Rote Rosen Folge 1205

  • last month
00:00You're Jana?
00:02I'm back!
00:07An hour ago, we agreed on a golf hotel.
00:11And now you're planning a theme park?
00:14Have you lost all your good spirits?
00:18Can't you be my mom, Sister Alma?
00:30I'm worn and painted by the sun
00:32And it's in my eyes
00:34And it's in my eyes
00:38Caught by the rapture of the dawn
00:40And a restless sky
00:42And a restless sky
00:47This is my life
00:51This is the way to find my own
00:55This is my life
00:58This is the world where I belong
01:04I'm rolling on, I'm rolling on
01:27Would you like some ice cream with hot raspberries or something?
01:30No, I'm still so full of that wonderful kale.
01:34Thank you, my child.
01:36Now give yourself a little rest, okay?
01:40I will have so much rest.
01:44And please put this ridiculous seating plan away for your funeral.
01:49My dear Thomas, I have planned and arranged my affairs all my life.
01:55I like to be well prepared and I don't like surprises.
02:00If this is supposed to be the plan for your funeral,
02:03what do you think should surprise you?
02:07I don't want Alfred Albers to sit next to Mrs. von Bosau, for example.
02:13The two of them always get into each other's hair.
02:15And it should be a dignified celebration.
02:18And I can also stroke Clara Oberbeck.
02:21She will be so insulted that she certainly won't come.
02:24Yes, that's why she won't come to your funeral.
02:27Because she will probably die before you.
02:29Oh, Thomas.
02:31I have to see the facts and you should do that too.
02:36There is no bone marrow donation for me.
02:40And no one can claim that I'm too young to die.
02:45So let's deal with it.
02:49I'm also afraid.
02:54if you put your head in the sand,
02:57you can only see the elongated back.
03:15I'm so grateful to you for coming.
03:22I'll go ahead.
03:27Let's see who's come.
03:30I knew you would come.
03:32Now everything will be fine.
03:34Good evening.
03:37I'm sorry I'm so late.
03:42I'm Susanne Winkler.
03:46That's really incredible.
03:52Did I come by accident?
03:56I didn't know you were coming back today.
03:59And I didn't know Lars was here.
04:02It just happened.
04:04I wanted to see you and...
04:06His grandma died.
04:09Oh, man.
04:11I'm sorry.
04:13And I invited Lars so we could watch football together.
04:20Lame game.
04:21That too.
04:25How did it happen?
04:27Lung embolism.
04:29Just like that?
04:31No, she had to be operated on the hand.
04:33And then it happened.
04:34It's a routine attack.
04:36But sometimes it can get complicated.
04:45If you want, you can sleep on the couch tonight.
04:49Yes, please. Thank you.
04:52Hey, nice to have you back.
04:54Yes, I missed you too.
04:56The maintenance of the wind power plant was faster than I thought.
05:03Do you want a beer?
05:04No, thank you. Not for me.
05:13Thank you.
05:14You're welcome.
05:16They were from Greece.
05:18Super cool.
05:19Too short.
05:26You have to admit that the hotel that Mrs. von Lohen and I came up with...
05:30...will blow up any holiday offer in Lower Saxony.
05:33Blows up? Yes. Blows up is exactly the right expression.
05:36Mr. Flickenschild, I understand if you feel a little overwhelmed, but...
05:39We agreed unanimously on a golf hotel.
05:42Yes, but we continued to think about these thoughts.
05:44Not to say expanded.
05:46We could satisfy the needs of three generations with our concept.
05:50Creative, extravagant and individual.
05:53And at night the children sleep in igloos.
05:55Yes, only if you want to. And of course only in winter.
05:57In summer there are tree houses and tipis.
05:59Yes, nice. I can already see the complaints that will fall on us...
06:02...when the children fall from the trees or freeze in the igloos.
06:05That's what we thought too. The children will be taken care of.
06:08I don't agree at all.
06:10I'm speechless.
06:12Speechless that you don't agree on any appointments.
06:16I don't think we'll be able to work together like this.
06:19We agreed on a golf hotel and now this nonsense.
06:22Children in igloos.
06:24We thought...
06:25I don't think you thought.
06:27And now you're probably expecting me to turn this expensive architect's design into confetti.
06:35You know him longer than I do.
06:37Does he calm down again?
06:39That could take a little longer under these circumstances.
