• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07Hi, Shia.
00:08For those just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:11This is going to be some kind of about me and my twin flame.
00:18And, but, uh, hopefully not too much, Shia.
00:23I don't think I wrote too many notes down.
00:26Um, I just re-bandaged my cut and I'll show you what it looks like.
00:41It's a little bit of redness on the top here.
00:45And typically, when you get a cut, it won't, it wouldn't be open like that.
00:52So it sliced the skin.
00:57Well, sliced, it sliced the skin.
01:03So, the problem is it's in the area where I tend to use my hands.
01:11So I'm going to have to tape these two together in order to not keep hitting that spot.
01:20Because I'm not really conscious of it until it, like, gets hurt from you touching that on some things.
01:32So I'm very tired.
01:35Um, because I got ready for the, um, road trip,
01:45I washed the car and cleaned the car.
01:50Like, I cleaned it very well.
01:53Vacuumed the seats. Vacuumed the floors.
01:59Sprayed disinfectant. Sprayed air disinfectant.
02:04Uh, used disinfectant wipes on the car seats.
02:09And on all the plastic.
02:12And, uh, cleaned the glass on the inside.
02:18And I got a $13 car wash.
02:21So I'll show you photos of, uh, the car, how it looks clean.
02:28Um, it's all clean, washed.
02:37And the inside looks pretty clean.
02:55It's not, like, extremely clean, but it's pretty clean.
03:00So I, and then yesterday, I packed 30 items from my, from my list of 60 items.
03:09I packed 30 of the items.
03:12And all of this is in the trunk of the car now.
03:15I put some of the stuff in the storage cubes that I have.
03:20Um, so this is what it looked like yesterday, the cut.
03:30So it's pretty bad, but it could be way worse.
03:35It's not that bad, but it kind of is bad because of the way the blood splattered on the floor.
03:46So, I'll show you some of these photographs later.
03:50I really need a cup of coffee is what I need.
04:03I say I've turned my, turned sort of into a hag, however.
04:08Um, my weight's been fluctuating on and off since 2017.
04:18In 2015 and 16, I got heavier.
04:22And then all of, like, kind of the strokes happened from 2017 on, so.
04:28I don't know if it's the strokes, though.
04:30It could be the torture that's making me gain weight or the health issues.
04:34I gained drastic weight from the AI cravings that they gave me this month.
04:39If I were to have met you, uh, soon, they want me to be very fat.
04:49However, I'm not going to be embarrassed because I know it's temporary and I, I don't, I can't have this weight, though.
04:58Because when you have health issues, specifically stroke, you definitely can't be overweight.
05:02So, I made a list of things that I was doing today.
05:06Uh, no, things I had to get done today.
05:10And I got it all done before 2 p.m., all things I needed.
05:14I need to clean the car.
05:16I need to get a bathing suit.
05:18So, I got this bathing suit at TJ Maxx.
05:21It's on sale for $15.
05:28It's really nice.
05:30It has even adjustable straps.
05:36It's Nautica.
05:37I don't usually wear that brand, but I really like this style.
05:41I like this bathing suit.
05:43And it's only $15.
05:48It's regularly 108, size large.
05:52Um, yeah, I can't imagine why, how I'm a size 12, size 14.
06:00Uh, I basically am just in denial.
06:03I know that it's temporary.
06:05I'm not going to stay this size.
06:07But I took photographs of myself in the bathing suit, and I got fat real fast.
06:14By the way, the blood splattered in two different spots.
06:17It also splattered on my door.
06:21I've never gotten a cut where blood splattered.
06:24The glass apparently dropped, and then the glass broke on the counter, and then the glass flew up in my hand.
06:36So, I have to show you my bathing suit now.
06:43Yeah, I look pretty fat, but I think I'm going to lose some weight on this road trip.
06:50So, this is basically what I look like in the bathing suit.
06:58I definitely have to lose weight.
07:00This is, uh, like I told you, this...
07:03I never thought I'd be this unattractive my entire life.
07:06I know when you get a stroke and brain damage, your body kind of does something.
07:12It doesn't look as good.
07:14But my body hasn't looked good.
07:16I started getting strokes back in 2017, 2018, so my body hasn't been looking good for a very long time.
07:26But this is a better photograph of me.
07:31I think this is a very flattering bathing suit.
07:33It's a very flattering neckline.
07:35It's comfortable, and it's a good stretchy fabric that...
07:40Some of the bathing suits are so cheap, like, the quality is so bad you feel kind of naked in it.
07:48This feels like it's a very good bathing suit.
07:52Also, I had to get a yoga mat because I didn't want to get these dirty.
