
36:11The prize would only be a grateful mother's smile
36:14and the permission to drive out the little screamer from time to time.
36:18You are at the top of my list.
36:21However, I would need a few indispensable details.
36:23Light blue or pink?
36:27Is there any news I should know?
36:33We'll get something light blue.
36:37Women are simply not my cup of tea.
36:39Yes, men make girls and boys make boys.
36:42At least they don't have handbags
36:44in which they let high-paid people's cell phones disappear.
36:47Give me the cell phone, I have to go again in a moment.
36:50But you're on your way to your apartment now.
36:52I'm sorry.
36:57Don't get so worked up, dad.
36:59Yes, it was mean of grandpa to betray Luise.
37:02That's slightly exaggerated, Jule.
37:04He is doubly to blame that Susanne had to grow up at home.
37:08Well, one thing is clear to me.
37:10Luise ran away with the baby and fled to you.
37:12Grandpa betrayed her to her father.
37:14But twice?
37:15That was years later.
37:17Grandma wanted to look for her to adopt Susanne,
37:19but he forbade her.
37:23I'm surprised that grandma let herself be pleased with that.
37:26What could she do?
37:28She was alone in the backyard
37:30and for my father it seemed only important
37:32to keep the family honor of the Janssens white.
37:37You are very disappointed.
37:39Yes, I had a completely wrong image of him.
37:42He was my hero.
37:43I looked up to him.
37:44I wanted to emulate him.
37:46I was afraid that his footsteps could be too big for me.
37:53I'm not a saint either,
37:55but preaching water and drinking wine
37:57have always been against my will.
37:59Yes, you can't always excuse everything
38:01that there were other times in the past.
38:03A bad person remains a bad person.
38:05It was in the 60s and not in the Middle Ages.
38:08But outside, giving the moralist politician
38:11who has humanity and tolerance over everything ...
38:13Dad, dad.
38:14Come down again.
38:16Shall we go for a walk?
38:20Nice to have you here.
38:22How long can I still bear the Bavarian press?
38:25Texts can be written from everywhere these days.
38:29Doesn't it draw you home at all?
38:33At the moment I feel very comfortable here.
38:36And I would like to stay that long
38:38until grandma is healthy again.
38:52You ordered the specialty plate for two people?
38:57Or just for one person?
38:59No, it's fine.
39:01Oh, and we really have something to celebrate.
39:04I just got the okay from Liechtenstein,
39:06which makes my stay in Lüneburg
39:08a little longer and more relaxed.
39:13I'd love to hear that.
39:15You surprise me again and again.
39:18I hope so.
39:19I mean the waiter.
39:21Do you learn that in the interior and export trade?
39:23I learned that during my training
39:25at Uncle Ruth's hotel.
39:27You are a trained hotel expert?
39:30Let's put it this way.
39:31I did a little trip in that direction for a while.
39:33So you dropped out?
39:34Nevertheless, I don't want to miss the experience.
39:37And as you can see, it still takes me today.
39:46Snyder and Snyder?
39:50Please don't tell us about my father's business.
39:53Of course.
39:56It's just...
40:00Dick Snyder is an old friend of mine.
40:05Since the time at Uncle Ruth's.
40:08But regularly with his parents in Bavaria.
40:13Does that mean you know Snyder Jr. personally?
40:17He's not my best friend now.
40:19But we still see each other from time to time.
40:23At the moment he seems to be under a lot of stress.
40:26It's quite chaotic in the family business.
40:45I hope big brothers are spared from you
40:47if you can handle that for now.
40:49You can trick me.
40:50I see.
40:51That's Raja Miguelin.
40:53I met him in the hospital when Grandma died.
40:56I'm sure you've seen him before.
40:58Long brown hair.
41:00Nice smile.
41:01I don't pay much attention to men.
41:03But yes, I know who you mean.
41:06Could it be that my little sister is in love with him?
41:11Well, he's pretty...
41:12Super. Sweet. Hot. Sexy. Sharp.
41:18He's so different from the other guys from school or hockey.
41:22I don't know how to explain that.
41:24Well, then I'd say stick to it.
41:26That's easy to say.
41:29Rule number one from the big brother lexicon.
41:33What's next?
41:34If you like someone, there are two possibilities.
41:36I'm curious.
41:37A. You float, float and float.
41:40Secretly, until you get stiff.
41:42Because you don't dare to check if the other person feels the same way.
41:44And B?
41:45B. You play with open cards.
41:47You approach and usually run into open doors.
41:57Book me a flight to Hamburg-Rotterdam for tomorrow morning.
42:00If Snyder Junior has already contacted the Chinese,
42:03then I have to show my presence.
42:06I'm counting on you, Gabi.
42:08Thank you.
42:11Liebes, es tut mir leid.
42:14Lass uns nicht streiten.
42:17Du sollst nicht glauben, dass mir die Suche nach deiner Familie gleichgültig ist.
42:20Alles gut.
42:21Im Gegenteil.
42:22Du hattest einfach keinen Kopf,
42:24nachdem du bei der Testamentseröffnung so verletzt worden bist.
42:30Es geht ja auch nicht um die Uhr.
42:32Der materielle Wert ist ja gleich ein Nudel.
42:37Ich weiß, wie viel sie dir bedeutet.
42:40Mein Vater hat diese Uhr bei seinem ersten großen Auftrag geschenkt bekommen.
42:45Es war sozusagen der Startschuss für unsere Firma.
42:49Er hat immer betont, dass ich sie eines Tages erben werde.
42:54Am meisten verletzt mich, dass meine Mutter genau wusste,
42:58wie viel mir an der Uhr liegt.
43:01Dass du sie trotzdem Clemens vererbst.