06:42Gunther hates to be overwhelmed.
06:46Please forgive me for staring at you like that.
06:49But you are cut out of my cousin Luise's face.
06:53I don't know what to do.
06:55I don't know what to do.
06:57I don't know what to do.
06:59I don't know what to do.
07:01I don't know what to do.
07:03You're cut out of her face.
07:07When her son showed me this picture, I was also very surprised.
07:13Julie, look who's here.
07:15This is my granddaughter Julie and this is Mrs. Winter.
07:18Nice to meet you.
07:19This is the lady we were looking for.
07:21Wow, you're really...
07:24Yes, I know.
07:26Have you already been tested?
07:29I have an appointment in the hospital tomorrow.
07:32That's good.
07:33Then we'll soon find out if you can help my grandmother.
07:37Come on, dad.
07:38Leave the two of them alone.
07:48I would be very happy if I could help you with a bone marrow donation.
07:52But I don't want to give you too big hopes.
07:56I grew up in Vienna.
07:58I have no relatives here in the north.
08:00Are you sure?
08:06Why do you think this woman is my mother?
08:11The lady in the picture is Luise Kupfer.
08:16She died two years ago.
08:19She was my youngest cousin.
08:23We were apart for 13 years.
08:27I was already 30 and married.
08:31She was 17 when she became pregnant.
08:57I'm just testing if it's true that you're less bored together.
09:03It's best if you don't get bored at all.
09:08A glass of water, please.
09:10I just want you to know how sorry I am for this accident.
09:12Was it an accident for you?
09:15I'm not talking about us.
09:17I provoked your mother.
09:19That's not my mother.
09:21She married my father.
09:24Anyway, I saw you and couldn't leave.
09:26Thank you.
09:30What are we drinking to?
09:33To my grandmother.
09:37She died yesterday.
09:39When the accident happened, we were on our way to the hospital.
09:42She was dying.
09:44I would have liked to say goodbye to her.
09:49I'm sorry about that, honestly.
09:53Why didn't your stepmother say anything?
09:59Do you want to talk about it?
10:04Let's talk about you.
10:06But I warn you, if you bore me, I'm gone.
10:13For her parents, my aunt Thea and uncle Ernst,
10:17it was an incredible shame
10:20that their unmarried daughter became pregnant at 17.
10:25Who was the father of the child?
10:27Unfortunately, I don't know.
10:31And what happened to Luise and her child?
10:34She was locked up for weeks.
10:36She was house-arrested.
10:39Her father didn't even allow her to be released from the hospital.
10:43She had to bring her child home to the world.
10:47And what did her mother say?
10:49She couldn't stand her husband.
10:52But Luise did the right thing.
10:55Shortly after her birth,
10:57she came to us with her child at night and in the fog.
11:01Thomas was eight years old at the time.
11:04I remember bringing him to bed earlier.
11:07This is the only photo I have of Luise's child.
11:12Luise wanted to give birth to Katharina,
11:18and here I hold her in my arms.
11:24Maybe you are this child.
11:29Hey, wait a minute.
11:30What is it?
11:31What was that just now?
11:33What do you mean, nothing?
11:34Pregnancy is not nothing.
11:41Everything okay?
11:42Yes, of course.
11:43Of course.
11:45Good night.
11:46Good night.
11:47Good night.
11:48Good night.
11:49Good night.
11:50Good night.
11:51Good night.
11:52Good night.
11:53Good night.
11:54Good night.
11:55Good night.
11:56Good night.
11:57See you.
11:58See you.
12:03What's wrong with you guys?
12:25What do you mean, what's wrong?
12:29His grandma died and I felt sorry for him.
12:34You guys are acting so strange.
12:37Maybe it looked like that earlier.
12:40Lars fell off my bag, that's all.
12:43You don't have to worry about me hiding him in the closet.
12:48Good to know.
12:51I always thought Lars was a spoiled little boy.
12:54But he's not.
12:56My friends aren't spoiled daughters anymore.
13:01Did you know he was adopted?
13:06He's not one of those luxurious boys that gets everything from a rich daddy.
13:10It's okay.
13:12I missed you.
13:13I missed you too.
13:23We have a visitor.
13:25Is Lars sleeping over there?
13:46Do you know anything about your parents?
13:50I was abandoned in a orphanage in Vienna.