07:59And when I go to Sedona, if I don't feel like walking, if I can't walk around, but I need to be outside,
08:06I can't just sit in a chair because it's extremely uncomfortable.
08:09I have to start... I really want to do the stretching, and I have different things that I like to do
08:19in my folders that I brought in the car.
08:23I'll talk about it another time.
08:28So I got this yoga mat. It's a pastel orange.
08:32I really like it.
08:34And this is a good color.
08:37A color I had to... You can't really see the color.
08:43Why can't you see the color?
08:51Oh, yeah. It's a pastel orange, and it's a good color because...
08:58So it's a good color because if people see the color orange, they won't view me, and they'll see orange.
09:06Hopefully they'll think, I don't want to go to prison and kill someone.
09:13So, is there any other photos I have to show you? Oh, yeah.
09:18I saw some people parking, and I'm not showing you the lights to play, I'm just showing you...
09:26I have a feeling this was definitely about you, meaning...
09:32No, no, no. That's not Shia's child.
09:36There's four men that created it.
09:48Because I have four kids. Shanana. Get it?
09:51Get it? Shush, for Shia.
09:53Nana, no, no. Shino, no. No.
10:02I had to take a photo of that. I don't take photos of everything, but I have a feeling.
10:07That was definitely a sign.
10:12So, is there anything else I have to show you?
10:15I'm really disappointed about my toenail, because...
10:18Remember when I told you I was using that, like, pedicure...
10:22Which, I don't use pedicure on my fingers.
10:25I gotta file my nails, though.
10:28That pedicure electric file...
10:33And I was just kind of, like, letting it sit on, like, my nail, and it wasn't...
10:38Because it wasn't filing.
10:40I thought it would eventually file, and then, like, somehow, like, it got really sensitive.
10:45So there's, like, a redness.
10:47See that redness?
10:49That's where, um...
10:52I know my toe doesn't really look good like that, but that's where that redness...
10:57I can't really file it down completely, because it's irritated underneath the toe.
11:15I had... A couple nights ago, I had gravy that canned beef and canned potatoes.
11:25It's really not nice to have hot food in this hot room.
11:33I think I'm missing...
11:36I'm supposed to show you more things.
11:41But yesterday...
11:43You know how I broke the pasta everywhere?
11:55I ended up still having some pasta in the bag, and I boiled it on the stove.
12:02I just... What I did was...
12:05I boiled it in a pot, and after I ate everything, I wiped the pot.
12:10Then I took a disinfectant wipe and wiped it to make sure that I could get all the food
12:15before I rinsed it in the bathtub water.
12:19But I'll show you how I just ate it.
12:21I just ate it out of the pot, so I wouldn't make any more dishes.
12:26And I added the stewed tomatoes.
12:28I ended up cutting the stewed tomatoes with a plastic knife.
12:34But I literally ate it...
12:36I literally ate it out of the pot,
12:38and I turned my pan upside down because the pot was still hot.
12:45That was a little bit too much pasta,
12:48so that's probably why I'm feeling a little bit heavy right now.
12:53I'm feeling a little bit heavier than usual today.
13:06I'm going to tell you the notes that I have.
13:10So I washed my legging shorts. They're drying.
13:15And if I run out of laundry...
13:19There's a laundry basket.
13:22There's a laundromat called Laundry Basket,
13:26and I have detergent in the trunk.
13:30Another thing that I got was extra Band-Aids
13:34because I'm running low on Band-Aids.
13:37And I got these little travel bottles
13:42so that I can put my body soap, shampoo, and conditioner.
13:48This is one thing I wish I would have done
13:51because to lug all of those bottles of shampoo and body wash is so stressful.
13:57And it comes in this little case,
14:00so I'll end up using these.
14:03And then...
14:06Because this is plastic, I'll leave it to air out, but it will dry.
14:11So I really needed these.
14:15And they're these really nice bottles,
14:18and they're supposed to be...
14:36So I'm going to use these so when I go to shower,
14:39I don't have to lug all of my shampoo and conditioner and body soap.
14:44And technically, the body soap that I have is in a really big container,
14:48so it really wouldn't be...
14:51I would have had to find some kind of other bottle.
14:55So I'm sorry if I'm spaced out.
14:57I didn't realize how tired I was.
14:59I drank extra water.
15:05Washing the car, though, I kind of de-cleaned it,
15:08and I only ate two granola bars before I de-cleaned it.
15:14Ran around trying to find a bathing suit.
15:16Walmart's bathing suits were awful.
15:21Dick's sporting goods were too expensive.
15:26Big Five sporting goods were too expensive.
15:30Marshall's didn't have any.