43:06Wir machen beide sehr bewegende Zeiten durch.
43:10Ja, aber was mich dabei tröstet, sind deine Worte.
43:14Wir beide.
43:16Du und ich.
43:23Ich bin dir jeden Tag aufs Neue dankbar, dass du an meiner Seite bist.
43:30Und gerade jetzt.
43:45Sag mal, Böckmann hat sich doch sehr früh auf die Schlafmedizin kapriziert.
43:51Was seinem Arbeitstempo auch sehr entgegenkommt.
43:54Diese Schlafmütze.
43:56Also seine Privatklinik soll übrigens eine Gelddruckmaschine sein.
44:01Es sei ihm gegönnt.
44:02Unser Credo ist eben die Forschung und der Blick nach vorne.
44:06Es gibt eben die, die früh satt sind, und die, die brennen.
44:09Man muss sich nur irgendwann für einen Weg entscheiden.
44:13Und du bist genauso ehrgeizig wie ich mit Savoir vivre,
44:16wird Bernd nicht Klinikchefin.
44:18Ich wusste immer, was ich wollte.
44:20Und nur so kommt man nach ganz oben.
44:23Ich hoffe, Britta denkt genauso wie du.
44:26Sie ist so talentiert, aber ich mache mir echt Sorgen,
44:29dass sie ihre Chancen nicht wahrnimmt.
44:31Das muss jeder für sich selbst entscheiden, Hannelore.
44:35Aber ich gebe dir recht,
44:36deine Tochter ist genau wie du ein echtes Ausnahmetalent.
44:39Oh, danke schön.
44:41Aber du weißt auch, dass eine Karriere nur zu 5% auf Talent beruht.
44:45Und die übrigen 95% sind...
44:48Lernbereitschaft und harte Arbeit.
44:55Hallo, Britta.
44:56Bitte entschuldige die Verspätung.
45:01Ihr müsst ja die Ohren geklingelt haben.
45:04Wir haben gerade ein bisschen über Nachwuchstalente geplaudert.
45:07Und du bist nicht gleich bei Beck gekommen.
45:10Im Ernst.
45:12Wie Sie ja bereits wissen,
45:13habe ich mich die letzten 7 Jahre in New York
45:15intensiv der Forschung gewidmet.
45:17Ja, Ihre Arbeiten zum Morbus Kensington
45:19sind auch hier in aller Munde.
45:21Und Ihnen offensichtlich schon sehr vertraut.
45:23Forschung und angewandte Medizin Hand in Hand,
45:25das ist offengestanden auch mein Ziel.
45:27Das hatte ich gehofft zu hören.
45:29Ich beabsichtige natürlich auch hier in Deutschland,
45:32meine Forschung fortzusetzen und...
45:35hätte sie sehr gerne in meinem Team.
45:43Hi, Fenja.
45:45Bist du Blitzleserin oder hat dir das Buch nicht gefallen?
45:48Nein, es war wundervoll.
45:50Aber ich dachte mir,
45:51du willst es schnellstmöglich wieder zurück haben.
46:01Rajan Chudrak bei den Lichtenhagen?
46:06Meine Kolleg-Mappe für Chemie
46:07habe ich ihm bereits ins Fach gelegt.
46:10Nein, nein, das habe ich gestern schon gemacht.
46:18Jemand zu Hause?
46:21Rajan, du bist doch angemeldet.
46:23Mach mal deine Kamera an.
46:29Hoffentlich hast du wenigstens auf Lautsprecher
46:31und nicht nur die Kopfhörer.
46:36Rajan, ich habe schrecklich Sehnsucht nach dir.
46:40Es ist ganz schlimm.
46:46Der Wein ist ja großartig.
46:48Möchtest du?
46:49Nee, danke, für mich nicht.
46:50Geht es dir nicht gut?
46:53Ich will später nochmal in die Klinik
46:55und dafür brauche ich einen klaren Kopf.
46:56Ja, ja.
46:57Im Grunde genommen sind wir uns ja auch einig.
46:59Ich möchte Sie gerne dabei haben.
47:01Sie können sich das auch vorstellen.
47:03Du weißt, dass du dich einem Workaholic verschreibst.
47:05Ohne Leidenschaft kein Genie.
47:07Der Tribut ist das Privatleben.
47:09Wir kennen die Scheidungsraten in unseren Kreisen.
47:13Jetzt übertreibst du aber, Hanno Lorem.
47:15Mein Mann Clemens zum Beispiel
47:16hat es nie etwas ausgemacht,
47:17dass ich fast rund um die Uhr arbeite.
47:19Ja, aber nur, weil er so viel arbeitet wie du.
47:21Das ist alles gar kein Problem,
47:22solange man keine Kinder will.
47:24Das ist heutzutage in der Forschung sowieso
47:26ein absolutes No-Go.
47:35Sieht gut aus.
47:40Wollen wir dann?
47:44Sein oder nicht sein,
47:46das ist die Frage.
47:48Bis später.
47:50Das war das Krankenhaus.
47:52Sie können den Eingriff schon heute vornehmen.
47:57Aber ich fliege nach Rotterdam.
47:59Es ist hier nur ein kleiner Eingriff,
48:00ein Routine-Eingriff.
48:01Sie haben noch keine Ahnung,
48:02was Britta wirklich will.
48:04Und jetzt gehen Sie.
48:06Das ist die Wohnung meiner Tochter.
48:08Ich sagte, gehen Sie.
48:10Ich werde hier warten,
48:11ob es Ihnen passen wird.
48:13Ich sagte, gehen Sie.
48:15Ich werde hier warten,
48:16ob es Ihnen passt oder nicht.