13:53I don't know anything about my origin.
14:04What happened to Luise and Katharina?
14:09Uncle Ernst put Luise in an orphanage near Lucerne.
14:18And the baby?
14:27If only I had given in back then.
14:31But it was a different time.
14:35I begged Paul.
14:38But he didn't want to know anything about an adoption.
14:43He didn't want to take it seriously.
14:48You wanted to adopt the girl?
14:59Ms. Jansen, thank you very much.
15:02I have to go now.
15:30Absolutely perfect.
15:33And absolutely senseless.
15:41Eckart, what's up?
15:44We have a meeting.
15:49Ms. van Noon?
15:51I don't know what she wants.
15:53She is unpredictable, unprofessional, and...
15:57We had the perfect plan of an architect based on our agreement.
16:02And what does she do?
16:03She makes a new plan with Karl.
16:05And a ridiculous one.
16:08Indian tents, igloos, tree houses.
16:11Sounds like a birthday party.
16:14And what do you say?
16:17I am contractually bound.
16:19What does that mean?
16:22That Ms. van Loon will still dance on my head.
16:25And the end of the song will be that we can never reach an agreement.
16:30Unless I leave the hotel project.
16:33You don't mean that, do you?
16:35That wasn't for your ears. Give it to me.
16:37The daily report.
16:39I see.
16:44What's all this?
16:56Is Ms. Winter already gone?
17:00What's going on, Grandma?
17:05I told Ms. Winter before.
17:09And we both got very upset.
17:12What did you tell her?
17:14Of course she has to process all of this first.
17:17What, Grandma? What?
17:19But you're crying.
17:20Thomas, why wasn't I stronger back then?
17:24Why didn't I go against him?
17:28Everything would have been different.
17:31Katharina would have had a home.
17:35A real home.
17:38What are you talking about?
17:40I'll get Britta.
17:44I'm so grateful that you found her.
18:10I'm so grateful that you found her.
18:40I'm so grateful that you found her.
18:44No, no, no, no.
19:04No, no, no, no.
19:34Well, and we were anything but that.
19:37We just overran him, like the elephants.
19:40Bad timing.
19:42Gunther wanted to talk to him about the golf concept.
19:45And we come to him with our colorful, glittering experience hotel.
19:53He should have just said no. He did.
19:57Gunther doesn't like surprises.
19:59He wants to be informed about every step, especially before it takes place.
20:03And since I'm the chef of this restaurant, I can even understand that.
20:08I mean, it would be just like if my pâtissier suddenly put Waldmeister Wackelpudding on the menu.
20:13But we don't put Waldmeister Wackelpudding on the menu, but Creme Brûlée.
20:18Yes, but our concept is not better, but just different from his.
20:22We overran him. He didn't feel taken seriously.
20:25I can even understand that.
20:27You've been talking about the golf concept with him for so long.
20:30He can't just give up so easily.
20:36Then I'll talk to him again.
20:38After all, we have to come to an agreement on something.
20:41Try it.
20:43And until then, I'll work on my communication skills a little more.
20:47That couldn't hurt.
20:50Thank you.
20:58Would you like anything else?
21:01A non-alcoholic beer, please.
21:08Well, big sister, how's business?
21:11I should better have a 50-50 partnership with Frau Saravacos, instead of with Mr. Fickenschild.
21:16You can talk to the cook.
21:18Big problem?
21:20I'm thinking, planning, thinking, and my partner feels overwhelmed by it.
21:26Well, diplomacy has never been your strength.
21:28I know.
21:30But Fickenschild is so strange, that you have to learn your own language for him.
21:35And that animal, which you've been talking about all the time, has grown its beak.
21:40Would you like anything else?
21:41No, thank you.
21:44And why are you sitting here all alone today?
21:48I had a visit from a lady.
21:50Oh, and where is the Snow Queen now?
21:53In bed.
21:55Without you?
21:57Already today.
21:59If she comes for her mother, then you can be prepared for something.
22:03The lady of the house is not her biological mother.
22:06You were lucky.
22:09She was at my shop today, and I was so jealous.
22:12Well, great.
22:14I'm trying to get in touch with Winters, and you're interrupting everything.
22:18Excuse me, I defended you.
22:23My big sister.
22:35Oh, there you are, darling.
22:37Hello, honey.
22:38Where have you been?