15:33Then I went to TJ Maxx, finally,
15:36and found this really nice bathing suit that is pure luck
15:43because I am so...
15:47I'm not just so picky with bathing suits and clothing.
15:50I look terrible in a lot of clothes and a lot of bathing suits.
15:56And that's actually a very flattered bathing suit.
16:00So before I read the notebook notes,
16:03I have to make sure I tell you what I wrote down.
16:06This is what I put in my purse.
16:08I do need a purse, but I had to be careful with what I was spending my money on.
16:13I can't just buy whatever I want,
16:17especially going on this road trip.
16:20I'm not buying anything else besides food, gas, and showers over the next...
16:27Mostly just food, showers, and gas.
16:42These are some things I have to do today.
16:45I have to make a budget for how much money I can spend on food per day.
16:50I have to bring all my sports bras.
16:54I have two to three sports bras that I can use if it gets really hot.
17:05Well, if it gets really hot, I can probably...
17:08I probably won't walk in a sports bra, but I'm going to bring the sports bras.
17:14And I'm going to pack all my clothes and roll them in the suitcase
17:20and keep my clothes probably in the suitcase.
17:28I have to...
17:34make my outfits, make a food budget,
17:42probably file my nails, do some hygiene before I go.
17:52I'm totally ready to go.
17:54It can't come tomorrow or the third where I can pay my rent.
18:00It doesn't come soon enough.
18:02However, I'm really very happy I had this time to organize,
18:06not have to do everything an hour in rush.
18:10I'm so happy that I got the bathing suit,
18:13and the yoga mat is going to inspire me to be healthy,
18:16and people can go out in the hot sun,
18:20but I've written some notes, Shia,
18:23about what to do in the hot sun and where I can go,
18:27so I'm going to talk about that with you.
18:30I'm going to talk about...
18:32I read the Sedona Vortex book up into page 163 last night.
18:40About midnight, I was getting too tired.
18:43I definitely was getting tortured on and off.
18:47And I honestly...
18:49Shia, if I look awful, I often forget,
18:55well, look how much torture you're under 24-7.
18:58There's no possible way you can look good.
19:01There's no possible way.
19:04So I'm going to talk about with you all the things
19:10that I'm going to do to stay cool,
19:14and I'll probably sleep at the truck stop
19:18instead of the rest area for safety.
19:20I was given that idea by ToePath supporters.
19:23I'm sure you think that's a better idea,
19:26because it's not really monitored.
19:31Rest areas aren't monitored like other places.
19:34However, if rest area pets be extremely busy,
19:39but in regards to sunglasses,
19:42I am so traumatized by those glasses that I wore.
19:48I get a headache just thinking about wearing glasses.
19:52So I don't even want to put sunglasses on.
19:54I don't want any plastic touching my head.
19:56And it's possible...
20:01It's possible my vision could get better
20:04because it was a stroke.
20:08If I was by a stroke, and if my stroke heals,
20:10my vision might heal.
20:12It's possible I might not wear glasses
20:18if they're really not needed,
20:21because, well, I'll probably have to wear glasses
20:25because there is an eye strain.
20:28However, it feels better than it used to be.
20:34So there has been recovery.
20:38And it's just like, it's really interesting that
20:48other girls can be fat, but somehow if I'm fat,
20:52I look totally disgusting and ugly.
20:55But other girls can look attractive when they're fat.
20:59Honestly, I've never had this fat problem,
21:02and I was at 24...
21:05There's a hummingbird at 24 years old.
21:08Remember, I was kidnapped around that age,
21:11and after about a year,
21:14the hacker, the criminal was just getting so jealous
21:18of my weight, how I don't have a weight issue.
21:24So between 25 and 28 years old,
21:31I just got uglier and uglier and uglier.
21:33My body got just gross, like ugly.
21:42Not me.
21:47And now it's just gotten even worse
21:50because of chronic torture and so much witchcraft and spells.
21:55So now I'm going to talk about the notes.
21:58But I have a problem with...
22:02I have to get back to that weight because that's who I was.
22:07And I had my weight stolen from me,
22:11my natural weight of being thin stolen from me.
22:20I had a turkey sandwich, a half turkey sandwich at Walmart,
22:26and I only ate one part of the bread and some of the cheese,
22:32and so I didn't completely eat it, but it was good.
22:37It was okay.
22:39I would have much preferred just spending two extra dollars
22:43because I really wanted to get sushi.
22:45I should have just spent two extra dollars on sushi
22:48instead of that turkey sandwich.
22:50However, I probably needed the protein.
22:54And I also heard over...
22:56I kind of was around someone that said...
23:00There were two people talking to each other,
23:02and I heard,
23:05we don't want anybody to get hurt.
23:08It is kind of true.
23:09I really wouldn't want anybody dying because of me
23:13because if people help us,
23:16they're getting their lives threatened.
23:20Apparently, people have died in the past
23:25that I don't know about.
23:26I do know one.
23:29The Singletons.
23:34Because I was doing a bunch of illustrations for them.
23:38So, in regards to the cura macchia,
23:42so there was a whole thing with the CN.
23:50Kind of his hair color was changing,
23:53and I thought to myself,
23:55they repeatedly said to me,
24:00well, it's clear that Shia is still participating in the centers
24:09because how on earth can they have DNA
24:14that would replicate an Asian person?
24:17So I was told, and probably lied to,
24:20that you kept going to the cloning centers
24:23and giving your DNA
24:27so that they could keep getting updated versions of you.
24:33And the most recent updated version was your hair color.
24:38So that made me kind of refuse to believe
24:44that your hair color changed.
24:46However, I'm pretty much sure that your hair color has changed
24:51because I've been repeatedly told by telepathic supporters.
24:58It's very sad because I would have liked to see your hair color change.
25:03I would have liked to see your natural hair color.
25:06It's very, very sad.
25:08It hurts me so much that I had to know who you are
25:15and you were away from me,
25:17but I couldn't see your hair color change.
25:20It hurts me a lot.
25:22I'm very, very sad about it,
25:24and it's going to make me cry.
25:27It's going to hurt me a lot.
25:30But I was told part of it is because of all the trauma you've gotten,
25:38all the torture,
25:40probably the theft of your DNA,
25:48what happened with your mother,
25:50what happened with me,
25:52what happened with you.
25:55The stress could have easily turned your hair color gray
26:00at kind of a young age.
26:02However, I do remember seeing your parent have gray hair
26:10from when I looked,
26:14photos that just kept having gray hair like you never saw.
26:18So I think your parent had gray hair at a young age.
26:24And so if it's due to health,
26:28it's going to make me sick if it's due to a health issue.
26:33But I was also told that you like your hair color,
26:36and obviously I'm going to like it,
26:42and you're a Lemurian.
26:44There's not a lot that's going to bring you down,
26:46especially not hair color.
26:48To me, it's going to make me sick
26:50because I should have been able to see your natural hair color before it turned gray.
26:55It hurts me a lot.
26:57And I think that you're shocked that I'm not turning gray,
27:00my hair color.
27:04I'm actually kind of shocked, too.
27:06I have some grays.
27:09See all the little white?
27:11I hope it turns white,
27:13like a whitish gray,
27:15because my mom has like a whitish color.
27:21And it's going to make me sad.
27:28And I can't picture you.
27:30I can't technically picture you with gray or white hair.
27:33I can't picture it.
27:49But it's going to make me sad and angry, shy,
27:52because of how everything went down,
27:54how they used it against me
27:57by me having to see it on the sand,
28:00how they used it against me
28:02by me having to see it on the sand
28:05and then me not believing it
28:07because there's no way you're still going and participating in it.
28:13And how the hell does a little hair
28:16that they collected maybe how many years ago
28:19could literally reproduce someone
28:23that's actually aging and developing?
28:26I still don't understand it.
28:28It's possible, just pointing out that I'm thinking of it.
28:31I was not able to think like that the whole time.
28:39It's kind of...
28:42It doesn't make me...
28:46It doesn't make me happy.
28:48It's going to make me sad.
28:50It's going to make me angry.
28:52And it's been like...
28:54To me, it's like an age thing.
28:57And we've gotten so much of our years stolen.
29:01However, I know you're going to look good, Shia.
29:04And it makes me very happy that you like your hair.
29:11Some people look very good with gray hair.
29:17Usually, men can look better with gray hair than women can.
29:26You're the type that would look good with gray hair.
29:33Obviously, though, I told you,
29:35the way it went down and the way I had to visually see it
29:38in the process of me being with you but not being with you,
29:42and then it was some sort of theft.
29:44It felt like a theft.
29:46It felt like it was a serious theft.
29:58So realistically, I'll probably...
30:02I don't want to drive an hour away from Sedona every day
30:08to stay at the rest stop, truck stop.
30:12But if I...
30:16I probably won't every day
30:18because I can't afford showers every single day.
30:21I'll probably just end up going to Sedona for about 5 to 7 days.
30:26Probably not. Probably 3 or 4 days.
30:30I probably won't even make it 5 to 7 days.
30:32I'd like to.
30:34I actually have plans of trying to stay there the whole entire month.