22:40I went for a walk.
22:42All the time?
22:45Oh, yes.
22:47Yes, we are all very, very sad.
22:53I was worried about you.
22:55You're very cold.
22:57I'm fine.
22:58What are you writing?
23:00I sketched out my mother's life situation.
23:03The pastor asked me to do it.
23:07He wants to come tomorrow and talk to me about her grief.
23:11Should I give you a bath?
23:13Yes, please.
23:14That would be nice.
23:23Thank you.
23:41Good morning, girls.
23:42Good morning.
23:43Good morning.
23:44Oh, who's going to eat all of these?
23:46We're just too hungry.
23:47I thought a little food can't hurt.
23:49I'm going to eat them all before I talk to Flickenschild.
23:53Maybe I'm more sociable if I can't say dad anymore.
23:56I should have known that 40 years ago,
23:58that I could make a living with it.
24:01You don't always have to talk.
24:03I've been thinking about a new strategy tonight,
24:06how I can convince him without words.
24:10I'll visualize my ideas for him.
24:13Good idea.
24:14So you want to give him a drawing?
24:17A meticulously elaborated overview of the entire complex.
24:21With loving details.
24:23Good morning.
24:24Hello, Anna.
24:25Come, sit down.
24:26Oh, that's good.
24:27I'm really hungry.
24:30I knew it.
24:31We're five.
24:32You're not, but I am.
24:34At least it feels that way.
24:36Thank you.
24:38I had a very interesting conversation yesterday
24:40with a city councilman whose brother-in-law was diagnosed with leukemia.
24:45Did he find a donor?
24:47And we're also planning a typification of all city employees.
24:51But you can't arrange that.
24:53Well, you can't force anyone to get tested,
24:55but you could make it as easy as possible.
25:02How's Mrs. Jansen?
25:03Not so good.
25:04I'll go down again in a minute.
25:05She had a bad night.
25:09But you can still drink your tea.
25:15And what are you doing today?
25:18Ah, I had spontaneously agreed to the Heide kicker,
25:21but now I have to cancel the training after all.
25:23And that's just before the point game.
25:25I've been kicking her around all the time and now I'm leaving her in the lurch.
25:29Well, I'll give her the job.
25:32I can train the boys.
25:34What, really?
25:35Do you want to do that?
25:36Sure, why not?
25:37Hey, thank you, man.
25:40Well, then I'll go to the bathroom and I'll drive around in a minute, okay?
25:48You didn't say anything, did you?
25:52Thank you.
25:53I have to digest it first.
25:55Did you cheat on him?
25:59Then what's the problem?
26:10I'll be gone in a minute, in case you have any secrets.
26:14We don't have any secrets, so...
26:17I'll be downstairs at Mrs. Hansen's, okay?
26:21I'll hurry.
26:31Oh, my God.
26:42Oh, Van Loon, you won't win a flowerpot with that.
26:48Hello, Achim.
26:50Is Erika not here?
26:52I asked her to go to the post office for me, but she'll be back soon.
26:56Oh, then I'll wait here.
27:01What are you doing there?
27:03Can't you see?
27:08Hardly, can you?
27:09So, this is my old tulip field.
27:13As you may know, Mr. Plickenschild and I plan to build a hotel there.
27:18Unfortunately, our ideas go pretty far apart, and I thought to myself,
27:22the best argument is still what you can see with your own eyes.
27:28Why don't you go to Mr. Plickenschild with this collage?
27:33Better not, right?
27:35You need a real landscape model from an architect who can build something like that.
27:40It's not that easy, and it takes time.
27:43Time is exactly what I have the least.
27:46When I built my H0 model railway system,
27:50I sat for months at the houses and courtyards and at the station buildings.
27:56Yes, that's the track width.
27:58Do you still have the system?
28:00Of course.
28:01And did you really build it yourself?
28:04I made such big garden fences and painted Johannesbeeren in the bushes.
28:11Could I maybe see the system?
28:19Oh man, Tom, hurry up!
28:21Yes, I'm almost ready.
28:24Come in.
28:25I have to go in.
28:26Hey, who's first is always first.
28:27Yes, I know, I talked to Ella at the chat.
28:29You have to get to work quickly.
28:31Thank you, Carla.
28:33Yes, come in.
28:36The broker has mailed some more exposes for offices in Lüneburg.