30:38But I'll get too tortured and it'll be too uncomfortable
30:41and I'll want to come back.
30:43However, the more I stay there,
30:45the more chance I have of healing and us being together, Shia.
30:54I'll probably take a shower every other day.
30:57I'd like to get one of those solar showers,
31:00but that whole act of being in public,
31:04wetting my hair,
31:06just doesn't seem like I actually would have the courage to do that.
31:16It's not easy to do.
31:19It's not easy to take a solar shower.
31:21Just to wash my hair would be nice, but...
31:24So there's a community pool.
31:27I'm going to tell you all the things I'm going to do
31:29that I'm going to force myself to do.
31:31I wouldn't have the courage to do it.
31:34But in terms of survival, I will have to go to the community pool.
31:40Some of the time, I will have to.
31:45In regards to the torture,
31:47they're going to try to torture me in public
31:49and I'll have to hide away.
31:53And this can't be in my vehicle, because I will die.
32:00Realistically, though, I can travel an hour to take a shower
32:05at the truck stop away from Sedona every day if I want to.
32:10Because the gas is going to be cheap.
32:12But they have this whole thing...
32:14If I had a few hundred extra dollars
32:16and I was traveling around Colorado,
32:21up northern California and back,
32:24that would be double, triple the mileage
32:28and I wouldn't think anything of it.
32:30But the act of going to Sedona and going to the rest of the truck stop
32:33to shower for a whole hour's drive...
32:38Somehow that is...
32:41The car is going to die.
32:43It's this whole spell.
32:45The car is going to die.
32:47You're wasting so much mileage.
32:48You're wasting so much money.
32:50And I have to feel so guilty and ashamed
32:53the whole time I drive to the truck stop
32:59an hour away from Sedona.
33:04So I was going to make two parts,
33:08but I actually think I'm just going to keep going.
33:12Because sometimes it's...
33:18It takes a lot of energy to make a whole car
33:21and I'm not feeling that well right now.
33:24Is there any more photos I have of my car?
33:28Let me finish the notes.
33:30So, it's possible I could go to the community pool.
33:33It's only $3 a day.
33:35However, they have a schedule where it's very specific.
33:43It's a lap pool.
33:46But I can...
33:52I can go to the community pool
33:55and I can use the lane and swim.
34:10I wonder if I should bring my float.
34:13Thing is, I have to pump it
34:15and then I have to take the air out.
34:18That's just too much work.
34:22So, in regards to me being on the road and everything,
34:27I've had a lot of trauma with heat.
34:30I was forced to be in the car in the summer times
34:34where I was sweating, passing out,
34:38fainting practically.
34:40I was in some serious danger.
34:43And because I was possessed, there was nothing I could do.
34:46And I couldn't even get a small breeze
34:49because if I rolled down the window,
34:52I was immediately told,
34:54someone's going to just steal your purse.
34:56They're just going to reach in and grab it.
34:58Well, why couldn't I just take my purse
35:01and put it near my feet?
35:03So, I had to keep the windows pretty much shut
35:06many, many times.
35:08I could have easily died of heat stroke.
35:10But this went on for a long time.
35:13Even in the Dunsmuir apartment,
35:18I mean the Dunsmuir room that I rented
35:21that was originally an Airbnb,
35:26it was on the side where the road is.
35:30And it got so much sun that I was putting
35:34like cold washcloths in my head.
35:37I was sitting on the cement bathroom.
35:41It was getting so hot.
35:42And there was a thing where I couldn't put a fan
35:45in the window.
35:47It was sort of like looked down upon when I asked.
35:51So, there was this whole thing
35:52where I could only use like,
35:54I only got a fan that was like,
35:56that I put in the room,
35:58like that was the size of one I have.
36:00And it was not enough to pull me off.
36:02So, that was, this has been going,
36:05this heat problem has been going on for so long.
36:07And now that I have a, now that I,
36:12even last time I went to Sedona,
36:14it was so hot.
36:16But the moment I got into like the library
36:20or go to like Starbucks to cool off,
36:23I'd immediately have to leave.
36:25They'd torture me.
36:26I mean, I'd have to leave.
36:27I wouldn't be able to stay.
36:29The library asked for a donation
36:32to use the study rooms.
36:34So, in regards to making the video,
36:37I'll probably make it early in the morning
36:39in the car.
36:42Upload it, publish it at the library,
36:45charge my laptop at the library,
36:47then leave.
36:49But, what was I talking about?
36:53I'm hoping that it's a little bit different.
36:55I can cool off.
36:56But they can make it with this trip
36:58where it's going to be impossible
37:00to get out of the heat.
37:02It's going to be, it's not going to be easy.
37:05It's not going to be easy.
37:08But, in regards to the public,
37:14because I traveled alone
37:18and was in my car living alone,
37:21the only public places I was going to
37:24was coffee shops, libraries,
37:26walk around, grocery stores,
37:30and some stores to get out of the heat.
37:33But I didn't like do it.
37:37I would be totally humiliated
37:40if I ever actually went swimming alone.
37:45I couldn't do things alone.
37:47I've been to the beach alone,
37:49but I couldn't even barely go to the beach alone.
37:55I have had a lot of humiliation
37:57where I was forced to not be in public,
38:01I could barely walk the shops
38:03in Sedona the last time by myself.
38:07The thing is, going shopping is,
38:10a lot of people go shopping alone,
38:12so that is one thing I was able to do
38:14was just walk around in shops,
38:17like grocery stores.
38:25So I'm going to think
38:26that I'm only going for a few days.
38:29However, I'm going to make sure that I pack.
38:32I'm not overpacking like that last time I showed you.
38:37I showed you that was half of the things that I'm bringing.
38:42I took the beach chairs out,
38:44so I only have the camp chair in the car,
38:46and I'm going to have the suitcase of clothes,
38:49and that's all I'm going to bring.
38:51I'm going to bring extra shampoo and body soap,
38:53and then refill my bottles.
38:55And if I can make it longer than a few days,
39:01I'm not going to...
39:04The bathroom, that was a problem.
39:07The bathroom is a serious problem.
39:10So I'm going to bring some toilet paper.
39:13I don't typically go to the bathroom in the woods,
39:16or only in emergencies.
39:20I did that where I'd have to go,
39:23but the bathroom is not a good thing.
39:29It's not a good thing, the bathroom, having to find bathrooms.
39:32But I wrote things down,
39:35and just going to the bathroom.
39:38I'm going to be...
39:41I think it's not going to be as bad as usual.
39:45So I'm going to read to Shia,
39:48I'll read you how I'm going to stay cool.
39:50And I'm very heat sensitive, though, from the heat stroke.
39:53So the temperature in here is 82.
39:58However, it feels like at least 5 degrees hotter.
40:04Actually, not in this moment.
40:07It feels okay.
40:09But if it gets up to 90 degrees,
40:12I feel like I'm going to die from the heat,
40:15because the stroke makes everything hotter, everything colder.
40:18And you can't...
40:21I'm extremely heat sensitive.
40:24It's gotten really, really bad these past two years.
40:31So I'm going to actually bring a cotton sheet.
40:34I'm going to take the cotton sheet off of the bed,
40:37because I heard sleeping bags might be too hot.
40:42However, it does cool off in the 70s.
40:45I'm going to place the sleeping bag underneath me,
40:48and put the cotton sheet.
40:50If I get colder, I'll go in the sleeping bag.
40:52But I am going to bring the cotton sheet,
40:54because that's a good idea,
40:55because I like to have something at least covering me.
40:59It's possible I'll buy a little portable fan.
41:03I brought batteries.
41:08But I'm going to...
41:21So, because it says it's going to be in the high 90s,
41:24so I'm not going to stay out that much.
41:39So the donation for the study rooms is $10 per hour,
41:44but they won't turn you away.
41:45Go to the library and offer like $5 to use the study rooms.
41:49But it's only for an hour, so it's really not going to work.
41:53But they have millions of visitors per year, so that's why.
41:57So I just have to pack my 30 other items,
42:00and start doing the budget, start organizing.
42:10And now I'm going to tell you how I will stay cool.
42:20But I'm actually going to go to these vortexes.
42:23It's really like the bathroom that messes everything up.
42:28But I have to just know that I can use the rest of the porta-potties.
42:36I have like...
42:37It's more like a phobia,
42:38and like someone's in there that wants to kill you kind of thing, too.
42:41It's not just porta-potties are gross.
42:45There's like a scary thing around it,
42:48and like a phobia with a lot of spells and witchcraft.
42:52So I'm going to find places with shade.
42:54I'm going to do more research about where I'm going,
42:56if there's some shady places.
42:59If I do go on a trail,
43:03it'll be from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m.
43:08because trails get too hot after 11 a.m.
43:11West Forge Trail has 13 streams.
43:14However, I think you have to pay $10 to get in.
43:18I think I will buy a hiking pass for $15
43:23so you can park at all of the vortexes
43:27and not have to pay like a donation every time you go.
43:31So if possible, I will do that.
43:33And then I'm going to go on a trail.
43:36So if possible, I will do that.