28:40Do you have a moment? I would like to show you this.
28:42Yes, of course.
28:43I have all the time in the world.
28:45Take a look.
28:48This is a holy guest street.
28:50It's a great location.
28:53I could walk into the office.
28:55What a luxury.
28:56Ah, ten minutes walking instead of one hour driving.
28:59That would be divine.
29:00Above all, that's time we would have for us.
29:03Yes, we wouldn't have to plan everything so meticulously anymore.
29:05And we could see each other from time to time.
29:07I'll be standing around your kitchen more often than you love.
29:10You won't.
29:11You're no longer my manager.
29:12Yes, exactly.
29:14I wanted to visit you as your friend.
29:16Of course you are allowed to.
29:19And what about your clients in Hannover?
29:23I'll keep a few.
29:24A few will be taken over by my office partners.
29:28But you will lose a few, of course.
29:30And win a few new ones in Lüneburg.
29:33I'm so glad you agree.
29:41The fever has gone down, but you still have a high fever.
29:46Have you had enough to drink?
29:48That's really important.
29:51I'll bring the blood samples to the lab.
29:54I'll have a blood sample taken now.
30:01Dr. Thies, tell me the truth.
30:07Your mother will need a donor soon.
30:09Very soon.
30:13Mr. Jansen, you know that only a bone marrow donor can help your mother.
30:19We don't give up hope.
30:24I'll let you know when the current data is available.
30:27Thank you.
31:04Hey Fenja!
31:06How are you?
31:07I'm fine.
31:08I was with Ben in Hamburg.
31:09We bought things for the funeral.
31:12And you?
31:13I'm fine.
31:15Do you want to go for a coffee?
31:17I'd love to.
31:18But I don't have time.
31:20You have to work at the hospital.
31:22No, I'm on my way to the nursery.
31:24That's right.
31:25What do you do?
31:26I have to earn my living.
31:29I came to Germany to study medicine.
31:32And you?
31:34What are you doing?
31:35I'm studying for my bachelor's degree.
31:38Do you know what you're doing?
31:40Not really.
31:41I find it hard to focus on something.
31:44Maybe you should do an internship first.
31:46And see what's right for you.
31:48I have to go now.
32:09Did you buy something nice?
32:17These are for you, Mom.
32:19Oh, that's nice.
32:22Aren't they pretty?
32:25Why are you sitting down here?
32:27Dad is upstairs making some notes.
32:30The priest is coming.
32:33He wants to know something about Heidrun's life.
32:36These are really nice, thank you.
32:38You're welcome.
32:42I also bought something nice.
32:50That's pretty.
32:52Grandma would like that.
32:58And Bente?
32:59She showed me some cool shops in Hamburg.
33:02Did she give you a good time?
33:04Yes, it was really great.
33:05I'm glad that she understands you better now.
33:08Yes, we used to get along really well.
33:11Well, it wasn't easy for her that Dad left her mother because of me.
33:16Well, I also think that Bente's mother sometimes beat her up against us.
33:22Well, she loved Roman.
33:25And lost him.
33:27I think that Bente gave me a bit of a shoulder to cry on.
33:32Would you like to have tea with me?
33:34Can it also be a coke?
33:37Yes, I wanted to go to the hospital yesterday.
33:39I have to get a type for a bone marrow donation that needs an old lady.
33:45But you can only be 18.
33:49Well, you wanted to help, that's the only thing that counts.
33:52I've already heard about the case.
33:55I will also go to the hospital later.
33:57Yes, if you can help so easily that someone gets a new life as a gift.
34:03Or myself.
34:08I'm not really enthusiastic about any of these offices.
34:11What about the Heiligen Geiststraße?
34:13Oh, that's way too small and way too expensive for the size.
34:17I have to go now, unfortunately.
34:19What's keeping you busy?
34:21Well, still the dispute with Gunther yesterday.
34:23Oh, because of your alternative hotel concept?
34:26Have you actually decided whether you will take over the kitchen?
34:29Gunther and Mrs. van Loon would have to come to an agreement first.
34:32And Gunther wasn't really enthusiastic about our idea.
34:36You don't like the hotel concept so far?
34:40Well, a golf hotel doesn't really start attractive.
34:45But you're busy, aren't you?
34:47I can see that.
34:49Well, the concept that Mrs. van Loon and I worked out, I find that attractive.