43:41But I'm definitely going to go to the vortexes,
43:44Boynton, Bell Rock, Boynton,
43:50Cathedral, Red Rock Crossing,
43:54Airport Mesa, The Chapel,
43:56Schnebly Hill,
43:58and what I heard about Boynton is there's like crystal streams,
44:04etheric crystal streams all underneath.
44:06I had a really good experience on that Boynton trail.
44:12I felt very proud of myself that I actually could walk pain-free
44:16because somehow they weren't able to turn on implants in my leg and hip.
44:28So I'll go to the vortexes.
44:30I'm going to drink plenty of water.
44:33I will go to the, probably not go to Oak Creek
44:37because imagining myself sitting by the creek all alone
44:40when everybody's with their families at the creek,
44:43that would be totally humiliating.
44:45But going to the pool would be fine
44:47because people go and exercise at the pool alone.
44:51And there's a recreation center I can go to
44:55a half an hour away in Cottonwood
44:57and pay like $8 for the day.
45:02And however, I have to be careful about hangs.
45:04Just get into some place because I might have to run out
45:07like immediately if I get attacked.
45:12So I'll be, I brought a washcloth.
45:16I can soak water on it and put the water on me.
45:20I will try to walk around the Sedona Village.
45:26I don't really want to run into people.
45:28That might be a very bad idea.
45:30So that might not happen.
45:32I will go to the library if possible.
45:35Especially to charge my cell phone and laptop.
45:39I will make sure to pack extra water
45:42if I go on a trail or just walking.
45:47Like literally on the side of a road
45:50where people are driving by.
45:53I have to bring, you're supposed to drink,
45:55you're supposed to bring extra water
45:58when you go for walks because if you,
46:01and if you have half of your water gone,
46:04you have to turn back by the time half of your water is gone.
46:10But they do have two Starbucks in Sedona
46:13so that might be a good place to spend 20 minutes
46:16out of the heat.
46:18There's grocery stores I can walk around in.
46:21It'd be nice to go to a shaded picnic area.
46:26I'm not going to buy extra snacks.
46:30I'm going to buy food that I can eat for the day.
46:33Most likely maybe buy a few extra snacks if I get hungry.
46:37If I get very, very hot, I can just literally,
46:41like during the day, between 11 and 4 p.m.,
46:46I can just go for a drive.
46:48I can go to Flagstaff, I can go to Cottonwood,
46:50I can go to just drive around for a while in a scenic area.
47:02Because I've been looking up,
47:05I looked up on the internet how do people stay cool in Sedona
47:09and when they go camping.
47:12So, midday scenic drives.
47:21Cottonwood has some shops.
47:23Cottonwood is like, not a city,
47:25but it's a place where they have more shops.
47:28Sedona doesn't have a lot of shops.
47:33I can go swimming at Red Rock Crossing or Side Rock Park.
47:37I'm not going to a creek or swimming area
47:43where everybody's around people with their families
47:46and they're all alone.
47:48That would make me too uncomfortable.
47:51There's just so many things you can do when you're all alone.
47:55Some people can get away with it.
47:57I can't get away with it, especially with all the attacks that I get
48:01and all the people who are out viewing me.
48:03It's just not possible.
48:06One thing, if you keep your torso damp with a water spray bottle,
48:12that's one thing I forgot to get,
48:14is a spray bottle for water,
48:16to spray myself with water when I'm hot.
48:22I'm going to reapply sunscreen.
48:27There's a museum that's $10, Heritage Museum,
48:32but if I get in there paid $10 and I have to run out,
48:36I might not do that.
48:47I won't be eating restaurant food.
48:49I don't trust anybody at this point.
48:52They could give me food poisoning.
48:54They could possess someone to food poison me.
49:02When I went to In-N-Out and got the french fries
49:04and I said I don't want them overdone,
49:06they gave me practically raw potato taste.
49:11Did something happen where they really undercooked the potatoes?
49:17Sometimes the In-N-Out fries are just too crispy,
49:21but those fries were like...
49:25Some of them didn't even taste like it was cooked potato.
49:33I don't trust restaurant food very little at this point.
49:38It would have to be grocery store, prepackaged.
49:49Is there anything else that I have to talk to you about?
49:54I'm going to start writing down all the vortexes I'm going to visit.
49:59It'll be 90 degree weather.
50:03If I can tolerate it, I could go sit in a shady area with my yoga mat.
50:13I have things that I can do.
50:18I actually have binders with all the things I can do
50:23that I wrote down that I was supposed to do
50:26when I was going to go on my Joshua Tree camping trip that never happened.
50:37I created an activity bag.
50:39I have two of Hannah Kroger's books,
50:42two of my notebooks, the prime notebook and the new notebook.