34:53An adventure vacation for children and for the grandparents, peace and nature.
34:57That sounds great.
34:58And for people like me, luxury and sport.
35:01Of course.
35:03Then you two just have to try to convince Gunther.
35:06Well, I thought that I would like to invest the money I actually need to pay you out of the shareholding
35:11into a kitchen concept.
35:14Now you do?
35:16Well, I mean, of course, only if it's okay for you that I don't pay my debts in one fell swoop,
35:21but simply shake them off.
35:23That's perfectly fine.
35:25I'm just afraid that your 100,000 euros won't be enough for your new project.
35:45Hello, my love.
35:46Hello, Vincent.
35:48What are you shopping for?
35:50A mourning dress.
35:53You should wear something else.
35:57I really don't have time for you right now.
35:59When can we see each other again?
36:01Aren't we seeing each other again right now?
36:05Hello, Bente.
36:06Have you seen Susanne?
36:08No, unfortunately not.
36:10Mr. Winter, excuse me, may I introduce myself?
36:12My name is Vincent van Loon.
36:13I would like to give you my condolences.
36:15Thank you.
36:17I am the victim of her wife's accident.
36:19I'm very sorry, but I've only just found out about the near circumstances,
36:22which were obvious.
36:23A small collision.
36:25You will hear from my lawyer.
36:27Good day.
36:32Is your father under stress?
36:33He's always under stress.
36:34So, when will we see each other again?
36:36Can I call you?
36:39I beg you.
36:40Good, I'll get in touch with you.
36:42Thank you.
36:48Thank you for bringing me here.
36:50I'm going to bring Mrs. Jansen's blood samples to the lab.
36:54Why are you in such a hurry?
36:56Yes, because of the blood samples.
36:58Yes, of course.
36:59Now it's the blood samples.
37:01Yesterday you were at Lars' place.
37:03What do you mean by that?
37:05Every time I come into the room by chance,
37:07you stop talking as if you had some kind of secret.
37:10Please, not here, not now.
37:15You slept with Lars.
37:19Otherwise I can't explain your crazy behavior.
37:21That's not serious.
37:24You think you turn around once and I go to bed with one of your girlfriends?
37:27You don't have to depend on others.
37:29You have a great picture of me.
37:31And of your boyfriend, who's just mourning his grandma.
37:40My sincere condolences.
37:43Please, come in.
37:47Sit down.
37:48Thank you.
37:55I knew your mother, but
37:57it's always important for me to know
37:59what impression people leave on their relatives
38:03when they leave us.
38:06I thought about it last night.
38:12my mother was a born Luskian.
38:15You can speak in private.
38:19Tell me something about your mother's life,
38:21so I can shape it in my speech.
38:26Excuse me,
38:27I usually talk to
38:29bankers, architects and construction managers.
38:33You know that my father died early.
38:37He died in the car
38:39the night your brother was born.
38:42My mother
38:44was all alone since then.
38:46With two boys.
38:48I was only 16.
38:52she never gave up.
38:55She took over my father's company
38:58and raised my little brother.
39:00It was very hard for her.
39:03Yes, but
39:05my mother kept her word.
39:09She was still
39:12the best mother you could wish for.
39:14She baked cakes,
39:16stuffed socks and...
39:22Those were good times, because we
39:25stayed together.
39:27I dropped out of school
39:29and started a business.
39:32I took over the responsibility.
39:36And your brother?
39:39When Clemens was ready
39:41to take over the responsibility,
39:48He fought.
39:53He felt trapped.
39:55He wanted to go his own way.
39:57Nobody asked me.
40:00What happened then?
40:04When Clemens left,
40:05my mother sold the company.
40:07I went to Frankfurt
40:09and built something of my own.
40:12If I understand you correctly,
40:15your mother decided to sell the company.
40:19I told you,
40:21my mother was a...
40:24a very strong woman.
40:33I know we disturbed you yesterday.
40:35Oh, you noticed?
40:37I'm sorry.
40:39But when I burst into your conversation yesterday,
40:41I really thought Mrs. von Lohn had prepared you.
40:44Oh, that's how you imagined it.
40:45One of you prepares me,
40:47the other one postpones the German class.
40:49I just want to ask you
40:51not to reject our ideas too quickly.
40:53Even if we know we're a little late.
41:05Hello, Mr. Flickenschild.