50:47This notebook was just the notebook for food research
50:52and then the vortex research.
50:55I have... what else did I put in there?
50:59Then I have all my prayers, my binder with prayers.
51:03I have the binder.
51:05I transferred the binder and put the photos of you in the sheets
51:10within the binder.
51:13So I have two binders and I brought all the sheets
51:16with all the little things that I can do
51:18so that I could do them in Sedona.
51:31Now let me talk about the vortex real quick.
51:36I could get a little battery operated fan.
51:38They have cooling towels.
51:42I could get a cooler with ice if I get too hot.
51:46I could get some Gatorade to make sure I have electrolytes.
51:51So I got... wrote a lot of notes down with the vortex books.
51:58And Sedona is... there's all different...
52:04I learned a lot about different areas in Sedona
52:08to go to like Long Canyon, Red Rock Crossing.
52:16There's like Oak Creek Canyon, Bell Rock, the chapel
52:22which I'll definitely go.
52:23Schnebly Hill.
52:25The only vortexes I went to last time
52:28was Bell Rock, Boynton, Chapel.
52:36There's a strong dolphin energy in Sedona.
52:39And part of it is because it used to be under the ocean
52:42and there's ETs that are connected with the ocean
52:45and dolphins that...
52:47There's a lot of ET extraterrestrials in Sedona
52:54that are like spaceships coming in and out of Sedona.
53:00Red Rock.
53:13I definitely want to go to Boynton.
53:17I definitely want to go...
53:18I want to go to all the vortexes.
53:20And I'm not going to like walk on all of them.
53:22I'll probably just stay in the parking lot
53:24and go like around, near the base of the vortex.
53:28I'm not going to go on hikes, on all the hikes.
53:33There's Secret Canyon and Fey Canyon I've never known about.
53:37Schnebly Hill I didn't know about.
53:42West Fork.
53:43I think you have to pay money to get into West Fork.
53:46But West Fork is the vortex.
53:48Airport Vortex I'll definitely go to.
53:50I don't really like driving up Airport Vortex
53:53because it's very, very...
53:55The height is a problem.
53:57But there's a railing so there's no possible way
54:00you could actually drive off the cliff.
54:13There's Eagle Rock.
54:21And all of these vortexes have doorways, pathways, portals.
54:29It's very magical, metaphysical.
54:34And I'll probably be blind to everything that's going on
54:39that happens.
54:40However, I don't really care because I know things happen
54:46when I'm at the vortexes.
54:50So I'm going to stop the video now
54:52and I'm going to talk about Shearshire.
55:18I love feeling your different emotions, Shia.
55:23I don't think you're easygoing.
55:28I think you are attention-giving.
55:33You've been able to take care of me, Shia,
55:35with our spiritual child-pathic connection.
55:40You're very suave and charming, Shia.
55:43You're confident, you're elegant.
55:47Like the Deers. Like D-E-E-R.
55:50Like us as the Deers.
55:56You're very dignified.
56:02You definitely have been tortured.
56:05I can see the torture.
56:09That people are trying to torture you, kill you.
56:26And you have been neglected, Shia.
56:28However, we both have been.
56:39So I'm going to stop this video now.
56:50I have been able to tap into the video,
56:55but the interference is coming back.
57:03Did I tell you everything that I need to tell you?
57:06So I'm looking forward to getting out of here.
57:08I'm going to bring everything down.
57:10So, typically, I think I'll be able to leave tomorrow,
57:14the next day, where I get the rest of my money.
57:17I'll just have to pay my rent and I'll leave.
57:20And I'll just have to get the money order.
57:27They require money orders here.
57:28You can't do, like, direct deposit.
57:33So I will be ready to leave tomorrow.
57:38If I don't get my money, then I'll leave no matter what on the 3rd.
57:45And I am looking forward to...
57:56I'm really looking forward to going to Sedona,
58:00because I feel like I'm going to be doing some lumarian technology.
58:07And you're going to be going with me, Shia.
58:10We're going there together.
58:16And I'll probably, most likely, when I get there,
58:19have to do lumarian technology.
58:27I'm going to continue packing.
58:30And if I don't...
58:35I will write in the title
58:41where I tell you what time I'm making the videos.
58:46I'll tell you what time I'm making the videos.
58:56Oh, wow.
58:58My brain is just blocked.
59:00I'll write in the title
59:04if I make the video, when I'm going to make the video.
59:07If I don't make the video tomorrow afternoon.
59:11If I'm on the road traveling.
59:16I love you, Shia.
59:17Thank you, everybody, for watching.
59:18Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