41:07What is this?
41:09I built a model for you.
41:13This is our property with surroundings.
41:17Here... the golf course.
41:22Very lively.
41:24We know the model isn't perfect,
41:26but we just wanted to convey our vision.
41:29So let yourself be inspired.
41:31This could be one of the buildings.
41:33Here you are.
41:34Try it out,
41:35how you'd like to build our property.
41:38Mrs. von Lohn,
41:39your commitment in all honours.
41:41But this is a children's toy.
41:43You don't plan a hotel like this.
41:46Mr. Flickenschild,
41:47don't you have any imagination?
41:58How are your friends?
42:00Yes, of course.
42:01The priest is upstairs with Roman.
42:03I wanted to go to the car to get the photo album.
42:06We want to put up a nice photo of Heidrun at the funeral.
42:10I'll come with you.
42:13You're very sad, aren't you?
42:15Oh, Roman is so confused.
42:18Many things are the other way around between him and Heidrun,
42:21and now there's no way to solve problems from the past.
42:26Yes, and what about you?
42:28Yes, what about me?
42:31What happened?
42:34Maybe I'm just imagining things,
42:38it looks like I could find a clue here in Dienerburg
42:42about my origin.
42:47It could be that I found out who my father was.
42:50That would be nice.
42:52Wouldn't it?
42:54I don't know.
42:55Maybe it's all just a crazy idea of an elderly lady
42:58who is sick and urgently needs your bone marrow donation.
43:02That's Ben's landlord,
43:04Mrs. Jansen.
43:05That's Ben's landlord,
43:07Mrs. Jansen.
43:08I wanted to be typical, too.
43:10And where's the connection?
43:14Mrs. Jansen says that I look a lot like her deceased cousin,
43:18and this woman had a baby, a girl.
43:24Who knows?
43:26Mom, you have to get it tested.
43:29I don't know.
43:30What do you mean, you don't know?
43:32Mom, if we're related to Mrs. Jansen,
43:35then she might have a donor.
43:38And you'll find out more about your family.
43:40But that would be such an incredible coincidence.
43:42That can't be true.
43:46I've buried it all so deep inside me,
43:49and now it's all coming back to life.
43:52But maybe you'll finally find out who you are.
43:56Do I want that?
43:58What are you afraid of?
44:02Well, I don't know.
44:05It's all out of the blue.
44:14Where's Dr. Thies?
44:16She should be here by now with the blood results.
44:19It won't be that fast, Dad.
44:21They need a bit of time in the lab.
44:24Oh, Thomas.
44:25Don't worry so much.
44:28Everything will be fine.
44:32I'm sure of it.
44:37Is Father Hofmann already gone?
44:44Let's look at the photo.
44:55Look, here we are all together on her 65th birthday.
45:01We celebrated it in the cellar.
45:04You've arranged such a nice party.
45:08Look how happy you made her.
45:18I'm sorry to have to tell you this,
45:20but the blood results are worse than last time.
45:22What does that mean?
45:24We need this bone marrow donor.
45:26As soon as possible.
45:44Susan Winter?
45:46Yes, I'm Thomas Jansen.
45:49I'm sorry to bother you,
45:51but my mother is getting worse.
45:55I'm sorry.
45:57You said last night you would get tested.
46:00Yes, I have an appointment this afternoon.
46:03I'll get in touch with you.
46:05Thank you.
46:06Thank you very much.
46:10What is it?
46:12I have an appointment at the hospital this afternoon.
46:17What kind of appointment?
46:21I want to get tested.
46:23I have a question for Mrs. Jansen.
46:28I don't want you to go there, Susan.
46:33Excuse me?
46:38I don't want you to get tested.
46:48He's driving me crazy.
46:50How does he do that?
46:52What does it mean?
46:53A clear case of infatuation.
46:56A sign of infatuation?
46:58You're an artist of repression.
47:00Like a teenager, you swam away from him.
47:03Mr. Womanizer, you know what?
47:05I'll tell you what.
47:07If you don't let go of your finger,
47:09we'll both have a huge problem.
47:11Is that clear?
47:12She could be proud of her children.
47:15Let's be glad that Heidrun Winter,
47:18until old age,
47:20has a happy and secure family life
47:23surrounded by her loving children.
47:26Loving children.
47:29Where is Clemens?
47:32And where is he today?